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Old 02-27-2015, 12:37 AM
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sorcerer999 sorcerer999 is offline
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Default Any "Alien" fans here? Let's discuss Neill Blomkamp's future sequel!

So the "Alien" movies are a TREASURE to me! I was wondering if there were any other Ledgies out there who likewise can't get enough of these films?

"District 9", "Elysium" and "Chappie" director Neill Blomkamp is also a super fan-boy of this saga and has now signed a contract with Fox to write and direct the next installment of the franchise.

This is exciting and scary. My apprehensions stem from classic sci-fi fantasy films from my childhood that were brought back for "nostalgic purposes"...a.k.a. $$$...and then turned out to be extremely disappointing, laughable and downright pathetic. I'm looking at you Star Wars 1-3 and Indiana Jones 4!!!

However, my excitement stems from the fact that I LOVE Blomkamp's style. "District 9" was one of my top films from 2009 and I was fortunate to see an early screening of "Chappie" last week and it blew me away!!! I feel like they have made the right choice in putting the franchise (and one of my favorite female characters in all of cinema) in his capable hands...much like I have faith that this next Star Wars trilogy is in capable hands with JJ Abrams, judging by how wonderful and extremely thrilling his new Star Trek films were.

According to what has been mentioned in the press, this new "Alien" film will take place after the events of "Aliens", essentially saying that "Alien 3" and "Alien Resurrection" didn't exist. I have mixed feelings about this. I happen to be a HUGE fan of Alien 3. I loved the story. I loved how dark it was. I loved that they basically had to fight the creature with sticks, fire and ingenuity.

On the other hand, I HATED Alien Resurrection and am pumped that (the REAL) Ripley is still alive, and that we'll potentially get the characters of Hicks and Newt back.

What say you?
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