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Old 06-14-2012, 09:32 PM
IKV Nexis IKV Nexis is offline
Addicted Ledgie
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 336

Originally Posted by UndoingTheLaces View Post
We were having officer nominations for a club I'm in today and I was lamenting to my friend that if I were to be nominated for club President I didn't think I could handle the responsibility. He looked at me very earnestly and said, "I had a dream last night that a woman appeared to me shimmering in gold and surrounded by long flowing robes. At first I thought it was Our Lady of Guadalupe but then I realized it was Stevie Nicks... and she said, "He is ready".

Wide eyed I said, "you're kidding".

He said, "yes, I'm kidding. Man up, you're gonna get it so deal with it"

I was the only one nominated. And when that part of the meeting came I pulled up this picture and flashed it to him across the meeting table and he almost brought a halt to the entire meeting laughing so hard. LOL. So thank you IKV Nexis for posting that.
You are very welcome!
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