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Wendy Welch 10-11-2013 09:24 PM

Bob Welch/Fleetwood Mac ignores him
Are you really thru commenting on how Bob was left out of the RRHOF and how Mick Fleetwood and Fleetwood Mac delete all posts about Bob Welch on their sites and also all pics. What gives with this. Are you really going to put up with this. He gave too much of his life and love to that band:shrug::shrug::sorry:

WatchChain 10-11-2013 11:32 PM

Wendy, I'm so sorry about this. Bob's contributions to Fleetwood Mac on such great records as "Heroes Are Hard To Find" and "Mystery to Me" are sublime. I'm not sure what went down, but it would be great to have Bob recognized somehow.

Did Bob have a positive relationship with Christine McVie? Was she cordial to him? Does Chris have something to do with him being left off the short list for the RRHOF?

chriskisn 10-12-2013 08:04 AM

I'm not really sure what we are supposed to do. We have all signed the petition, we have been written all over the web that we feel it was an injustice that Bob was left out. Sadly I don't have any influence with either the RRHOF or with any of the members of Fleetwood Mac.

So what is that you want us to do, Wendy? What can I, as a carpet salesman in Australia do to change this situation? Because if I'm correct, probably nothing.

holidayroad 10-12-2013 10:56 AM

I am not through commenting on it or thinking about it. It upsets me a great deal. Unfortunately, as chriskisn noted, we fans don't have much influence on what the members of Fleetwood Mac do. If they did listen to what fans want, I'm sure a lot of things about the band and the history of Fleetwood Mac would be much different.

Please post here about all of the ways you feel fans can help. You may know of ways to influence that we have not thought about.

becca 10-12-2013 01:49 PM

I hardly look at the official site, not sure why that is, maybe a lot of reasons, or I expect all comments there to be flattering. I ran into the obit in Mojo for Bob the other day and it seemed quite well written. It had an old quote from Mick Fleetwood about how the group wouldn't have existed today but for him. :shrug:

The hall of fame was corrupted from the start for me with various non-creative executive nobodies enshrined into it early on, even some of whom really hurt the artists they profited from. I'm surprised if Stan Polley isn't there. I'm glad when people who cared about it were inducted though. I don't know how to communicate with the powers that be for either that hall or this entity that Bob helped to make a continuing concern, not sure there are that many who do. If it's just down to Christine that would be sad as I have always enjoyed her music a lot.

I know of a band that had an album recorded in the late '60s who are still fighting over it and that there are many people who would like to finally hear it, now that's a long time to carry a feud, so there are a lot of illogical nutty stories out there! Sometimes it does get to be impossible to laugh.

aleuzzi 10-12-2013 04:55 PM

We all feel for you and loved Bob's music. I have three of his solo CDs and listen to one of them (The Other One) a lot.

However, I cannot support your attempts to discredit Christine McVie or any other member of Fleetwood Mac either here or on Facebook. We have signed the petition. If there are other constructive things one can do, great. But bashing and blaming members of the band is not one of them.

Hellolovely 10-12-2013 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by aleuzzi (Post 1107098)
We all feel for you and loved Bob's music. I have three of his solo CDs and listen to one of them (The Other One) a lot.

However, I cannot support your attempts to discredit Christine McVie or any other member of Fleetwood Mac either here or on Facebook. We have signed the petition. If there are other constructive things one can do, great. But bashing and blaming members of the band is not one of them.

Aleuzzi - I completely agree and would echo this sentiment!

Wendy Welch 10-12-2013 07:31 PM

Christine McVie/Bob Welch
I don't want to discredit Christine McVie or her talent which cannot be argued. Her voice blended beautifully with Bob's and she is a terrific singer and songwriter.

But she is the reason that Bob is not in the Hall of Fame. Mick told me that the day Bob died when I asked him when he called. He also said the same to my friend Mike Lawson who was on the board of NARAS.

Mick also lied and told me he owned the name Fleetwood Mac and that Bob Would be in the RRHOF. He would see to it. Instead both of them have deleted Bob from all places on their sites as if he never existed. Check out I tunes and Mick's Wickipedia page he wrote and his site. Everytime someone posts on any of their sites that they would like to see Bob in the RRHOF, it is deleted.

May I suggest that there is something you can do. You can post on all FM sites and member sites saying you would like to see his name back where it should be and that you would like to see him in the RRHOF. See if yours gets deleted or not. Then you will know who is diminishing and discrediting:nod: who. I just ask you to do it in a kind and gentlemanly way as Bob would have done.

jbrownsjr 10-12-2013 08:56 PM

Wendy, you know I've supported you and having Bob in the RRHOF. I also believe that if it wasn't for Bob having them move to the United States, FM would be a forgotten blues band.

