Thread: Russ Titelman
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Old 08-25-2015, 08:24 AM
jbrownsjr jbrownsjr is offline
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Originally Posted by PenguinHead View Post
I find that very funny! I like your questions!

I was very dismayed and embarrassed by the barrage of low level/inconsiderate questions Richard Dashut endured when he had his interactive blog. What a class act. He was humble, sensitive, honest, and very tempered with his responses. As a fan, it was such an unprecedented privilege to get unfetted insight from someone who was so close to Fleetwood Mac. But it wasn't respected.

He was careful to never breach the privacy of his subjects, nor speak in their behalf, despite the tabloid-like manner of the many of the questions he received. People got upset and angry if he didn't respond to their posts, and they expressed such cynicism about his "agenda". His intentions were pure, yet some participants were such unreasonably demanding a-holes, seemingly in search of some smoking gun.
A lot of the folks that asked Richard questions were very classless. If he didn't answer their questions with an answer that matched their fantasy about what Stevie or Lindsey were, they would berate him. It was unreal.
I would tell Christine Perfect, "You're Christine f***ing McVie, and don't you forget it!"
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