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Zombie 02-20-2010 03:49 AM

Ledgie Top Tens: Album Edition
So, it's obvious we're all major music fans here. Music is like oxygen to me, and I have many favorites - we've recently had a few threads asking us to name what we consider the most beautiful songs ever, or asking what other bands or artists we are rabid about, so I thought I'd add another list to the mix.

What are your top ten favorite albums of all time and why? Don't answer based entirely on technical merit or influence on the music industry - base it on what you personally consider to be the greatest, the records you can't live without.

I'll start, and limit my answer to a list of 10, in no particular order:

- Elton John's Live in Australia with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra - My mother had this on cassette when I was very young, and I love it more than words can say. I played the tape til it disintegrated & have since probably bought the CD at least 20 times, for myself and to give as gifts. Love the video of it, too, with Elton's kickass wig. "Madman Across the Water" with the orchestra is absolutely mindblowing, as is "60 Years On," "The King Must Die," "Have Mercy on the Criminal," and...well, hell, all of it. Just superb in every sense of the word.

- Fear Factory's Demanufacture - FF are one of my all-time favorite bands, and this is what I consider to be them at their peak. Previous albums, as well as the next album, "Obsolete," are also amazing, but nothing beats "Demanufacture" for sheer crunchy genius.

- Aphrodite's Child's 666 - I can listen to this straight through 5 times in a row and still not get tired of it. Yes, even Irene Papas' 5 min. + spazzy orgasm thing. It's just that damn good.

- Tori Amos' Boys for Pele - This is neck & neck with Little Earthquakes & From the Choirgirl Hotel, but Boys edges those two out for the amazing that is "The Doughnut Song."

- The Alan Parsons Project's The Turn of a Friendly Card - Another album I grew up on, because my mom played it constantly. I ganked that cassette from her, too, and played it til it fell apart like the Elton John tape. There is not one bad song, nor even one remotely "meh"-ish.

- The Sisters of Mercy's Floodland - "Dominion/Mother Russia"? "This Corrosion"? "Driven Like the Snow"? "Lucretia, My Reflection"? "Flood II"? Three words, my friends - utterly. bastard. groovy.

- Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds' No More Shall We Part - No list of mine could ever be complete without an entry from Mr. Cave & the Bad Seeds, but it's hard for me to choose a favorite. In the end, though, No More gets it because it gave us "Oh My Lord," which I consider to be the epitome of perfection when it comes to songwriting.

- Acid Bath's When the Kite String Pops - This band was just not around long enough, and whenever I listen to Kite, I am reminded of what a damn shame that is.

- Sunshine Blind's Love the Sky to Death - Another band that just wasn't around long enough (unfortunately, partly due to the shenanigans of one Andrew Eldritch of aforementioned Sisters of Mercy), Love the Sky to Death was one of the albums that really got me into goth music back in the day, and it still stands up like whoa whenever I listen to it.

And last, but not least - - The 4 disc version of 25 Years: The Chain - I feel like this is cheating, but it's the only way I'm going to be able to get most of my fav Mac songs on one release. :laugh:

All right, so there's mine. Whatcha got for me?

tilthefirefades 02-20-2010 04:17 AM

I love this thread! I am someone who bases the music I like completely around albums in their entirety.

Jewel Pieces Of You-This was the first cd I bought that I listened to in it's entirety every day for about 5 months straight, and I still listen to at least one song from it every day now. If you don't cry at least once while listening to it, there is something wrong with you. From classics such as "Who Will Save Your Soul" to deeper tracks such as "Adrian", there is a story within each song that is absolutely incredible to hear.

Marilyn Manson Mechanical Animals-After shocking the world with the rambunctious Antichrist Superstar, his fourth album revealed a more sensitive side to Manson. This album has one classic tune after another, which eventually becomes a concept album about losing sensitivity in a mechanical world. The last three songs "Fundamentally Loathsome", "The Last Day On Earth", and "Coma White" are breathtaking.

Mariah Carey The Emancipation of Mimi -Not much to say about this album except it falls perfectly into my taste of music-depressing. She makes a comeback that is exceptional while showing off her voice in songs like "Circles", "Mine Again", and "Stay The Night"

R. Kelly R. Kelly-The reason I love R&B music. This will make you feel as if you are in love with a lamp if you are listening to it at the time :lol:. "Religious Love" is a must hear from this album.

The Academy Is Almost Here-This was their first release, and it is filled with melodic songs that are impossible not to love. "Slow Down" and "Checkmarks" make this album worthwhile.

AFI Decemberunderground-Once you get 5 songs in and hear "The Interview", this concept album is addictive.

Pink Floyd Dark Side Of The Moon-Everyone knows why this album is on any top albums list. I just couldn't leave it out of mine.

Fleetwood Mac Say You Will-My first FM album, and remains my favorite. Of course, Christine could have made it much more than what it came out to be.

Brand New The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Of Me-This is definitely a slow burner, in that it took me a year to realize it's genius. They took a new direction by making darker and deeper music that isn't ridden with the teen angst of their previous releases. You must buy this album if you don't have it, especially if you've never heard of it. If anything, listen to "Jesus Christ".

Janet Jackson The Velvet Rope-More R&B gold, the reason I love Janet.

I still have like 30 more I would list, but these are the ones that stand out to me.

Sleepless-Child 02-20-2010 07:04 AM

Mmh, this is kind of difficult, but I'm gonna give it a try (in no particular order)

Tusk, obviously. Not the first Mac album I had, but my favorite for sure. It really had, and still has, a great impact on me. If, one day, I should record an album, it would sound like this. Thank you Mr. Buckingham, that's all I can say. I could select my favorite songs, but apart from Never Make Me Cry, and That's enough for me, I love them all.

Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band, by the Beatles, obviously, one more time. It's kind of easy, because it's considered as one of the best albums of all time, and it really is. I absolutely love this album, because of his eccentrism. It was ambitious, back in that time, and today, it still is. Favorite songs, probably, mmh, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, She's leaving Home, Being for the Benefit of Mr Kite, and A Day in the Life.

Parallel Lines by Blondie. I've always been a Blondie fan, and it was tie between Plastic Letters and this one, but I finally choose Parallel Lines because I listen to it right now. This is an energetic album, with great pop-rock songs, and I LOVE pop rock songs. What's more, when you listen to it one time, you can't get enough of it. My favorite songs are 11:59, Picture This, Sunday Girl, Heart of Glass, One way or Another, and Will Anything Happen?.

Curtains, by John Frusciante. It's a shame that John Frusciante is just known because of the fact that he's Red Hot CHili Peppers' guitarist (well, not anymore). He's also an AMAZING solo artist, and this album is really an intimate one (I could have chosen another album, they're all great). Favorite songs : The Past Recedes, A Name, Your Warning, Leap Your Bar, Time Tonight...

Led Zeppelin IV, by...well, Led Zeppelin. Nothing to say, just my favorite Rock (you know, pure rock) album of all time (with Led Zeppelin I..). Come on, STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN !. Favorite songs : Going to California, Stairway to Heaven, Rock n' Roll, When the Levee Breaks.