It's sad because Bob and Christine did a lot of work together. She even appears on his solo work after he left FM... and did live stuff with him as well. They really seemed to get along during the 70's. I'm sure the booze and drugs back in the day made for some grand fighting. But bottom line is: He deserves to be there.

Wendy Welch 10-12-2013 10:45 PM

It's very sad that anyof them could be so vindictive. Like I said try posting on any of their websites that you would like to see Bob Welch inducted in the RRHOF. I beg of you.

I even called Mick tonight on his private line and told him I was praying for him to see the light.

forever 10-12-2013 11:51 PM

Bob is now mentioned on Mick's Wikipedia page.

michelej1 10-13-2013 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Wendy Welch (Post 1107134)
It's very sad that anyof them could be so vindictive. Like I said try posting on any of their websites that you would like to see Bob Welch inducted in the RRHOF. I beg of you.

It's a good idea to try to post on any of their websites. There are two recent threads (and many older ones) on this site now on the subject and all posts should be in one of those two threads (or the older ones). However, no new threads should be created. There will not be multiple threads on the same topic on this board.


Wendy Welch 10-13-2013 10:55 PM

Closed Thread/Bob Welch
Then they should not have closed the last thread on Bob Welch after only 7 comments when people were still trying to post.

You see how powerful FM is.

iamnotafraid 10-13-2013 10:58 PM

I wish you the very best. I know you're going through
a very difficult time. I hope you have a support group
beyond The Ledge.

michelej1 10-13-2013 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by Wendy Welch (Post 1107257)
Then they should not have closed the last thread on Bob Welch after only 7 comments when people were still trying to post.

You see how powerful FM is.

Wendy that thread is not closed. Go post in it all you want.


louielouie2000 10-14-2013 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Wendy Welch (Post 1107119)
Mick also lied and told me he owned the name Fleetwood Mac and that Bob Would be in the RRHOF. He would see to it. Instead both of them have deleted Bob from all places on their sites as if he never existed. Check out I tunes and Mick's Wickipedia page he wrote and his site. Everytime someone posts on any of their sites that they would like to see Bob in the RRHOF, it is deleted.

This is the first I've ever heard of Mick owning the Fleetwood Mac name... but I guess it does make sense. Peter Green probably gave his half of the ownership to Mick many decades ago. However, I doubt Mick is the man behind the curtain who is systematically editing Fleetwood Mac history. I have never heard Mick say anything other than gushing things about Bob, and his absolute vital role in Fleetwood Mac history. My guess is Fleetwood Mac's current management or perhaps Warner Bros is at fault for this editing of the Fleetwood Mac story. They probably see more money to be made by "simplifying" Fleetwood Mac, and keeping the focus on the Rumours incarnation of the band. It's all about the almighty dollar, unfortunately.

If Mick has a fault in all of this, I would think it'd be the fact he's just too damned amiable, and wants to please absolutely everyone involved. I have no doubt he'd love to see Bob in the Hall. Undoubtedly, he also understands Christine's point of view on this subject as well. Unfortunately, I think the bottom line is if Christine doesn't want Bob in the Hall of Fame, then that's probably the way it will stay. Mick no doubt is not willing to stir that pot... I know in his heart of hearts, he wants Christine to return to the band, and would do nothing to jeopardize that. I don't think a single member of the band would challenge Christine on this subject, either. I asked John about Bob's omission from the Rock Hall some years ago, and he gave me a noncommital answer. And as another example of political powerplay, it now seems Christine wants to return in a partial capacity to Fleetwood Mac, but Lindsey is the one blocking that. And so it continues, ad nauseum. Fleetwood Mac is an exercise in politics, ego, and power plays.

Regarding Fleetwood Mac/their management/Warner Bros having any ownership/influence on this site, I wish the truth were as exotic as that. :sorry:

Wendy Welch 10-27-2013 10:04 PM

John McVie
Please pray for John Mcvie and his family and friends. I tried to start a new thread, but I just don't know how, but I think he should have his own name up there with Mick, Chris and Steve and Lindsey. Please help me to post it if you know how. I am truly not to good at this. But we all need to discuss how he is doing.

Bob and I always had a sweet spot in our hearts for John and know what a beautiful soul he really is. I think he should have his name on here with the rest of FM.

