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welcomechris 02-23-2016 03:10 PM

2016 Presidental Election
Who would you all like to be the next president? :]

SisterNightroad 02-23-2016 03:13 PM

This thread is dangerous.

welcomechris 02-23-2016 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by SisterNightroad (Post 1178791)
This thread is dangerous.

Aka why i made it anonymous ;)

SisterNightroad 02-23-2016 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by welcomechris (Post 1178795)
Aka why i made it anonymous ;)

No, I meant it could attract ****storms.

welcomechris 02-23-2016 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by SisterNightroad (Post 1178797)
No, I meant it could attract ****storms.

LOL well sorry than

Macfanforever 02-23-2016 07:26 PM

The Buckingham /Nicks ticket sounds good for me.

I cant comment on this HOT TOPIC unless Stevie,Lindsey,Mick,John and Christine are running for office in 2016.

I'm no moderator but most forums prohibited politics and religion since they can get very nasty. I dont want to see us FM fans get verbally beatin' up on our liking's.

louielouie2000 02-24-2016 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by SisterNightroad (Post 1178797)
No, I meant it could attract ****storms.


Originally Posted by Macfanforever (Post 1178800)
I'm no moderator but most forums prohibited politics and religion since they can get very nasty. I dont want to see us FM fans get verbally beatin' up on our liking's.

The Ledge has stayed pretty civil when it comes to hot button topics like politics and religion. Those two topics are welcome- just keep it respectful and localized to the Chit Chat section, and everything should be fine. :thumbsup:

Macfanforever 02-24-2016 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by louielouie2000 (Post 1178827)
The Ledge has stayed pretty civil when it comes to hot button topics like politics and religion. Those two topics are welcome- just keep it respectful and localized to the Chit Chat section, and everything should be fine. :thumbsup:

OK .Thanks Louie.

FuzzyPlum 02-24-2016 01:49 PM

Probably shouldn't be voting as a non-American.

I quite liked Trump when I used to watch celebrity apprentice.
However, a couple of years ago I saw a documentary about his golf resort in Scotland. The way he treated some of the locals in order to push through his development was disgusting. He's a big bully and and doesn't give a sh!t for the 'little man'. He's made Alex Salmond (former First Minister for Scotland) look like a total idiot for helping to push through his initial planning applications in the first place. If only Salmond could turn back the clock.

An abridged version of the documentary;

Much credit to the UK and Scottish governments for repeatly standing up to Trump and his repeated objections to the offshore wind farm.

Montclare 02-24-2016 08:52 PM

I voted for Hillary, but that was mainly to keep someone ahead of Trump. Truth is, I'm fine with either Hillary or Bernie, but I'm not particularly excited about either one. I wish Elizabeth Warren had run.

lilyfee 02-24-2016 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Montclare (Post 1178844)
I voted for Hillary, but that was mainly to keep someone ahead of Trump. Truth is, I'm fine with either Hillary or Bernie, but I'm not particularly excited about either one. I wish Elizabeth Warren had run.

Elizabeth Warren is amazing! I saw her speak once and she has my vote for president if/when she decides to run!:nod:

WatchChain 03-01-2016 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by lilyfee (Post 1178846)
Elizabeth Warren is amazing! I saw her speak once and she has my vote for president if/when she decides to run!:nod:

I, too, LOVE Elizabeth Warren. When Hillary gets the Democratic nomination, could she choose Elizabeth Warren as a running mate? It would be a dream ticket.

I don't think it will happen, but wishful thinking exists in my realm of politics.

Macfanforever 03-01-2016 10:33 PM

Looking good for Mr "T".:D

welcomechris 03-02-2016 03:00 PM

Hillary Clinton is such a liar. She'll say anything to get elected.

I do think it's time for a woman president, but not her.

Macfanforever 03-02-2016 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by welcomechris (Post 1179027)
Hillary Clinton is such a liar. She'll say anything to get elected.

I do think it's time for a woman president, but not her.

I'm not fond of Mrs C but I'll give the Clinton's credit for getting FM together to perform for them.

If she was just being a first lady like Mrs Obama and other first ladies of this country instead of getting involve in things .She would be fine for president or VP.

I love to see a woman pres some day.As mentioned in my earlier post .Stevie Nicks.LOL .

I dont know much about Mrs Warren but Judge Judy would clean things up.To bad Carly Fiorina did not continue .She said some good things on the debates and shes an outsiders like Mr Trump and Dr Ben Carson.

I just read that Dr Carson might be bailing out.Too bad. He's a nice calm guy in the bunch.

