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foxyluva 11-01-2005 06:37 PM

How Old Is Too Old To Lose Your Virginity??
Hey guys, i had an interesting conversation with my friend about losing your virginity - he said that he lost his at 14, and he was told by friends that that was a really old age to lose it, and alot of them lost it at 11 and 12. Now we are both 19, and im still one :angel: but the only difference is im gay, and he is straight (many of you will know how difficult that can be when growing up) - so my question to you is, what age is still having your virginity kind of weird?? How Old Is Too Old??

markolas 11-01-2005 06:39 PM

I was 22, I you're not too old. :laugh:

Serendipity 11-01-2005 06:40 PM

Guessing the question should probably really be "how young is too young?"!!

All I know, I was pretty average for the people I know but my little sister is that age now, and I would hate to think of her going there! Altho i guess its a bit different because at least I had a long term boyfriend I cared about, and she doesnt.

In short, I dont know the answer to your question. But younger than the age of consent (16 here), is too young, IMO, physcially and emotionally. Other than that, whenever you feel mature enough and "ready" (whatever that means". And take proper precautions, obviously!

You're never too old, its not weird, its just doing whats right for you!!!!


ontheEdgeof17 11-01-2005 06:42 PM

I'm 23 and still a virgin. :angel:

markolas 11-01-2005 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by ontheEdgeof17
I'm 23 and still a virgin. :angel:

Are not. :lol:

ryan8472 11-01-2005 06:43 PM

I was 14. So I can't really comment. :p Tho I would think that if it hadn't happened after about 30 years, something may be amiss. :laugh:

wondergirl9847 11-01-2005 06:44 PM

I am 29 and am one. :) Waiting until marriage is my whole thing, but I've never even had a real boyfriend, I have a freakin' choice. :laugh:

I don't believe ANY age is too wierd. If you aren't comfortable, then, don't do it. Gay, straight, I don't care. My mom knew May Owen (socialite from Fort Worth) and she told my mom one time that she lived to be in her 90's because she'd never had sex. :laugh:

I will say that 11, 12, 13, 14 is scary. That is WAY too young to even be discussing having sex. I didn't even know what it was until I was like, 12 or
13, but that was in the 80's....ahhh, such a simpler time. LOL!!

Karlie 11-01-2005 06:47 PM

I'm 15 and a virgin, and so are almost all of my friends.

foxyluva 11-01-2005 06:47 PM

Dont get me wrong, im kinda proud of being one, but, it suddenly occured to me that all my friends, and i mean all are no longer virgins, and it seems like im the last horse to cross the finish line :laugh:

It was just a question that i wanted some opinions on, its not like im going threw a personal crisis or anything :laugh:

markolas 11-01-2005 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by wondergirl9847
I am 29 and am one. :) Waiting until marriage is my whole thing, but I've never even had a real boyfriend, I have a freakin' choice. :laugh:

If I waited until marriage, I'd be waiting a loooooooooooong time. :laugh:


I will say that 11, 12, 13, 14 is scary. That is WAY too young to even be discussing having sex. I didn't even know what it was until I was like, 12 or
13, but that was in the 80's....ahhh, such a simpler time. LOL!!
Is it even possible to have sex when you're 11 or 12?? :shrug:

wondergirl9847 11-01-2005 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by markolas
If I waited until marriage, I'd be waiting a loooooooooooong time. :laugh:

Is it even possible to have sex when you're 11 or 12?? :shrug:

Marriage is NOT a piece of paper, my friend. ;)

I've heard of like, 10 year old girls being pregnant, so yes, at 11,12...they can. :distress:

foxyluva 11-01-2005 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by markolas
If I waited until marriage, I'd be waiting a loooooooooooong time. :laugh:

Is it even possible to have sex when you're 11 or 12?? :shrug:

I know, i didnt even know what it was until 12, let alone actually doing it :lol:

BTFLCHLD 11-01-2005 06:50 PM

well...there is such a thing as waiting too long
if there arent any marriage material prospects
on the least thats what some
woman was moaning about in an article i read...
now the idea of it has her terrified more than anything.
i have a really dumb quesiton to ask...but i wont.
i will research the net for answers ;)

Jyqm 11-01-2005 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by foxyluva
Hey guys, i had an interesting conversation with my friend about losing your virginity - he said that he lost his at 14, and he was told by friends that that was a really old age to lose it, and alot of them lost it at 11 and 12. Now we are both 19, and im still one :angel: but the only difference is im gay, and he is straight (many of you will know how difficult that can be when growing up) - so my question to you is, what age is still having your virginity kind of weird?? How Old Is Too Old??

Good lord. I thought this was going to be some comical thread about some fifty-year-old who was just itching to finally lose it but thought maybe it was too late and they ought to just throw in the towel.

