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Old 06-19-2012, 10:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Dodfather View Post
Hey - we all need to rant now and again! Go for it.

I know what you mean about things like this, some people are just never happy. You may well find that certain people, after making a fuss of not being asked, wouldn;t turn up anyway! As for your bartender... patrnising and generally being a d**k like that is one way to end up getting a smack! Majoy assholery.

Uggghhh... people who turn up empty handed to a party are just cheap. Even if it's not a BYOB, you should always turn up with something. All drinks become communal soon enough enyway. I was a student for a loooong time and do remember being pretty poor too (and likely will be again whenever Imovebefore I getset up) but you still try your best to bring something, or explain to the host beforehand if it really is tough.

p.s: Can I come to your next party? Or the next, next, next one... whenever I'm in town?!
Yeah, his behavior last night, showed exactly why he never has been invited. It's funny, last 3 years have been a huge turnaround in my life. Probably the biggest lesson I've learned though, is how to grow a beautiful garden, minus any weeds. I now pull the weeds out. People who don't play well with others. Who love to argue. Who just cause drama in general. Some people are on the fence, and it's a tough call for me, on whether to invite them or not...but if I don't, it hurts their feelings(as happened last night). Do they not see that I can't invite everybody?

Well it kills me that they're always Facebook events, and I state: "Bring your beverage of choice", then at least half of them show up empty handed. I always "donate" a handle of cheap vodka, and a handle of cheap whiskey, and they'll BITCH about having to drink that. "WHAT PART OF BYOB, DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?". And I don't mind my poor friends coming empty handed, but good lord, don't bitch about what you're served, when you showed up empty handed, AT a BYOB party.

Next time you're in town, hit me up! I think you and I should tear Nashville a new one, instead!

And thanks for allowing me to vent. I can't do it on FB, because the guilty parties would all recognize themselves!
Christine McVie- she radiated both purity and sass in equal measure, bringing light to the music of the 70s. RIP. - John Taylor(Duran Duran)
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