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Old 12-15-2013, 04:50 AM
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nicole21290 nicole21290 is offline
Addicted Ledgie
Supporting Ledgie
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Australia
Posts: 1,256

22/06/2013 - Wantagh





1. [07.15 minutes, 29MB]

2. [07.09 minutes, 34MB]

And because the audio on both videos is sometimes difficult to hear, I worked out the transcript from another audio source:

3. [audio, 7MB]

What Was Said

S: Well, now to the fun part. So, this song gets an introduction because it’s so crazy. And since this tour started - it seems like two years ago, it’s probably only been like two months maybe or a little less than that – I’ve been telling this story and about half way through I just start to, my brain just left my head and I just get completely like and my mind and I don’t know where I am. So Lindsey has to fill me in on where I am. So let’s see if we can makes Jones Beach the first where I don’t like ‘hnnnrrrrnnn’ go away somewhere.

S: So in 1970 I wrote a poem, a very beautiful poem – if I do say so myself. And I wrote it about myself and my super gorgeous boyfriend Lindsey. And it was probably the nicest thing I ever wrote about the two of us. Now 1970 was when it was all starting and it was fantastic and we were struggling and we were in love and we knew we were going to somehow, y’know, make it... So, anyway, the poem was written and put in a drawer and next thing we know Lindsey and I hop in his Buick Skylark and drive to Los Angeles with 12 songs *Lindsey makes driving motion* to get a record deal.

S: We put it probably on the couch and I think one of our sleazy friends – we didn’t have many friends but one of them – stole the cassette. Cos we lived in a world of cassettes.

S: What happened was is that when Mick heard this song – see, Lindsey, I’m getting on track here. He’s totally ignoring me because he knows this is going to go on forever. Um, so *pauses* are you just totally ignoring me? Do you even care what I’m saying over here?
L: I do, I do!
S: No, you’re having a conversation with the –
L: No, I’m not. Somebody just held up...
S: *squeaks* Alright
L: ...a pick right in the...
S: *squeaks* Alright.
L: ...middle. Somebody said ‘do you want a...
S: Okay, so I think I was at the part where we...
L: We want your pick...
S: ...played it for Mick.
L: ...we want your pick. That’s what they said.
S: Okay, okay. I’m on track now.
L: Okay, good.
S: We played it for Mick. He liked it. He loved it. And so we decided to record it. So we went to Lindsey’s house...

S: And then one night in front of 15,000 people, Lindsey says “Well, actually, that’s not the reason that Mick was attracted to us.” And I’m like “WHAT!?” and he said “Well, it really isn’t. If you remember, Stevie, they had just lost their guitar player and they were looking for a lead guitarist.” So nowhere in the two words ‘lead guitarist’ does it say ‘lead guitarist and hippie girlfriend’. So he was right. So anyway. Okay, now I’m lost. So, take it Lindsey. You can end this story.
L: Who, me?
S: Yes. Yes.
L: Oh.
S: Jump in.
L: Let’s see. Ooh. Alright. Welllll, *clears throat* Mick called me up. He said “Lindsey!” I said, “Yes, Mick.” He said “Would you like to join Fleetwood Mac?” I said “Well, Mick, you’ll have to take my girlfriend too! Now, that is loyalty!
S: Yes, it is. So.
L: Yessss.
S: Do you have something you want to, do you have more? *laughs*
L: Um, well...
S: He’s going to talk.
L: No, I...
S: No, he...
L: No, I was just going to say that, y’know, it worked out okay.
S: Alright, so then it did work okay and I would like to say - to end this little conversation with you that, you know, we pretend like we’re in our living room here - um, I would like to thank my boys up here for, first of all, to Lindsey for taking me with him into Fleetwood Mac. I thank you. I would also like to thank His Highness, Mr Mick Fleetwood, for taking both Lindsey and I into his wild ride into Alice in Wonderland’s Worllllllld! For his good ear. Yes. No, I... John! Stand up. And I would like to thank the handsomest and best bass player ever because I think what John McVie probably said was ‘JUST TAKE THE GIRL!’.

"There’s nothing going on between you and me except that there will always be something going on between you and me. Until the day we die"
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