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Les 06-17-2002 11:03 AM

Christine on Big Love
I was listening over the weekend to an interview Laura Gross did with Christine & Lindsey in 1987. I just thought it was funny that Christine didn't appear to have thought about the love grunts until confronted:

Laura: Did you expect the incredible broohaha over Big Love and the love grunts?

Lindsey: The love grunts. [hehe]

Christine: Wooooh. Well, you know, I didn't even actually regard them as love grunts myself. I must admit I was in shock when somebody said to me, "Is that...does that mean what it's supposed to mean?" I was in shock.

Laura: What was it supposed to mean? [laughing]

Christine: Well I just said "yes." I didn't know quite what they meant and then I went back [and listened] and THEN I became aware.

Laura: Well, the first time we did it on the BBC, the producer said to me over my headphones, "I'm going to count you down and you come in right after the orgasm." [laughs]

[Christine hoots and laughs loudly]

Lindsey: Well, that's pretty close. The thing that cracked me up was that that was actually me. We slowed the tape machine down and then when you bring it up it sounds a little more female. I guess there's a name for that...but uh....[laughs]....I thought it was unusual, it was kind of humorous that a lot of people were interested in finding out who it was..... I mean, to me, it was a hook, certainly, and it was something that was going to get some attention but I didn't really think it would garner that much interest.

Laura: Yes, the nightly joke on the David Letterman show....

Lindsey: Right.

Christine: Oh yes.

Lindsey: That's all great. I think part of --

Christine: Good publicity.

Lindsey: Right. It might have just been that it goes back to it being two couples originally and the dynamic that's always been in the group from that -- "Was it Stevie?"

Laura: So it was you?

Lindsey: It was me.

Laura: I thought it was your girlfriend.

Lindsey: That's what's been printed, but as we know, you can't always believe what you read.

Christine: It's rumours you see...

Laura: Oh god right, back to that! [laughs]

sulamith 06-17-2002 11:26 AM

Ah yes, Lindsey having fun with his voice machine!

Chris was probably just used to all of his gyrations by then. You know by that time, she HAD endured umpteen dozen orgasmic pantomines during Not That Funny, so she was most likely thinking, "Oh, well, that's just Lindsey... here he goes again"
Maybe it didn't even faze her at all.

I guess him coming out sounding a little like Stevie at the end of Big Love is just another testament as to why their voices sound so good together. Maybe there are just alot of similar tones in the sound.

It is funny this subject came up, because I watched Big Love this morning on my very bad, scratchy tape of videos while I was cleaning house.

I just want to say that the girl in the Big Love video has the worst 80's hair I have ever seen.

Man, it's reeeeeaal bad!

They should have used Stevie, then she would have had something to do besides swish her skirt so obnoxiously.

Les 06-17-2002 12:32 PM


Originally posted by sulamith
Chris was probably just used to all of his gyrations by then. You know by that time, she HAD endured umpteen dozen orgasmic pantomines during Not That Funny, so she was most likely thinking, "Oh, well, that's just Lindsey... here he goes again"
Maybe it didn't even faze her at all.

That's why I think it's so funny. At that point, you would have expected Chris to be used to that sort of thing. Instead, she was shocked...just shocked! ;)

sodascouts 06-17-2002 04:41 PM

Big, Big Hair

Originally posted by sulamith

I just want to say that the girl in the Big Love video has the worst 80's hair I have ever seen.

Man, it's reeeeeaal bad!

They should have used Stevie, then she would have had something to do besides swish her skirt so obnoxiously.

Oh, so true, I hear that video cost a fortune but IMO it's wretched. I just want to grab Stevie's skirt-swooshing hands and say "STOP THAT!! You look like you're at some kind of bizarre 80s alternative square dance!" I realize the 80s hair is not their fault - that was "in." But the special effects they paid so much for - well, when they speed up everybody at the end, that just looks freaky. Especially poor Lindsey on the conveyer belt. Nobody looks cool when they're lip synching in FF mode.

And the part where Lindsey and the girl face each other and go back and forth mouthing the aforementioned love grunts (That IS hilarious, BTW) reminds me of Sesame Street where the two silhouettes face each other and say, as the words are written on the screen:
"Fire." "Man." "Fireman." .... "Police." "Man." "Policeman." Anybody else remember what I'm talking about there?

