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Old 01-04-2014, 01:42 AM
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Addicted Ledgie
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Originally Posted by Lindsfan View Post

He really is like nobody else. It's not like with some artists who people love the music, or they love the image. He makes you really love him. Like Elle said, it's more like an addiction. It really is. The coming down part, after a show or tour, is unreal, but worth it for the high of the show. What is really cool, though, is the way we need him, and depend on him, to be what we need him to be. That sounds funny, but I'll give you two examples. I know one friend who is always so positive, and upbeat, and just so inspirational. She finally got around to getting tickets to FM this last year, and out of nowhere posted to her friends how upset she was. We were all shocked. She was always so even keel. But she was in major traffic, after a long day, and then couldn't find parking, and so got into the venue late and was in a bit of a meltdown. We couldn't get a hold of her to see if she was okay, or what was wrong, and then, out of nowhere, she contacted us, saying, she was a few rows in front of Lindsey, and he smiled at her. All was right with the world. I have another friend who had the worst year ever. She almost didn't go to see him with FM, but at the last miute decide to give it a go. Same story, bad traffic, bad day, bad year, running late. the last thing I heard from her was "Buckingham, YOU better not let me down". A while later, I heard from her again and it was something along the lines of he saw me, he smiled at me, and he blew me away. When I have the worst day ever, I put on his music, and my day is improved drastically. Seeing him in concert is like a religious experience. That's why I see him so much. Because he does it for me.
ok, you got me teary-eyes Lindsfan because this is SO true. What a perfect way to explain it. I think with Lindsey it's know, the music is brought to life in a very personal way with him. His solo songs may not be as affective on albums on the mass level that FM is (thought that baffles me because all I hear is perfection), but when you see him up close and personal it's like he is singing to you/for you and the way he plays that guitar...when George Harrison wrote "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" I honestly feel he was connecting with those special types of musicians whose instruments are another part of their body. I can't picture LB without his guitar because the two belong together. He can make so many incredible things come to life in such a powerful way, with just simple strumming.

And so meticulous and gorgeous. Plus his songs are easy to relate to because, although his lyrics can be internal and sometimes not easy to analyze, the way he performs makes the connection happen. Ugh, it's hard to put in words for me but YES to all you said. He's a special kind of artist.

I feel like Lindsey does on a smaller scale what Bruce Springsteen does for his fans on a larger one. They connect with every word, but with us it's like every note he plays just goes right to our souls. Well, for me at least.

"Reality leaves a lot to the imagination." ~ JL
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