14 is a very young age to be having sex, and 11 or 12 is just ridiculous. I don't think I even figured out masturbation until I was 12. I would guess that some of your friend's friends were just flat out lying. Otherwise that's a bit disturbing. I really doubt that many or any 12 or 14 year olds are remotely mature enough to be able to deal with the incredible responsibility - both physical and emotional - that sex entails.

Losing your virginity isn't like getting your voter registration card or buying a pack of cigarettes. There's no pre-set age beyond which you really should have had sex already. You should lose your virginity when you find a person that you care about enough - and who cares about you enough - to want to have that kind of relationship with.

If someone is in their 30s or 40s and are still a virgin, I think what's "weird" isn't that they've never had sex, per se, but that they've never had a mature, serious romantic relationship (of which sex tends to be a part).

Bottom line: There's nothing "weird" about being a 19 year old virgin. There are lots of people in their twenties who are still virgins, many of them by choice. There's actually a growing abstinence (until marriage, of course) movement in the US.

EDIT: Does this post make it seem like I think sex outside the confines of a serious relationship is wrong? I don't really believe that, though I think it's something that is often important for a first experience - it's always easier venturing into unknown waters in the security that a relationship can bring. Beyond that, though, if you're into casual sex, knock yourself out. Not that anybody here really cares what I think or needs me to approve of their sex lives, or vice versa.

Serendipity 11-01-2005 06:57 PM

Personally, and I really do mean its just my view, I couldnt have chosen to wait until marriage. I'm not particularly religious, and well, I'm only human. But I really do think its best to wait until you're with somone you care for and who cares for you. And that you are both willing to accept that its a lot of fun but can and does have consequences. I'm glad I did it when I did, and I have no regrets even if that relationship didnt work out because it was right for me. If that time had come 10 or 15 years later for me, I would still have waited to be in that relationship.

11 or 12? Lord, that just freaks me out. More so because I know it does happen!


On edit - to agree with Jyqm.....nothing to say sex is only ok in a relastionship. To each their own amongst consenting and careful adults. But for a first time...yeah it might be better to wait for that security of a good relationship

SuzeQuze 11-01-2005 07:03 PM

I don't think there's anything weird about being a 19 year old virgin. That is still very young and I'm sure it is normal. People talk a good talk about sex but who knows what the truth is. I know things have gotten much looser lately and it is sad. If I had it to do over again I would wait wait wait!!! When you know who you are as a person and are comfortable with that and have something to share then that may be a good time. I think early sex really messes with your identity. Especially if you pick a sociopath. :lol:

BTFLCHLD 11-01-2005 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by BTFLCHLD
well...there is such a thing as waiting too long
if there arent any marriage material prospects
on the least thats what some
woman was moaning about in an article i read...
now the idea of it has her terrified more than anything.
i have a really dumb quesiton to ask...but i wont.
i will research the net for answers ;)

IMO anyone under 18 shouldnt be indulging
thats what i would want for my kids anyway
may not be realistic but thats what id like them to strive for
saying that...i dont have kids.

Nixxxed 11-01-2005 07:07 PM

Don't rush it. When it's right, it's right - for YOU, not for anyone else.

Also, don't be hung up on one physical act. There are many ways to experience intimacy and/or pleasure. So, technically, you're a virgin for all those, too.

And I'm not talking about only sex. Have you ever slow-danced with your loved one on a dance floor? How about a romantic picnic? Walked hand-in-hand down the street? Kissed in public? Those types of things can provide just as big a rush, and be just as fulfilling, than anything you could do in bed.

One last suggestion - PLAY SAFE. And good luck, and have fun, on your own terms. :xoxo:

wondergirl9847 11-01-2005 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by SuzeQuze
I think early sex really messes with your identity. Especially if you pick a sociopath. :lol:

Then, I don't really think sex is what you need to be worrying about. :shocked:


Karlie 11-01-2005 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by BTFLCHLD
IMO anyone under 18 shouldnt be indulging
thats what i would want for my kids anyway
may not be realistic but thats what id like them to strive for
saying that...i dont have kids.

OMG your signature is hilarious! I love your icon too.

SuzeQuze 11-01-2005 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by wondergirl9847
Then, I don't really think sex is what you need to be worrying about. :shocked:


Haha! I was really unlucky and the BF was a lying bastard who had no capacity for empathy or real caring. Isn't that swell?

wondergirl9847 11-01-2005 07:33 PM

The swell thing is...

Originally Posted by SuzeQuze
Haha! I was really unlucky and the BF was a lying bastard who had no capacity for empathy or real caring. Isn't that swell?

You came to your senses. :)

CelticGypsy 11-01-2005 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by foxyluva
Hey guys, i had an interesting conversation with my friend about losing your virginity - he said that he lost his at 14, and he was told by friends that that was a really old age to lose it, and alot of them lost it at 11 and 12. Now we are both 19, and im still one :angel: but the only difference is im gay, and he is straight (many of you will know how difficult that can be when growing up) - so my question to you is, what age is still having your virginity kind of weird?? How Old Is Too Old??

