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Macfan4life 07-30-2016 08:04 PM

Fleetwood Mac - Virgin Megastore 01/14/1993
This band interview is fantastic. I have never seen this before. Stevie is not at the interview and is just about to check into rehab and is about to crash into her fireplace overdosing on klonopin.
Interesting stuff here. Mick and Christine cant vote in the United States. Mick outs Christine as a republican but both Mick and Christine say they would have voted for Clinton. Christine contradicts herself many years later in 1995 when she states she would have never voted for Bill Clinton. Lindsey says he voted but is vague. Lindsey takes 2 swipes at Mick Fleetwood about his book. Its clear that Lindsey was not happy with Mick's 1990 book. Christine looks amazing here. She mentions maybe doing a solo album next year (1995). Too bad that never happened.
P.S. Sorry if this has been posted before.


Wdm6789 07-31-2016 02:10 AM

Christine looked the best during Tango.

jenniferuk 07-31-2016 07:57 AM

Thanks for this, as I don't recall seeing it. Interesting dynamic, especially round Mick's book talk (C makes a funny comment to J & their giggles had me giggling along). And, the political banter is fun as I forgot that J naturalised long before Mick did so (I think 86 or so for J and early 00s for Mick). Again, thanks. I'm going to rewatch this again.

nicepace 07-31-2016 11:41 AM


Mick and Christine cant vote in the United States. Mick outs Christine as a republican but both Mick and Christine say they would have voted for Clinton. Christine contradicts herself many years later in 1995 when she states she would have never voted for Bill Clinton. Lindsey says he voted but is vague.
I'm happy NOT to know FM's political leanings. It has nothing to do with their music and can only serve to alienate a percentage of their fan base.


Christine looks amazing here. She mentions maybe doing a solo album next year (1995). Too bad that never happened.
It did happen. It just took her until 2004 (In the Meantime), which seems speedy when compared with how long it takes the band to put out any new music these days.

Macfan4life 07-31-2016 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by nicepace (Post 1188481)
I'm happy NOT to know FM's political leanings. It has nothing to do with their music and can only serve to alienate a percentage of their fan base.

It did happen. It just took her until 2004 (In the Meantime), which seems speedy when compared with how long it takes the band to put out any new music these days.

I disagree with everything you said ;)
The band had an extremely rare opportunity to perform at an inaugural ball. Their song Don't Stop was the campaign theme. Its perfectly fine and normal to ask such questions. You really have to admire Christine. In 1995 she said she would not have voted for Bill Clinton but was honored to have her song used. How many artists today would do the same thing? None! You don't really get the political leanings of the band since 2 of them could not vote and they were not wrapped up in politics or political activities.
Lighten up! Did you at least laugh when Christine made the joke she always thought Don't Stop should have been used in an insurance commercial? :)
Stop letting politicians divide you and put you against your neighbor. Look at George Bush. He loved John Fogerty. He was the most anti-George Bush performer ever. But President Bush had his album Centerfield in his I-pod.

As far as Christine's solo album you mentioned, you are not correct. In the meantime was not even dreamed up until 2002 and 2003 when Christine was bored and she began playing with her nephew. She never intended to create or release a solo album. The solo album she mentions happening "next year" never happened. That would have been even before the Dance tour.

My opinion or love of Fleetwood Mac could never change based on any of the band's political leanings. If anything, this soft interview of their "vague" political leanings makes me like them even more. Many bands would not allow the use of their song but I don't think they allowed it for politics. I think they allowed it for the love of the song and the honor to dig out a golden oldie for a new generation to hear.
Mick says Christine is a republican but then Christine says "I probably would have voted for the democratic ticket" I think Christine was being the well mannered English person and said that since she is honored to play at the ball and Clinton used her song. Even if she didn't mean it, I don't think she would talk ill of the person playing her song.

BLY 07-31-2016 12:59 PM

What a crazy chapter for the band and I remember it well. it was great to see them together for the first time in ten years (live) I remember that Stevie's look at the time shocked many but for me it was great to see "My" band back together. I have always said and say today. "The best thing Bill Clinton" did was brought Fleetwood Mac back together again.

hopingtofly 08-01-2016 01:14 PM

What a treat to see this! Loved hearing a bit from John, and yes Christine looked absolutely beautiful. And Lindsey at his peak of deliciousness (sorry, I'm shallow that way..)

I have to admire the way each handled the questions, some of which must have been annoying/sensitive/tough to answer on the spot. Must have been a very awkward time for them to be interviewed together as a group.

SteveMacD 08-01-2016 01:44 PM

I like how Lindsey didn't discount working with Fleetwood Mac in the future and how Christine seemed to walk back not touring, or at least playing occasional live shows. While I enjoyed the "Time" band, this only makes me further wonder what would have happened if they had just waited about ten months to see how Lindsey felt about possibly coming back.

