The Ledge

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-   Christine McVie (
-   -   "If I did it, I would have to tour." (

jbrownsjr 10-16-2013 02:05 PM

"If I did it, I would have to tour."
We've discussed all the issues of Christine touring.

I'm now a believer that she will tour to support new music which I personally think is stunning and amazing! Some of you kept believing even when she said, "never again". I seriously applaud you for having hope.

Here are the issues in review:

Stage fright - Well we all know she's over that little lie. (pun intended) She looked absolutely fantastic rejoining the band in London and Mick's Maui Blues Band. I think her voice was solid, and the blend with LB and SN is still there and so needed.

Fear of flying - Kind don't buy this one either anymore. London to Maui and back = 16,000 miles. Plus, she flew to JFK from LHR to promote ITM. And apparently Monte-Carlo to watch tennis with Justin. I'm guessing Mick didn't hold her hand to the other destinations.

Living out of a suitcase - Yeah... sure it's inconvenient having someone carry your stuff for you all over the world. And yes, not sleeping in your own bed can be a bit of a drag. But, it's what musicians do and there are so many options available to make it easier for them.

Then there are the benefits of touring with FM.

- Because of her 15 year absence, she is more popular than ever to the fans and the critics. That crowd went absolutely ballistic when she walked out on to that stage. The other band members, Stevie and Mick especially were beside themselves with joy. I now feel that deep down inside Lindsey was torn between performing with someone he adores and keeping the standard that they rehearsed and the integrity of the band (in his mind). He is a very traditional guy and no one member should overshadow their work. Although, he's one to talk about nostalgia and making money and/or popularity to push other agendas.

- Her piano was on fire! I felt LB kind of stole her amazing developing solo on both nights. Yes, I do know that this is the way they rehearsed it, but she was jamming and his solo cuts hers off a bit. She should have had a longer solo (another 4 bars perhaps). She was just getting started as far as I'm concerned. Also, I felt the mix was so much more generous to her than it's been when she was a full time member. So nice to actually hear the quirkiness that they really miss on keyboards. Go play the youtube of, "Don't Stop" with Christine, then without. It becomes so embarrassingly apparent that she is missing in the formula that makes them so sublime. Even tunes by Stevie and Lindsey improve with her keyboard work and harmonies.

-Which is my next point. With Christine back in the band, they are an unstoppable force. I will fly wherever if she performs either solo or with the band. All five of them together make each other better.

Here's to hoping.

Dex 10-16-2013 03:24 PM

I think Christine would be happy to do a show here and a show there. Live performance can be a thrill and it's likely she does miss elements of it. But a tour? I don't see it. If she actually did end up touring with FM, I'd actually feel kinda bad about it, given how clear it is that it's something she dislikes doing. That fact has been unambiguous over the years. Life's too short at any age, let alone 70 years, for something like that. "The fans really want it" just isn't a good enough reason. I want her to keep doing what she enjoys, and I can't see a big tour fitting into that equation.

Maybe a one-off reunion concert with FM that would be filmed for DVD release? That could be a nice compromise. But it seems unlikely.

KarmaContestant 10-16-2013 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by jbrownsjr (Post 1107586)
Here are the issues in review:

Fear of flying - Kind don't buy this one either anymore. London to Maui and back = 16,000 miles. Plus, she flew to JFK from LHR to promote ITM. And apparently Monte-Carlo to watch tennis with Justin. I'm guessing Mick didn't hold her hand to the other destinations.

I actually *do* buy this one.

I hate to fly, but love to travel. If I have to fly, like I did to get to Milan a few years ago, I totally will - but this was a family vacation, and I certainly wasn't going to miss it. However, I hate flying enough that if my *job* required me to travel, I'd quit. No joke - I would find a new job. Airline tickets are overpriced, the seats suck, everyone is crowded, fellow passengers are jerks, people are stinky, rude, loud, will sneeze or cough right in your face, and have no respect for airline staff much less other passengers.

Airplanes need about five less rows of seats, a ban on children, a dress code and actual meal and beverage service to justify the ticket prices these days. And to be clear, it's not about the *price* - it's about what you get for that price. Cramps and flu. Gross. Flying is gross.

