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Old 08-05-2012, 04:13 PM
jmn3 jmn3 is offline
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Originally Posted by KarmaContestant View Post
Great post.

What upsets me the most about this whole thing is indeed the hypocritical "Christian" angle. All those supposed-Christians lining up for sandwiches, when most of them have likely never donated a single dime to a food bank, homeless shelter or other truly charitable organization - but they are more than happy to line up and throw their money into an organization that openly supports some hateful and bigoted causes.
I'm often amazed at the amount of self proclaimed CHRISTian hypocrites who have no concept of the beliefs of the man who gave name to their religion. What would Jesus do, indeed.

I was raised a Catholic and I love a lot of the traditions and history associated with the church, but the older I get the less and less I have any interest in organized religion. The constant hypocrisy and judgement has simply alienated me altogether. I am a 31 year old straight man, so this really doesn't affect me, but my thoughts for these people is, please don't preach to me or anyone else about whom I should have sex with or can marry! My Dad believes gay marriage is wrong because "they" will get benefits that they don't deserve. "Two men can just get married to get the other one health insurance." Right, because I couldn't just marry a female friend for the same reason? Whatever, I can't change his or anyone else's mind nor do I care to waste the little time I have on Earth trying to do so.
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