The Ledge

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-   Lindsey Buckingham (
-   -   That's the PROBLEM!! (

wondergirl9847 09-10-2003 12:48 AM

That's the PROBLEM!!
Anyway, the other major point made was that I left Lindsey Buckingham off my list. I like Mr. Buckingham and Fleetwood Mac and think he has a real nice pop feel, but I rarely think of him as the guitarist one must listen to and, in any case, readers should have noticed the preponderance of punkers on the list.
So, my ruling is that Mr. Buckingham is a real good guitar player probably technically better than some on the list but he doesnt make the list because it is MY list.

I think this guy wrote about the RS list of top guitarists and who would be on HIS list....of course, he heard from the LB fans and this is his response. Heh. That is the PROBLEM tho...nobody LISTENS to Lindsey...I mean LISTEN. Maybe this dippo should LISTEN to Lindsey more often and other dips need to as well. :laugh:

CarneVaca 09-10-2003 09:16 AM

Dude strikes me as an illiterate dork. (And I'm trying to be nice.) For starters, the headline says "whole," but he's talking about a "hole."

You ask me, he's the "...hole." (No longer trying to be nice.)

wondergirl9847 09-10-2003 01:13 PM

You are a trip!! :laugh:

Yeah, I read that headline and was like "What the?" LOL

Hey, we have good taste and that's all that matters, right? Hehe.

dissention 09-10-2003 01:56 PM

I sent him an email asking him if he listened to anything other than Rumours before making his judgements. My guess is that he didn't. He probably thinks Out of the Cradle is a lullaby. ;)

dissention 09-10-2003 02:14 PM

LMAO! He sent me an email back! My opinion is "meaningless."

"Hendrix is a hack. OK. Clapton is a hack. OK.
Your opinion officially is meaningless."

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 1:55 PM
Subject: Lindsey Buckingham

Respectfully, you have pretty poor judgement when it comes to guitarists. To say that Buckingham has a "nice pop feel" but don't see him as one that should "be listened to" is unbelievable. The man is a guitar genius and he blows overrated guitarists like Hendrix and Clapton out of the water. He is a genius. Put him and Clapton in a room together and see who has more talent; it's pretty obvious. The man lives and breathes his guitar and it shows in his music. Maybe if you listened to some of his stuff instead of "Rumours" you'd be able to make more of a judgement. Just a suggestion...

wondergirl9847 09-10-2003 02:22 PM

NOBODY'S opinion is meaningless.

If anyone's a hack, it's THIS guy. :rolleyes:

dissention 09-10-2003 02:29 PM

LMAO again! He's his latest email to me:

"I have listened to most of the FM catalogue and I find Buckingham to be an interesting player -- I like Peter Green better, but that is irrelevant. This conversation, and much of the mail I've received made it seem as if I despise Buckingham. That's absurd. He's fine, an outstanding guitarist and all of that. I just like the other dozen or so I listed more, plus probably another dozen I didn't list. That's the way it is with taste. You like who you like.

Here's my question: Why such rancor from Buckingham fans? Why take it so personally? Why not get a life?"

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: Lindsey Buckingham

You still haven't said anything worthwhile either. What have you listened to other than Rumours? A couple of tunes like Gypsy, Landslide, and Tusk on the radio? Not much to base an opinion on, huh?

So, Lindsey fans, why such rancor? Can't wait to hear from you, Christy! :laugh: :D

dissention 09-10-2003 02:33 PM

And...drumroll...the last one:

"Fair enough."

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 2:28 PM
Subject: Re: Lindsey Buckingham

In a message dated 9/10/2003 3:20:32 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Here's my question: Why such rancor from Buckingham fans? Why take it so personally? Why not get a life?

I don't know. I can only speak for myself and it's because I haven't heard another player ever who sounded better than him; he's a genius. I haven't taken it personally, I simply showed my support for his abilities.

As for getting a life, I would ask the same question to the person who replies to the emails that come from the people who have no lives.

wondergirl9847 09-10-2003 02:38 PM

Get a life?!
LMAO!! Dang, he is getting the Wrath of Khan with LB fans, huh?

People (Joe Schmoe) don't RECOGNIZE Lindsey ENOUGH. That is my MAIN beef....he's OVERSHADOWED. He is kinda like a secret you wanna share with the world, but yet, it's cool to have that lil secret, ya know? We Buckingham fans are pulled both ways. :laugh:

The reason LB fans pounce on these people is because we are PASSIONATE about Lindsey and his music, we want him to be recognized and praised, we feel he is WORTHY of it. Clapton's and Hendrix's fans are that way too, we all want our faves to get the recognition we feel they deserve.