Tea for the Tillerman, by Cat Stevens. First word that comes to my mind when I think of it : BEAUTIFUL. That's all. Favorite songs : Wild World, Sad Lisa, Into White, Father and son.

The Velvet Underground and Nico, by The Velvet Underground...and Nico. Lou Reed is a genius. So, this album is genius too, all the songs being composed by Lou Reed. Favorite ones : Sunday Morning, Venus in Furs and Heroin.

Blood Sugar Sex Magik by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I don't listen to it anymore, but it was the first band and the first album I fell in love with. Favorite songs : Under The Bridge, I Could Have Lied, Give it Away, Blood Sugar Sex Magik...(okay I'm going to listen to this!)

Automatic Writing by Ataxia. John Frusciante + Josh Klinghoffer + Joe Lally = Great combination. It's surrealistic, but I love it. Favorite songs : The Sides, Dust and Montreal (there are 5 songs, actually).

Bella Donna. It was tie between this album and Gift of Screws haha. But Stevie is Stevie. So, I'm going for Bella Donna, which is a great album, it contains a lot of my favorite Stevie songs : Bella Donna, How Still My Love, Outside the Rain, Edge of Seventeen and Kind of Woman.

DefDumbandBlond 02-20-2010 09:55 AM

I don't have time to explain why right now but real quick, 10 of my favorite albums (in no order):

The Gun Club - Mother Juno
The Ramones - !Adios Amigos!
Deborah Harry - Def, Dumb, & Blonde (hence the username :D)
The Velvet Underground - Loaded
Stevie Nicks - Trouble In Shangri-La
Iggy Pop - Blah Blah Blah
Blondie - No Exit
Heart - Heart (1985)
Fleetwood Mac - Tusk
David Bowie - Never Let Me Down

Zombie 02-20-2010 11:14 AM

Great lists - it's so cool to see such diverse entries. And thank you for the little explanations/info along with them. I always want to hear a "why" when someone says something is a favorite. I'm so needy.

Keep 'em coming, y'all!

Dodfather 02-20-2010 01:05 PM

Some of these may be cliched choices but hey, cliches happen because, more often than not, they're right - haha!

Ryan Adams - Gold (2001)
Fantastic songwriting. 17 tracks (with the UK bonus one) and I don't skip any. Even though it's a long album it still feels very focused and never goes off into self-indulgence. This was even better than Heartbreaker and for me he's never topped it, although he's done some great stuff since then. Major quality control issues now though. He seems to release anything and everything...

Counting Crows - August and Everything After (1993)
My first encounter with one of my favourite bands. It was clse between this or Recovering The Satellites (1996) but I think that this introduced the band so, so well and has a diverse range of material from their classic singalong pop yet dark sentiment (Mr. Jones) to their all out bleak yet beautiful ballads (Time and Time Again, Anna Begins)

Dusty Springfield - Dusty In Memphis (1969)(
Flawless. I think you have to have no ears to dislike this record! Haha. It was genuinely shocking at points too to hear a white woman singing such soulful, risque lyrics as those in Son Of A Preacher Man. Also, Breakfast In Bed and I Don't Wanna Hear It Anymore are both heartbreaking and voyeuristic/titallating (but not smutty) at the same time. Just wonderful.

Aimee Mann - Bachelor No. 2, or, The Last Remains of the Dodo (1999)

This was the album that really sold me on Aimee. I already had Lost In Space (her follow up to this) but when I got this I just thought, wow. Brilliant lyrics all the way through and fantastic production. It gets pretty savage at points too, especially Calling It Quits and The Fall Of The Worlds Own Optimist. Hard to pick a favourite track from this album but I'd have to go for Red Vines.

Cranberries - No Need To Argue (1994)
Man, I played this album over and over and over again when I was between 13-15 years old. One of those albums that really gets you at the right age and you learn to love every single note. I re-discovered it a couple of years ago and it's still brilliant. I Can't Be With You is great, although Zombie has not aged as well and was overplayed at the time. My parents must have been worried hearing Ode To My Family blasting from my room so often ("does anyone care??" - haha!) but there was no such darkness, I just loved the album. If this had Linger on it then it may well be the only Cranberries album you'd ever need. Dreadful follow up though (To The Faithful Departed), best avoided.I have to see them on tour now that they've reformed. I'm waiting for more dates.

Stevie Nicks - Bella Donna (1981)
Until I heard the next album on this list I thought this was perhaps the best debut album of all time. Certainly the best by a group memeber for a solo career. It sets Stevie apart as an artist in her own right with the more country-ish material (After The Glitter Fades, Leather and Lace) yet still reminds us all that she is a ROCK star (Edge of Seventeen).

Jackson Browne - Jackson Browne (Saturate Before Using) (1972)
Ok. I'm just gonna say it. I prefer Jackson Browne to James Taylor. I love James, but Jackson's run of albums in the 70s (his first 5) just can't be beaten in terms of sheer sustained quality. I'm gonna say that this is the best debut of all time. That piano riff on Doctor My Eyes, the romance of Jamaica, Say You it, and Song For Adam gets me every time.

Alanis Morissette - Jagged Little Pill (1995)

Now this is how to change your image - haha! Yes, it's angry girl music and has been imitated and parodied to death since it came out, but if you take it on merit then the songs are just fantastic!

Phew! Sorry if this post dragged on a bit.... There are so many more albums I could go on about but I'm sure you'd all get pretty bored of hearing me lecture/rant/pontificate/piss you off... (delete as applicable, haha)

The Chain 02-20-2010 02:45 PM

Lindsey Buckingham - Law & Order
Lindsey Buckingham - Go Insane
The Cure - Three Imaginary Boys (1979)
The Flaming Lips - The Soft Bulliten (1999)
The Flaming Lips - Embryonic (2009)
Fleetwood Mac - Tusk
Bob Marley & The Wailers - Kaya (1978)
Stevie Nicks - The Wild Heart
Pink Floyd- Dark Side of the Moon (1973)
The Rolling Stones - Exile On Main St. (1972)

Honorable mentions : Radiohead - In Rainbows (2007), Electric President - Sleep Well (2008)

I love all of these because they are albums in the true sense of what I believe a perfect album is - a theme, or consistant feel runs through them, the songs flow perfectly & should be listened to start to finish.

HomerMcvie 02-20-2010 03:03 PM

FM- Mystery To Me
FM- Rumours
Eagles- Hotel California
Son Volt- Trace
Yes- 90125
Restless Heart- Wheels
Alabama- Mountain Music
Stevie Nicks- Bella Donna:eek:
BR5-49- self-titled(aka the telephone album)
Diamond Rio - Love a Little Stronger

ButterCookie 02-20-2010 03:14 PM

In no particular order (Beause I just can't)

Plastic Letters - Blondie
This album is just all out bliss! When I first heard it, I played it on repeat for 3 days. It's much more raw than their first album and all the follow ups, for me, this IS Blondie. It exhudes everything they are for me.