Airlines cut corners to maximise profitability. Pieces of planes fall off in mid-air (in the news today!). They catch on fire. The noses, tails, wings, engines fall right off. The pilots sleep, play games and drink. I know that these accidents are small in number when compared to the vast quantity of flights each day, but it's enough to demonstrate a severe lack of concern within the industry for the comfort and safety of their customers. All that matters is profit, spelled $$$$$$. Just yesterday, I read that many airlines are switching to new seats that are smaller and allow them to squeeze MORE passengers onto already overcrowded planes. Sickening.

Of course, FM has their own private plane so these could all be non-issues. I still believe her though, because flying blows. :p

jbrownsjr 10-16-2013 05:57 PM

I fly a ton and couldn't agree with you more!! I wish you ran an airline. :thumbsup:

As far as Christine, I just didn't hear it from her mouth. I heard everyone else say it. If she does have a fear of flying, she's had a funny way of showing it over the years. I just watched her walk off a private jet with cocktail in hand. She looked fine to me. :) (the Dallas video)

Maybe it developed over time, but I've just never heard her say that.

elle 10-16-2013 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by jbrownsjr (Post 1107586)
I think her voice was solid, and the blend with LB and SN is still there and so needed.


Originally Posted by jbrownsjr (Post 1107586)
Go play the youtube of, "Don't Stop" with Christine, then without. It becomes so embarrassingly apparent that she is missing in the formula that makes them so sublime. Even tunes by Stevie and Lindsey improve with her keyboard work and harmonies.

-Which is my next point. With Christine back in the band, they are an unstoppable force. I will fly wherever if she performs either solo or with the band. All five of them together make each other better.

at the start of the tour, i would have said, no. i would have said i barely get any LB songs in FM anyway, and practically nothing esoteric, so i don't need to hear a set with even less of his songs because of adding another songwriter. some of fellow SN fans i discussed this with last summer felt the same.

but, listening to that Don't Stop from London, i have to say i completely reversed my opinion and agree with you. if i can't get Lindsey solo and it has to be FM, however great and tight i thought they sounded back in april when the tour started, the sum of the parts sounds exponentially better with Christine in the mix, especially her voice. so i'm with you - if they have to put out another album and tour again as FM, it would be pretty spectacular if that is with Christine. i don't need yet another greatest hits BN/FM tour again, no matter how great they sounded this year. we need some new songs and we need all 5 on that stage. and Christine seems very ready to play as far as both things are concerned - the album and the tour / stage. :nod:

jbrownsjr 10-16-2013 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by elle (Post 1107606)

at the start of the tour, i would have said, no. i would have said i barely get any LB songs in FM anyway, and practically nothing esoteric, so i don't need to hear a set with even less of his songs because of adding another songwriter. some of fellow SN fans i discussed this with last summer felt the same.

but, listening to that Don't Stop from London, i have to say i completely reversed my opinion and agree with you. if i can't get Lindsey solo and it has to be FM, however great and tight i thought they sounded back in april when the tour started, the sum of the parts sounds exponentially better with Christine in the mix, especially her voice. so i'm with you - if they have to put out another album and tour again as FM, it would be pretty spectacular if that is with Christine. i don't need yet another greatest hits BN/FM tour again, no matter how great they sounded this year. we need some new songs and we need all 5 on that stage. and Christine seems very ready to play as far as both things are concerned - the album and the tour / stage. :nod:

I'd rather have LB and SN solo albums then another B/N FMac tour... uhhhh please no more...

vivfox 10-16-2013 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by KarmaContestant (Post 1107601)
I actually *do* buy this one.I hate flying enough that if my *job* required me to travel, I'd quit. No joke - I would find a new job. Airline tickets are overpriced, the seats suck, everyone is crowded, fellow passengers are jerks, people are stinky, rude, loud, will sneeze or cough right in your face, and have no respect for airline staff much less other passengers.
Cramps and flu. Gross. Flying is gross.Airlines cut corners to maximise profitability. Pieces of planes fall off in mid-air (in the news today!). They catch on fire. The noses, tails, wings, engines fall right off. The pilots sleep, play games and drink. I know that these accidents are small in number when compared to the vast quantity of flights each day, but it's enough to demonstrate a severe lack of concern within the industry for the comfort and safety of their customers.