FuzzyPlum 03-02-2016 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by welcomechris (Post 1179027)
Hillary Clinton is such a liar. She'll say anything to get elected.

Out of interest what is it that she's said that you feel are lies?

(btw- she's a politician, it's in their job description to lie, isn't it?)

lilyfee 03-02-2016 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum (Post 1179031)
Out of interest what is it that she's said that you feel are lies?

(btw- she's a politician, it's in their job description to lie, isn't it?)

I think Hillary's biggest problem is that she doesn't come off as a warm person, so people don't feel like they can trust her. They either see her as cold or fake. She's not a great speaker like Bill Clinton or Barack Obama and that hinders people's perceptions of her.

I don't think it's right to vote for her solely because she's a woman, however I do believe that as a women she has had a harder time getting here than any other candidate. She's struggled since her time as First Lady to develop an image that's both feminine and ambitious, without coming off as a Lady Macbeth type and overstepping... What she tried to do as First Lady contrasts with beloved past/present First Ladies such as Laura Bush or Michelle Obama, who present a more traditional and nurturing feminine image.

Strangely, people seemed to love her as Secretary of State, yet in her run for President, democrats see her as less "progressive" than Bernie Sanders and republicans just talk about how untrustworthy she is. But IMHO she has the most political and diplomatic experience of any candidate, and a person can still be progressive without running on a platform based solely on class warfare. Just my two cents.:shrug:

Macfanforever 03-02-2016 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum (Post 1179031)
Out of interest what is it that she's said that you feel are lies?

(btw- she's a politician, it's in their job description to lie, isn't it?)

Hahaha.LOL .I'm just thinking when a band or artists say .We be back next year" and they dont come back.

More likely any job description.The last few jobs I was at.They hire anybody off the street without background checks.Some were drunks,Some were felons .Some lied on their applications.With these uncheck people .I was alittle worried it could turn into a situation like these mass shooting at the workplace.

I'm glad there is some honest folks still around.

Macfanforever 03-02-2016 07:30 PM

Will Hillary is almost half way there at 1052 delegates.Bernie is holding on at 427.The Dems need 2,383 to get nominated.

The Repubs need 1237 to get nominated for president.
The Donald is at 319 and Ted Cruz is cruising behind him at 226 delegates.

Jondalar 03-02-2016 07:46 PM

Well I wonder how many from different countries voted on this poll.

welcomechris 03-02-2016 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum (Post 1179031)
Out of interest what is it that she's said that you feel are lies?

(btw- she's a politician, it's in their job description to lie, isn't it?)

She killed four americans over in Benghazi, Sent thousands of emails on her private server so the US gov. couldn't read them, claimed to support gay marriage for her entire career, yet only started a few years back, and well, maybe these can help you:

SNL pointed some things out about her as well:

Jondalar 03-03-2016 03:02 AM


Originally Posted by welcomechris (Post 1179039)
She killed four americans over in Benghazi, Sent thousands of emails on her private server so the US gov. couldn't read them, claimed to support gay marriage for her entire career, yet only started a few years back, and well, maybe these can help you:

SNL pointed some things out about her as well:

She is not a shoe in for president. She might end up in jail.

olive 03-03-2016 08:14 AM

a REPUBLICAN Committee has cleared both Clinton and President Obama of any wrong doing in Benghazi and some have admitted they were trying to slander her and ruin her chances at a presidential run

and she changed her mind for the better , would it have been best if she stayed against same sex marriage ? would that make you happy ?

sorcerer999 03-03-2016 11:32 AM

Kudos to the seven intelligent people who have given Bernie some love!!! :nod: :xoxo:

olive 03-03-2016 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by sorcerer999 (Post 1179062)
Kudos to the seven intelligent people who have given Bernie some love!!! :nod: :xoxo:

if they only looked up the definitions and understood the difference between a socialist and a Democratic Socialist he may have had more

Macfanforever 03-03-2016 12:05 PM

I always wonder why anybody wants to do the presidents or prime ministers job.

Some people like power tripping and the fringe benefits after their term is over.

According to this site.The pay is not much cash which is peanuts compared to the sports and entertainment industry.

I was going to post this in the DNC thread but this FM tune could fit any of them.

FuzzyPlum 03-03-2016 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Macfanforever (Post 1179064)
I always wonder why anybody wants to do the presidents or prime ministers job.

Some people like power tripping and the fringe benefits after their term is over.

Lets be honest, if you get as far as becoming the President, you don't exactly need the money.

