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Old 09-10-2013, 01:47 PM
michelej1 michelej1 is offline
Addicted Ledgie
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Was reading this transcript about Dennis and Christine and how they first came together, from a radio interview about the Beach Boys:

These were dark days for Dennis. His second marriage to Karen had failed, the Bamboo sessions were faltering, and worst of all, Brother Studio, his recording base, was in financial trouble. The Beach Boys, who owned the studio, put it up for sale.

We were trying to sell it to Fleetwood Mac at this point. There was a lot of interest from Lindsey Buckingham, a big Beach Boy fan. So Lindsey would come by with Mick Fleetwood and look at the studio with John mcvie, and they were very interested in taking it over. So we started to all become sort of friends, and Dennis initially was trying to hit on Stevie Nicks. And in the process, Stevie didn't show much interest in Dennis, but christine mcvie became quite enamoured with him.

I think he was just in awe of her musical talent and it was something that bonded between them that first night that materialised within 24 hours. And they were great for each other for a time. What this ended up doing for Dennis was that it increased his access to a lot of things. I mean, the Beach Boys were big, but Fleetwood Mac at that time, coming off of Rumours, they were really, literally, the biggest band in the world. He was enamoured with the fact that Christine was selling more records than the Beach Boys ever did, and christine had unlimited funds for drugs and what-have-you. And so all that was very intoxicating to him. He became enamoured by the things around Christine as opposed to maybe christine's beauty, if that makes sense. That summer, Dennis and Christine divided their time between the Harmony and christine's house.

There was a party at Christine McVie's up in the Holmby Hills, near Beverly Hills area, lovely home, big white house on the hill, big lawn that goes down to the pool, and then there's a pool house. It was a comfortable Beverly Hills home, and there was a nice little shack at the far end of the property that was a pool house, and Dennis adopted it as his own. And the night that the disaster happened, I happened to be up in the bedroom, in christine's bedroom, and she looked out the window at one point and said, "My God, what are those flames?" Dennis had burned down the pool house. He was fooling around down there with candles to make it romantic. And christine is coming down the stairs, and that's when christine delivered her great line of, "Bit excessive, your friend, Dennis." He had the gardener plant this very large heart in the lawn with all different-coloured flowers, and of course it went on christine's gardener bill, which was fun. But that's Dennis for you. In 1979, Dennis was facing a far greater loss which couldn't be remedied with hearts and flowers, as the Beach Boys finally sold Brother Studio. Dennis was creatively homeless.

Dennis's relationship with Christine mcvie was another casualty of his lifestyle. After they split, she described him as half-little boy and half-insane. Months later, Dennis met an attractive teenage blonde. She went by the name of Shaun Love, and although Mike denied it, claimed to be Mike Love's illegitimate daughter.
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