I'msoAfraid95 10-27-2013 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Wendy Welch (Post 1108967)
Please pray for John Mcvie and his family and friends. I tried to start a new thread, but I just don't know how, but I think he should have his own name up there with Mick, Chris and Steve and Lindsey. Please help me to post it if you know how. I am truly not to good at this. But we all need to discuss how he is doing.

Bob and I always had a sweet spot in our hearts for John and know what a beautiful soul he really is. I think he should have his name on here with the rest of FM.

Somebody has started a post in the Rumours thread:

davidalan 10-28-2013 07:26 PM

My RRHOF Blog Post for Bob
I shared this on Facebook some months back but I thought it warranted further circulation. Here's hoping it helps!

Note to Wendy: I hadn't checked in a while but the Facebook likes are up to 105 for this!

davidalan 10-28-2013 07:31 PM

I was crushed when I read this. All my thoughts and prayers to John and his family.


Originally Posted by Wendy Welch (Post 1108967)
Please pray for John Mcvie and his family and friends. I tried to start a new thread, but I just don't know how, but I think he should have his own name up there with Mick, Chris and Steve and Lindsey. Please help me to post it if you know how. I am truly not to good at this. But we all need to discuss how he is doing.

Bob and I always had a sweet spot in our hearts for John and know what a beautiful soul he really is. I think he should have his name on here with the rest of FM.

Wendy Welch 10-30-2013 08:50 PM

Owner of the Fleetwood MAC Name
During the lawsuit with Clifford Davis/Adams when he put out the fake FM and the band sued him that is when John and Mick became owners of the name Fleetwood Mac by court order.

Also, so you know Christine is the REAL reason Bob quite Fleetwood Mac. The day after she threw a drink in his face before a gig because he was the only male in the band that she could take her drunken hostilities out on without being hit back.

Just so you know, John was not any worse to Christine than she was to him. She did chase around the Holiday Inn with a butcher knife one night and scared Bob to death.

Wendy Welch 10-30-2013 09:18 PM

If you know any Fleetwood Mac members or heirs, pre 1975
If you know any Fleetwood Mac songwriters pre 1975, I have spent three years trying to track down royalties previously published by their manager Clifford Davis/Clifford Adams, who wasn't paying Bob. I know who the publishers are. Tell these members or relatives to contact me in a private message on my facebook page - Wendy Welch.1232.
Thank, cause I know they want their money just as Bob and I did. Hope this helps some of the previous songwriters for FM.

jwd 10-31-2013 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Wendy Welch (Post 1109429)
During the lawsuit with Clifford Davis/Adams when he put out the fake FM and the band sued him that is when John and Mick became owners of the name Fleetwood Mac by court order.

Also, so you know Christine is the REAL reason Bob quite Fleetwood Mac. The day after she threw a drink in his face before a gig because he was the only male in the band that she could take her drunken hostilities out on without being hit back.

Just so you know, John was not any worse to Christine than she was to him. She did chase around the Holiday Inn with a butcher knife one night and scared Bob to death.


Have you ever thought about writing a book? Could be interesting. I'd love to hear Bob Welch's story through the eyes of his wife. :thumbsup:

aleuzzi 10-31-2013 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Wendy Welch (Post 1109429)
During the lawsuit with Clifford Davis/Adams when he put out the fake FM and the band sued him that is when John and Mick became owners of the name Fleetwood Mac by court order.

Also, so you know Christine is the REAL reason Bob quite Fleetwood Mac. The day after she threw a drink in his face before a gig because he was the only male in the band that she could take her drunken hostilities out on without being hit back.

Just so you know, John was not any worse to Christine than she was to him. She did chase around the Holiday Inn with a butcher knife one night and scared Bob to death.

Please stop posting such things about Christine. I love Bob's music and appreciated his thoughtful Q and A sessions. In neither of those sessions did he feel the need to share either story you recount above. Neither did Mick in his bio. If indeed either of these stories is true, there must have been reasons they decided not to share them, despite ample opportunity to do so: I suspect such reasons were tied to their respect for her. I wish you would do the same with these second-hand accounts.

I also highly doubt one person and one incident was responsible for Bob's decision to leave in 74.

michelej1 10-31-2013 10:01 PM

We DO have a butcher knife story already, but it was told with John as the one wielding it.


aleuzzi 10-31-2013 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by michelej1 (Post 1109589)
We DO have a butcher knife story already, but it was told with John as the one wielding it.


And a drink in the face story, though it is Christine doing it to Lindsey.