I'll say this...if Lindsey were not in the group, he wouldn't get ANY recognition (we already know that, unfortunately), so I can't complain about him being in FM and not getting recognized as much, at least he DOES get props every once in a blue moon. He was voted Best Rock Guitarist (thanks to Seteca for this info):

Fourteen celebrated Guitarists picked up 1998 Gibson Guitar Awards today at a stellar celebration at New York City's Hard Rock Cafe. Winners included Fleetwood Mac's Lindsey Buckingham, pop songstress Sheryl Crow, slide queen Bonnie Raitt as well as hit maker Dave Matthews and newcomer Johnny Lang. Gibson Musical Instruments CEO Henry Juszkiewicz presented Rock icon John Fogerty the Orville H. Gibson Lifetime Achievement Award.

"This is a tremendous honor for me," Fogerty said. "In recent years I've spent a lot of time honing my skills as a Guitarist, which shows that the learning process is an ongoing one."

The award is determined each year from nominations by editors of leading guitar magazines with the winner in each category chosen by music critics from around the country. Proceeds from the award ceremony benefit the Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy Foundation, which aids severely handicapped children through the use of improvisational music.

Best Rock Guitarist - Male Lindsey Buckingham
Best Rock Guitarist - Female Sheryl Crow
Best Acoustic Guitarist - Male Dave Matthews
Best Acoustic Guitarist - Female Shawn Colvin
Best Blues Guitarist - Male Luther Allison
Best Blues Guitarist - Female Bonnie Raitt
Best Jazz Guitarist - Male Mike Stern
Best Jazz Guitarist - Female Leni Stern
Best Country Guitarist - Male Lee Roy Parnell
Best Country Guitarist - Female Anita Cochran
Best Bassist - Male Sebastian Steinberg (Soul Coughing)
Best Bassist - Female Me'Shell Ndgeocello
Les Paul Horizon Award (most promising) Johnny Lang
Orville H. Gibson Lifetime Achievement Award John Fogerty

Cammie 09-10-2003 06:08 PM

The Problem!!!
:rolleyes: Saying Lindsey has a nice pop feel... outstanding GUITARIST butttttt...
oh, you mindless ignoramous...give me
a break!!! Lindsey IS a great talent...he
is just not OUT THERE ENOUGH...sooo you
go pick the blues boys...I Pick Lindsey!:cool:

To quote my friend John ..." Lindsey B.
is a Sophisticated MUSICAL ARTISAN
Pleases the ABOVE Average FAN !!!"

:]The Lindsey B. Appreciation Society!:]

ps...I could be vulgar and tell this incompetent
musical pretender where to put his head!!! :eek:

Wayne2 09-10-2003 07:17 PM


Originally posted by dissention
Here's my question: Why such rancor from Buckingham fans? Why take it so personally?

I agree with him here.

Between this post and the post about Rolling Stones top 100...

chiliD 09-11-2003 05:35 PM

I'M a bit pissed at ya for calling Hendrix & Clapton "overrated hacks"...YOU obviously DON'T know crap about guitar...or anything about Hendrix or Clapton. Buckingham falls well short of both; but that doesn't mean Lindsey's any less of a guitar player.

Clapton and Buckingham HAVE been in the same room...Lindsey played on Eric's Behind The Sun album. Lindsey's virtually inaudible. And, remember, too, after Lindsey's melt down in the "down under" in 1980, Mick was on the verge of replacing Mr. Buckingshorts with the "Almighty" Slowhand hissownself.

The only guitar player who surpasses Clapton is Peter Green. Read, learn, get over it.

But then, I consider the source. :laugh:

dissention 09-11-2003 06:45 PM


Originally posted by chiliD
I'M a bit pissed at ya for calling Hendrix & Clapton "overrated hacks"...YOU obviously DON'T know crap about guitar...or anything about Hendrix or Clapton. Buckingham falls well short of both; but that doesn't mean Lindsey's any less of a guitar player.

Clapton and Buckingham HAVE been in the same room...Lindsey played on Eric's Behind The Sun album. Lindsey's virtually inaudible. And, remember, too, after Lindsey's melt down in the "down under" in 1980, Mick was on the verge of replacing Mr. Buckingshorts with the "Almighty" Slowhand hissownself.

The only guitar player who surpasses Clapton is Peter Green. Read, learn, get over it.

But then, I consider the source. :laugh:


I never said they were "hacks," I said they were overrated. I prefer Lindsey to the others, so shoot me.

And I don't believe for a second that Mick could ever have wooed Clapton to join the Mac. EVER.

BlueGrass 09-11-2003 07:17 PM


Originally posted by chiliD
And, remember, too, after Lindsey's melt down in the "down under" in 1980, Mick was on the verge of replacing Mr. Buckingshorts with the "Almighty" Slowhand hissownself.

