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Old 02-02-2015, 11:01 AM
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SisterNightroad SisterNightroad is offline
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Originally Posted by PenguinHead View Post
Even if was Street Angel?

If I mate with a artist or band, it's a given that I will buy whatever they release. It may not meet my expectations immediately. But with repeated listens I will find some value in it. Sometimes I listen to an album once or twice, then shelve it and forget about it. Years later I will rediscover it give a listen and, in circumspect, end up understanding its place in the span of the band's history, and appreciating or loving it.

Tusk is a good example of that. I was a bit confused when it came out. Most of the songs and they way they were rendered didn't fit my concept of what Fleetwood Mac was. It took years to understand it. It was universally cast as a dud. Now, with the passage of time, the album has risen in status as one of their most artistic works.

If the digital age/iTunes existed then, the Tusk album would have been picked to pieces. After a quick listen, consumers would have the option of choosing to buy only the songs that provided instant gratification. It would hardly be seen as collective body of work, but as a self service " have it your way" menu. That makes more sense for food, but it decimates tradition art forms, which is how I see albums.

I can image the future when this concept could be applied to other art forms. - Purchase new original or vintage paintings, with the option of buying just the portions you like the most. - Why buy an entire film with scenes that don't appeal to you? Save money by cutting out the slow, boring scenes.
iBooks - Edit and eliminate passages, chapters, or subjects that don't hold your interest. Save valuable time.

Sorry for my stream of thought rambling. I've gone deeply astray from the original topic.

When you hear a s single song that you like from an artist you are unfamiliar with, it is convenient to be able to sample their work before committing to buying their album.
I think you're not wrong after all.
By the way ibooks already kind of exists since there are Kindle and google books.
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