Fleetwood Mac - Tango in the Night
Because it was my first. It's not their best, in my opinion, but it's the album that I first heard, it was also one of my first records (I took guardianship of it from my mums collection) It was also the first album I ever played on my turntable. Christine REALLY shines throughout on it too.

The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars - David Bowie
In one word... Epic. In a few more; I will never get enough of this album. I play it so often, I have two copies. The vocals are perfect, the look is f*ing gorgeous. I'd do a lot for Ziggy Stardust ;) The guitar is infectious and the lyrics are out-of-this-world clever.

The Velvet Underground and Nico - The Velvet Underground
In my opinion, the Velvets at their best.

Christine Perfect - Christine Perfect
Gah, I love this one SO much. I play it at least once a day and every night before I go to bed. This album taught me to love Blues. I just wish I could afford a vinyl copy (I don't own a CD player)

Horses - Patti Smith
Before I heard this album I had a lot of hate for Patti, because she'd been rude to Debbie Harry in the past, now she's one of my biggest idols and inspirations. I remember finding it at a flea market for £1 and thinking 'what the heck, if I don't like it, I'll get £5 for it on eBay'. I'm so glad I did buy it though, it's one that changed the way I look at things and re-kindled my love for poetry.

Lungs - Florence + the Machine
Lungs is the only album I listen to released after 1989 (Bar my favourite bands and artists albums like SYW, No Exit, TISL etc) and boy do I love it. Florence Welch has an amazing voice. Fact. She also brought new life to a song that I hated before. And there's lots of Tabourine useage ;)

Never Mind the Bollocks Here's the Sex Pistols - Sex Pistols
Need I say more?

Bella Donna - Stevie Nicks
IMO, Stevie at her best. I have Edge of Seventeen as my alarm tone to wake me up in the morning. I love everything about it and would sell my soul to have been alive to see the tour.

Def, Dumb & Blonde - Deborah Harry
Def, Dumb and Blonde is my favourite of Debbie's solo albums. The songs are danceable or just easy to listen to in an evening. They never fail to cheer me up either. Not to mention that gorgeous NJ accent on the spoken lyrics.

Oh my god, this is long O_o

Erin 02-20-2010 03:37 PM

These lists are always fun to make! In no particular order:

1. The Dance- Fleetwood Mac: I know it's really not all that "live", but I listened to this album so much that the CD started to skip and I had to buy a new copy. I became a fan because of this album, and I still love it.

2. MTV Unplugged- Nirvana: Once again another album I has to re-purchase because the CD started to skip from over-use. I love, love the covers on this album especially Where did you sleep last night.

3. Achtung Baby- U2: Many people think The Joshua Tree is their best work, but I've always liked Achtung more. One, Love is Blindness, Mysterious Ways...

4. Flaming Red- Patty Griffin: I got this for free from a friend who was given a bunch of CD's she didn't want from work. I'm glad she didn't keep this one. I know there are other fans of hers on this board, but everyone should give her a listen. Her voice is phenomenal. This is my favorite album of hers, stand out tracks for me are Mary and Goodbye.

5. Out of the Cradle- Lindsey Buckingham: It took me a while to find Lindsey's albums. They weren't available in my local big box stores back in the late nineties. I finally got a hold of all three at a Borders in downtown Chicago. I took the Metra back to the suburbs and listened to OOTC on the way home. It was worth the wait. Although he has some angry and sad songs on this album, it always strikes up a relaxed mood for me. I'm still waiting to hear Countdown and Soul Drifter live one day. I wish I had seen the OOTC tour since he doesn't perform much off of the album these days.

6. Rumours- Fleetwood Mac: I know you're supposed to say Tusk, and although I like many individual tracks off that album, Rumours has a much better flow.

7. What's the Story Morning Glory?- Oasis: Great Brit rock from the nineties, and I love it! Don't Look Back in Anger, Champagne Supernova!

8. Self-Titled- Sheryl Crow: This is her second album and still her best imo. My favorites are the non-single tracks like Hard to Make a Stand and Redemption Day.

9. Greatest Hits- Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers: I don't know if this is considered cheating, but all of their best stuff to date was on this album. Southern rock at its finest. Everyone I knew had this album and we all played it to death.

10. Actual Miles- Don Henley: Probably cheating again with another greatest hits package! I love his eighties solo work and here it all is nicely collected in one disc. Boys of Summer, The End of the Innocence, and The Heart of the Matter always remind me of summer when I was a kid and life was uncomplicated.

HomerMcvie 02-20-2010 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Erin (Post 872773)
10. Actual Miles- Don Henley: Probably cheating again with another greatest hits package! I love his eighties solo work and here it all is nicely collected in one disc. Boys of Summer, The End of the Innocence, and The Heart of the Matter always remind me of summer when I was a kid and life was uncomplicated.

Dammit, I forgot about Don Henley! Building the Perfect Beast is definitely in my top ten! Buy it, if you don't have it.

mylittledemon 02-20-2010 05:16 PM

I wish I could pick a top 20. It's hard to narrow it down to 10 as I like so many other albums equally... for different reasons. The particular ones below, I never tire of listening to.

1) A Kind of Magic (or Live at Wembley Stadium)- Queen

2) The Dance - Fleetwood Mac

3) All That You Can't Leave Behind - U2

4) Synchronicity - the Police

5) Wildflowers - Tom Petty

6) Batman Motion Picture Score - Danny Elfman

7) OOTC - Lindsey Buckin'ham

8) Scarecrow - John Mellencamp

9) The End of the Innocence - Don Henley

10) The Last Waltz - The Band

HomerMcvie 02-20-2010 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by mylittledemon (Post 872789)

8) Scarecrow - John Mellencamp

This used to be one of mine, and it's probably his best album, but he's such a douchebag f*ckface, that it's ruined his music for me. Same with Steve Earle.

chelluversu 02-20-2010 06:16 PM

Regina Spektor's Far: I absolutely love this girl. I've been listening to her music since middle school and i still feel the same way :thumbsup:
Aaliyah's last album: I got this CD before she died and the one they issued after she died :distress:
N'Sync's Celebrity: I'm not saying that this cd is epic but it's they first one I ever owned lol and plus i loved it (Selfish!!) but my sister keyed my name into it so i didn't work anymore =[
Alanis Morissette's MTV Unplugged: i really love her voice and she first had me with You Oughta Know.
Alexz Johnson's upcoming album..even tho this really shouldn't count but her demos are pretty good and i will (try to) be the first to go out and get it.
Gift of Screws: my first lindsey cd =]
Christina Aguilera's Stripped: I loved that she completely changed her image from the "bad" pop girl to somewhat of an actual artist.
Coldplay's LeftRightLeftRightLeft: coldplay live :thumbsup:
Dixie Chicks' Taking the Long Way: I was one of the fans they gained after that whole George Bush/Toby Keith thing..FUTK
Crystal Visions: my first Stevie cd..when i was 14. I already liked her then and this helped alot even tho after hearing the midnight special version of rhiannon i was a little disappointed that it wasn't done the same way (I got over it)

mylittledemon 02-20-2010 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by HomerMcvie (Post 872792)
This used to be one of mine, and it's probably his best album, but he's such a douchebag f*ckface, that it's ruined his music for me. Same with Steve Earle.