BLY 08-01-2016 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by SteveMacD (Post 1188511)
I like how Lindsey didn't discount working with Fleetwood Mac in the future and how Christine seemed to walk back not touring, or at least playing occasional live shows. While I enjoyed the "Time" band, this only makes me further wonder what would have happened if they had just waited about ten months to see how Lindsey felt about possibly coming back.

When I look back it's hard to believe that it was only 2 years from the releases of TIME and THE DANCE.

lbfan 08-01-2016 07:51 PM

Inauguration to The Dance

Originally Posted by BLY (Post 1188523)
When I look back it's hard to believe that it was only 2 years from the releases of TIME and THE DANCE.

Clinton's inauguration was January 1993. The Dance came out in August 1997, about 4-1/2 years later (unless I misunderstood your post).

BLY 08-01-2016 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by lbfan (Post 1188524)
Clinton's inauguration was January 1993. The Dance came out in August 1997, about 4-1/2 years later (unless I misunderstood your post).

You did......Time was released in 1995 and The Dance released in 1997.

elle 01-06-2019 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Macfan4life (Post 1188470)

someone just dug this back up on social media. interesting to watch, in the light of the last year.

Steviegirl 01-06-2019 08:52 PM

Wonderful to see, and thank you for sharing.

cbBen 01-06-2019 09:06 PM

Lindsey looks like he wants to die up there.

He tears into Mick and his book and then says, "But there's no hard feeing about that."

David 01-06-2019 10:51 PM

Brings back weird memories. I was working at the Sacramento Bee paper at the time. The newsroom was energized by Clinton's victory (most of us were in our twenties and thirties and skewed Democrat) because of our general fatigue with G.H.W. Bush—he was old guard, old fogie, and chicken hawk in our eyes. It was very much a "hate Washington" year, and many of us who had been initially excited about Ross Perot got disillusioned with his inanities by the end of the year. The whole Fleetwood Mac angle of the Clinton campaign and victory was treated in the press as something between sad-corny and happy-corny. I remember Kent Pollock, one of our managing editors, walking by the city desk where the TV was always on (CNN) and saying, "Don't stop thinking about TOMORROW."

The vibe in the press conference with the band was obviously awkward and uneasy. They're all looking down a lot, or off at an angle. Occasionally, you can see Lindsey glance over like a younger brother at Mick, seemingly hoping for some confirmation or validation of a point he's making, but doesn't really get it. In fact, Mick doesn't look at Lindsey at all. Christine is wry and professional, as you would expect, seeming to float above the tension in the room, largely by ruminating on topics unrelated to that tension. Mick and Lindsey are communicating under the polite, uneasy surface. But that communication is obviously not going well.

The most interesting time may have been between the end of the inauguration (when they were all "whisked off," Stevie said) and the call from Stevie to Lindsey to produce Twisted.

cbBen 01-07-2019 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by David (Post 1247386)
The most interesting time may have been between the end of the inauguration (when they were all "whisked off," Stevie said) and the call from Stevie to Lindsey to produce Twisted.

Given Stevie's dislike for Lindsey (and perhaps vice versa), I don't understand how "Twisted" happened at all. Was it perhaps a trial run to see if the two of them could work together before committing to The Dance?

Neal 01-07-2019 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by cbBen (Post 1247387)
Given Stevie's dislike for Lindsey (and perhaps vice versa), I don't understand how "Twisted" happened at all. Was it perhaps a trial run to see if the two of them could work together before committing to The Dance?

I think Stevie was a different person at that point. She was relatively fresh out of rehab for the second time, and coming off of a commercially and critically disappointing album (Street Angel). All of her old insecurities were at play, making her much more open to working with Lindsey - the guy who'd previously polished her lumps of coal into diamonds. ;)

jbrownsjr 01-07-2019 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by cbBen (Post 1247387)
Given Stevie's dislike for Lindsey (and perhaps vice versa), I don't understand how "Twisted" happened at all. Was it perhaps a trial run to see if the two of them could work together before committing to The Dance?

I have a SN/LB relationship with an ex. After we broke up, we fought another 2 years. Just to keep fighting.. then we didn't talk.. Then I moved on and found someone amazing. And he got a great job and toured with a company. Then we said we'd always be there no matter what... Then we got into even bigger fights after he was over the fact that I had a boyfriend going on 10 years. . until finally... I completely blocked him from everything.

14 years later, if I see him (which isn't often) we pretend the other isn't in the room.

So stuff like Twisted can happen because the roller coaster of hate is in full swing. Sometimes, we keep someone close so we can keep hurting them. Sometimes we remember the good times and try and re-live them.

SteveMacD 01-07-2019 04:36 PM

During her “Landslide” dedication to him on the last BTM show in 1990, she said that she hoped he could find it in his heart to work with her again someday.

By 1996, her career was in the crapper, his career was in the crapper, the band without them (or Christine on tour) was in the crapper, and the industry wanted the Rumours band to pull an Eagles. Stevie, Lindsey, and Mick needed to be able to work together, and this was a good trial. People forget Stevie wasn’t on especially good terms with Mick at the time, either.

jbrownsjr 01-07-2019 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by SteveMacD (Post 1247397)
During her “Landslide” dedication to him on the last BTM show in 1990, she said that she hoped he could find it in his heart to work with her again someday.

