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Old 05-09-2014, 02:01 PM
David A David A is offline
Senior Ledgie
Join Date: Sep 2000
Posts: 159
Default Fm Stuff, Lets Get Real Here....

Ok, I wanted to write and put some stuff out there in the most blunt way I can, because there seems to be a lot of speculation and stuff going on and it’s pissing me off, so here it goes:

Christine Coming back: HEY, it’s a great thing, I never ever thought it would happen, and I am truly excited and the fact that she is and wants to record new music is even better, her music is sorely missed, and it’s a wonderful thing that I never thought would happen
Tour Ticket Prices : bottom line, it’s a freaking rip off, and FM is really pricing us regular fans out of the market, I understand Chris is back but Jesus they just toured last year, and they truly expect fans to pay double again this year, in this economy, I just don’t get it. They don’t have a touring fan base like Bon Jovi, Bruce, or even The Eagles so honestly they are taking a HUGE chance by having these prices, meaning they could see some poor selling shows ONLY because of the prices not lack of interest. Bottom line, it’s laughable these ticket prices

Stevie recording on her own: I am NOT a SN fan at all, especially solo, BUT she has earned the right to so whatever she wants, she is set for life and paid her dues, so she has every right to do what she wants. That being said, the one thing she said she wanted is Chris back or else she wasn’t interested in FM, Chris is back, and yet she is MIA, doesn’t make sense. And she poured her heart into IYD and the record company promoted it well, she had public appearances, heck even some dumb movie thing that was in the theaters, and ALL of that equaled a bomb of a album, Now, don’t get me wrong I haven’t heard IYD, maybe it’s good, but the bottom line it didn’t sell crap, and people can say all the excused about older artist, etc, whatever , Beyonce sells record, etc, yes I understand the demographics, etc, but IYD bombed bottom line, no excuse can be made for it, so why Stevie wants to record another solo record is beyond me, it won’t sell, yes it will debut at #5, 6, but then it will fall quickly, so why record it ? UNLESS she is recording for pure joy then more power to her, but SN doesn’t strike me like LB when it comes to sales, I think she CARES about it, and IYD sold nothing so why bother with another solo record when she can record with FM and get more exposure. Im taking purely business, so it doesn’t make sense, and if she is making a country record, then I am calling total sell out for doing that, because country is the thing now, and she would be a sell out if she does that. My point is, if she is recording for HERSELF and doesn’t care about sales (which she does) then great for her, but if she truly thinks a solo record will sell now a days after IYD and all the parts that came with it, didn’t sell, then she is crazy and delusional. A FM record is her best shot at sales and exposure and the fact that she doesn’t seem interested is pretty dumb

Lindsey producing, maybe upset at Stevie: Like someone said, Lindsey sort of pulled his own act in 1987, so as much as I love him, hey, the shoes on the other foot, and im sorry but for the MOST part, all of FM success has been with Lindsey at the controls so why change now ?, he is the lynch pin of FM and the genius behind it so I don’t get peoples wanting him to not produce, anytime he has been in control , the album succeeds, SYW maybe not as much, but it was critically acclaimed. But, whatever, I just think with LB in control, things tend to go well

FM missing the chance for a album: They will tour and im sure the tour will be a success because of nostalgia, but I swear if they don’t release a new album soon, they will miss a chance, they are not getting younger and their chances in today’s market are slim, and if they pull a Dance, where they wait YEARS until they release a album, that will be the dumbest thing in the world, I don’t understand how they think people will pay top dollar for this tour, and then release a album, tour again, charge high again and what ? People will pay again? Makes no sense. The time is so right to release an album, with Chris back, chances are strong for top sales, but something inside makes me think they will miss the boat and then complain at the end. I just hope they aren’t giving themselves to much credit, they aren’t Bon Jovi, Bruce, or Eagles, they can’t afford anymore to sit around and wait, and tour, etc, I mean they can, but they will lose all chances of being relevant on the charts. Sadly Bon Jovi and the Eagles can do that, not sure why, LOL, but they can, FM cannot any more, this isn’t 1997 or even 2003 and they really need to realize that

That’s it for now

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