Wendy Welch 10-31-2013 10:07 PM

Bob Welch Biography
Bob has written a book in his own words, verifying everything I have said in his words. It will be put out so I don't care what any of you say. It is backed up in his words about Christine, Mick and John and numerous witnesses. So don't even think about disputing me! I have no reason to diss anybody, it's just time you knew the truth.

michelej1 10-31-2013 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by aleuzzi (Post 1109590)
And a drink in the face story, though it is Christine doing it to Lindsey.

What are the odds that John and Christine both chased each other around with butcher knives? That's a lot of cleaving for one family.

Aside from throwing the drink at Lindsey, we see Christine throw a drink at Mick too on video, but she is playing with him and he dared her. We often joke about Christine throwing drinks on this board. Once a person has a reputation for doing something even once, you can easily just add on an incident to the legacy like a "me too" thing.


Wendy Welch 10-31-2013 10:20 PM

The truth
It was Christine, not John with the butcher knife. She may have thrown a drink in Lindseys face as well, but she certainly did the same to Bob the day before he quit. And it will be in the book in his own words. I don't like arguin with fans, but I do know all the stories that Bob had typed up and that he told me over and over. You were not in the know and believe me, Bob was! It will be out in the book with witnesses to it, it was not a joke, and I have no fear of being sued over Bob's hand written and typed words. You all may be shocked at the truth. I am sorry if you cannot accept it.

michelej1 10-31-2013 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Wendy Welch (Post 1109595)
It was Christine, not John with the butcher knife. She may have thrown a drink in Lindseys face as well, but she certainly did the same to Bob the day before he quit. And it will be in the book in his own words. I don't like arguin with fans, but I do know all the stories that Bob had typed up and that he told me over and over. You were not in the know and believe me, Bob was!

I'm not arguing with you one way or another. I would love to see you publish Bob's book and then we'll all judge its content ourselves, as to what we believe, what we don't, what we question, and what resolves questions we've long had. We may come to conclusions that are correct or incorrect, but it's going to be a subjective thing on a person by person basis. Our standards for credibility all differ.

Either way, I think editing and publishing that book is one of the best things you can do to carry on his memory. I think that will make a greater mark than the RRHOF, when all is said and done.


aleuzzi 10-31-2013 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by Wendy Welch (Post 1109595)
It was Christine, not John with the butcher knife. She may have thrown a drink in Lindseys face as well, but she certainly did the same to Bob the day before he quit. And it will be in the book in his own words. I don't like arguin with fans, but I do know all the stories that Bob had typed up and that he told me over and over. You were not in the know and believe me, Bob was! It will be out in the book with witnesses to it, it was not a joke, and I have no fear of being sued over Bob's hand written and typed words. You all may be shocked at the truth. I am sorry if you cannot accept it.

I think we could accept the truth if it comes out in an edited book that we know were Bob's words. What is offensive to me is the way in which you are using these past stories as a weapon against Christine and, to a lesser extent, John and Mick, because Bob was slighted in the RRHOF. That was unfortunate. I would have Loved to have seen him on the stage with them that memorable evening! We all know he deserved it.

But your posts about such things he would have saved for his book seem in bad taste and are being used in a way he did not intend. If he had, he would have shared them with the fans already. So, once again, please stop these malicious posts.

Wendy Welch 10-31-2013 10:45 PM

You could have seen Bob on stage, if Christine hadn't refused to go on stage if Bob was inducted, as per Mick Fleetwood to me and Mick Lawson the day Bob died. Bob was working on the book and intended to share it with the fans, but he died. I will make sure it happens before I die,. Why do you think I am working so hard to tell the truth -- to hurt anyone, to help myself, or to tell Bob's story?

Wendy Welch 10-31-2013 11:47 PM

Bob's Words
After 27 years of marriage, being together 24/7 the entire time, except for 1 month give or take 3 days, I think I know better than anybody what Bob intended and how he felt. I was his wife, his best friend, his manager , and we were the love of each others lives. I am doing all of this for Bob, it certainly doesn't benefit me to be disliked by you or anyone else that is in denial and doesn't want to know the truth. Bob loved his fans and he loved the members of FM, but he wanted the truth told. And I must ay that the truth is never in bad taste, it's just those that don't want to know the truth that are in denial. I am doing this to let you all know the real truth why Bob was not instated in the Rock Hall of Fame. The RRHOF picks the band and the owners of the name and members pick who is inducted. By the way, I don't think I have ever slighted John McVie.

vivfox 11-01-2013 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Wendy Welch (Post 1109606)
After 27 years of marriage, being together 24/7 the entire time, except for 1 month give or take 3 days, I think I know better than anybody what Bob intended and how he felt.