I was 22 and I had been engaged for about six months. What happened, I got pregnant but at least the wedding date had been already been planned three weeks later. Yes, I could have waited but at least I waited for the right man and he was the only one and we are happy after 27 years of marriage. He still makes me tingle:lol:

Better to wait for that right person. I have grown up kids that had sex for first time at ages 16 and 19. Messed up relationships and they would drift from one boyfriend to another. They are older and wiser now and finally have learned that casual sex is not as great as everyone told them it would be. It is better to be in a relationship with somebody you love and respect than have sex with someone you could care less about. Less stress and worries.

xdreamsunwindx 11-01-2005 08:09 PM

Humping on the parking meter's always fun.

*g* nobody gets it yay!

macfanken 11-01-2005 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by ontheEdgeof17
I'm 23 and still a virgin. :angel:

Lies!!! :lol:

amber 11-01-2005 08:35 PM

Too old is if you feel like you may explode or implode, and then you do. That's how you know you were too old.
Too young is people should wait until they're out of highschool (perhaps specifically for oh, about 10 days, and then maybe 10 days before your 18th birthday. For example) So that no one will know about your sh**, and no one will be talking about it all around school. That was one of my specific reasons/things I wanted to avoid at all costs.

SortaSavageLike 11-01-2005 08:44 PM

126 years.

Hey, I like to be optimistic from time to time! :)

Brwn_eyes0511 11-01-2005 08:47 PM

Call it the Catholic in me...but 14! WTF!!!???

ryan8472 11-01-2005 09:04 PM

Gawd, now I feel like a little hussy. :eek: :lol:

Stephanie 11-01-2005 09:07 PM

I was 15, but it just so happened that I married the guy 10 years after that and we have now been together a total of 15 years!

But I don't even want to think about my future children having sex that young. I would rather a person wait and be happy than be too young and be sorry.

sara1998 11-01-2005 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by Jyqm
I would guess that some of your friend's friends were just flat out lying. Otherwise that's a bit disturbing. I really doubt that many or any 12 or 14 year olds are remotely mature enough to be able to deal with the incredible responsibility - both physical and emotional - that sex entails.

I'm here to tell you, 12-14 year old children are in no way capable of handling the emotional or physical aspects of sex. If they have or are having sex at that age, it's peer pressure, or, there's something wrong going on at home. A lot of kids that age say they're doing it, and lying about it, to feel like they're cool. It is disturbing. I'm too embarrassed to tell when I lost mine, but, if you're too young like I was, you'll feel self conscious about it for years to come. I only wish that when I was 19 I could honestly say I was still a virgin. Be proud of yourself you've held out for so long, and don't worry that you are too old. When you find the right one, you'll know when it's time!

Brwn_eyes0511 11-01-2005 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by ryan8472
Gawd, now I feel like a little hussy. :eek: :lol:

OH NO! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply that...


sparky 11-01-2005 09:27 PM

Ho****. I was very young. But I won't go into that. Also - how do you want to define virginity ?:eek:

Most kids under 18 do not have the emotional maturity to deal with sex under 18, but it doesn't stop them. Didn't stop me. And thankfully I wasn't in the arena to be getting anyone pregnant. It can definitely mess up girls, as they tend to place more of an emotional investment on sex. But too old ? I would say in your 20's is probably pushing it, but if you aren't ready, you aren't ready.
Everyone has different priorites and frankly sex means many different things to different people.

amber 11-01-2005 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by sparky
Ho****. I was very young. But I won't go into that. Also - how do you want to define virginity ?:eek:

Most kids under 18 do not have the emotional maturity to deal with sex under 18, but it doesn't stop them. Didn't stop me. And thankfully I wasn't in the arena to be getting anyone pregnant. It can definitely mess up girls, as they tend to place more of an emotional investment on sex. But too old ? I would say in your 20's is probably pushing it, but if you aren't ready, you aren't ready.
Everyone has different priorites and frankly sex means many different things to different people.

Speaking of which - you gonna write that manual? :laugh:

sara1998 11-01-2005 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by amber
Speaking of which - you gonna write that manual? :laugh:

Too funny!:laugh:

sparky 11-01-2005 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by amber
Speaking of which - you gonna write that manual? :laugh:


ryan8472 11-01-2005 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by sparky

The real thick one. :P

sparky 11-01-2005 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by ryan8472
The real thick one. :P

SOOO difficult to restrain myself. But I think you know what I am not saying.:wavey:

amber 11-01-2005 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by sparky

"How to Seduce Every Boy You Come Across - A thirteen year old's guide to gay conquests"

dissention 11-01-2005 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by amber
"How to Seduce Every Boy You Come Across - A thirteen year old's guide to gay conquests"

The wingnuts would start burning books again. :laugh:

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