At any rate, SO not worth the money. Even the low budget "Seven Wonders" where all they do is get filmed singing and goofing around is better.

But the supreme TITN video: "Little Lies." Before I knew what Fleetwood Mac was I thought that was a TOTALLY AWESOME video (one of the first I ever saw, after Mom finally let me watch the pernicious and corrupting channel of amoral decadence known as MTV). My friends and I: "Look! They're changing into each other as they walk past the barn! Ooh! 'Tell me, tell me lies!'" lol That video rocks!

(Admittedly, at the time, I couldn't figure out why the blond lady kept changing hairdos and clothes. Later..DUH..they're two different women! The fact that there could be two lead female singers in one band didn't even occur to me. Except for the GoGos and the Bangles, I hadn't ever seen that).

All that to say: Big Love was a Big Waste.

sulamith 06-17-2002 05:17 PM

Nancy, I know the exact Sesame Street sequence you described, and, LMAO, you are right!

Poor Big Love...

It had the potential to really be a really cool video -
if they had left out Miss Flock of Seagulls with her white shoes, and NO SKIRT SWISHING, and no speedo-reverse crapola.

Even still, it is classic 80's.

The thing that makes it ALL worth it -
Lindsey at the end! That close up on those eyes, baby!

Seven Wonders is much classier. I love the sand and the Greek painted backdrops. Even Stevie in her crinoline phase is cute. She just overdid that later, but there is was novel.

New videos! We NEED them soooo bad!

seteca 06-17-2002 07:23 PM

Re: Big, Big Hair

Originally posted by sodascouts
......And the part where Lindsey and the girl face each other and go back and forth mouthing the aforementioned love grunts (That IS hilarious, BTW) reminds me of Sesame Street where the two silhouettes face each other and say, as the words are written on the screen:
"Fire." "Man." "Fireman." .... "Police." "Man." "Policeman." Anybody else remember what I'm talking about there?

Unlike you I absolutely LOVE the video.....but........hahahahaha..........ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!..........:p :laugh: :D ...........of course I remember that from Sesame Street!!.............I'm never gonna be able to watch one of my favourite Mac videos ever again without cracking up at that scene...!! Good one!!!:)

:wavey: :wavey: :wavey:

ChickenShack 06-17-2002 11:43 PM

See why I love Chris McVie? She's so subtle!! Thanks for posting that dialogue! :lol:

BellaDonnaGypsy 06-18-2002 09:02 AM


Originally posted by seteca
I'm never gonna be able to watch one of my favourite Mac videos ever again without cracking up at that scene...
Me neither! :laugh: Except it's not one of my favorite videos... I find it painful to watch because of all those awful special effects.

I totally agree that the videos for Little Lies (the first FM video I ever saw!) and Seven Wonders are both far superior to the Big Love video.


Cristian 06-18-2002 01:37 PM

What a lovely lady Christine is... :laugh: Still shocked about Lindsey's things... ;) Those sounds on "Big Love" were amazing... and the video... I agree, "Little Lies" is a thousand times better and "Big Love" had good potential to make an excellent video with it. Too bad.

Song of the moment - Just Crazy Love

wondergirl9847 06-18-2002 07:40 PM

Fave videos
1. Little Lies is my fave FM video: The colors are awesome, Lindsey looks AMAZING, they all really look H*O*T and the "special effects" aka, that blurry effect, is WAY cooler than the Big Love special effects. That pan-up on Lindsey holding his guitar towards the middle of the song...two words.....OH YEAH! ;) I love the clothes in this video, GREATNESS!!

2. Hold Me (OH MY, Lindsey looks AMAZING, in the hat, the vest, the shoes, MY GOSH, THE SHOES!!!!!! AWESOME), Christine looks so pretty in that white dress and Stevie in the red, way cool. As old as it is, this video has better special effects than Big Love. LMAO! :laugh: The mirrors and stuff, ya know. And, the scene du jour, Lindsey NOT painting Stevie! LMAO!! :laugh:

3. Seven Wonders: The part where Stevie touches Lindsey's hair.....two words....OH YEAH! :nod:;) I also LOVE the part where Lindsey has on the white hat and does that walking in front of Stevie and looking cute and goofy and she watches and laughs at him part.