What do you mean? I think Lindsey is better than Clapton, by far. Hendrix is the only one I think is better than Lindsey, on the electric. Was he even anything special on the acoustic?

wondergirl9847 09-11-2003 07:30 PM

I believe chilid was talking about the news dude, not you since he is the one who called Clapton and Hendrix hacks.

The whole list crap is ridiculous anyways...I mean, who has the right to say ANY GUITAR PLAYER is better than ANY OTHER GUITAR's all about who your FAVE is...and who MOVES you. :rolleyes:

Sure, we get worked up over RS leaving off LB and people not recognizing him, but in the end, it doesn't matter. We know who we love the most....who gives a frick what anyone ELSE thinks.

strandinthewind 09-11-2003 07:43 PM


Originally posted by chiliD
The only guitar player who surpasses Clapton is Peter Green.
Amen to that brother Chili - and I might even give it to EC because he has a larger body of work!!!!!

Also, the article and subsequent comments do not offend me as much because the author said "my ruling is that Mr. Buckingham is a real good guitar player probably technically better than some on the list but he doesnt make the list because it is MY list." So, as long as he acknowledges LB as being great, I could care a less about his personal opinion, which by the way I think is deadful! :laugh:

marie123c 09-15-2003 07:05 PM

I don't post very often but when I read this thread I thought it was rediculous. How can anyone get upset over a list that a person wrote who is probably not even a musician. This is just his opinion, (for what its worth). All guitar players are different and have their own unique style. You either like them or you don't. For heaven sakes, I think Roy Clark is a talented musician but I don't particularly like his music. Lindsey is an extrordinary guitar player with a very unique style of his own. He also has an incredible ear for music. He has always been trusted by Stevie to work on her songs. He engineered the "Say You Will" cd which in my opinion doesn't just make him a great guitar player but a very multi-talented man. To compare him to anyone else is ludicrous.

I do, however, think that he was a very underrated muscian not because of his talent but I think that Stevie kind of overshadowed him. In MY opinion, I think that this is just one of the factors that split them up.

Let's give them all credit. FM is back and they look and sound GREAT!!!

golddustwoman77 09-16-2003 08:28 PM

Here is my $0.02, for what it is worth. I definitely think that Eric Clapton and Jimi Hendrix are unbelieveable guitar players---no doubt about it! They deserve to be on that list right where they are. The thing that bothered me about it is the fact that Lindsey deserves to be somewhere on the list! Out of 50 guitarist, he is definitely in the top 50; I mean, come on! If Joan Jett and other individuals like that are in the top 50, I know that Lindsey should be on there. He runs circles around several people on this list. But I guess it is true, opinion are like @ssholes, everybody's got one, so I guess this guy is entitled to his @sshole opinion.:laugh:

:wavey: :wavey: :wavey:

wondergirl9847 09-16-2003 09:15 PM

You know what they say..
Everyone's entitled to their opinion...even if it's wrong.


Gazza 09-17-2003 01:12 AM


Originally posted by chiliD
I'M a bit pissed at ya for calling Hendrix & Clapton "overrated hacks"...YOU obviously DON'T know crap about guitar...or anything about Hendrix or Clapton. Buckingham falls well short of both; but that doesn't mean Lindsey's any less of a guitar player.

This is just nonsense though... Clapton plays the blues, brilliantly, Lindsey doesn't... I doubt Clapton could play some of the stuff Lindsey plays on the acoustic, and fair enough, I doubt Lindsey could play some of the stuff Eric plays on From The Cradle.

Hendrix, when he was alive, wasn't playing to the standard that a Steve Vai does now...

The thing about all these guys though, is that they have their own thing going on... That's what makes them the best guitarists imo... Claptons tone, Hendrix's manic playing, Steve Vai's speed, Lindseys fingerpicking...

They're the best at what they do.

Smokin Joe 09-17-2003 02:14 PM

I think style is the key word. I never seen and probably never will see, anyone who can do what Lindsey does on a guitar. On the other hand, I haven't seen anyone compare to the Hendrix style or other greats. Every great has their own way of playing and Joan Jet 'deffinetly isn't one of them. Lindsey deffinitely should be on any top 50 best list but like was said before me, it is the writers list and it is only his opinion. There are many on this board who could compile a more accurate list than this guy has so his list doesn't count anyway.

wondergirl9847 09-17-2003 06:34 PM

Look at THIS list!
While searching for something, I came across this post from Les back in 2002. Hope you don't mind me re-posting it Les, if so, lemme know and I'll delete it. Lindsey made this list and so did Greeny!! Now THIS is more like it, take THAT RS!! :laugh:

UK Total Guitar lists "the best"
According to something I read on a newsgroup, a UK guitar magazine - Total Guitar - has compiled another one of those "100 best guitar player" lists. I know these lists don't mean anything, but I was frankly surprised that Lindsey actually made one of these lists for a change. He's constantly overlooked. I was particularly surprised too since this is a British mag. Peter is in there as well.