Macfanforever 03-03-2016 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum (Post 1179067)
Lets be honest, if you get as far as becoming the President, you don't exactly need the money.

I agree on that.

welcomechris 03-03-2016 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by Jondalar (Post 1179054)
She is not a shoe in for president. She might end up in jail.


Hillary is a lying mess. Bernie is a socialist. Ted is a liar.

OK olive, explain the email scandal to us than.

welcomechris 03-03-2016 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by WatchChain (Post 1178993)
I, too, LOVE Elizabeth Warren. When Hillary gets the Democratic nomination, could she choose Elizabeth Warren as a running mate? It would be a dream ticket.

I don't think it will happen, but wishful thinking exists in my realm of politics.

Not gonna happen.

olive 03-03-2016 06:42 PM

1- bernie is a democratic socialist not a socialist

2- the Hillary Clinton EMAIL scandal is still under investigation so I don't have all the facts to make an informative decision

welcomechris 03-03-2016 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by olive (Post 1179077)
1- bernie is a democratic socialist not a socialist

2- the Hillary Clinton EMAIL scandal is still under investigation so I don't have all the facts to make an informative decision

Can you please explain to me what a "democratic socialist" is

BlueDenimLamp 03-03-2016 07:13 PM

Looks like another nail in the "Hildabeast" coffin as the DOJ has granted immunity to ex-State Department and Clinton campaign staffer Bryan Pagliano, the IT specialist who set up and managed Hillary Clinton’s private email server at the State Department.
I bet he's singing like a bird.

A quote from the Huffington Post... "Obama's Justice Department Just Gave Bryan Pagliano Immunity and Bernie Sanders the Presidency"

Not looking like a good day for her.

More info about this on "The Internet"

sorcerer999 03-03-2016 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by welcomechris (Post 1179078)
Can you please explain to me what a "democratic socialist" is

You seem to be keen on posting videos to express your opinions, Joe.

So here's a video you can watch to educate yourself on the difference between socialism and "democratic socialism". Mr. Bernard Sanders is the only person in this presidential race who has NEVER waffled in his beliefs or personal stances. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, and genuinely wants what's best for EVERYONE in our country and not just the 1%.

Everyone of all races, religions, genders, sexual orientations, social classes, etc. He speaks for EVERYONE. He is a voice for EVERYONE! This man is the real deal!!!

Macfanforever 03-03-2016 10:01 PM

I'm enjoying the REP debates on FOX now.Poor John Kasich is not getting his airtime with the others bickering.

estranged4life 03-04-2016 02:47 AM

Dare I say...
none of the above.

The only good politician, is a dead politician!!!

Jondalar 03-04-2016 03:29 AM

It's very strange watching the Republican Party destroy itself. If Hillary doesn't get indicted, she is pretty much a shoe in. The deck was stacked against the Outsiders, Sanders and Trump. The establishment, including the media, won't let them win.

louielouie2000 03-04-2016 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by Jondalar (Post 1179095)
It's very strange watching the Republican Party destroy itself. If Hillary doesn't get indicted, she is pretty much a shoe in. The deck was stacked against the Outsiders, Sanders and Trump. The establishment, including the media, won't let them win.

I will say that watching the Republican party turn on each other is most unusual. After all, anything other than a fully united front from them just a year ago would have been viewed as a sign of weakness & heresy.

Regarding Hillary being a shoe-in, I was of that train of thought a year ago, but not now. I've been reading Op-Eds on how Trump is wooing not just Independents to his side, but even Democrats. I think he's far more of a force than anyone is giving him credit for. It's also worth noting that the overwhelming majority of two-term presidents are replaced by someone of their opposing political party.

I also have to say, a Hillary presidency fills me with dread. The Clintons are just so scandal-ridden and secretive. Because of that, I think the Republicans would put an even bigger target on Hillary's back than they have with Obama- can the country really take 4-8 more years of that?

Macfanforever 03-04-2016 12:58 PM

After watching last nights debates.I think the public should call in the WWE to have all go into the rink and wrestle it out.

Start with all and work their way down and the last one will be the winner.

I enjoy watching the debates.They all have good and bad points.They want the voters to believe what they say and vote for them at the primaries and the general election.

olive 03-04-2016 01:10 PM

a Huge Problem , the young and the " poorly educated" do not understand the electoral process and see the whole thing as a popularity contest / game and are completely unaware of the consequences to the choice that is being made for them by media / talk radio / political comedy shows ,providing they are registered voters .
a small percent think voting in a poll on line is the same as casting a vote .

this country is a mess and it doesn't look look there will be any help for it anytime soon

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