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darklinensuit 01-07-2004 02:35 AM

What are your favorite animals?
Mine are dogs, wolves, rhinos, and chimps.

- Jake

DrummerDeanna 01-07-2004 08:30 AM nephew asked me this very question yesterday haha...he's obsessed with animals...

Anyway, my favorites are: dogs, dolphins, whales, bears (especially Pandas), and penguins :D

darklinensuit 01-07-2004 08:41 AM


Originally posted by DrummerDeanna nephew asked me this very question yesterday haha...he's obsessed with animals...

Anyway, my favorites are: dogs, dolphins, whales, bears (especially Pandas), and penguins :D

Have you ever seen those altered pics of pandas without the black eye spots? They look a lot less cute.

- Jake

DrummerDeanna 01-07-2004 08:58 AM I haven't but it sounds strange....

The reason I like them so much is because of an old Snickers commercial where this guy has a magazine about Pandas and the co-workers are all in one office and they guy is like "pretty pretty dancing..." and moving the picture of the panda around was great....

Alison 01-07-2004 09:52 AM

I love so many animals. I like koala bears, did I spell that right?
We belong to the pet of the month club at my house.
we have a cat, many fish, a budgie, hampsters and a gecko.

dissention 01-07-2004 09:56 AM

Every animal. :nod: I love animals so much that when I watch a movie and an animal is being abused in it, my eyes flood with tears.

strandinthewind 01-07-2004 09:59 AM

By far Scottish Terriers!!!!

Here are my two youngest (Wynn and Laine)

or right click and save as

I also love to watch brirds fly, particularly eagles or hawks (making lazy circles in the sky :cool: ). Hippos are pretty cool as well, esp. since they remind me of my rotund dearly missed Scottie Mimi - she was a large girl!!!!! :laugh:

Lee 01-07-2004 10:43 AM

My absolute favorite animals are dogs (I have a toy poodle pup), birds (wild & domestic i. e. parakeets) & giraffes. I'm so facinated with giraffes that I collect them. I have all kinds of giraffe stuff spread all over my house.

Lee :)

darklinensuit 01-07-2004 12:06 PM


Originally posted by strandinthewind
By far Scottish Terriers!!!!

Yeah, me too. I love their accents.

- Jake

darklinensuit 01-07-2004 12:08 PM


Originally posted by Lee
My absolute favorite animals are dogs (I have a toy poodle pup), birds (wild & domestic i. e. parakeets) & giraffes. I'm so facinated with giraffes that I collect them. I have all kinds of giraffe stuff spread all over my house.

Lee :)

I almost put giraffes. They're no quite a favorite of mine.
I really don't care for birds, though. Birds have tried to attack me at times. (Jake, The One Man Omen Trilogy.)

- Jake

CarneVaca 01-07-2004 12:11 PM

Well, my absolute favorite is the cow. No animal is cooler. Check out a cow grazing some time. Can you think of a more cool, calm and collected animal? I didn't think so.

Now, had you asked, "What is your favorite pet?" The dog, of course. We have a border collie. But I would love to have a Leonburger (berger?). No dog is cooler.

cliffdweller 01-07-2004 12:38 PM

The non-human primates: the great apes, monkeys, prosimians--- they're all great.

I also love the big cats like lions, tigers, and panthers.

littlelies7 01-07-2004 01:13 PM

I just love bears! They're so cool!

I also like dogs, they love you no matter what.

I love turtles and owls, I just like the fact that they are symbols of wisdom and intelligence.

The other animal I love so much, yet I don't know if it should be my favorite is the dolphin. Not a mean bone in their bodies, and they always look like they're smiling!

xdreamsunwindx 01-07-2004 01:45 PM

Cats! I looooove cats... We have three, Pearl, Mable, and Lola. I've loved and had cats as pets since I was born, so I've really grown up with them. I also love Penguins, rabbits, some dogs (have had a few bad experiences with them), bears, mostly any kind of animal.

darklinensuit 01-07-2004 02:13 PM


Originally posted by littlelies7
I just love bears! They're so cool!

I also like dogs, they love you no matter what.

I love turtles and owls, I just like the fact that they are symbols of wisdom and intelligence.

The other animal I love so much, yet I don't know if it should be my favorite is the dolphin. Not a mean bone in their bodies, and they always look like they're smiling!

