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joe 11-24-2002 09:36 AM

funniest audience yelling?
After responding to a post about people that scream out during a performance it got me to thinking so i figured i'd start a new thread....

What is the funniest thing you've heard someone yell out from the audience in a concert? It could either be from a show you were at or a commercial/bootleg show.
Here are mine:

1. 3-21-77 Philly, PA (bootleg)- during the solo in "Landslide" some guy yells out "take it off!!!"

2. 11-6-79 St. Louis, MO (Tusk doc) - the guy yelling out "rock and roll!!" throughout the entire show. most noticeably at the beginning of "Sara". Oh, also during the "World Turing" drum solo some woman yells out "scratch your balls!!!"

3. 5-15-80 Cleveland, OH (bootleg) - after the first chorus ends on "The Chain" and Stevie goes into her "chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain" someone says "oh no....."

4. 11-13-81 LA, CA (White Wing Dove concert) - during the piano intro to "Rhiannon" after Stevie says "...and your life knows no answer" and pauses, some guy yells out "i'll never forget you" and she remarks "i'll never forget you either..."

5. 6-21-86 Chicago, IL (personally attended show but the "chatter" is heard on the Cloaks and Daggers bootleg) - right before "Leather and Lace" begins some guy yells out "Silver Springs!" imagine that?!
Also, during the same show, after the into to "Rhiannon" and before the full rock version begins some lady (commenting to either a friend or whoever) says "don't worry about the time....." and then "one more tune baby!"

6. 10-96 Boston, MA (personally attended show although it's floating around as a bootleg video) - Let me digress first...This one is personally hysterical to me cause about 4 of us had travelled 3 hours to Boston for this multi act weekend festival but really going cause of Stevie. We got to the (no charge $$$) front of the stage early in the morning and sat there all day. Of course, when Stevie came on we figured she and the band would hear, first someone thought Waddy Wachtel was there cause there was a guitarist with short hair the same color as Waddy's with glasses on so someone yells "Waddy!" Of course it wasn't him. I don't know his name either. Anyway, when Stevie came on, people were like "you like great Stevie!....Hi Sharon, Hi Lori!....I love you Stevie!"...but the funniest was some girl at the front who held up a small budah statue chanting "bless you Stevie...bless your soul..." ay yi yi. and, that girl sang to just about every song during the show (and NOT on key) but that's another story.

Gypsy-Rhiannon 11-24-2002 10:21 AM

Re: funniest audience yelling?

Originally posted by joe
After responding to a post about people that scream out during a performance it got me to thinking so i figured i'd start a new thread....

What is the funniest thing you've heard someone yell out from the audience in a concert? It could either be from a show you were at or a commercial/bootleg show.
Here are mine:

2. 11-6-79 St. Louis, MO (Tusk doc) - the guy yelling out "rock and roll!!" throughout the entire show. most noticeably at the beginning of "Sara". Oh, also during the "World Turing" drum solo some woman yells out "scratch your balls!!!"


wetcamelfood 11-24-2002 10:25 AM

At Lindsey's OOTC show at The Paradise club in Boston/Allston MA in 1993 I was at, in between songs, some girl yelled out when it was real quiet, "Glad to see you finally decided to come out on the road Lindsey!" and of course everyone burst out in to laughter (as they were probably thinking the same thing since it was really the first time all of us had seen him since the 1987 tour showdown story etc.) and he kinda looked up and smirked but then the mood was ruined because some guy then yelled out "Where's Stevie" (which he ignored) and then all the laughter turned into a loud chorus of "boos". :)


joe 11-24-2002 10:29 AM


Originally posted by wetcamelfood
At Lindsey's OOTC show at The Paradise club in Boston/Allsont MA in 1993 I was at, in between songs, some girl yelled out when it was real quiet, "Glad to see you finally decided to come out on the road Lindsey!" and of course everyone burst out in to laughter (as they were probably thinking the same thing since it was really the first time all of us had seen him since the 1987 tour showdown story etc.) and he kinda looked up and smirked but then the mood was ruined because some guy then yelled out "Where's Stevie" (which he ignored) and then all the laughter turned into a loud chorus of "boos". :)


oh my God! i can't believe someone would say that...he probably was right on the verge of getting back with FM but THAT threw him back to square one!

seteca 11-24-2002 11:10 AM

Re: funniest audience yelling?