4. Gypsy (although Lindsey is not in it ENOUGH! :laugh: ): WOOHOO, Lindsey wearing that white outfit and dancing with Stevie....sigh...the forest scene is cool with her dancing and the glitter falling down on her, the twirling, the point and her mouthing at the camera during "it all comes down to you."

5. Big Love: Things I love: LINDSEY (hehe), the beach scene is way cool to me, the freeze frame on Lindsey's face at the end, THE CASTLE (I love castles!!!!!) and the part where Lindsey kisses the girl and they sit down on the edge of the bed....sigh...Things I don't like: The girl's bad do, I agree, you guys, WOW, that was pretty bad, even Stevie's hair was better and that's not saying much, the rewind, way stoopid, the bad special effects with Lindsey "falling" into space (what is THAT all about?) LMAO!! :shrug:

6. Tusk: Lindsey looks SO ADORABLE in this video, those glasses!! John McVie: Cardboard cut-out! LOL Stevie's march and twirling the baton is cute, and when Lindsey makes her sit down at the end and she's all waving that hat! TOO FUNNY! :nod:

BTW, thanks much, Les for posting that excerpt!! :thumbsup:

BellaDonnaGypsy 06-19-2002 05:13 AM

Re: Fave videos

Originally posted by wondergirl9847
3. Seven Wonders: The part where Stevie touches Lindsey's hair.....two words....OH YEAH! :nod:;) I also LOVE the part where Lindsey has on the white hat and does that walking in front of Stevie and looking cute and goofy and she watches and laughs at him part.
That cracks me up so bad! The look on his face is just... it's hilarious, LOL! :laugh:

One of my favorites videos of all time, though, is Countdown. Don't even get me started on it! I love it love it love it!!! :D


sulamith 06-19-2002 07:03 AM

I love Seven Wonders for all the above-mentioned reasons, but mainly, there is a real loving, playful vibe coming from that video. It seems like everyone was in a real good mood that day.

There are so many good moments in it, John and Christine smiling at each other, Stevie in front of Mick while he is playing and reaching out, like she's paying homage to him, Lindsey and Mick at the end where Linds is falling on Mick and knocking his hat down, and course all of the S&L interactions are SWEET. Linds kneeling in the sand while she strokes his hair, Linds with the tear in his eye....etc...I could name a several more.

All of these same reasons are the reasons I don't like Little Lies. It is not that it isn't visually interesting or well done. It is the tension between every one. It is so evident that Linds was not in a good mood. Chris, Mick, and John seem a little bewildered and kind of hanging together. Stevie seems very isolated from the rest of them. S&L are barely in any of the same frames together and never look at each other. The vibe from that video is not good. There was alot of tension in the air that day, and it comes across on the tape.

I would be interested to see what the timeline was as to when the two videos were shot. I bet SW was shot first. Something defintely happened in between to change the dynamic.
I can barely watch LL sometimes.

BBALLGYPSY17 06-19-2002 11:17 AM

It's funny since...
Sooooooooo many people were devastated to find out that the Lady "lovegrunts" weren't STEVIE'S...;):rolleyes::nod: When I FINALLY read up about that song I'm like: "WHAT he's just SCREWING AROUND with a VSO?!?!" :laugh: I think the BEST version of this song was at the Hall of Fame, she might have not done the "lovegrunts" but her voice during the chorus was so THERE...I'd like to see THAT on the next tour :cool:


Janet 06-21-2002 07:35 AM

Oh Big Love the video isn't that bad!

Remember...1987!!! It can't be like today!!
And the special effects aren't THAT bad.

Stevie does have to get some life injected in her...but if thats the first video and before the initial press...then she's probably a little nervous since she wasn't around much. By LL they had spent more time together and you just see a different Stevie...she seems so mature in that a woman near 40 who just went thru hell...that little span before the klonopin took over she just seems ok for a bit.

I LOVE Seven Wonders though...thats my favorite Tango video. I could watch that a million times and VH1 classic plays it all the time and its so clear and beautiful...always looks like Lindsey has tears though, anyone else see that??

ANYWAY, I loved that interview!

WHAT I WANT TO KNOW IS ...does anyone have that David Letterman stuff taped? I have him jabbing at Stevie's management and playing I Cant Wait a million times but not the love grunts....if anyone has that.....:):):):):):):):)

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