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darklinensuit 01-20-2004 03:15 PM

Do you like your name?
If you had the chance to name yourself, what would you choose?

I'm happy with Jake.
Then again, it is a nickname.;)

- Jake

Sorcerer386 01-20-2004 03:31 PM

I hate my name actually, although a lot of people like the name Justin. I don't get it, it doesn't roll off the tongue nicely, and usually when you try to say the name fast the 't' sound gets slurred or blunted, so it sounds like "Jussin." I was supposed to have been named Brent, which I would take over Justin any day, but honestly I don't know what name I would prefer most. Guys names aren't fun like girls' names.

DownOnRodeo 01-20-2004 04:36 PM

lol This is what I get from going directly to the computer from rolling out of bed in the morning, but I saw the thread title and who started it, and I thought, 'Ah, poor darklinensuit - I'm glad that's not my name' :laugh: :laugh:
:rolleyes: Maybe I should have breakfast first before I check the boards. :)

gldstwmn 01-20-2004 04:53 PM

Love it.:)

ShamHy89 01-20-2004 05:14 PM

At first I kinda thought WTF??? But since my mother and all my grandparents are from Ireland and my uncle is named Seamus, I have come to embrace it, even though I have yet to meet another Seamus in the world. My mom decided to spell my name the phonetic way so people wouldn't pronounce it "see-mus":rolleyes: Overall, I like it.


Pisces Queen 01-20-2004 05:21 PM

long name ~ long post
My name is Catherine. Everyone always tries to call me Cathy or Cat. Which the latter part is fine. But I am not a Cathy. Not that there is anything wrong with that. See my last name is Lee so if I went by Cathy it wouldn't be pretty ~ I was teased so bad in 5th grade. I have nightmares of little children following behind me screaming Cathy Lee Crosby. But all in all I like my name. I had a hell of a time learning to spell it in pre-K and told my Mom as much. All my friends had names like Kim or Amy. Not me. Catherine ~ I have like 50 different words in my name ;) . You can even spell Cat in a Hat.

GardenStateGirlie 01-20-2004 05:36 PM

I really don't like my middle name is Lee. It was supposed to be spelled "Leigh" but my mom changed it out of fear that my entire name would be too long for last name? Long. And Italian. Initially, my mom wanted to name me Marja. Dad said, HELL NO. So, I suppose Marissa is a lot better than Marja. Thank you dad! :nod:

darklinensuit 01-20-2004 05:45 PM


Originally posted by GardenStateGirlie
I really don't like my middle name is Lee. It was supposed to be spelled "Leigh" but my mom changed it out of fear that my entire name would be too long for last name? Long. And Italian. Initially, my mom wanted to name me Marja. Dad said, HELL NO. So, I suppose Marissa is a lot better than Marja. Thank you dad! :nod:
Marja Lee.:laugh: :laugh:

"I can bring home the bacon (dah dah dah dah)
Fry it up in the pan
And never let you forget you're a man
'Cause I'm a woman
Marja Lee"

Well, not QUITE the same as that old jingle.:cool:

- Jake

darklinensuit 01-20-2004 05:46 PM


Originally posted by Sorcerer386
I hate my name actually, although a lot of people like the name Justin. I don't get it, it doesn't roll off the tongue nicely, and usually when you try to say the name fast the 't' sound gets slurred or blunted, so it sounds like "Jussin." I was supposed to have been named Brent, which I would take over Justin any day, but honestly I don't know what name I would prefer most. Guys names aren't fun like girls' names.
Justin is a fine name. The only bad thing is it's so trendy now, and I never care for the trendy names.

- Jake

darklinensuit 01-20-2004 05:48 PM


Originally posted by DownOnRodeo
Maybe I should have breakfast first before I check the boards. :)


- Jake

darklinensuit 01-20-2004 05:48 PM


Originally posted by gldstwmn
Love it.:)
Especially since your birth certificate includes vowels.;)

- Jake

darklinensuit 01-20-2004 05:49 PM


Originally posted by ShamHy89
At first I kinda thought WTF??? But since my mother and all my grandparents are from Ireland and my uncle is named Seamus, I have come to embrace it, even though I have yet to meet another Seamus in the world. My mom decided to spell my name the phonetic way so people wouldn't pronounce it "see-mus":rolleyes: Overall, I like it.


I like the more traditional ethnic names. Good for your folks.

- Jake

darklinensuit 01-20-2004 05:50 PM

Re: long name ~ long post

Originally posted by Pisces Queen
My name is Catherine. Everyone always tries to call me Cathy or Cat. Which the latter part is fine. But I am not a Cathy. Not that there is anything wrong with that. See my last name is Lee so if I went by Cathy it wouldn't be pretty ~ I was teased so bad in 5th grade. I have nightmares of little children following behind me screaming Cathy Lee Crosby. But all in all I like my name. I had a hell of a time learning to spell it in pre-K and told my Mom as much. All my friends had names like Kim or Amy. Not me. Catherine ~ I have like 50 different words in my name ;) . You can even spell Cat in a Hat.
Sure thing, Cate.:wavey:

- Jake

Carlene 01-20-2004 05:56 PM

It's a love/hate relationship!
Growing up, I hated Carlene because it was not common. I would have killed to have had the luxury to walk into a card store and pick up "Carlene" pencils and "Carlene" notepads!! All my friends had pencils with their names on it....why couldn't I?!?!

