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Old 10-11-2013, 03:02 AM
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Default American Horror Story to use 8 Stevie Nicks songs

American Horror Story: Coven will use 8 Stevie Nicks songs this season. Misty Day = obsessed with Stevie
According to the American Horror Story Wiki, Misty Day is a major character in "Coven". She is considered to be a necromancer witch.

Misty Day Character Background:
A young woman from a backwoods Pentecostal community in the bayous of Louisiana, Misty Day is misunderstood and even feared by those in her community. Without a Coven to call her own, Misty spends her days wandering the swamps and listening to Stevie Nicks.

From a TV Guide Q&A:
American Horror Story: Coven Stars Answer Burning Questions on What's Next

Ryan Murphy was asked:
Can Misty use her regenerative power to bring herself back to life? (If you watched the first episode, her character was burned at the stake).

Of course. I love her character. Her character is obsessed with Stevie Nicks. The season really is an allegory or metaphor for any minority in the country where you feel alone. She's a girl who has never known other witches. The only witch she's ever known is Stevie Nicks, so I reached out to Stevie Nicks and asked her if we could use her music. Lily has an amazing Stevie Nicks shawl twirl scene in Episode 3. We used like eight Stevie Nicks songs this year.
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