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Old 04-07-2013, 01:11 AM
NoLight77 NoLight77 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 89

Originally Posted by TheSorcerer View Post
It's obvious she loves the money. She loves the expensive jewelery, the houses, the private jets, etc. she's admitted before that she loves the lifestyle that being a rock star has afforded her over the years. She friggin' loves being a celebrity and all the adoration she gets from being who she is. I call bull crap to pretty much any rich rock star who says they don't care about the money. It's always after they make the big bucks that they supposedly don't care about the money anymore. Stevie wouldn't head out with Fleetwood Mac if she didn't want all those millions in her bank at the end of it. I honestly don't blame her. It must be fun to have tens of millions of dollars in your bank and another fat cheque to cash at the end of a tour. Her main income now is from touring, hence why she's toured solidly for over a decade now. She's getting the money in before she's too old to go out.

I'm sorry but there is no excuse for such a self-proclaimed prolific songwriter to go ten years without releasing a studio album. The whole argument of internet freeloaders is utter crap. She should want to make a new album because she wants to create new music. It all goes back to the money. Countless other acts her age and older are consistently releasing new music and not getting radio play. She needs to realise that it's not the 1980s anymore and the days of million-selling albums and major radio hits are over for her. I would bet good money we don't get a follow-up to In Your Dreams for at least another 2-3 years. She seemed so re-energized and inspired after In Your Dreams came out and she should have take advantage of that. She should have taken a short break after the tour had finished and headed back into the studio to record the follow-up. We could have had a new album this year instead of yet another FM greatest hits tour.

The fact that she toured pretty much consistently for nearly 10 years without a brand new album hasn't done her any favours. She shouldn't simply stick to performing the same songs just because it keeps the crowds coming. She has a huge back catalogue to choose from but continues to ignore about 90% of it. Stevie actually has trouble selling out a lot of these big arenas by herself. She tends to sell well in smaller amphitheatres/arenas but even then many of them aren't sold out. And don't even get me started on her continuing to ignore Europe when it comes to solo shows. That is unforgivable as far as I'm concerned. She can kiss my ass if I'm paying expensive airfare to go and see her across the other side of the world.

TheSorcerer, I agree with you on so many points. This 2013 tour is another greatest hits tour. Other than the 4 new songs, nothing is different. They won't have to give much effort on songs they have sung over and over. So it will be easy money. And that's what makes me most angry. Even Not That Funny is so condensed that not much effort is put into it. was ok, but could use more drama. Without You was great, and can't wait to hear more BN stuff. Sad Angel was also great. I wish they would just make an album. But as for songs they have already I said, easy money.

Last edited by NoLight77; 04-07-2013 at 01:17 AM..
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