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Old 06-28-2015, 11:20 AM
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aleuzzi aleuzzi is offline
Addicted Ledgie
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Originally Posted by THD View Post
To hear is to obey ,Oh Aleuzzi !

I think I saw them three times (Thrice !) with Bob Welch, once with Weston and the other guy I will do a post after this one about those but there won’t be much to tell !

I saw FM do a gig at Kensington Town Hall in june 1971(possibly the 11th) (as did my old nemesis Bluehorizon- here’s a link to his excellent report, but you’ll have to scroll down the page a bit ( don’t remember the town hall used as a venue so they must’ve just hired it for an unusual one off- so no formal seating - we all sat on the floor ,and I do believe I saw Mick’s sister, the actress Susan Fleetwood, and some of her actor mates sitting close by . I think it was on this occasion that I noticed Mick’s kit was setup on a fold out hinged plywood board ,with blocks on it to prevent the kit moving around .I think the concert had been re -scheduled, the original was called off and the band took a holiday in Greece ,and when they returned they did this concert to replace the original one. Consequently, I remember Mick playing topless and looking very skinny, but very sun tanned !
After the formal part of the concert ,there was some sort of jam in which Mick excelled himself, playing very freely and impressively- he just let rip dispensing with his normal “less is more “philosophy (which is quite right for supporting other peoples songs) If you’ve never seen him in this mode you might be forgiven for assuming he is a very limited, but sympathetic And/or hard shuffling drummer. But this demonstrated he was capable of much more, Purely by chance ,I was recently chatting to someone else who was there ,and who says he went to the party afterwards where he spoke, apparently, to Peter Green ,but I can’t say that I saw Peter there in the audience myself They played very well- I wasn’t disappointed ,but it wasn’t magical ! Don’t remember much about the main concert set ,but I have this vague memory that Danny looked a bit nervous all the way through Having to write these memories has made me think that ,through the filter of forty years ,what does stick in the memory is in direct relation to the charisma of the people involved, So Jeremy and Peter (not at this concert of course ), Mick and John are vivid but Danny Bob and Christine less so I’m afraid , certainly regarding this concert anyway (I don’t think Bob had fully developed his front man ability at this point, or he felt inhibited about taking charge as the new(ish) member )As to what numbers they played ,well I’d just be guessing /deducing really, as nothing particularly has stuck in my memory.
Thank you so much! I look forward to the other recollections as well. Interesting: your assessment is virtually identical with most people who saw a show from the band during the 71-74 period: very fine musicianship, a rewarding set, but not a lot of star-quality charisma.
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