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Old 01-28-2015, 06:55 AM
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SisterNightroad SisterNightroad is offline
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Default Part 3

Ranking 25 Of The Best 'American Horror Story' Characters Ever

9. Myrtle Snow (Conroy) -- "Coven"

Myrtle Effing Snow, ladies and gentleman. “Coven” may have been overflowing with unfinished sub-plots and nonsensical side tours, but there was always the quick-witted, red-headed queen of fashion. Whose last words are a French fashion house and who can scoop out eye balls like it’s their job? Don’t be a hater, dear. --EW

8. Twisty (John Carroll Lynch) -- "Freak Show"

It takes a lot to go from “most terrifying clown of all time,” to the character that deserves all of the audience’s sympathy. Manic and absolutely unpredictable, Twisty’s mere presence is enough to send shivers down the most rigid of spines; give him a knife, and it’s probably best just to turn the TV off. --RK

7. Dandy Mott (Finn Wittrock) -- "Freak Show"

Whether you were a fan of “Freak Show” or got bored by the end, Dandy was still one of the most wickedly entertaining characters of the season. He brought a puerile essence to the psychopathic killer trope “AHS” has employed each season, and emanated it completely, from his curled bangs to his pigeon-toed walk. --EW

6. Tate Langdon (Evan Peters) -- "Murder House"

One of the strongest aspects of “American Horror Story” is its delicate balance of horror and humanity, its ability to showcase the ugliest, most depraved depths of characters whom we learn to love and accept for their flaws. This was Tate Langdon: everyone’s favorite misunderstood rebel with a big heart. Sure, he was essentially a bad guy, but the fantastic writing behind his character was that by the time we discovered the truth, we felt like we could actually understand him. --EW

5. Pepper (Naomi Grossman) -- "Asylum" / "Freak Show"

Seriously, what isn’t there to love about Pepper? Wrongfully committed for a crime, Pepper is nothing but a silent knight of good intentions, and after she is abducted by aliens (awesome), she proves that she is capable of standing up against even the evil men that surround her. --RK

4. Constance Langdon (Lange) -- "Murder House"

Like most of Jessica Lange’s characters throughout “AHS,” it is difficult to determine the true nature of Constance throughout the season. On one end, she is rude, duplicitous and has no problem killing. On the other, she loves her children very much, has suffered greatly and does help out the Harmon’s here and there. However, what truly elevates Constance is her endless stream of insults that often fly over the heads of those they are directed at. --RK

3. Dr. Oliver Thredson (Zachary Quinto) -- "Asylum"

There’s a surplus of psychotic murderers in “AHS,” but none as sickeningly disturbed, sociopathic and efficiently pristine as Dr. Oliver Thredson, aka the original Bloody Face. With his mix of charm and good looks, it was impossible for any character or viewer not to fall for Thredson’s facade, but even after his true identity was revealed he remained the most captivating presence on screen. If anything, it’s also a testament to how badly Murphy needs to bring Zachary Quinto back. --EW

2. Sister Mary Eunice (Lily Rabe) -- "Asylum" / "Freak Show"

The transformation of Sister Mary Eunice is easily the most exciting of the series so far. From the timid, subservient, but kind-hearted bystander, to the sexual, impenetrable possessed murderer, she became one of the most intriguing characters in a season that seemed like it would be rather static for her. We’ll never forget the moment she calmly let out, “I’m the devil.” --RK

1. Lana Winters (Sarah Paulson) -- "Asylum"

Selecting the number one, very best “American Horror Story” character ever is no easy task, and one we debated for quite some time. But when it really comes down to it, Lana Banana is the best hero, the most admirable survivor, and the most deeply human in Ryan Murphy’s twisted universe. Lana went into Briarcliff with a mission and while every imaginable horror (some we honestly can’t even rewatch) impeded her, she triumphed and lived to tell the tale. She’s tough, but she’s no cookie. --EW

BONUS: Infantata

The real hero.

Last edited by SisterNightroad; 01-28-2015 at 06:58 AM..
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