I feel the same way about John Mayer.

jaycee 02-20-2010 07:10 PM

Most of the albums I have are compilations, so I haven't heard that many proper albums per se. Anyway, this list probably wouldn't change radically, although a few on the list may get pushed down over time as I hear more albums...
While these are ordered in favouritism, the first two I currently consider tied. Anyway, on with it!

1. Days Of Future Passed - The Moody Blues. Simply a must own masterpiece!! :nod: :nod:
1. Avalon - Roxy Music. I was listening to it on the way home last night from the MFBB concert at Sutton Grange Winery. It's absolutely beautiful!
3. Tusk - Fleetwood Mac. We all know why...
4. Tango In The Night - Fleetwood Mac. If the B-sides were also on it (I've made a playlist where they're inserted rather cleverly, if I do say so myself) it'd probably be tied with Tusk for me...
5. Soul Cages - Sting. Another beautiful album!
6. The Turn Of A Friendly Card - The Alan Parsons Project. As stated by Zombie.
7. American Pie - Don McLean. "Everybody Loves Me Baby" is my favourite track for the album, in case you wanted to know...
8. Go Insane - Lindsey Buckingham. I just love the sounds he created for it!
9. Out Of The Cradle - Lindsey Buckingham. Self explanatory.
10. Brothers In Arms - Dire Straits. "Sultans Of Swing" is my favourite songs of theirs, but this is their best album! :nod:

Dido's first two albums could make a top 20 list, let alone FM's Mystery To Me, Heroes Are Hard To Find, Fleetwood Mac, Rumours, and Mirage. I'd also include The Doors' Strange Days and L.A. Woman, and the self-titled Tracy Chapman ("Fast Car" is my favourite, but all the songs are fantastic).
As stated before, I haven't heard many albums (very sadly, none by Pink Floyd... :distress:), but these ones listed are still extremely difficult to beat!

Zombie 02-21-2010 03:05 AM


Originally Posted by Sleepless-Child (Post 872712)
The Velvet Underground and Nico, by The Velvet Underground...and Nico. Lou Reed is a genius. So, this album is genius too, all the songs being composed by Lou Reed. Favorite ones : Sunday Morning, Venus in Furs and Heroin.

Oh, excellent choice! "Heroin" is such a good song.

Blood Sugar Sex Magik by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I don't listen to it anymore, but it was the first band and the first album I fell in love with. Favorite songs : Under The Bridge, I Could Have Lied, Give it Away, Blood Sugar Sex Magik...(okay I'm going to listen to this!)

Excellent choices, both. "Heroin" is a damn fine song.

And I love RHCP back in the day, but don't listen to them as much anymore, which I will need to rectify soonly. And speaking of "Under the Bridge," if you haven't seen it, this is full of lulz:


Originally Posted by The Chain (Post 872764)
The Cure - Three Imaginary Boys (1979)
Pink Floyd- Dark Side of the Moon (1973)
The Rolling Stones - Exile On Main St. (1972)

Also excellent choices!


Originally Posted by ButterCookie (Post 872771)

The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars - David Bowie
In one word... Epic. In a few more; I will never get enough of this album. I play it so often, I have two copies. The vocals are perfect, the look is f*ing gorgeous. I'd do a lot for Ziggy Stardust ;) The guitar is infectious and the lyrics are out-of-this-world clever.

Oh my god, this is long O_o

Long is good! I am interested to read everyone's comments & ideas.

And David Bowie is effin' awesome. Since I posted an RHCP lulz, here's a relevant Bowie lulz as well:

"Wear the eyepatch, Bret! Wear the funky, funky eyepatch!"

Flight of the Conchords kinda rocks the earth. If you are interested, there are several more clips from that episode - Ashes to Ashes music video Bowie, 1986 David Bowie from the movie Labyrinth, and then they do a badass song, "Bowie's In Space." Love.


Originally Posted by Erin (Post 872773)
2. MTV Unplugged- Nirvana: Once again another album I has to re-purchase because the CD started to skip from over-use. I love, love the covers on this album especially Where did you sleep last night.

3. Achtung Baby- U2: Many people think The Joshua Tree is their best work, but I've always liked Achtung more. One, Love is Blindness, Mysterious Ways...

7. What's the Story Morning Glory?- Oasis: Great Brit rock from the nineties, and I love it! Don't Look Back in Anger, Champagne Supernova!

Oh man, I love Nirvana's Unplugged album. I played that thing to death, and it still stands up even how many years later. I love, love, love the version of "Something In the Way" on that album. I also agree about Achtung Baby - I always liked it a lot more than Joshua Tree.

And for Oasis, I love "Wonderwall," even if it's kinda cliche. I also really like "What's the Story, Morning Glory?" the track. Has a great sound.


Originally Posted by mylittledemon (Post 872789)
I wish I could pick a top 20. It's hard to narrow it down to 10 as I like so many other albums equally... for different reasons. The particular ones below, I never tire of listening to.

Gimme the others, too, if you want. I went for 10 because I thought it would be doable enough for most, but if you have more, hit me. I would love to hear about them. I could do a bunch more, too.


Originally Posted by HomerMcvie (Post 872792)
This used to be one of mine, and it's probably his best album, but he's such a douchebag f*ckface, that it's ruined his music for me. Same with Steve Earle.

Oh, do tell - would love to hear about this. And Steve Earle.


Originally Posted by jaycee (Post 872814)
1. Days Of Future Passed - The Moody Blues. Simply a must own masterpiece!! :nod: :nod:
6. The Turn Of A Friendly Card - The Alan Parsons Project. As stated by Zombie.
10. Brothers In Arms - Dire Straits. "Sultans Of Swing" is my favourite songs of theirs, but this is their best album! :nod:

That's my girl, you know the awesome lethality of the Alan Parsons Project! And major love for the Moody Blues (cold hearted orb that rules the night...I did a speech and drama presentation using that bit of spoken word, and it was great.)

And diggin the Dire Straits, too. Is Six Blade Knife on "Brothers in Arms?" I love that song, but I can't remember and I am lazy and won't Google it. :laugh:

For anyone that really loves a well-put together concept album, I definitely recommend 666 - Aphrodite's Child. It's based on the Book of Revelation

As an aside, I am kicking myself for not including "Mad Dogs & Englishmen" in my list.

Nikolaj 02-21-2010 04:24 AM

I'm still thinking about my Top 10 list, but so many here have great Fleetwood Mac albums on their lists, but most don't have 'Rumours' included! Can this be right, really??? :)
'Rumours' has got to be on it! I know it's so pc to say 'Tusk'-- but... Gold Dust Woman, Go Your Own Way, The Chain (and now with the expanded cd), Silver Springs.
Oh Daddy, I think 'Rumours' isn't getting the love it deserves!
But, at least you all have done your Top 10 albums of all time, so I'll shut up, I still have nine more to go!