Of course, FM has their own private plane so these could all be non-issues. I still believe her though, because flying blows. :p

All of your issues are valid but none of them apply to the traveling 1st class rock star who can stretch out on a comfortable bed and smoke a joint with her fellow passengers and be waited on hand and foot by a private staff while flying like a whip through the air.

applebucked 10-16-2013 07:57 PM

I think the issue for her at this point is the "living out of a suitcase" thing and, to a certain extent (don't know mow much), the flying. She's enjoying performing again, which is a good thing. Still not sure if she would enjoy the rest of the stuff that comes with touring.

Who knows? She may surprise us again.

bombaysaffires 10-16-2013 08:12 PM

If she was indeed having panic attacks, flying is MISERABLE under those conditions. It taps into your primal fears about dying/crashing/not being in control, etc. So I would disagree with the comments insinuating she's just being a big baby about traveling in high style. If you've never had a panic attack, you have no idea how terrifying it is.:shrug:

FierySequences 10-16-2013 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by KarmaContestant (Post 1107601)
I actually *do* buy this one.

I hate to fly, but love to travel. If I have to fly, like I did to get to Milan a few years ago, I totally will - but this was a family vacation, and I certainly wasn't going to miss it. However, I hate flying enough that if my *job* required me to travel, I'd quit. No joke - I would find a new job. Airline tickets are overpriced, the seats suck, everyone is crowded, fellow passengers are jerks, people are stinky, rude, loud, will sneeze or cough right in your face, and have no respect for airline staff much less other passengers.

Airplanes need about five less rows of seats, a ban on children, a dress code and actual meal and beverage service to justify the ticket prices these days. And to be clear, it's not about the *price* - it's about what you get for that price. Cramps and flu. Gross. Flying is gross.

Airlines cut corners to maximise profitability. Pieces of planes fall off in mid-air (in the news today!). They catch on fire. The noses, tails, wings, engines fall right off. The pilots sleep, play games and drink. I know that these accidents are small in number when compared to the vast quantity of flights each day, but it's enough to demonstrate a severe lack of concern within the industry for the comfort and safety of their customers. All that matters is profit, spelled $$$$$$. Just yesterday, I read that many airlines are switching to new seats that are smaller and allow them to squeeze MORE passengers onto already overcrowded planes. Sickening.

Of course, FM has their own private plane so these could all be non-issues. I still believe her though, because flying blows. :p

OK....Karma, this one hit a little home with me, me being a Flight Attendant that is college educated and didn't "choose" this profession by a simple boy-hood Dream of being a "Stewardess". I did it out of neccesity to get Health Insurance and the (very-few) flight perks along the way. We work long and hard, and dedicate ourselves to being on-call for at least half the month, only to be jerked around by scheduling and then (when we actually, work/fly) have to deal with every single different personality there is in the world and "TRY" (FAA regulated) to please each-and-every one of YOU!

You may go on and rant-and-rave about how Pilots and FA's (Not Stewardess') drink and don't give a flying-F#ck about your G-D peanuts and if the person next to you suffers from allergies. That I will NOT dispute LOL.

Regardless of how displeased you are with airlines in general, the cramped spaces, stinky passengers, high-prices, etc. We are all trained thouroughly and follow Federal Aviation Administration rules. What I would like to know is where you get your spoken FACTS about "pieces" flying off the plane and airlines considering "more seats", etc. Links, please?

At the days-end, Everything We do is FAA regulated and for the safety of all passengers. Yes, there is a reason why seat belts need to be fastened for take-off and landing, seatbacks need to be in the upright position, all baggage must be completely under the seat in front of you. Don't get me started on cell phones. It is for the SAFETY of not just "singular-minded" passengers, but the safety of ALL passengers.

We are educated and do care about the safety of our guests, our passengers....after all we are concerned about the safety and well-being of US, most-of-all. So, (your post implies) the big corporate airline Wigs in charge cut-corners for the almighty dollar, that as well, I will not dispute. But rest assured if a highly skilled Pilot or highly-educated FA is uncomfortable with a specific plane or flight...We Will Be The First One's OFF of it....before it even takes off of the ground.

Please all be kind to your FA's and Pilots the next time you travel. We endure alot for your safety in the travel industry. Be kind to one another.