I like owls, too. They eat other birds.:)
Did you ever see that Robin Williams thing with the dolphins where the dolphin attacks him all of a sudden? In the animal's defense, I, too, find Robin Williams very annoying.

- Jake

jadegypsy 01-07-2004 04:54 PM

fave animals
First I love most animals.
Faves though:
Cats (have two)
Horses (specifically TB's)
Scottie Dogs (soooo cute)
Okay I'll stop now...

wondergirl9847 01-07-2004 07:11 PM

My fave animal is the cheetah. I dunno why, I loved Thundercats as a kid...and Cheetara was coolness, and I've loved 'em ever since. LOL

I love most animals, but my faves would be dogs and tigers (and most exotic cats like panthers and jaguars). I like pandas too. :)

I'm allergic to cats, but I do like 'em.

I don't particularly care for birds.

macmar71 01-07-2004 09:42 PM

Cats, squirrels, chinchillas, bears, cute little lap dogs, and skunks (not their smell, just their appearence).

Carlene 01-07-2004 10:00 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I love dogs, cows, pandas, baby bears....but especially my Ragdoll kitten Wilbur! :wavey:

All your life you've never seen
A kitten -- taken by the light
Would you stay if he posed for you cutely
Would you ever win...


Dreams unwind.
Wilb's a state of mind.

I know this qualifies me for the loony bin...but I love my cat!! :laugh:

darklinensuit 01-08-2004 07:05 PM

Re: fave animals

Originally posted by jadegypsy

Horses (specifically TB's)

Don't laugh, but specifically, what are TB's?
(Keep in mind I have NEVER ridden a horse.):wavey:

- Jake

darklinensuit 01-08-2004 07:06 PM

Re: Faves...

Originally posted by wondergirl9847

I don't particularly care for birds.

Amen, keep them where they belong, on a plate.
Sorry, Tweety.

- Jake

darklinensuit 01-08-2004 07:07 PM


Originally posted by macmar71
Cats, squirrels, chinchillas, bears, cute little lap dogs, and skunks (not their smell, just their appearence).
No disrespect, just curiosity, but why chinchillas?

- Jake

darklinensuit 01-08-2004 07:09 PM


Originally posted by Carlene
I love dogs, cows, pandas, baby bears....but especially my Ragdoll kitten Wilbur! :wavey:

All your life you've never seen
A kitten -- taken by the light
Would you stay if he posed for you cutely
Would you ever win...


Dreams unwind.
Wilb's a state of mind.

I know this qualifies me for the loony bin...but I love my cat!! :laugh:

I'm afraid to download the pic.
Please tell me you didn't dress this cat in chiffon and a top hat. :(

- Jake

golden braid 01-08-2004 07:26 PM

Re: Re: fave animals

Originally posted by darklinensuit
Don't laugh, but specifically, what are TB's?
(Keep in mind I have NEVER ridden a horse.):wavey:

- Jake

A TB is a thoroughbred horse. They are the kind of horses that race at the Kentucky Derby.
Anyway, my favorite animals are cats and horses (TB's are my favorite too.) :)

Siri Ruane 01-08-2004 09:33 PM

I don't like animals...

jadegypsy 01-09-2004 12:35 PM


A TB is a thoroughbred horse. They are the kind of horses that race at the Kentucky Derby.
So do you watch the races as well? I usually watch the Big 4 (Derby, Preakness, Belmont, and Breeders Cup). One of these days I'm going to get myself to the Derby (spectator).

golden braid 01-10-2004 12:02 AM

Re: animals

Originally posted by jadegypsy
So do you watch the races as well? I usually watch the Big 4 (Derby, Preakness, Belmont, and Breeders Cup). One of these days I'm going to get myself to the Derby (spectator).
Sometimes. I like when they show all the horses walking to the starting gate and then I try to pick which one I like the best and will win.

darklinensuit 01-10-2004 03:14 AM

Re: Re: Re: fave animals

Originally posted by golden braid
A TB is a thoroughbred horse. They are the kind of horses that race at the Kentucky Derby.

- Jake

darklinensuit 01-10-2004 03:15 AM


Originally posted by Siri Ruane
I don't like animals...
None? You never had a pet?
Well, which one do you dislike the least?