Originally posted by joe
.......2. 11-6-79 St. Louis, MO (Tusk doc) - the guy yelling out "rock and roll!!" throughout the entire show. most noticeably at the beginning of "Sara". Oh, also during the "World Turing" drum solo some woman yells out "scratch your balls!!!"
Lol...!!...I know exactly who you mean...I always notice that guy aswell...he seems completely "out of it"...!...nevertheless it somehow makes the songs even more enjoyable!! Helps you to imagine what an awesome atmosphere it must have been...!:cool:


Originally posted by joe
oh my God! i can't believe someone would say that...he probably was right on the verge of getting back with FM but THAT threw him back to square one!
I wouldn't be surprised at all if he was also on the verge of coming off the stage and beating the cr*p out of whoever the hell it was who said that........if I was him I would have....well done to LB for keeping his cool.....

What a totally inconsiderate and stupid thing to say.....LB eventually builds up the confidence and belief to do his first solo show and some idiot shouts out "Where's Stevie?"..?!?!........:rolleyes: :mad:

:wavey: :wavey: :wavey:

wondergirl9847 11-24-2002 11:14 AM

What a jerkhead!! :mad: I hate when people act stupid like that at concerts...just listening to some of the bootlegs of Lindsey's concerts, you can hear people chit-chatting "Oh, hi, how are you, yada yada, tell me your life story while this guy plays some song up there...I wish he'd hold it down, I can't hear your interesting story...hey, you with the guitar..."

SHUT THE $#%$#%$#% UP!!! You don't go to a concert to CHAT with people!!! AAAHHH!!!! When I go to see someone I LOVE (because why would I pay OUTRAGEOUS prices to see them otherwise!!), I don't wanna listen to the audience mingle, I wanna be mesmerized by the performer I came to see...this just %$#@% me off!!

%$#@%$#^%&*$%$#%# mother$#@!$#@$#@!$@#$#stupid-as*%$#%$#@&Y@$#^$#@ :mad:

.....30 minutes later...-----> :cool: LMAO!!

David 11-24-2002 11:59 AM

Re: funniest audience yelling?
Great thread. A couple of things come to mind ...

On the August 1980 Hollywood Bowl show recording, there's a very vocal group of "casual fans" within earshot, & they come up with some zingers. Before the band takes the stage for "Monday Morning," someone in this group yells "We want Stevie!" & someone nearby immediately fills in, "Wonder!" One of the guys in the group seems unable to control himself whenever Stevie is onstage. During "Dreams," one of his pals yells, "He's gonna undo his zipper!" & the guy himself sighs & says, "Easy, girl...easy, girl.... oh....worn out...."

At the July 30 1983 (Alpine Valley?) Stevie Nicks solo gig, she does her standard intro to "Sara" --- something like "This song is about someone you all know." Some guy yells "David Bowie!" Stevie misses a beat but I guess then it occurs to her to respond with "David Bowie?!" She adds, "I met David Bowie [at the US Festival II] & he had nothing to say to me. So, noooo....... this isn't about David Bowie."

At the October 2 1983 (Los Angeles) show, Stevie drifts offstage after "Beauty & the Beast" & it's a little while before she gets back on again. She says something about having to remember that the next song is hers, but we don't mind waiting. A bratty guy in the crowd shouts, "Give me a break!" And she stops & says, "Give *you* a break?! If you would like to come up here, I'll give *you* a break."

At Christine's solo show in Los Angeles in June '84, she's about to introduce "Hold Me": "This next song is called ..." but she pauses long enough for someone to yell "Tease" & then Chris says very slyly, "I'm not gonna tell you what it's called."

wondergirl9847 11-24-2002 12:11 PM

Re: Re: funniest audience yelling?
HILARIOUS!! Stevie must've went backstage to do some drugs, then came back all ready to kick someone's as*! LOL

And Christine...that is just, I'm not going to tell you...!! Thanks for sharing all of these guys, it's kind of a personality show of our Mac-ers!! :thumbsup:

joe 11-24-2002 12:38 PM

Re: Re: funniest audience yelling?