WatchChain 10-16-2013 08:23 PM


1) Chris would record some new music with Fleetwood Mac. The bulk of the recording could be done in LA, with Chris' vocals and keyboards added at a studio in London. They could produce an EP or an album with 10 or 11 tracks. (NO DOUBLE ALBUM) (REMEMBER: Most of the "Tango in the Night" cd was recorded without Stevie being present)

2) A SHORT tour would be planned with a LIMITED number of dates in MAJOR MARKETS only.....(high priced tickets). Chris could limit her flying by traveling on a tour bus for dates within the continental United States. Cities with tour stops are:


New York (3 nights for filming)
Los Angeles
San Francisco

Film the New York shows, inviting Peter Green onstage for "Oh Well" (this has never been done for a live filming). SELL THE DVD of the Christine McVie reunion and make a fortune.

Subsequently, the band could take a break......and come back later to tour as a foursome if they wanted to. OR......I would stage a LARGER SCALE FAREWELL TOUR and make even more money in 2016-2017...............THEN RETIRE.

michelej1 10-16-2013 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by bombaysaffires (Post 1107625)
If she was indeed having panic attacks, flying is MISERABLE under those conditions. It taps into your primal fears about dying/crashing/not being in control, etc. So I would disagree with the comments insinuating she's just being a big baby about traveling in high style. If you've never had a panic attack, you have no idea how terrifying it is.:shrug:

And if you don't like to fly, you don't like to fly period. It doesn't matter how comfy flying might be. To imply otherwise is like saying you shouldn't have vertigo as long as you're looking down at a nice view.

Also, the fear of flying is something that can develop or intensify over time. I know my dad flew for work for decades, but after he retired he somehow developed a fear of it and the more time he let lapse between flights the worse it got. Finally, if he couldn't get there by bus or plane, he stopped going.

For Christine, if she possessed this fear in the past, the fact that she was under the influence most of the time probably numbed it a great deal. She no longer has that crutch to lean on.


applebucked 10-16-2013 08:29 PM

Panic attacks suck. I get them from time to time, and they're HORRIBLE. :distress: and being under the influence can really make a person do things they weren't willing to do without it.

michelej1 10-16-2013 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by elle (Post 1107606)
but, listening to that Don't Stop from London, i have to say i completely reversed my opinion and agree with you. if i can't get Lindsey solo and it has to be FM, however great and tight i thought they sounded back in april when the tour started, the sum of the parts sounds exponentially better with Christine in the mix, especially her voice. so i'm with you - if they have to put out another album and tour again as FM, it would be pretty spectacular if that is with Christine.

And it feels more like a band to me when she's there as well. They don't jam and riff on stage, not spontaneously, but when they're all together it can feel really electric, anyway. When you're playing and staring into the other musician's eyes it feels like a call and response. It's like they're communicating right there in front of everyone and I just don't feel that way often about FM when Christine is gone.

There are times when Lindsey is in front of the drum kit and he and Mick are playing with each other and in the old days, even John and Lindsey would do that several times a night. But when Christine left a lot of the visual sense of unity (even if it was more perceived than actual) I used to feel just disappeared.

It's kind of hard to explain. Why should something like her being on the floor almost doing a tribal dance with John and Lindsey while she's playing the accordion have gotten me so excited once upon a time. I don't know why, but it did. It wasn't just the sound, it was the feeling I had. And FM doesn't really feel like a band any more without her.

The quartet that's left makes me feel other things though and I love them and I love FM more than Stevie and Lindsey solo. I don't want a BN tour, but I do desperately like having Stevie and Lindsey on stage together within FM and I'm never knocking that. But it's so much more, so much fuller and more fulfilling with Christine.


vivfox 10-16-2013 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by applebucked (Post 1107633)
Panic attacks suck. I get them from time to time, and they're HORRIBLE. :distress: and being under the influence can really make a person do things they weren't willing to do without it.

That's true in some cases. In my case, being marijuana free for 4.5 years now shows me how paranoid I once was about unseen fears. Nowadays I feel like I can face any obstacle and deal with anything that comes my way. As a pothead I might have cowered in fear and drowned in my weed and now I am very well aware that the pot just made things worse.

jbrownsjr 10-16-2013 10:51 PM

If she was having panic attacks then all bets are off. Has that been stated? I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. I've had those in my 20's

michelej1 10-16-2013 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by jbrownsjr (Post 1107657)
If she was having panic attacks then all bets are off. Has that been stated? I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. I've had those in my 20's

It's been stated by Stevie.


jbrownsjr 10-16-2013 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by michelej1 (Post 1107661)
It's been stated by Stevie.


