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Old 12-21-2014, 12:18 PM
bombaysaffires bombaysaffires is offline
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Originally Posted by BaronVonBielski View Post
I think it's about time someone give Lindsey a little more praise, especially now that he's a better person. Not saying that he was ever a bad person, but drugs can make you do things you might not ordinarily do. I'm about 3/4 through Caillat's book and he seems to enjoy bad mouthing LB more than anyone else. It seems to be that he hates having to give him any credit for Rumours even though we know it wouldn't have been possible without him. Not even close. I think Caillat is one lucky dick that practically fell into a river of gold and doesn't give enough credit to all of the people that made it possible. Seems to pick and choose. He even has hinted a lot so far in the book on how Stevie was so nice and sweet.... back then. So I'm waiting to hear about what he thinks now or what. This is just my opinion. We're all entitled to one. I think Lindsey is a genius. One of the absolute best guitar players as far as ability, but mostly creativity. Superb vision and crafting. I think Stevie is an excellent lyricist and unique vocalist. They are a top notch band in all areas. John is truly one of the best bassists of all time. FM is not FM without Christine and her voice, keys and Mick is a powerful, intense and impressive drummer. I love this band. I think Dashut deserves more credit for his contributions as well. It'd be cool if they worked with him again. Caillat can ride someone else's coat tails. Sorry, I think he's an ass. Plus, I could really give a **** about his personal life or his dog stories. The title of the book is on the making of Rumours and not an autobiography.
I actually think both Ken and Richard contributed a lot to Rumours, especially technically. Lindsey wasn't the engineering master in the studio that he eventually became, and Ken was.(Richard refers to Ken's technical prowess a lot). Lindsey had the ideas, but still needed input of others more experienced to get those ideas on tape. Also, if you believe Richard, he himself championed Dreams when the rest of the band didn't quite see its potential. And Ken talks about contributing the idea of creating a pre-chorus on the what you had/what you lost part of the song before going into the actual chorus. My point is, Lindsey didn't come up with everything, and Rumours wouldn't necessarily be the Rumours we have if he'd been solely in charge. There's nothing wrong with either Ken or Richard pointing this out.

I love Lindsey, but sometimes I think he's given (or claims) a little too much credit on those earlier albums. I recall Keith Olsen saying one of the things he did in the early years with Buckingham Nicks was work with Lindsey to try and get him to understand how to work with other musicians and folks in the studio….not his strong suit, at least not then. I think LB is a genius, but I think he can also get too insular, too self-referential and just like Stevie benefits from having an editor (but won't see it) Lindsey benefits from having another production opinion in the studio to keep him balanced (but doesn't see it).

When I read Ken's book that was what I thought he was getting at-- that Lindsey was sooo into his own opinions that it was challenging to work with him. Also, like Stevie, I think fame did go to Lindsey's head for a few years…..with everyone telling you how brilliant you are how could it not go to your head? I think he, like Stevie, got a bit hard to handle with the ego for a time. None of that bothers me as a fan, though, because I don't think any of them are perfect, and I am kind of fascinated to know what really went on behind the public facade and what it really took for these people to keep this band going all these years. Despite what they may say at times it was definitely a hot mess and totally dysfunctional.

As for Stevie being sweet and nice 'back then' implying that changed, Richard has said the exact same thing. Early in his blog he was pretty honest about how fame went to all their heads and how hard it was to go from being someone's best buddy to having to make an appointment with all the entourage just to get to talk to her. He's tempered that a little over time saying that when someone gets huge and famous and all these people start wanting things from you, you do develop a shell just to protect yourself but that deep down if she trusts you she opens up and that same sweet person is there.
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