Originally posted by David
At the October 2 1983 (Los Angeles) show, Stevie drifts offstage after "Beauty & the Beast" & it's a little while before she gets back on again. She says something about having to remember that the next song is hers, but we don't mind waiting. A bratty guy in the crowd shouts, "Give me a break!" And she stops & says, "Give *you* a break?! If you would like to come up here, I'll give *you* a break."

At Christine's solo show in Los Angeles in June '84, she's about to introduce "Hold Me": "This next song is called ..." but she pauses long enough for someone to yell "Tease" & then Chris says very slyly, "I'm not gonna tell you what it's called."

OMG! Go Stevie. She must have been in her "don't F*** with my people" mood!

Christine said pretty much the same thing before "Don't Stop" on the Little Rock, AK 6-25-77 show... John says (and it's so hard understanding him half the times back then cause he sounds loaded) " to do one more from the Rumours album and it's called uhh....sung by Christine...and only she knows the title" and Chris says "and i'm not telling you".

madformac 11-24-2002 02:24 PM

I think about the guy that shouted "Go Lindsey!" at the start of I'm So Afraid on The Dance.

Nothing funny about that you may think, but, I think back 10 years earlier when John McVie said "Why don't you just leave Lindsey" and he left the group. What he meant was why don't you just leave the room!

I get visions of Lindsey dropping his guitar and walking off stage throwing a tantrum when that guy shouts "Go Lindsey!" :laugh: :laugh:

Mac Fan 11-24-2002 03:45 PM


Originally posted by madformac
I think about the guy that shouted "Go Lindsey!" at the start of I'm So Afraid on The Dance.

I could never work out what that person said.

wondergirl9847 11-24-2002 06:03 PM


Originally posted by madformac
I think about the guy that shouted "Go Lindsey!" at the start of I'm So Afraid on The Dance.

Nothing funny about that you may think, but, I think back 10 years earlier when John McVie said "Why don't you just leave Lindsey" and he left the group. What he meant was why don't you just leave the room!

I get visions of Lindsey dropping his guitar and walking off stage throwing a tantrum when that guy shouts "Go Lindsey!" :laugh: :laugh:

LMAO!! That was hilarious!! Then, everyone's all "Where is he going?" :laugh::laugh:

seteca 11-24-2002 09:31 PM


Originally posted by madformac
I think about the guy that shouted "Go Lindsey!" at the start of I'm So Afraid on The Dance.

Nothing funny about that you may think, but, I think back 10 years earlier when John McVie said "Why don't you just leave Lindsey" and he left the group. What he meant was why don't you just leave the room!

I get visions of Lindsey dropping his guitar and walking off stage throwing a tantrum when that guy shouts "Go Lindsey!" :laugh: :laugh:


That was hilarious dude!!

Haha! It's during that pause isn't it..JUST before the drums come in...I'm getting this image of "Go Lindsey!!" and then u hear this "clunk" as the guitar hits the floor and he walks off stage!

Then Stevie thinks "AT LAST! My chance to show everyone!" and she picks up the Model One, sings the song, and then plays the solo at twice the speed!!!

:blob2: :woohoo: :blob1:

:wavey: :wavey: :wavey:

p.s. I think someone must have put something into my dinner!

sodascouts 11-24-2002 10:49 PM


Originally posted by Mac Fan

I could never work out what that person said.

I always thought he recognized the intro and yelled "SO AFRAID" very excitedly, which is what I'll be doing when I hear that intro. lol

wondergirl9847 11-24-2002 11:09 PM


Originally posted by seteca
Haha! It's during that pause isn't it..JUST before the drums come in...I'm getting this image of "Go Lindsey!!" and then u hear this "clunk" as the guitar hits the floor and he walks off stage!

Then Stevie thinks "AT LAST! My chance to show everyone!" and she picks up the Model One, sings the song, and then plays the solo at twice the speed!!!
p.s. I think someone must have put something into my dinner!

LMAO!! You guys KILL me!! I am picturing all this in my head!! Her picking it up and playing it LIGHTNING FAST, chiffon a blowin' ala wind machine (all 1980's-like!!)!!

Yeah, what have you been drinking, seteca? LOL This whole weekend has been wierd, for me and everyone around me!! LOL

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