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Old 03-25-2015, 11:48 AM
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New Steve Jobs Bio Claims He Hated Neil Young
by Jeff Giles March 25, 2015 11:46 AM

The public picture that’s been painted of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs is one of a brilliant entrepreneur with a distinctly ruthless streak, so it isn’t hard to imagine that he’d be annoyed by Neil Young‘s long crusade against the compressed audio that Apple’s iTunes store helped popularize.
According to the Daily Beast, that’s exactly what happened after Young went public with his distaste for lossy file formats. Quoting from the new biography Becoming Steve Jobs, which is written by Brent Schlender and Rick Tetzeli, the Beast offers a peek into how Jobs reacted after Young referred to iTunes’ audio as “compromised.”
F— Neil Young, and f— his records,” Jobs reportedly fumed, claiming he was angry because Young had the nerve to “pop off in public like that without coming to talk to us about his technical concerns first.
To his credit, Young didn’t just grouse about 21st century audio. He labored over his long-discussed Archives series for years before settling on Blu-ray as his preferred hi-res media format for the first volume, released as a 10-disc set in the summer of 2009 — and then he went a step further, lending his backing and approval to a heavily hyped, Kickstarter-backed high definition player dubbed the Pono.
In fact, after Jobs’ death in October 2011, Young claimed that toward the end of Jobs’ life, the two had been working together on an Apple device that could have made the Pono unnecessary. “Steve Jobs was a pioneer of digital music, but when he went home he listened to vinyl,” said Young. “I have to believe if he’d lived long enough, he would have tried to do what I’m trying to do.

Read More: New Steve Jobs Bio Claims He Hated Neil Young |
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