Maybe that's a part of what the therapy was for.. those are no fun.. :(

applebucked 10-17-2013 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by jbrownsjr (Post 1107663)
Maybe that's a part of what the therapy was for.. those are no fun.. :(

that, apart from her many other issues. I want her therapist's number. :lol: Though I would have to fly there...

jbrownsjr 10-17-2013 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by applebucked (Post 1107693)
that, apart from her many other issues. I want her therapist's number. :lol: Though I would have to fly there...

Her therapist is so good, I want to tour now! :)

KarmaContestant 10-17-2013 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by FierySequences (Post 1107626)
Regardless of how displeased you are with airlines in general, the cramped spaces, stinky passengers, high-prices, etc. We are all trained thouroughly and follow Federal Aviation Administration rules. What I would like to know is where you get your spoken FACTS about "pieces" flying off the plane and airlines considering "more seats", etc. Links, please?

I understand that you do your jobs to the best of your ability given the circumstances imposed upon you, and in no way would I place the faults of the industry on the shoulders of staff such as yourself. I know that all of the things I complain about could be handled by executive management making choices that were about quality and standards instead of stockholders and dividends - I even believe air traffic would increase and prices and profits could go up without complaint from customers like myself if flying were actually the enjoyable and luxurious experience it was 40 years ago. I appreciate the stewards and definitely recognize the bullsh*t they have to put up with every single flight of every single day.

Links, as requested. I never make up my facts. :angel:

From yesterday, regarding a body panel falling off a BRAND NEW 787:

From Tuesday's news, regarding smaller, tighter, even-less-comfortable seats:

HomerMcvie 10-17-2013 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by vivfox (Post 1107635)
That's true in some cases. In my case, being marijuana free for 4.5 years now shows me how paranoid I once was about unseen fears. Nowadays I feel like I can face any obstacle and deal with anything that comes my way. As a pothead I might have cowered in fear and drowned in my weed and now I am very well aware that the pot just made things worse.

It's funny that being clean is better for you. I'm the opposite...

So I'm absolutely terrified of heights/flying. I can force myself to fly, and never make a scene. The FA usually notices my white knuckles, and asks if I'm okay, but that's about it.

But to address the substance issue....when I'm in Nashville I usually walk from my hotel to downtown(I'm cheap, to save the $15 taxi fare = 15 minute walk), and this involves walking over a long bridge than spans the Cumberland river. Now, on my way over it, ON my way downtown(sober), I'm pretty scared. I don't get near the rail, and do my best to think about other things, to not think about how high I am. Now, on the way BACK, after probably 5-6 beers, and 5-6 shots, there is almost no fear at all. I'm cool as a cucumber, and the fear is 98% gone.

My fear of heights has grown over the years. I've been looking at apartments there, and was looking at an 8th floor apartment last month, and I couldn't go out on the balcony. I was paused at the doorway, and the lady showing it said, "just go out there and take a pic". I just shook my head, and she said, "that's why the first question you asked me, was if people place requests for lower floors, isn't it?". Yup. Terror.:shocked:

And my flying rule is, if it's 1000 miles or less(16 hour drive), you put your happy ass on that plane, and I'll drive and meet you there. I'm more than happy to give up a day of my vacation, keeping my happy ass on the ground!

applebucked 10-17-2013 01:54 PM

I have never ridden a plane in my life, so I don't know how it feels. :shrug:

FierySequences 10-17-2013 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by KarmaContestant (Post 1107719)
I understand that you do your jobs to the best of your ability given the circumstances imposed upon you, and in no way would I place the faults of the industry on the shoulders of staff such as yourself. I know that all of the things I complain about could be handled by executive management making choices that were about quality and standards instead of stockholders and dividends - I even believe air traffic would increase and prices and profits could go up without complaint from customers like myself if flying were actually the enjoyable and luxurious experience it was 40 years ago. I appreciate the stewards and definitely recognize the bullsh*t they have to put up with every single flight of every single day.

