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cincymike1 11-18-2006 12:47 AM

What has happened to Lindsey???
This truly pains me more then any other thread I have ever posted, but last night's national show on Craig Fisher (?) was the last straw!!! It is time for us to admit the new cd is a failure and if Lindsey wants to remain able to put out cds on a popular label such as Warner Reprise, he had better snap out of his middle age/old married I am happy type of boring songs (not too late, shut us down, juniper way, I am waiting, etc.) and start putting out the original exciting stuff we experienced on the so-called gift of screws cd. His new set of songs are decent by other artists standards, but Lindsey is waaaaay above that much so that I have often considered him the modern age Beethoven/Bach of rock and roll.

I understand that he is nearing the age of 60 and all good things in life eventually come to an end, but deep down I believe he still has better material then we are seeing. It is sad that this is all we get after 14 years of patience and false releases. Some people say Yoko Ono brought down John Lennon's music quality and I am honestly wondering if wife and kids have brought down Lindsey's quality. It is great that Lindsey is married and finally happy in life (and nobody deserves this more than LB), but reality says his music has suffered from contentment and age/maturity.

Let the bashing begin.......but any real LB fan deep down knows that this cd does not fit in the same catagory as Law in Order, Go Insane, and Out of the Cradle. I hope (but seriously doubt) that everyone who stayed up late at night to catch "Not to Late" felt the same thrills they felt when watching Lindsey perform "Countdown" and "Soul Drifter" on David Letterman 14 years ago. There has even been a dropoff in quality when comparing the fun "Out of the Cradle" videos to the current batch of boring videos for "Under the Skin".

Here's to hoping this cd was just an aberration.....

mylittledemon 11-18-2006 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by cincymike1 (Post 601486)
This truly pains me more then any other thread I have ever posted, but last night's national show on Craig Fisher (?) was the last straw!!! It is time for us to admit the new cd is a failure and if Lindsey wants to remain able to put out cds on a popular label such as Warner Reprise, he had better snap out of his middle age/old married I am happy type of boring songs (not too late, shut us down, juniper way, I am waiting, etc.) and start putting out the original exciting stuff we experienced on the so-called gift of screws cd. His new set of songs are decent by other artists standards, but Lindsey is waaaaay above that much so that I have often considered him the modern age Beethoven/Bach of rock and roll.

I understand that he is nearing the age of 60 and all good things in life eventually come to an end, but deep down I believe he still has better material then we are seeing. It is sad that this is all we get after 14 years of patience and false releases. Some people say Yoko Ono brought down John Lennon's music quality and I am honestly wondering if wife and kids have brought down Lindsey's quality. It is great that Lindsey is married and finally happy in life (and nobody deserves this more than LB), but reality says his music has suffered from contentment and age/maturity.

Let the bashing begin.......but any real LB fan deep down knows that this cd does not fit in the same catagory as Law in Order, Go Insane, and Out of the Cradle. I hope (but seriously doubt) that everyone who stayed up late at night to catch "Not to Late" felt the same thrills they felt when watching Lindsey perform "Countdown" and "Soul Drifter" on David Letterman 14 years ago. There has even been a dropoff in quality when comparing the fun "Out of the Cradle" videos to the current batch of boring videos for "Under the Skin".

Here's to hoping this cd was just an aberration.....

What are you basing this "failure" of a CD on? Sales? Your own opinion? Lindsey is at a point in his career where "sales" don't mean success. He can sell plenty of records with Fleetwood Mac. If he wants to go out, and release a solo album of more "esoteric" material than the Fleetwood Mac outlet allows him, then so be it. MORE music is better than NO music. I think that you're unwarranted in your seemingly spoiled opinion.

Better material than we're all seeing? Ok...I happen to feel that under the skin is a better album than Law & Order, and Go Insane. For me, it's right behind OOTC. Just my opinion. And sure he has more material. All the press (including Lindsey) say he's putting out a companion album of "rocking" material in summer 2007. So just have a little patience there, grasshopper.

Let the bashing begin. Indeed. Were you looking for an argument, or maybe just a little tiff? I should hope not. But it's all in good fun eh? And in regards to your last statement about the album fitting in with his last 3 albums...well of course it doesn't fit it. It's a completely separate record. He wasn't out to make a trilogy or a series of films. Does "Tango in the Night" fit in with "Mirage" or the "Rumours" album? Nope. They're all different.

So there you have it. My opinion on your thread...better than reading some threads here, but not many of them.

LukeA 11-18-2006 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by cincymike1 (Post 601486)
This truly pains me more then any other thread I have ever posted, but last night's national show on Craig Fisher (?) was the last straw!!!

Craig Ferguson.


