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Old 09-01-2015, 03:15 PM
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SisterNightroad SisterNightroad is offline
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Originally Posted by iamnotafraid View Post
I stand by every word.

How is this trolling? I'm guessing you did read the title of this thread?
I don't see anything sexist about what I said. The only thing you've been
conned about is if you believe each one of my post are jokes or trolling.

I'm not sure there's an exact number of pounds one has to be to
be considered obese. But from my point of view she definitely
was during this time period. If you think her curves and more
voluptuous figure made her more attractive, then we just disagree.
But from the curtains she was wearing on Timespace and durring
the Street Angel period, I'd say even Stevie would disagree with you.
And it would be a lie for me to say women aren't judged by their

"Pass my your judgmental cup, I want a sip of your perfection"
Yeah I know that was a dig at me, but I still like that line.

p.s. SisterNightroad
If you think she was "GREAT" on Leno and Letterman - I can't help you.
I was giving you the benefit of the doubt but it seems I was wrong.
What seems sexist in your post is:
And to make matters
even worse she appears on Letterman and Leno almost unrecognizable. It
would have been better for her to have shelved Street Angel and have taken
that time to get healthy, so to speak.
By what you said it seems that you are implying that her appearances on TV were flops because she was fat. Not because she sang badly but because she wasn't pretty and thin.
Now, here I say in my opinion she sang well. If you don't like her voice during these two performances, then you shouldn't like much even her voice during The Dance because she sang pretty similarly well.
Also I'd like to point out that music history is full of singers that are both great singers and overweight.
Also this is at least insensitive:
Drugs, obesity and age were the perfect storm for her downward
spiral. Though difficult, two out of three of those things are controllable.
Such a delicate and dangerous theme should arise pity, compassion and understanding, not judgement and scorning.
It doesn't work like this, it's controllable but what does it mean? Addiction is a deep psychological problem you can't fix it like a cold. Addictive personality is a way of living, you have to learn how to live with it without putting yourself in dangerous behaviours.
Also I'd like to say that a woman in her 40s isn't old.
The general meaning of your post seemed that a singer should be getting back in shape before having to be seen in public.

Last edited by SisterNightroad; 09-01-2015 at 03:43 PM..
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