Links, as requested. I never make up my facts. :angel:

From yesterday, regarding a body panel falling off a BRAND NEW 787:

From Tuesday's news, regarding smaller, tighter, even-less-comfortable seats:

TY Karma! And I am regretful for your "unfortunate experiences" with airlines, in general. Thx for the links...I have read your posts on here before to know that you are a stand-up man and honest poster. Just thought I'd give you a challenge that hits a soft-spot with me currently ;). And Yes, I did see the news this morning about the "piece" falling off. That IS Terrifying! about the more seats/cramped spaces....I have Not viewed the link, yet...but I will say that most airlines would reconsider this. FAA regulations insist that there are 1 FA (flight attendant, not steward lol) to every 50 ppl on board. This would require (most regional, charter-flights) to pay another FA the hourly-wage of a mere (approx) $20.00/hr. That Adds up over time. So Yes, I agree the "Corporate-heads" are always looking to explore the ways to "maximize profit", there IS a cost that comes with it. I don't see that happening with my airline anytime, soon.

And before anyone thinks/posts that (approx) $20.00 an hour is ALOT....consider we are FAA regulated. MOST of US only fly approx. 75 hours/month. That's about what? Part-time employment (on-call) most-of -the-time with full-time benifits that are sub-par. 100 hours maximum for senior FA's, period. Do the Math....that's really NOT that much. :D

I'm Smiling...but I really shouldn't be....LOL

Dex 10-17-2013 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by FierySequences (Post 1107737)
And before anyone thinks/posts that (approx) $20.00 an hour is ALOT....consider we are FAA regulated. MOST of US only fly approx. 75 hours/month. That's about what? Part-time employment (on-call) most-of -the-time with full-time benifits that are sub-par. 100 hours maximum for senior FA's, period. Do the Math....that's really NOT that much. :D

Are flight attendants only paid for the time they're actually flying? That's surprising to me, considering there are many other hours beyond actual air-time that FA's give up their personal lives for.

Do people really suggest that 20/hr is a lot of money for an FA job? That seems pretty cheeky to me! How much do they think someone with that level of skill, responsibility, and ability to put up with heaps of total BS should be paid? It's more than I make, granted, but for a job of that nature I don't see how it could be seen as "a lot" by any standard.

People are just awful sometimes, I guess. But to an FA I suppose that's not exactly news. ;)

KarmaContestant 10-17-2013 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by HomerMcvie (Post 1107720)
And my flying rule is, if it's 1000 miles or less(16 hour drive), you put your happy ass on that plane, and I'll drive and meet you there. I'm more than happy to give up a day of my vacation, keeping my happy ass on the ground!

Indeed! :thumbsup:

FierySequences 10-17-2013 04:02 PM

[QUOTE=Dex;1107740]Are flight attendants only paid for the time they're actually flying? That's surprising to me, considering there are many other hours beyond actual air-time that FA's give up their personal lives for.

Do people really suggest that 20/hr is a lot of money for an FA job? That seems pretty cheeky to me! How much do they think someone with that level of skill, responsibility, and ability to put up with heaps of total BS should be paid? It's more than I make, granted, but for a job of that nature I don't see how it could be seen as "a lot" by any standard.

People are just awful sometimes, I guess. But to an FA I suppose that's not exactly news. ;)

jbrownsjr 10-17-2013 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by FierySequences (Post 1107751)
LOL, I have only been able to recently responed to this...Sounds like I WANT THE Same-expected of me, not-matter if in the pool, other areas, YES! I want dominated!

I fly 50 to 75K miles a year. The FA's are your best friends. Treat them with respect, that's what you get back. At least in my travels.. They don't get paid enough in my opinion. It's the airlines that hog all the $$ for the Jeff Smisek bonuses for ruining two good airlines... but I digress..

FierySequences 10-17-2013 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by FierySequences (Post 1107751)
LOL, I have only been able to recently responed to this...Sounds like I WANT THE Same-expected of me, not-matter if in the pool, other areas, YES! I want dominated!

OMG-Never mind my recent post^^^ here, sounds as if I revealed TMI that WAS NOT relevant to this thread.....never mind my senseless posting....this is clearly NOT the forum to post THAT! LOL.

My only defense is I thought I Was some place else posting this! (Not ashamed, in the least) :eek:

Ok I will quit typing, and probabley not post here ever again.....LMAO!

FierySequences 10-17-2013 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by Dex (Post 1107740)
Are flight attendants only paid for the time they're actually flying? That's surprising to me, considering there are many other hours beyond actual air-time that FA's give up their personal lives for.