Fiver 02-21-2010 05:12 AM

I'm really into Bluegrass, moreso the progressive kind, but since 2007 I've broadened my musical horizons an all that good stuff. Anyway, I'm not much of a music critic, I just like what I like. So don't ask Lucy to 'splain.

In no particular order:

All Things Must Pass - George Harrison
The Reminder - Feist
Blue Album - Weezer
Lonely Runs Both Ways - Alison Krauss and Union Station
Make Yourself - Incubus
Rumours - Fleetwood Mac
Tusk - Fleetwood Mac
Lindsey Buckingham - Out of the Cradle
Stevie Nicks - Bella Donna
Chris Thile - Not All Who Wander Are Lost

Dodfather 02-21-2010 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by Erin (Post 872773)

8. Self-Titled- Sheryl Crow: This is her second album and still her best imo. My favorites are the non-single tracks like Hard to Make a Stand and Redemption Day.

10. Actual Miles- Don Henley: Probably cheating again with another greatest hits package! I love his eighties solo work and here it all is nicely collected in one disc. Boys of Summer, The End of the Innocence, and The Heart of the Matter always remind me of summer when I was a kid and life was uncomplicated.

GREAT choice to go for Sheryl's second album. I think Sheryl was at her best between this and The Globe Sessions (which I think is her best album and Imeant to put in my list). Detours didn't really do it for me, although I do own it and saw her on the (de)tour...sorry, couldn't resist! I especially love Hard To Make A Stand and it never gets mention. After Everyday Is A Windong Road and A Change Would Do You Good the rest of the album often gets forgotten about, which is a real shame.


Originally Posted by HomerMcvie (Post 872792)
he's such a douchebag f*ckface, that it's ruined his music for me. Same with Steve Earle.

Hahahaha!! Quote of the day. I now must use it in a sentence. I still like Steve though...


Originally Posted by mylittledemon (Post 872802)
I feel the same way about John Mayer.

Brandon, I completely agree!

Nikolaj 02-21-2010 05:24 AM

1. 'Rumours', Fleetwood Mac. It's been in my life since forever, and I need 'Gold Dust Woman' Go Your Own Way', 'The Chain' and 'Silver Springs' until forever! I'm choosing the 2 cd expanded version.
2. 'Parallel Lines', Blondie. I gotta have some Blondie, and this was my favorite album of theirs. 'Fade Away and Radiate', the extended 'Heart of Glass','Sunday Girl',the insanely-hooky 'Pretty Baby' and really so many good songs.
3. 'Blood On The Tracks', Bob Dylan. I always was influenced by my older cousin, and she loved this album and told me how historically significant it was. It took me a lot of years, but I saw her point, 'Idiot Wind', 'Lily, Rosemary & The Jack of Hearts', 'Tangled Up In Blue' and 'Simple Twist of Fate' are 4 perfect songs off the top of my head without cheating and pulling the album, and decades later, I still feel a little bit smarter than I really am when I listen to 'Blood On The Tracks'...
4. 'Sticky Fingers' by The Rolling Stones. Garage-grunge on 'Sway' and 'Sister Morphine' and a bunch of good songs, visceral, enticing, decadent- almost perfect.
5. '40 Licks' by The Rolling Stones. Because I want as many of the Stones hits as I can have- the amazing 'Gimme Shelter', 'Mother's Little Helper', 'Paint It Black', and so many great songs, Jagger-Richards are maybe my favorite songwriters of all time, and the best of their hits sound so great, still.
6. 'Enchanted' by Stevie Nicks. I need a ton of Stevie Nicks music in my life, and so far, this 3 cd box set is the best place to get a lot of Stevie in one place. There are songs missing I'd like- oh wait, this isn't exactly a "desert-island" list of albums, so I guess I can hear anything I want at any time, this is just a Top 10 Favorite Albums List, so, yes, I'll stick with 'Enchanted'.
7. No, I'm not really that old... but...'Anthology' by Diana Ross And The Supremes. So, on Anthology, 12 number one songs, the incredible songwriters Holland Dozier Holland, the hook-laden 'Love Is Like An Itching In My Heart', 'You Keep Me Hangin' On', 'Stop!', 'Love Child', 'Someday We'll Be Together' 'My World Is Empty Without You' & a bunch of other hits and lots of rarities- the music still lifts me.
8. 'Achtung Baby' by U2. I think from start to finish, this is my favorite cd of theirs. 'Until The End of The World', 'Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses', 'So Cruel, 'One'- all 4 of those songs can transform me to a really intense place, and I like the rest of the songs, too. Plus, I can't keep cheating with Greatest Hits, this is supposed to be 'albums' and I'm having a hell of a time choosing a David Bowie album because I want 'Heroes' on it but don't wanna choose the 'Heroes' album... so I guess, it's a cheat again and:
9. 'Changes Bowie' by David Bowie... 'Rebel Rebel', 'China Girl', 'Modern Love' and all the others, Bowie was so amazing. I like that someone chose 'Never Let Me Down' in this poll. I loved that album, though Bowie himself disowns it, and for the cd release, he refused to let 'Too Dizzy' be included on it from the album, a song I liked a lot!
10. 'Tusk' by Fleetwood Mac, because I need 'Beautiful Child' 'Storms', 'Angel', and 'Walk A Thin Line'....but to be honest, if those 4 songs weren't on the album, I wouldn't choose this as a Top 10 Album of All Time selection... But they are. And it's late and my medication is wearing off and I'm tired of thinking and tired of typing. On edit, I'm going to tie Tusk with Led Zep's 'Physical Graffiti'.
I would like a Linda Ronstadt album on here, but can't decide which, bits of 'Mad Love' and 'Don't Cry Now' and 'Hasten Down The Wind' I suppose, but this is getting hard. On another edit, an honorable mention to the original 2 lp set 'Goodbye Yellowbrick Road' by Elton John.

Dodfather 02-21-2010 05:38 AM

I would like a Linda Ronstadt album on here, but can't decide which, bits of 'Mad Love' and 'Don't Cry Now' and 'Hasten Down The Wind' I suppose, [QUOTE]

That would be an amazing Linda album! I've just listened to Simple Dreams actually...

Nikolaj 02-21-2010 05:47 AM

Christina Aguilera's Stripped: I loved that she completely changed her image from the "bad" pop girl to somewhat of an actual artist.

I totally agree. It took me a while to admit, but Christina Aguilera is emerging into a very important 'actual artist' and 'Stripped' was the beginning. "Hurt," from her third album, umm... 'Back To Basics' --- has classical music as the basis of the melody, a torch vocal you gotta hear, she can sing anything, that girl. She's 28. And she's the closest thing to a vocal talent like Streisand since Streisand. She'll be around when she's 61, like Stevie :)
Oh, she also has Irving Azoff as a manager, now, Azoff was behind Fleetwood Mac and The Eagles, and he certainly sees Christina as 'the real deal'- she's very talented. I bet Azoff was behind Christina singing with the Rolling Stones in the Martin Scorcese concert film. Not many women have been asked to share a stage with Mick and The Stones.

