Thread: Abortion
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Old 12-25-2014, 07:43 PM
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gypsyhelena gypsyhelena is offline
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Originally Posted by secret love View Post
You Yanks puzzle me. Abortion is a controversial issue in Australia, though it is nowhere near as contentious here in Sydney as it is in the USA.

Our current Prime Minister Tony Abbott when he was Minister for Health in the Howard Coalition Government, once pronounced that, "Abortion is the easy way out." That led to former Prime Minister Julia Gillard unearthing that quote and using it against him in her Misogyny Speech ...saying that she was very personally offended by that statement he made.

My opinion on this is the same as that of Hillary Clinton and the Democrats in the USA, that abortion should be Safe, Legal and Rare.

I have a real problem however with young men and women using the pull-out method otherwise known as coitus interruptus and then requesting morning after pills over and over again.

That behaviour is irresponsible and that is not a valid method of contraception. If you do not want kids, I feel like telling these silly young women and their boyfriends - then please just take the contraceptive pill or put a condom on your prick!

Oh dear...
Tony Abbott's awful. I'm a New Zealander, and our prime minister's a shallow grinning idiot who's more concerned with changing our flag and meeting Katy Perry than he is with combating issues such as child poverty, but we're still better off in the prime minister department than you Aussies are.
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