Do people really suggest that 20/hr is a lot of money for an FA job? That seems pretty cheeky to me! How much do they think someone with that level of skill, responsibility, and ability to put up with heaps of total BS should be paid? It's more than I make, granted, but for a job of that nature I don't see how it could be seen as "a lot" by any standard.

People are just awful sometimes, I guess. But to an FA I suppose that's not exactly news. ;)

What I meant to post, YES $20.00/hr is about standard for most FA's. Possibly More for those who fly Continental (International). And You are right, it Is Not "A Lot" to put up with what We and they Do.

I am regional (domestic) only But none-the-less....but, the reality of it is (we are essentially) part-time employee's employed full-time. Yeah, so you can imagine $1500/month is NOT alot of money to support ourselves. Many ppl do not realize or think that we all live "really glamourous" lives with (FREE) flight-benefits to anywhere we please. The reality couldn't be farther from the truth, seriously!

I recently was STUCK in New Orleans Airport for 13 HOURS! trying to get home! Yeah....if my degree leads me to another "full-time" job with Health-Care, I can't say right now I'd turn it down. The life and benefits of a FA is NOT what it used to be! I wouldn't suggest it as a career path to Anyone for that matter.

jbrownsjr 10-17-2013 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by applebucked (Post 1107732)
I have never ridden a plane in my life, so I don't know how it feels. :shrug:

It can be fun, depending on the airline, how long you're flying... first flights are a lot of fun.

HomerMcvie 10-18-2013 03:03 AM


Originally Posted by jbrownsjr (Post 1107801)
It can be fun, depending on the airline, how long you're flying... first flights are a lot of fun.

Not when you're screaming in agony, that you're plunging to your ultimate demise!!!:lol::lol::lol::mad:

jbrownsjr 10-18-2013 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by HomerMcvie (Post 1107818)
Not when you're screaming in agony, that you're plunging to your ultimate demise!!!:lol::lol::lol::mad:

It's not my fault you were listening to, "When I See You Again" during take-off. :)

chiliD 10-18-2013 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by HomerMcvie (Post 1107818)
Not when you're screaming in agony, that you're plunging to your ultimate demise!!!:lol::lol::lol::mad:


Originally Posted by jbrownsjr (Post 1107819)
It's not my fault you were listening to, "When I See You Again" during take-off. :)

Which in itself is a no-no, since "all electronic devices are to be shut off during take-off". :nod::lol:

HomerMcvie 10-18-2013 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by jbrownsjr (Post 1107819)
It's not my fault you were listening to, "When I See You Again" during take-off. :)

Whassaamatta, baby? My ass ain't on the ground, bitch!:lol:

jbrownsjr 10-18-2013 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by HomerMcvie (Post 1107846)
Whassaamatta, baby? My ass ain't on the ground, bitch!:lol:


michelej1 10-18-2013 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by chiliD (Post 1107833)
Which in itself is a no-no, since "all electronic devices are to be shut off during take-off". :nod::lol:

But is that true on private planes?


applebucked 10-19-2013 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by michelej1 (Post 1107862)
But is that true on private planes?

If it's a safety concern, probably is.

michelej1 10-19-2013 04:15 AM


Originally Posted by applebucked (Post 1107924)
If it's a safety concern, probably is.

But experts don't agree that it is a safety concern.

Take off and landings notwithstanding, I do have to wonder how often the respective Macsters listen to their own old music and what albums do they listen to? My guess is Mick listens to the old stuff the most and enjoys a larger variety of it.

Lindsey might not listen to any FM, except Tusk. Christine has recently named her top 3 albums, but how often does she visit the rest?


applebucked 10-19-2013 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by michelej1 (Post 1107925)
Take off and landings notwithstanding, I do have to wonder how often the respective Macsters listen to their own old music and what albums do they listen to? My guess is Mick listens to the old stuff the most and enjoys a larger variety of it.

Lindsey might not listen to any FM, except Tusk. Christine has recently named her top 3 albums, but how often does she visit the rest?

Haven't really thought about it, honestly. Mick and John probably listen to the old stuff, Stevie just the ones from the eras she was in (except maybe Tango and BTM), like you, I also think Lindsey would probably just listen to Tusk. Christine? Not really sure. All I know that she'll probably avoid Tusk and Time like the plague. :laugh:

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