Originally Posted by cincymike1 (Post 601486)
It is time for us to admit the new cd is a failure and if Lindsey wants to remain able to put out cds on a popular label such as Warner Reprise, he had better snap out of his middle age/old married I am happy type of boring songs (not too late, shut us down, juniper way, I am waiting, etc.) and start putting out the original exciting stuff we experienced on the so-called gift of screws cd.

Lindsey doesn't need to have a "popular label" to release his music. I don't know why (or, more likely, if) he even does, but, believe me, no one's making any real money off of the Under The Skin CD.

I'm not particularly a fan of the new album either, but if this is the album that he wants to release (its clear how proud he is of it if you read any recent interview), he's earned that right. If it's overblown, guitar pawing indulgent six minute rock epics you're after, I'm sure the new "rock" CD next year will be chock full of them. Count on it.


Originally Posted by cincymike1 (Post 601486)
I understand that he is nearing the age of 60 and all good things in life eventually come to an end, but deep down I believe he still has better material then we are seeing. It is sad that this is all we get after 14 years of patience and false releases.

Two albums and (potentially) two tours. What's wrong with that, again? It's not like he's been completely out of sight the last 14 years.


Originally Posted by cincymike1 (Post 601486)
Some people say Yoko Ono brought down John Lennon's music quality and I am honestly wondering if wife and kids have brought down Lindsey's quality. It is great that Lindsey is married and finally happy in life (and nobody deserves this more than LB), but reality says his music has suffered from contentment and age/maturity.

Priorities change. I happen to pinpoint the downfall in the early 90's, with OOTC- talk about a complacent record. The tour, which begat the new versions of "Big Love" and "Go Insane" (I'm not even going to touch "Sardonic World"), enhanced the complacency and the rut that he's been in ever since.


Originally Posted by cincymike1 (Post 601486)
Let the bashing begin.......but any real LB fan deep down knows that this cd does not fit in the same catagory as Law in Order, Go Insane, and Out of the Cradle.

Anything is better than Out of the Cradle.


Originally Posted by cincymike1 (Post 601486)
There has even been a dropoff in quality when comparing the fun "Out of the Cradle" videos to the current batch of boring videos for "Under the Skin".

You *do* realize you're comparing high-six figure budget videos shot on film with home videos shot on the home camcorder, right? After Warners promoted the hell out of OOTC only to have it stiff like the album that it is, you can't expect them to put up the big bucks for a boutique album that will be lucky to sell 50,000 copies.

dontlookdown 11-18-2006 02:15 AM

i love this record + i think its brilliant.
i did not catch the craig fisher show but i really loved the rendition of not too late
on craig ferguson.

nothing has happened to Lindsey.
you just have extremely mainstream expectations for an artist to make music that you want to hear.
artists don't work that way.
forget about Under The Skin. You don't "get it".
he doesn't have any interest in making suburban Top 40 music anymore.
and that's why I love him.

why would he have any interest in signing with a "popular" label?
look at Warner's roster. aside from Neil Young and Fleetwood Mac, it's mostly garbage.
the only reason Lindsey is still with WB/Reprise is because he's had a career-long relationship with them.
he would be a better fit on an indie label.

as much as i love Out of The Cradle, some of it has not stood up over time. the production is a tad late 80's and overwrought. i don't think we'll have that problem with Under The Skin 20 years from now. it's timeless. and i think song for song, it's his strongest collection of songs.
when i first heard Shut Us Down on the Elizabethtown soundtrack, i thought to myself, "wouldn't it be amazing if he did a whole album like that. i think he's done it, almost anyway - with the exception of Down On Rodeo and Cast Away Dreams.
Lindsey has been making this kind of music since Tusk. You just seem to go for his more commercial side, which i find tiresome.
Go Your Own Way - snooze.
Don't Stop - eyeroll.

put on your copy of Rumours or Go Insane and go back to the 70's or 80's or 90's or whatever you think this music should be about.
this rest of us will keep encouraging Lindsey to move forward and make new sounds.
i can't think of anyone else from Lindsey's generation that is still making such vital relevant important music these days. Bob Dylan. Bruce Springsteen. Emmylou Harris. Anyone else? Can't think of anyone right now.
Thankfully he didn't take the easy way out and did cheesey nostalgia.
I say - move forward and open your mind. Look what happened on election day. We finally stopped buying into the mainstream. Now we can move forward.

natesummers 11-18-2006 02:30 AM

Here's my take. As a songwriter/producer, Liddy has made enough money (I would think) to never have to put out a new album again, to tour again, or to do ANYTHING again. I won't count money made from Mac as a singer/guitarist.

