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Old 10-20-2013, 05:48 AM
The Nisse The Nisse is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Ã…lborg, Denmark
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Originally Posted by jkmaletic View Post
Well, I went to two shows and saw the same security guy (short, bald, goatee, yet very buff) escort groups of young chicks up in front of Lindseys mic right after the lights go out and the show is about to start. In fact, the second show I went to I actually saw that security guy scoping out chicks before the show - I ALMOST said something to him about it but Kim and I were busy enjoying our engagement and calling relatives.
This is so interesting. That guy was at our show as well and guiding people around. At the time, I didn't think much of it, but now - thinking about it - I can totally see he was putting all hotties in the front. I dug my heels in, though, and in the end he gave up and let me stand at the stage. Just couldn't see the fairness in some being allowed, while others weren't. It didn't even occur to me what was going on..

As a guy, if they are doing this, I find it totally discriminating.
This isn't some bar having a Ladies' Night, this is a concert where we've all paid good money to be there..
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