I am one fan who is really looking forward to this book. So far I have enjoyed all your posts. You are refreshingly honest which is such a rare trait these days. I am very sorry for the loss of your husband. The love of my life committed suicide in 1998 so I know exactly how you feel and what you are going through.

Christine is the one member of FM who all the fans seem to collectively enjoy. It's almost laughable how certain fans put down Lindsey, Mick and Stevie but no one is able to say one bad thing about Chris. Then the entire community jumps on them. I have love and admiration for all the members of FM, but I won't throw stones at anyone who expresses a negative opinion about ones they don't like.

Wendy, I am very honored that you have chosen The Ledge as your way to communicate to the fans. This has always been my favorite website and I am thrilled to have you as a member.

HomerMcvie 11-01-2013 11:26 AM

I too, can't wait to read the book, Wendy.

I'msoAfraid95 11-01-2013 11:54 AM

I can't wait to read it either. It's nice to know that the people who are/were involved want to communicate with us fans. :)

I'msoAfraid95 11-01-2013 01:39 PM

Wendy, do you know if the 2 lps that Bob did with the band Paris, were released on cd in the states?

aleuzzi 11-01-2013 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by vivfox (Post 1109639)
I am one fan who is really looking forward to this book. So far I have enjoyed all your posts. You are refreshingly honest which is such a rare trait these days. I am very sorry for the loss of your husband. The love of my life committed suicide in 1998 so I know exactly how you feel and what you are going through.

Christine is the one member of FM who all the fans seem to collectively enjoy. It's almost laughable how certain fans put down Lindsey, Mick and Stevie but no one is able to say one bad thing about Chris. Then the entire community jumps on them. I have love and admiration for all the members of FM, but I won't throw stones at anyone who expresses a negative opinion about ones they don't like.

Wendy, I am very honored that you have chosen The Ledge as your way to communicate to the fans. This has always been my favorite website and I am thrilled to have you as a member.

I look forward to that book, too. I'd buy it in a heartbeat. And I'd relish the stories Bob tells because they were stories he wanted to tell. Not out of revenge for having been wronged.

And , Vivfox, for what it's worth, I have often felt uncomfortable by some of the things people have written about Stevie, too. Maybe it's a cultural cliche that I am more sensitive to a woman's privacy than a man's. Not sure. But definitely some of the comments about Stevie, particularly in regards to her sexlife and drug use, have made me recoil a bit.

Wendy Welch 11-01-2013 09:26 PM

Thank you
Thank you all for being supportive to me. I truly am not coming from a place to harm anyone. You just all need to realize these are all people that are human and with a past just like you and I are. I am an open book, and could never take the amazing talent and what Fleetwood Mac has given away from the world. I just want to be honest and real, and try to keep up Bob Welch's legacy as he truly deserves. He was the best person I have ever had the privilege of knowing and I know what all he told me and has written is the truth -- not meant to hurt anyone, just to tell the truth to the fans. There is nothing harmful in anything he has said to me or in his book. He truly loved them all. But they are real people just like us. Don't forget that. They are icons, but shouldnot be put on a pedastal as Gods.

jwd 11-01-2013 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Wendy Welch (Post 1109595)
It was Christine, not John with the butcher knife. She may have thrown a drink in Lindseys face as well, but she certainly did the same to Bob the day before he quit. And it will be in the book in his own words. I don't like arguin with fans, but I do know all the stories that Bob had typed up and that he told me over and over. You were not in the know and believe me, Bob was! It will be out in the book with witnesses to it, it was not a joke, and I have no fear of being sued over Bob's hand written and typed words. You all may be shocked at the truth. I am sorry if you cannot accept it.


Surely you are not suggesting that Christine throwing a drink in Bob's face was the sole reason he quit the band. Maybe the last straw in an already tense and frustrating situation happening within the band at the time. I understand Bob quit because he wasn't happy with the lack of success they were having and in particular the situation with their manager and the faux Fleetwood Mac. You know, the litigation and all the other bull**** that was going on at the time.

If Bob and Christine didn't get along why on earth would she have collaborated with him on his succesful solo albums in the 70s. Hell, I believe that Mick, Stevie, and Lindsey even leant their support in his solo endeavors. I think about times when I saw them on stage with him like in Bob Welch and Friends at The Roxy(1982). By the way I love that whole show and "Sentimental Lady" is definitely a favorite of mine.

Which leads me to believe that the real reason Bob and the rest of the band had a falling out was the royalties fight that happened after this time. Not really sure of what happened there and why it particularly affected Chris more than it did Mick and John.

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