I think Liddy puts out what he want's/when he want's to because he can. He puts out what he wants and knows he will sell to his loyal crowd of fans, no matter if it's a song like "Play In The Rain Continued" (one of my favorites) or "It Was You".

We, Liddy's fans, have accepted him as he is ... eccentric and a bit ... odd. But that's why (for me anyway) we love his music. I will step right up and take one for the team when I tell you I am NOT a huge FM fan. Nicks gets on my nerves, to be quite honest. I'm a Liddy fan. I like his oddball way of doing things and if he decided to put out a new cd with just Bosnian Folk Songs, guess who will be first in line to buy it? Me!

Let's let Liddy be the same character he always has been. Sure, I would LOVE to hear some rocking electric guitar and drums and overdubs and all that good **** we got on OOTC, GI, LAO and even GOS. But, I can wait for him to get it done. If I need rocking Liddy, I will toss in OOC. Weird Liddy and I drop in GI. Goofy Liddy, it's LAO. It's not like we dont have a lot to choose form.

I would love more, but until that time, I can't sit back and complain about him getting older. I for one am glad he has finally gotten his life to a point where he is happy. Maybe now all the new stuff, if there ever is anything, won't all be about Nicks ...

As far as the videos go, it just shows me Liddy wants it done his way. Look at that POS video for Countdown. Being from Cincinnati, I know you will get this joke, but it looks like he did it at that make a video place in Kings Island, lol.

As far as UTS goes, I truly love it. It's a different album and THAT'S why I like it, and it's replaced OOTC as my fav. Liddy cd.

Sahara 11-18-2006 08:33 AM

The happy contented Lindsey music for me can sit along quite happily beside the rocking stuff.
I enjoy this record because it's quite different to what we've had up till now -- and we have the rock record still to come, please God.

Lindsey's doing what he wants and seems very happy musically and personally. While that doesn't really impact all that much on my life I am happy to see it and I'm enjoying the music that's come out of it.

Must say though, I can't wait for this next one .... it's going to be good!

gldstwmn 11-18-2006 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by cincymike1 (Post 601486)
Let the bashing begin....

I think you already started it.:o Hey, even Picasso had his blue period. :shrug:
I like what Lindsey is doing now. I don't really care if the record is a commercial success. I don't think he cares either. This record isn't Out Of The Cradle by any means but I don't think it's supposed to be. It reflects where he is as a person and artist right now. I mean isn't that what it's all about?

DrummerDeanna 11-18-2006 12:49 PM


And had he released something that sounded like OOTC or Law and Order people would be bitching that he never does anything new...doesn't take chances, etc....not everyone can be pleased - but thankfully a vast majority of us are...I really love UTS, I think it's a fantastic album.

Für Elise 11-18-2006 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by cincymike1 (Post 601486)
I have often considered him the modern age Beethoven/Bach of rock and roll.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Originally Posted by cincymike1 (Post 601486)
I understand that he is nearing the age of 60 and all good things in life eventually come to an end, but deep down I believe he still has better material then we are seeing. It is sad that this is all we get after 14 years of patience and false releases. Some people say Yoko Ono brought down John Lennon's music quality and I am honestly wondering if wife and kids have brought down Lindsey's quality. It is great that Lindsey is married and finally happy in life (and nobody deserves this more than LB), but reality says his music has suffered from contentment and age/maturity.

whatever happened to lennon is completely irrelevant to lindsey. do you want lindsey to be unhappy so you might get an album thats more your style.


Originally Posted by cincymike1 (Post 601486)
et the bashing begin.......but any real LB fan deep down knows that this cd does not fit in the same catagory as Law in Order, Go Insane, and Out of the Cradle.

I'm a real LB fan and can't listen to out of the cradle. this album is so much better. someone's gotta change your mind has become my favorite song of his ever. it's stunning and countdown and soul drifter hurt my ears they don't even compare for me.

why don't you just create your own lonely misery and produce a rocking album that suites your style and leave lindsey to make what he wants to. you don't have to buy it but but theres thousands of albums I'll never listen to cause I don't like the style. it doesn't make me pissed off at them because they made their own music though.

ragandbone 11-18-2006 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by cincymike1 (Post 601486)

Let the bashing begin.......but any real LB fan deep down knows that this cd does not fit in the same catagory as Law in Order, Go Insane, and Out of the Cradle. I hope (but seriously doubt) that everyone who stayed up late at night to catch "Not to Late" felt the same thrills they felt when watching Lindsey perform "Countdown" and "Soul Drifter" on David Letterman 14 years ago. There has even been a dropoff in quality when comparing the fun "Out of the Cradle" videos to the current batch of boring videos for "Under the Skin".