You may not want to examine it too closely because, as with any of these lists, you'll be scratching your head over why some of these people are placed where they are on the list.

Here it is:

100 - Nile Rodgers
99 - Steve Cropper
98 - Jeff Hanneman (Slayer)
97 - Deryck Whibley (Sum 41)
96 - Kelly Jones (Stereophonics)
95 - Tom Verlaine (Television)
94 - Paul Simon
93 - Richard Thompson
92 - Rivers Cuomo (Weezer)
91 - Marty Friedman (Megadeth)
90 - Peter Buck (REM)
89 - Walter Trout
88 - Johnny Ramone (Ramones)
87 - Mucky (Korn)
86 - Robbie Krieger (The Doors)
85 - Lee Gaze (Lost Prophets)
84 - Steve Howe (Yes)
83 - Lindsey Buckingham (Fleetwood Mac)
82 - Neil Young
81 - Dave Mustaine (Megadeth)
80 - Janick Gers (Iron Maiden)
79 - Tommy Emmanuel
78 - Steve Morse (Deep Purple)
77 - John McLaughlin
76 - Stuart Adamson (Big Country)
75 - Chet Atkins
74 - John Squire (Stone Roses)
73 - Django Reinhardt
72 - John Petrucci
71 - Eric Johnson
70 - Paul Gilbert
69 - Robert Fripp (King Crimson)
68 - Graham Coxon (Blur)
67 - Nuno Bettencourt
66 - Paul Weller
65 - John 5 (Marilyn Manson)
64 - Mike McCready (Pearl Jam)
63 - Head (Korn)
62 - Frank Zappa
61 - Mick Ronson (David Bowie)
60 - Paul Kossoff (Free)
59 - Robert Johnson
58 - Nick Drake
57 - Alex Lifeson (Rush)
56 - Peter Green
55 - Kerry King (Slayer)
54 - Adrian Smith (Iron Maiden)
53 - Daron Malakian (System Of A Down)
52 - Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters)
51 - Dave Baksh (Sum 41)
50 - Noel Gallagher (Oasis)
49 - Mike Einziger (Incubus)
48 - Billie Joe Armstrong (Green Day)
47 - Johnny Marr (The Smiths)
46 - James Dean Bradfield (Manic Street Preachers)
45 - Billy Corgan (Smashing Pumpkins)
44 - Steve Jones (Sex Pistols)
43 - Tom Delonge (Blink 182 / Box Car Racer)
42 - Rory Gallagher
41 - BB King
40 - Dimebag Darrell (Pantera)
39 - Joe Perry (Aerosmith)
38 - Hank Marvin (The Shadows)
37 - Wes Borland (Limp Bizkit / Eat The Day)
36 - Chuck Berry
35 - Jonny Greenwood (Radiohead)
34 - Yngwie Malmsteen
33 - Pete Townshend (The Who)
32 - Mick Thompson (Slipknot)
31 - The Edge (U2)
30 - Noodles (The Offspring)
29 - Matt Bellamy (Muse)
28 - Richie Sambora (Bon Jovi)
27 - Keith Richards (The Rolling Stones)
26 - John Frusciante (Red Hot Chili Peppers)
25 - Dave Murray (Iron Maiden)
24 - George Harrison (The Beatles)
23 - Ritchie Blackmore (Deep Purple / Rainbow)
22 - Tony Iommi (Black Sabbath)
21 - Randy Rhodes (Ozzy Osbourne)
20 - Angus Young (AC/DC)
19 - Stevie Ray Vaughan
18 - Jeff Beck
17 - Gary Moore
16 - Zakk Wylde (Black Label Society / Ozzy Osbourne)
15 - Mark Knopfler (Dire Straits)
14 - Kurt Cobain (Nirvana)
13 - Tom Morello (Rage Against The Machine)
12 - James Hetfield (Metallica)
11 - Carlos Santana
10 - Steve Vai
9 - Kirk Hammett (Metallica)
8 - Dave Gilmour (Pink Floyd)
7 - Eddie Van Halen (Van Halen)
6 - Joe Satriani
5 - Brian May (Queen)
4 - Slash (Guns N' Roses / Snakepit)
3 - Eric Clapton
2 - Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin)
1 - Jimi Hendrix

seteca 09-22-2003 02:15 PM

When it comes to "favourite" guitarists, I think there's 3 VERY different aspects to consider: popularity, technical ability, and how moving a particular guitarist is. All three are totally subject to opinion, especially the last one. I think on this 2003 SYW Tour Lindsey has finally realised just how many millions of people adore and are totally moved by his guitar playing. I'm looking forward to personally letting him know from the front row! Bring on November!:)

:wavey: :wavey: :wavey:

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