- Jake

sparky 01-10-2004 05:19 AM

Birds, birds and more birds.
I have 3 Parrots. Dozens of species visit my property, including ravens, crows, sparrows, tanagers, doves, and even an owl. Plus a few wild parrots - a lovebird and two mexican redheaded parrots. I have 2 bird baths that are real popular in the avian community.
Plus, I have a penguin collection to rival John McVie. My house, at Christmas, is ridiculous. This year alone I got 15 more penguin ornaments. There is now a moratorium on them. I get a 12' tree and it is FULL. Can't get a taller ceiling so the madness must stop.

Also, I like horses (been a rider for years).

Some dogs, but I could never own one.

Don't care too much for cats. Though I have met a few I like.

Other than that - I like all animals. Animal Planet junkie, Discovery junkie. I could watch National Geographic specials 24/7.

macmar71 01-10-2004 12:59 PM


Originally posted by darklinensuit
No disrespect, just curiosity, but why chinchillas?

- Jake

Chinchillas are very squirrel-like and I had one as a pet until he passed away last summer.

darklinensuit 01-10-2004 01:00 PM


Originally posted by macmar71
Chinchillas are very squirrel-like and I had one as a pet until he passed away last summer.
I see. I'd only heard of them before in the context of animal rights campaigns. I never knew they were kept as pets. Sorry about the passing of yours. Pets are certainly special animals.

- Jake

darklinensuit 01-10-2004 01:04 PM


Originally posted by sparky
Plus, I have a penguin collection to rival John McVie. My house, at Christmas, is ridiculous. This year alone I got 15 more penguin ornaments. There is now a moratorium on them. I get a 12' tree and it is FULL. Can't get a taller ceiling so the madness must stop.

If your family members get nnoyed by this I'll deny saying it, but just get a second tree then. The madness cannot stop. You start restraining your penguin obsession today, and tomorrow it might be your Mac obsession. Obsession good. Homeless penguin ornaments bad.:wavey:

- Jake

The Chain 01-10-2004 01:34 PM


Originally posted by DrummerDeanna
bears (especially Pandas)
Oh... I was OBSESSED with Pandas in 1st-3rd Grade.:laugh:

Now... I'd have to say Beluga Whales, and Great White Sharks

WelshWitchPMD 01-10-2004 01:57 PM

I don't like animals that much but I would have to say that I like cats. I can't have any pets because I have asthma. :(

sparky 01-10-2004 05:12 PM


Originally posted by darklinensuit
If your family members get nnoyed by this I'll deny saying it, but just get a second tree then. The madness cannot stop. You start restraining your penguin obsession today, and tomorrow it might be your Mac obsession. Obsession good. Homeless penguin ornaments bad.:wavey:

- Jake

Dude, it is so out of control. Imagine it : a 12 foot tree, slathered in penguins. On top of that, the window ledges - and I have many due to the architecture, are also full of snowglobes, stuffed animals, pictures, figurines, animated penguins that sing and dance. You name it. It takes an entire day to put it all up. It has become an obsession more for my friends and family. They love buying them. Plus, it makes shopping for me quite simple. They are cute as all get out, but it's become like a plague of locusts.

As a matter of fact, I did talk this year about getting a 2nd tree for the bedroom. Just a tiny one for the smaller ornaments. Still, I told a few people there is a one ornament limit next year.

Funny, I have started muttering about unloading some of the Stevie/Mac collection. You're good, Jake. :nod:

darklinensuit 01-11-2004 02:27 AM


Originally posted by The Chain
Oh... I was OBSESSED with Pandas in 1st-3rd Grade.:laugh:

Now... I'd have to say Beluga Whales, and Great White Sharks

I don't really have any phobias, but my closest thing would be a fear of sharks. Those faces.

- Jake

darklinensuit 01-11-2004 02:29 AM


Originally posted by WelshWitchPMD
I don't like animals that much but I would have to say that I like cats. I can't have any pets because I have asthma. :(
I'm not a big cat fan but I work with several devotees. Give me a dumb dog any day.

- Jake

Siri Ruane 01-11-2004 10:49 AM


Originally posted by darklinensuit
None? You never had a pet?
Well, which one do you dislike the least?

- Jake

I currently have a cat, whom I have attempted to murder twice, but didn't succeed. It kinda knows to stay away from me now, so its not that much of a pain.

I hate dogs the most.

darklinensuit 01-11-2004 04:19 PM


Originally posted by Siri Ruane
I currently have a cat, whom I have attempted to murder twice, but didn't succeed. It kinda knows to stay away from me now, so its not that much of a pain.

I hate dogs the most.

Well, thanks for responding...:wavey:

- Jake (backing away gingerly)

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