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Old 10-28-2013, 09:43 AM
jbrownsjr jbrownsjr is offline
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Originally Posted by ironman_01701 View Post
Not sure what kind of cancer john has, but the band canceled the Australian and New Zealand scheduled after almost completing the European tour (minus one center). I believe Christine being in Amsterdam is rehearsing with the band (without John now), after Amsterdam she may rehearse in a more remote place, maybe in Maui in Hawaii Islands. John's treatment for cancer will be done during this November and December 2013. Then after his treatment in early 2014 he will join them all and will play the new 2014 schedule for Australian and New Zealand to finish the last leg of the 2013 tour. If john has a thyroid cancer type (not sure just speculating) then after his treatment, John might be OK to go on and join his band based on his doctors OK.

What better way to spend a winter of cold than in a warm climate down under during January and Feb. of 2014 with the all of them for the final ending tour.

That's my speculation (comments?).
My guess was that she was rehearsing with them as well. But with cancer, who knows what kind it is? How far along it is? I just hope he is ok.
I would tell Christine Perfect, "You're Christine f***ing McVie, and don't you forget it!"
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