ButterCookie 02-21-2010 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by Nikolaj (Post 872864)
2. 'Parallel Lines', Blondie. I gotta have some Blondie, and this was my favorite album of theirs. 'Fade Away and Radiate', the extended 'Heart of Glass','Sunday Girl',the insanely-hooky 'Pretty Baby' and really so many good songs.

YAH YAH Baby! La Dolce Vita is a magic dancee *twirls*

I wanted to include more Blondie in my top 10 but I wouldn't have had room for all the other albums I love. I guess leaving 2 spaces was cutting it too tight :lol:

jaycee 02-21-2010 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by Zombie (Post 872855)
That's my girl, you know the awesome lethality of the Alan Parsons Project! And major love for the Moody Blues (cold hearted orb that rules the night...I did a speech and drama presentation using that bit of spoken word, and it was great.)

And diggin the Dire Straits, too. Is Six Blade Knife on "Brothers in Arms?" I love that song, but I can't remember and I am lazy and won't Google it. :laugh:

(If I actually were a girl...)
It's a beautiful poem, isn't it? It's probably a good one to recite in front of a girlfriend. :laugh:
"Six Blade Knife" was on their first album, the self-titled Dire Straits, which also has "Sultans Of Swing". It's also an excellent album, along with Love Over Gold. I own the three other studio albums, although I don't listen to them quite as much...

Richard B 02-21-2010 10:04 AM

I'm going to try and do this. Hard to narrow down any Top 10...but here we go (in no particular order)...

When I Woke - Rusted Root
I'll never forget the first time I heard this album at a friend's house. It was thumping and jamming. Stayed with me a long time and still ranks high after all this time.

Catch A Fire - Bob Marley
My favorite album by Marley, hands down. I'll never forget the first time I heard 'Stop That Train'.

Arrival - ABBA
Good family memories with this album, not just my immediate family, but also Aunts, Uncles and Cousins. As kids we played this vinyl to death...dancing around like idiots. LOL. Good times.

The Wild Heart - Stevie Nicks
This is the album that got me really, really into Stevie. Bella Donna is technically a better album...but I have such a wild love for this album. This pick is certainly emotional for many reasons. Don't blame it on me...blame it on my wild heart.

Hotel - Moby
I've always loved this guys stuff...especially Play...but I fell in love with this album when I had the opportunity to attend a private party for the release, and Moby performed a very acoustic set of some songs from this forthcoming album. I was blown away...listening at a hotel, by the pool. Then partied down in his hotel room after the gig. I drank most of his vodka. LOL. I will never forget this night even though I got so drunk. Anyway, I really like this album concept.

Fuzzy - Grant Lee Buffalo
Ahhh...this debut album is tight from start to finish. Grant-Lee's writing and vocal style is nothing short of amazing. Been a fan ever since and own every band and solo work.

Bellybutton - Jellyfish
Another amazing debut album. Their second album, Spilt Milk, deserves honorable mention as well. A shame they broke up so soon.

IV - Led Zeppelin
An amazing album from start to finish. Made me a Zep head.

Raising Sand - Robert Plant & Allison Krauss
Something that really sounds like a terrible idea. But damn, does it ever work. This album is glorious. I listen to it often, I find it relaxing.

Buckingham Nicks - Buckingham Nicks
Why this album failed, I'll never know. How can you not fall in love with the vocals, songwriting and guitar on Frozen Love? Impossible.

And two albums I wanted to add, but couldn't pick between which two to choose, so they get a special mention for both albums that I played the **** out of when they came out. Still do. These are kick ass albums.

Ill Communication - Beastie Boys
Check Your Head - Beastie Boys

Dodfather 02-21-2010 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Fiver (Post 872862)
Lonely Runs Both Ways - Alison Krauss and Union Station


Originally Posted by Richard B (Post 872895)
Raising Sand - Robert Plant & Allison Krauss
Something that really sounds like a terrible idea. But damn, does it ever work. This album is glorious. I listen to it often, I find it relaxing.

Love Alison Krauss so both of these albums are great choices. I've been listening to Too Late To Cry a lot lately. Richard, I toally agree about your Raising Sand comments. I couldn't believe it when I heard they were working together and was more than pleasatly surprised by the amazing album they came up with. Roll on the follow-uo that they're recording right now!

chelluversu 02-21-2010 12:06 PM

Err.. I completely forgot about Patty Griffin in my post.
My list cannot be confined to just 10 =\
how about top 100 lol

HomerMcvie 02-21-2010 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Zombie (Post 872855)
Oh, do tell - would love to hear about this. And Steve Earle.

I live in the same town as JCM, and trust me, he's an ASSHOLE(yes, deserving of caps), and everyone knows it. His opinion is the only one that matters, and he's rude as hell. Little piece of sh*t is completely full of humility whatsoever.

Steve Earle - I provided(and ran) lighting for one of his shows. I was a HUGE fan of his(Guitar Town WAS one of my favorite all time albums). Well, I really wanted to get one of my guitars signed, so I took a $1200 Takemine acoustic(yes, that's not much money to him, but it was to me). So I go on his bus with his tour manager, who tells him that I was the LD for the show, and a fan, and would like to get my guitar signed by him. He takes my Takemine, looks at it, and all he could say was, in front of his entire entourage, "I hate these fukcing japanese pieces of ****", then signed it.

Thanks Steve, you fukcing asshole.:mad:

Meowi 02-21-2010 02:36 PM

(Not in any order)
Fleetwood Mac - Tusk
Fleetwood Mac - Rumours
Fleetwood Mac - Fleetwood Mac
Stevie Nicks - Bella Donna
Stevie Nicks - Wild Heart
Kate Bush - The Dreaming
Kate Bush - The Kick Inside
Kate Bush- The Hounds of Love

Call me boringly plain with only three artists, but I can put up with listening to the same stuff!

Zombie 02-21-2010 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by jaycee (Post 872887)
(If I actually were a girl...)
It's a beautiful poem, isn't it? It's probably a good one to recite in front of a girlfriend. :laugh:
"Six Blade Knife" was on their first album, the self-titled Dire Straits, which also has "Sultans Of Swing". It's also an excellent album, along with Love Over Gold. I own the three other studio albums, although I don't listen to them quite as much...

Oh shizz, genderfail. My bad. In my defense, however, I know about 6 girls named Jaycee IRL, which probably influenced mah brain. Sorry! Please forgive. Though I also noticed someone in an earlier post refer to me as a dude, when I am a girl, but I am used to that one on the Interweb.

I dunno if all girls would get the awesome of the poem, but you could try it. I like how it bookends the album, begins and ends with the "cold hearted orb lines." I particularly like how the very last line of the poem on the album is said almost as a question, "And which IS an illusion?"

In fact, I like it so much, I'ma reprint it here for posterity because I've had it memorized for so many years now.

The Day Begins

Cold hearted orb that rules the night
Removes the colors from our sight
Red is grey and yellow, white
But we decided which is right
And which is an illusion.

