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Old 12-30-2013, 01:16 PM
michelej1 michelej1 is offline
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Originally Posted by MrStevie View Post
No problem. Seems I'm the only one who doesn't believe anything about this article, not even how and where these so-called interviews were conducted. The vocabulary itself is suspect, but that's just me, I'm sure. That's the bottom line in my comparison, but I can see why you don't get me if you believe this stuff is all true.
I agree with you. Although, it didn't stick out to me like that old Vox interview with Stevie did. Now that definitely did not sound anything at all like Stevie or her vocabulary.

What I will say about this interview is that Stevie gave a clearer description of New Zealand than she ever did before. She was never definite that Lindsey had kicked her before. She knew he did something to her though. She never saw him with his jacket over his head before (Mick said that), because she wasn't looking at him when he did that. And she never put the incident with him doing something to her in the same sequence of events as him throwing the guitar at her.

So, when I read her quotes, I didn't think they didn't sound like her, but I did think she was giving a more concise, coherent and specific description of the events than she ever had before. It's like an amalgamation of other things that she has said before, but never said at once.

Lindsey's "interview" sounds like all sentences he has said before. But we know Lindsey and he might very well say the same things over again. That would not be surprising. But take that comment about never buying cocaine. That's a quote from an interview he may have done 15 years ago.

Christine's comments all sound new. But the thing with them taking the cocaine in ladylike spoonfuls and the boys coming at the end of the night to find their coke after the boys had used all of theirs up sounds more like something Stevie would say than Christine would.

Stevie sounds like Stevie (but more adept at summarizing things than Stevie ever has been). Lindsey sounds like Lindsey. Christine mostly sounds like herself to me, but not the part about the men doing drugs vulgarly.

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