By 1996, her career was in the crapper, his career was in the crapper, the band without them (or Christine on tour) was in the crapper, and the industry wanted the Rumours band to pull an Eagles. Stevie, Lindsey, and Mick needed to be able to work together, and this was a good trial. People forget Stevie wasn’t on especially good terms with Mick at the time, either.

I remember. She was quite miffed after the book.

luminol 01-07-2019 05:34 PM

This was interesting to see. Thanks for boosting it.

Lindsey does seem like he wants to die for most of it. I like how he says something about "no more tension now" with their rehearsals ... if that's "no tension" I can only imagine how the first encounter or two went!

Time is so interesting... this was so long ago now and yet it felt so far into their careers at the time. To think LB was already out of the band for what, 6 years at this point? And yet so much has yet to occur. SO MUCH.

To think Stevie went from such low doldrums, personally and professionally, to now being elected to the RRHOF.

Time is a crazy thing.

MikeInNV 01-07-2019 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by jbrownsjr (Post 1247395)
I have a SN/LB relationship with an ex. After we broke up, we fought another 2 years. Just to keep fighting.. then we didn't talk.. Then I moved on and found someone amazing. And he got a great job and toured with a company. Then we said we'd always be there no matter what... Then we got into even bigger fights after he was over the fact that I had a boyfriend going on 10 years. . until finally... I completely blocked him from everything.

I have that relationship with an ex too. But I also have a SN/MF relationship with an ex too, where we probably never should have been a couple in the first place but are now fantastic as buddies. Knowing that Stevie and Lindsey should have walked out of each others' lives decades ago not only puts the current situation in the proper light, it makes me grateful that we got so much more than we might have. We got OWTS, we got SYW, we got The Dance....really you can take this way back.

SteveMacD 01-07-2019 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by MikeInNV (Post 1247400)
I have that relationship with an ex too. But I also have a SN/MF relationship with an ex too, where we probably never should have been a couple in the first place but are now fantastic as buddies. Knowing that Stevie and Lindsey should have walked out of each others' lives decades ago not only puts the current situation in the proper light, it makes me grateful that we got so much more than we might have. We got OWTS, we got SYW, we got The Dance....really you can take this way back.

Does anyone have a McVie relationship with an ex?

jbrownsjr 01-07-2019 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by SteveMacD (Post 1247401)
Does anyone have a McVie relationship with an ex?

"Well, John and I just wouldn't talk, other than the civilities of what key is this song in?"

Roxy 01-07-2019 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by SteveMacD (Post 1247401)
Does anyone have a McVie relationship with an ex?

Yes. After a while of us being together, I realized that he was no longer who he used to be and we both became absolutely sick of each other. When we broke up, things were definitely very awkward for a while, but things eventually cooled down and we get along fine now.

SteveMacD 01-07-2019 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by jbrownsjr (Post 1247402)
"Well, John and I just wouldn't talk, other than the civilities of what key is this song in?"

And then he bought her house and helped her with the bassline on “Love Will Show Us How” while she wrote “The Challenge” about his boat and lent him her keyboards for his solo album.

jbrownsjr 01-07-2019 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by SteveMacD (Post 1247406)
And then he bought her house and helped her with the bassline on “Love Will Show Us How” while she wrote “The Challenge” about his boat and lent him her keyboards for his solo album.

Wait, what? This information is new for me. So explain what all that meant. I did know about the Challange. But, isn't Hawkins on LWSUH

cbBen 01-07-2019 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by SteveMacD (Post 1247397)
During her “Landslide” dedication to him on the last BTM show in 1990, she said that she hoped he could find it in his heart to work with her again someday.

By "him" you mean Lindsey?

SteveMacD 01-07-2019 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by cbBen (Post 1247408)
By "him" you mean Lindsey?

Yep. Here it is...

SteveMacD 01-07-2019 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by jbrownsjr (Post 1247407)
Wait, what? This information is new for me. So explain what all that meant. I did know about the Challange. But, isn't Hawkins on LWSUH

George ultimately played bass on it. Typically, the songs are completely flushed out by the time they hit the studio. I don’t know if you heard one of Stevie’s bumpers back in May, but she said they all independently worked out songs/harmonies before going into the studio with the band. Stands to reason the same is true with solo projects, and explains why Stevie didn’t want to work with Lindsey anymore.

jbrownsjr 01-08-2019 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by SteveMacD (Post 1247410)
George ultimately played bass on it. Typically, the songs are completely flushed out by the time they hit the studio. I don’t know if you heard one of Stevie’s bumpers back in May, but she said they all independently worked out songs/harmonies before going into the studio with the band. Stands to reason the same is true with solo projects, and explains why Stevie didn’t want to work with Lindsey anymore.

Oh, yes I know that. What I was asking was.. your ref to John helping her in the writing process. I've not heard that interview.

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