Pinprick holes in a colorless sky
Let insipid figures of light pass by
The mighty light of ten thousand suns
Challenges infinity and is soon gone
Night time, to some a brief interlude
To others, the fear of solitude

Brave Helios, wake up your steeds
Bring the warmth the countryside needs.

Late Lament

Breathe deep the gathering gloom
Watch lights fade from every room
Bedsitter people look back and lament
Another day's useless energy spent

Impassioned lovers wrestle as one
Lonely man cries out for love and has none
New mother picks up and suckles her son
Senior citizens wish they were young

Cold hearted orb that rules the night
Removes the colors from our sight
Red is grey and yellow, white
But we decide which is right
And which is an illusion

Zombie 02-21-2010 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by HomerMcvie (Post 872921)
I live in the same town as JCM, and trust me, he's an ASSHOLE(yes, deserving of caps), and everyone knows it. His opinion is the only one that matters, and he's rude as hell. Little piece of sh*t is completely full of humility whatsoever.

Steve Earle - I provided(and ran) lighting for one of his shows. I was a HUGE fan of his(Guitar Town WAS one of my favorite all time albums). Well, I really wanted to get one of my guitars signed, so I took a $1200 Takemine acoustic(yes, that's not much money to him, but it was to me). So I go on his bus with his tour manager, who tells him that I was the LD for the show, and a fan, and would like to get my guitar signed by him. He takes my Takemine, looks at it, and all he could say was, in front of his entire entourage, "I hate these fukcing japanese pieces of ****", then signed it.

Thanks Steve, you fukcing asshole.:mad:

Oh wow, that really sucks. :shocked: I'm so sorry. That's one of the reasons I am afraid to meet most of my music idols - I worry they will not be nearly as awesome as I think they are.

I've met a few that were as awesome as I'd hoped - Robb Flynn from Machine Head was a total sweetie - gave me a hug & a smooch, I thought I was gonna melt into a little pile of goo - and Kenny Hickey from Type O Negative is also great.


And if y'all wanna go more than 10, do it. I am having fun reading all this.

TrueFaith77 02-21-2010 04:38 PM

Ten Best Albums of My Lifetime (1977-Present)

One (or two :laugh: ) albums per artist:

1. Rumours (1977) and Tusk (1979), Fleetwood Mac
2. Fear of Music (1979) and Remain In Light (1980), Talking Heads
3. Once Upon a Time . . . (1977) and Bad Girls (1979), Donna Summer
4. Very (1993) and Bilingual (1996), The Pet Shop Boys
5. Fear of a Black Planet (1990) and Apocalypse '91 (1991), Public Enemy
6. Cupid & Psyche '85 (1985) and Provision (1988), Scritti Politti
7. The Queen Is Dead (1986) and Strangeways, Here We Come (1987), The Smiths
8. Bazerk, Bazerk, Bazerk (1991), Son of Bazerk
9. Viva Hate (1988) and You Are The Quarry (2004), Morrissey
10. Never Mind the Bollocks (1977), The Sex Pistols

StreetAngel95 02-21-2010 05:13 PM

ok here goes......

1. Fleetwood Mac - Say You Will: my first Mac album ever, and still my favorite. I always had the best times in my room, in second grade, dancing to Say You Will...
2. Stevie Nicks - Trouble In Shangri-La: the one and ONLY Stevie album that i can listen to in its entirety - love it!
3. Lindsey Buckingham - Gift of Screws: yes, go ahead and yell at me for not putting down OOTC...but GOS is AMAZING! Definitelymy favorite Lindsey album - from the crazy weird "Gift of Screws" to the gorgeous "Bel-Air Rain" it's always highly ranked in my mind!
4. Steely Dan - Aja: My first album and concert.EVER. Steely Dan was my first love and will forever hold a special place in my heart. Hearing classics like, "Peg" and "Home At Last" still give me chills!
5. Pink Floyd - Dark Side of The Moon: i'm not even gonna explain this one...:laugh:
6. Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young - Deja Vu: i adore CSNY! Some of my favorites: "Carry On", "Woodstock", "Almost Cut My Hair"
7. Buckingham Nicks - Self-Titled: do i even dare talk about this one?
8. Adam Lambert - For Your Entertainment: i love this album so much! First of all, i admire Adam very much, and he has an incredible voice! His work is soo good!
9. Peter Frampton - Frampton Comes Alive - in the words of Peter Griffin, "You know what was a monster? Frampton Comes Alive - 1976 - did you know anybody who didn't own that record?"
10. Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers - Damn The Torpedoes: pure genius. "Refugee" and "Don't Do Me Like That" are all time faves!

ButterCookie 02-21-2010 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by StreetAngel95 (Post 872954)
ok here goes......
7. Buckingham Nicks - Self-Titled: do i even dare talk about this one?

Yes! Talk about it, I think it's freakin' incredible!

Travis 02-21-2010 05:29 PM

Olivia Newton-John - Physical (1981)
This was probably the first album/cassette I ever purchased. I was a major ONJ fan a good two years before discovering Stevie. Despite the song “Physical” being very commercial, Olivia really blossomed as a singer on this album. It is full of songs I love, “Stranger’s Touch”, “Love Make Me Strong”, “Recovery” and my favorite, “The Promise”, which she wrote herself. Aside from Stevie, not many artist can move me to tears but Olivia can. “The Promise” is one of the most beautiful and genuine songs Olivia has ever written.

Fleetwood Mac - Mirage (1982)
Of course “Rumours” is probably the best album the Mac has ever done, and while “Tusk” is a fan favorite, it’s a bit over the top for me, aside from Stevie and Chris’s songs (sorry Linds - though I do love “Save Me A Place”), “Mirage” really is just a very enjoyable listen. I find myself playing that CD more than any other Mac release.

Stevie Nicks - The Wild Heart (1983)
Ah, the singles from WH are what got me into Stevie. My first Stevie purchase was both the 45’s for Stand Back and If Anyone Falls (at the same time). Looking at the cover art I knew Stevie was unlike any other. I purchased the album shortly thereafter and the rest is history. I’m forever partial to “The Wild Heart.” I think it is a much more solid effort than Bella Donna.

Paula Abdul - Spellbound (1991)
The benefit with working with one producer is that you get a more solid and cohesive effort. The Family Stand really pushed Paula to be her best and it shows. Her singing improved (just listen to Rush Rush again, and “Will You Marry Me” - she really is a decent singer. No Mariah or Whitney, but Paula does a fine job on “Spellbound”). She wrote or co-wrote 4 of the tracks and there is not one bad song on this album. I have often said that this is probably one of the best pop albums ever and it is so perfectly sequenced.

Belinda Carlisle - Live Your Life Be Free (1991)
Much to my surprise, this album did not even chart on Billboard’s top 200, which I will never understand. It had an awesome 1st single in “Do You Feel Like I Feel”, very upbeat and catchy. So many great songs on this CD from “Emotional Highway”, “I Plead Insanity” and “You’re Nothing Without Me.” Definitely a great pop CD that got overlooked.

