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Old 03-23-2013, 04:40 PM
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redbird redbird is offline
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If Stevie recommends playing along with the patriarchy to some extent in order to get along, I would not consider that feminist, but I would also not consider it condescending of women who don't play along. The sad fact is you can't always say no to the patriarchy because sometimes what's at stake is just too great, the cards are stacked against you and you can't win if you don't play along. Fortunately things are not so bad that you can't pick some battles.

I would not tell a woman to listen to the kind of advice Stevie gives that encourages playing along with the patriarchy, that would be her choice to navigate the patriarchy the way she sees fit. But neither would I conclude that Stevie is anti-woman or condescending of other women because of this, because the truth is sometimes women can recommend not rebelling because they do care about you, it happens a lot with mother-daughter or other intergenerational relationships with women.

I also would really warn against the idea that many women in life are perfect feminists. Even Gloria Steinem has made mistakes and said some things that don't hold up to scrutiny. The way I see it, feminism is not yet another yardstick to use to beat down women for not being perfect enough, feminism is not yet another competition for us to earn approval, and by making mistakes we do not let feminism or womankind down, because we're human beings before we're representatives (and humanity is the whole point of feminism IMO). Stevie is very probably not a perfect feminist, but few women anywhere are, and that doesn't mean she hasn't contributed significantly.

And the huge thing is that she is willing to talk about it, and once you are willing then high profile discussions can be had, the public is thinking about it once again instead of living in some kind of post-feminist delusion. And Stevie herself can learn, and she can teach, and everyone (theoretically) wins. If Stevie says something sketchy she should be called out on it. But I can think of few women, even feminists, who can't stand to learn something and amend their past words.

As an example, Christine's a great and admirable woman but the way she implicitly agrees with the idea that women are Yoko Onos of rock'n'roll never sat well with me. Doesn't mean I disregard all the great things she's said as well as accomplished.

ETA: I wouldn't be surprised that Stevie has said less evolved things in the past, after all most people evolve as they age. I just don't think that her comments in this particular interview suggest anything off, including the word "goddess" (unless you insist on being stubborn about what she probably means). That's the only reason I said anything in this thread. In the past, sure she probably was less evolved. The past is the past, though, and what she's saying now doesn't really bum me out (yet).

ETA2: IMO some feminine women regard their femininity imperiously because they feel it is attacked and trivialized by society at large, so they're reacting against having their back against the wall by coming out fists first, so to speak. I don't know every single thing she's ever said so I'm not going to presume that it's all defensible (but I was only trying to defend this particular interview in the first place), but there's another side to it. Not that it should excuse not growing up and learning though.

Last edited by redbird; 03-23-2013 at 05:01 PM..
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