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Old 01-15-2014, 05:08 PM
Matt Lucas Matt Lucas is offline
Senior Ledgie
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 126

Originally Posted by elle View Post
loved reading your posts Matt Lucas!!
There are a lot of well-informed and talented people on this board, so I'm happy to be a part of it. I've actually been a member since 2001. I just don't have time to post that often!

Originally Posted by elle View Post
Lindsey actually mentioned Daniel Lanois when he was talking about bringing the outside producer for the Mac last time around, so he at least was on his radar.

bringing back Dashut and Caillat harkens to Rumours II suggestions. it's been done, let's move forward people, see what some others can do.

my personal preference - give Froom a chance to finish what he started. but i can see Rick Rubin arguments too, and there were others on these boards who brought up his name in the past. (possibly even Lindsey mentioned Rubin at the same time as Lanois? can't remember exactly, but he did list 2 or 3 possible producers.)
Froom produced some of my all-time favorite-sounding records, so I would love for him to get a shot and knock it out of the park. But I have to admit---the songs on the EP are okay, but they don't sound great. Is that because they were rushed out? Who knows.

Thanks for sharing that about Lanois. I didn't realize that Lindsey has mentioned him in the past. That makes him an even more interesting option. I honestly don't see them getting along in the studio, but maybe they would surprise me! Lanois is a remarkably talented guy. The most striking thing about his prodcutions is what a variety of sounds he's created. The songs range from simple, stark acoustic tunes to swampy, dense blues, from horn-laden pop to vibrant, layered rock. He's a very talented guitarist and steel guitar player, and he's written some good songs, too.

The more I think about it, the more I think it could work.

In some ways, I think Dashut and Caillat would provide a kind of full circle thing, assuming this is truly the band's last record. But I agree that their participation would only encourage more "RUMOURS 2" comparisons. That album was created by completely different people under completely different circumstances. Lightning can strike twice, but not in the exactly same place.

Originally Posted by michelej1 View Post
I would say that Christine and Lindsey can have the same producers and work together with LB and any outside producer they want (or none) as they did on Tango.

Stevie can do whatever she wants. I hope she's been talking to Dave and maybe they can do something together, with the intent going in that Lindsey and Christine sing background on Stevie's stuff. It should be arranged with FM in mind. Dave can do that.
Umm...I don't really understand that. Lindsey and Christine have to work together and use the same producer, but Stevie gets to "do whatever she wants" and work with Dave?

With all due respect to Dave Stewart, who is a talented guy and who made some great music as part of Eurythmics, he is no Rick Rubin or Daniel Lanois. In fact, I wouldn't even say he's on the same level as Dashut and Caillat...or Lindsey, for that matter. His production has no personality. The best thing about him as he relates to FM is that he seems to work well with Stevie. That's not good enough to earn a spot in the producer's chair. It may be good enough for Stevie solo, but it's not good enough for the Mac. Just being honest. *grin*

The point of having a producer is having another set of ears in the room---someone who isn't personally connected to the songs or, sometimes, even the band. You want someone in that chair who can be encouraging but also impartial. Someone who can step back and say, "That's a good song, but what if you did THIS?" or "Of the 10 demos you've brought in, those three are complete crap, these other five have some potential, and the other two are fantastic."

I want a producer who will be that honest and direct and encouraging to all of the band members...not someone who will only make Lindsey confortable or only make Stevie happy. Maybe they'll make better music if they're NOT comfortable. That seems to have worked well for them in the past.

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