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Old 05-02-2014, 12:15 PM
secret love secret love is offline
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Originally Posted by KateTheCursed View Post
Sorry to disappoint you. I'm not an old hippie. I didn't even live through the hippie generation. I just happen to believe in respect. People pass through my life every day with ideas and quirks that I neither like nor agree with, but I still try to respect them and their right to have them. And I hope that respect is returned in kind...But to each their own, feel free to mock me.
I, like you, am not an old hippie. I'm 20. So someone called you a hippie? Doesn't that mean you're someone whose political views are left of centre? Some who is anti-establishment and smokes a lot of weed?

If the person who called you a hippie intended it as an insult, they could do better. It's a rather weak insult especially coming from some internet stranger.

I also believe in respect. When other people's views don't match our own though, I think you'd understand that it can feel a little jarring, yeah?

If Stevie Nicks dumped a "spirit catcher" in my recording studio I'd be thinking to myself "What the f--- is that thing? It looks like some sort of abstract art. Oh it's a spirit catcher, Stevie? And how does it catch spirits? And how is that going to help us make a good album?"

That's what I'd think. What I'd say would simply be something like "Oh okay that's great. It looks don't know where you should put it. Maybe on the mantelpiece."

I guess my point is, yes it's great that we respect other people's views when they differ from our own. Even though we don't hold it against a person that she has different views to us, we might still think she's a bit kooky (even if we don't say that out loud).

Ah...I need to get some sleep. It's 3 am in Australia.
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