Here's to hoping this cd was just an aberration.....

I might have agreed with you a bit, until you used "Countdown" and "Soul Drifter" as examples. Those are nice, fairly conventional soft rock/pop songs, but they certainly aren't edgy, or even thrilling, to me.

Nico 11-18-2006 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by cincymike1 (Post 601486)
Some people say Yoko Ono brought down John Lennon's music quality and I am honestly wondering if wife and kids have brought down Lindsey's quality.

The only thing is, Yoko Ono did not bring down John's musical quality. In fact, she gave him a new perspective on the world and on reality to gain inspiration from and live on with. Some may not have liked it, but I believe he evolved as an artist (and a person) after meeting her. I think Under the Skin is a beautiful record. I just lent it to a friend who has no clue about Lindsey's solo stuff other than Holiday Road and she said, after repeated listenings, that it is one of the most wonderful albums she has ever heard. Different strokes for different folks.

I personally think it is beyond great that Lindsey seems to be in a really good place in his life. I think his new music reflects a lot of "contentedness" but also has a glint of sadness and other stuff that makes him still so endearing. And I love the new album. His concerts have been awesome, he's enjoying himself, and no one who has gone to one of his shows can honestly say they didn't have a fantastic time. I love where Lindsey is and I want him to continue to make music.

And yes I agree UTS isn't in the same category as his other albums...only because each of those albums is really in it's own little domain anyway. They're all pretty different from one another, but I think the last two stand out the most to me. And of course that is different for everyone else, I know. But I just can't agree with the jest of what you're saying, sorry. Lindsey rocks now and I'm more than proud, and feel extremely lucky, to be a fan of his right now. :nod:

nix4life 11-18-2006 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by gldstwmn (Post 601596)
I think you already started it.:o Hey, even Picasso had his blue period. :shrug:
I like what Lindsey is doing now. I don't really care if the record is a commercial success. I don't think he cares either. This record isn't Out Of The Cradle by any means but I don't think it's supposed to be. It reflects where he is as a person and artist right now. I mean isn't that what it's all about?

:nod: :nod:
can i get an amen. . . .
is there an "amen" smile face somewhere around here ??

the original question -
what is happening to lindsey buckingham??
IMO he got EXACTLY what he always wanted and has been stomping his feet about for years - artistic freedom - no one said to him "where is the 'go your own way?'" -
and he got support for his music even when he is experimenting and trying something new that is far out of the mainstream-
and it will always alienate some faction of the fans -

and hasn't he told us himself what is "happening to lindsey buckingham" ??-
he made a chill record reflecting a new and intersting part of his life(family/love/aging) while out on tour with his past life - and he is workin on anothr more rocking album to be released next year - he has said "ill see you next year " at many of the shows so he is planning anothr tour -
big mac is supposedly gearing up for anothr cross country romp as well -

so - i think that is pretty much "horse's mouth" as far as a literal answer to your question-
looks like lindsey will:
finish this tour
finish the ROCK album
tour in support of that album
and then out with big mac

that sounds more ambitious and creative than he has been in years to me -
(14 years since out of cradle)
so i think you are judging before the new picture completely emerges -

uts took two listens for me - (first listen was in all honesty - "oh my god - he is only gonna sell 5 of these " but i knew it was a haunting piece that would slowly reveal itself - and it has - at least to me - ) he has stepped outside of the conventional "hook" oriented song and has created lush landscapes of sound that require more than a three second judgement -

it's cool to second guess him but id let him play out his next couple cards before you throw in yours

nix4life 11-18-2006 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by Nico (Post 601642)

And yes I agree UTS isn't in the same category as his other albums...only because each of those albums is really in it's own little domain anyway. They're all pretty different from one another, :nod:

he gave me exactly what i expected - something unexpected !!!
everyone of his albums has charted new territory and thats what keeps me coming back - tounge a waggin' :sorry:


Originally Posted by DrummerDeanna (Post 601599)

And had he released something that sounded like OOTC or Law and Order people would be bitching that he never does anything new...doesn't take chances, etc....not everyone can be pleased - but thankfully a vast majority of us are...I really love UTS, I think it's a fantastic album.

still looking for those "AMEN!!!" smiley faces . . . :blob1:

strandinthewind 11-18-2006 05:08 PM

I am not in love with the new CD's direction, but it is a work of art from a true artist. As for success, while LB certainly craves it, I think he has never been that commercially successful on his own :shrug: So, that point is relatively moot regarding the new CD, though its sales are lackluster to say the least.

markolas 11-18-2006 06:10 PM

You know, I really get honked off when people tell me what I should and shouldn't like. Go take a flying leap. :rolleyes:

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