Madonna - Erotica (1992)
The early 90’s, me coming out and experiencing the club scene in my early 20’s. This CD was all in the clubs, the title track, “Deeper and Deeper” and “Fever.” Aside from the club tracks it also has a lot of sexy urban tunes with a jazzy undertone. This remains my favorite Madonna CD to this day.

Sade - Love Deluxe (1992)
Honestly, I probably listen to “The Best Of Sade” more than any of her studio release but “Love Deluxe” is the one of hers I played the most. Aside from all of her CDs being the love soundtrack for a lot of us, there are so many beautiful yet very sad songs, and I have to be willing to “go there” if I plan to listen to Sade. “No Ordinary Love”, “Cherish The Day”, “Feel No Pain” and “Kiss Of Life”, all beautiful.

Lindsey Buckingham - Out Of The Cradle (1992)
I can’t believe I’m putting a Lindsey record in my top 10 but I am. This was a CD that I played a lot during my coming out period. It has a lot of positive lyrics that spoke to me at the time. “Soul Drifter” is probably my favorite LB song ever. A great CD overall.

Kylie Minogue - Light Years (2000)
I was aware of Kylie before this record but she pretty much vanished from the US scene after 1988 until 2002. Little did most US peeps know just what a stellar career she had pretty much everywhere else in the world all the time the US was ignoring her (their loss). I first became aware of this CD via a Paula Abdul email blast where it mentioned that Paula had co-written a tune titled “Spinning Around” and described it as disco driven. Of course being a Paula fan I had to check it out. I did and I LOVED IT. Not long after I purchased the 2nd single which was “On A Night Like This.” I loved that too but I didn’t buy the CD “Light Years” until the summer of 2001, while I was in NY to see Stevie. I bought it, took and home and played it non-stop. I loved everything on it, with “Spinning Around” being my favorite. Other faves are “Disco Down”, “Love Boat”, “Butterfly” and the title track.

Shakira - She Wolf (2009)
For the past 10 years or so I’ve purchased full CDs less and less. Since I love club music so much I end up buying a lot of singles and there are actually very few CDs I like to listen to as a whole. I prefer to make my own play list these days. However, not the case with “She Wolf.” I’ve been a casual fan of Shaki’s since “Laundry Service” and I liked pretty much everything I heard, but when “She Wolf” (the single) came out, I found it so addictive. I received a promo copy of the CD, gave it a chance and I loved it. There are so many great songs on it, the title track, “Did It Again”, “Gypsy” and my favorite, the very driving “Men In This Town.” You have to purchase that song if nothing else. Her vocals on this give me chills. Love me some Shaki.

Honorable mentions:
Salt ‘N’ Pepa - Very Necessary (1993)
Maxwell - Maxwell’s Urban Hang Suite (1996)
Sweetback - Sweetback (1996)
George Michael - Ladies & Gentlemen … The Best Of George Michael (1998)
Tiffany - Dust Off And Dance (2005)

tilthefirefades 02-21-2010 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Travis (Post 872959)

Shakira - She Wolf (2009)
For the past 10 years or so I’ve purchased full CDs less and less. Since I love club music so much I end up buying a lot of singles and there are actually very few CDs I like to listen to as a whole. I prefer to make my own play list these days. However, not the case with “She Wolf.” I’ve been a casual fan of Shaki’s since “Laundry Service” and I liked pretty much everything I heard, but when “She Wolf” (the single) came out, I found it so addictive. I received a promo copy of the CD, gave it a chance and I loved it. There are so many great songs on it, the title track, “Did It Again”, “Gypsy” and my favorite, the very driving “Men In This Town.” You have to purchase that song if nothing else. Her vocals on this give me chills. Love me some Shaki.

She Wolf is amazing! I was going to put Oral Fixation (which I think is her best) on my list, but I decided to put Janet on there instead. But I find myself listening to "Did It Again" over and over sometimes, I love the spanish version.

Dodfather 02-21-2010 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Travis (Post 872959)
Belinda Carlisle - Live Your Life Be Free (1991)
Much to my surprise, this album did not even chart on Billboard’s top 200, which I will never understand. It had an awesome 1st single in “Do You Feel Like I Feel”, very upbeat and catchy. So many great songs on this CD from “Emotional Highway”, “I Plead Insanity” and “You’re Nothing Without Me.” Definitely a great pop CD that got overlooked.

Kylie Minogue - Light Years (2000)
I was aware of Kylie before this record but she pretty much vanished from the US scene after 1988 until 2002. Little did most US peeps know just what a stellar career she had pretty much everywhere else in the world all the time the US was ignoring her (their loss). I first became aware of this CD via a Paula Abdul email blast where is mentioned that Paula had co-written a tune titled “Spinning Around” and described it as disco driven. Of course being a Paula fan I had to check it out. I did and I LOVED IT. Not long after I purchased the 2nd single which was “On A Night Like This.” I loved that too but I didn’t buy the CD “Light Years” until the summer of 2001, while I was in NY to see Stevie. I bought it, took and home and played it non-stop. I loved everything on it, with “Spinning Around” being my favorite. Other faves are “Disco Down”, “Love Boat”, “Butterfly” and the title track.

Hey travis. Great choices! I love Belinda and good call on choosing this album! The tracks you mention are all brilliant, especially I Plead Insanity. Do you also have Real (1993)? That's a really overlooked record, it had 2 great singles (Lay Down Your Arms and Big Scary Animal) and the rest of the album is pretty damn good too!

I wondered if there's be a Kylie one in your list... I do like Light Years (especially Disco Down, it so should have been a single instead of the dreaded Please Stay that the UK got) but I'd still have to go for Impossible Princess as her best album. You heard it yet?

StreetAngel95 02-21-2010 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by ButterCookie (Post 872958)
Yes! Talk about it, I think it's freakin' incredible!

haha i thought it was pretty self-explanatory!

anyways, my dad told me this story about how my grandpa once bought BN at a record store the week it came out. He brought it home and told my dad, "this is the future of rock 'n' roll. These guys are gonna get somewhere." Ironically, my dad listened to it, hated it, and sold it to help pay for college.

A couple years ago i was at Princeton record Exchange, and found it on sale for 175$....yes a bit pricey, but worth it! so i bought it, brought it home, and put it in my turn-table to listen to..(of course eventually transferring it to mp3)

my dad now has a new found appreciation for album, cuz his 14-yr old daughter is in love with it!

ButterCookie 02-21-2010 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by StreetAngel95 (Post 872969)
haha i thought it was pretty self-explanatory!

anyways, my dad told me this story about how my grandpa once bought BN at a record store the week it came out. He brought it home and told my dad, "this is the future of rock 'n' roll. These guys are gonna get somewhere." Ironically, my dad listened to it, hated it, and sold it to help pay for college.

A couple years ago i was at Princeton record Exchange, and found it on sale for 175$....yes a bit pricey, but worth it! so i bought it, brought it home, and put it in my turn-table to listen to..(of course eventually transferring it to mp3)

my dad now has a new found appreciation for album, cuz his 14-yr old daughter is in love with it!

Aww! Your Grandpa sounds awesome :D

I need a copy badly, but they're sooo expensive

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