I found out from my mother that I almost was named Michelene. It's pretty, but my goodness! I would have been "Mikey" all through school!

Now that I'm an adult, I find I really like my name. It is unique and I get a lot of compliments on it. The only thing that really gets me, though, is when people call me Charlene. Nothing against that name, but it is not mine. (Just a little pet peeve I have -- I kind of like it when people call me by my correct name!)

And's quite an honor to have two songs written for me: "Carlene" by country singer Phil Vassar :rolleyes: and "Carlene" by the New Monkees!! :confused: At least they both spelled it right!

GardenStateGirlie 01-20-2004 05:59 PM


Originally posted by darklinensuit
Marja Lee.:laugh: :laugh:

"I can bring home the bacon (dah dah dah dah)
Fry it up in the pan
And never let you forget you're a man
'Cause I'm a woman
Marja Lee"

Well, not QUITE the same as that old jingle.:cool:

- Jake


I'm pretty sure you know my last name. Despite the fact that it begins with an "M," it doesn't go with Marja....Marja Lee...can I get a HELL NO :nod:

darklinensuit 01-20-2004 06:00 PM

Re: It's a love/hate relationship!

Originally posted by Carlene
At least they both spelled it right!
I dated a Karlene years ago. I always thought the spelling was just about the only thing right with her.:)

- Jake

Johnny Stew 01-20-2004 06:10 PM

I'm sort of ambivalent about my name. I don't love it or hate it... it just is.
And I've never really felt like a "Brian"... probably because I bear a strong resemblance to my mother's dad (who passed away in 1976) and her brother, both of whom are named Samuel... so the extended family (Great-Aunts & Great-Uncles, and 2nd & 3rd cousins), as well as family friends, have often called me "Sammy," because of it.

It's actually pretty hysterical when people who went to high school with my uncle (he graduated in 1977), see me and say, "Sammy! Oh my God, you still look just like you did in school!" :laugh:

But overall, "Brian" is a good name... plus it means "strong and noble," so one could definitely do worse! :)

Carlene 01-20-2004 06:11 PM

Re: Re: It's a love/hate relationship!

Originally posted by darklinensuit
I dated a Karlene years ago. I always thought the spelling was just about the only thing right with her.:)

- Jake

EEK! :eek: Whatta rip, Jake!

But not all Carlenes are bad. :D

I will, though, add your comment to my list of "sightings." I am always amazed when I hear about other people with my name (that was especially true when I was younger).

I think the country singer Carlene Carter is the biggest name I know of. (And what's with this country music connection!?!?) Maybe I missed my calling.

Johnny Stew 01-20-2004 06:17 PM


Originally posted by Sorcerer386
I hate my name actually, although a lot of people like the name Justin. I don't get it, it doesn't roll off the tongue nicely, and usually when you try to say the name fast the 't' sound gets slurred or blunted, so it sounds like "Jussin." I was supposed to have been named Brent, which I would take over Justin any day, but honestly I don't know what name I would prefer most. Guys names aren't fun like girls' names.
I've always really liked the name Justin... it's masculine, and it has a great meaning (just, true, virtuous), without sounding at all stodgy or out-dated. :nod:

GypsySorcerer 01-20-2004 06:17 PM

In a word, no.

I always get called Kristy, Kristin, Crystal.... It gets old.


FiercestCalmSea 01-20-2004 06:49 PM

I used to really dislike Sarah,but i think i have grown to really like it..and after all,it does mean Princess :)

goldie 01-20-2004 07:14 PM

I do like my name......Danielle........and I like my last name so much that when I got married, I didn't change it! (I'm a rebel!)

I have one song of that I know of with my name in's "Darlin' Danielle Don't" by Henry Lee Summer. I think he even released it as a single, but I don't think it went too far. oh well. What does the record-buying public know anyway? lol

sara1998 01-20-2004 08:12 PM

Maria Ann.

I agree with Brian, I don't like it or hate it. It just is. Not sure what it means. My pet-peeve is being called Marie.... takes me back to childhood, and when I hear someone call me that, I think I'm in trouble!:laugh:


xdreamsunwindx 01-20-2004 08:25 PM

I don't mind my name, but I certainly don't feel like it fits me. My real name is Catherine, but people call me Kate. My nickname is really supposed to be Katie, but people always call me Kate. And I like Kate better than Katie... I think it fits me more :nod:

On another note, don't even bother asking me about my last name. I freaking hate it. I think my first name would sound better with Buckingham at the end but that sure ain't happening any time soon :laugh:

DownOnRodeo 01-20-2004 08:34 PM

Speaking of name meanings, Joseph means 'He shall add children!' What the hell? :laugh: Talk about getting a hint from the folks :rolleyes: :p

DrummerDeanna 01-20-2004 09:46 PM

I guess my name's okay...but for some reason no one seems to know how to say it!! I've been called Dana, Dina, Diana (my BIGGEST pet peeve) at restaurants or whatever I always emphasize the DEEanna...ahaha..but it never fails, they write down Diana, and that's what they call bugs me.

Anway, seems that there were several parents not wanting to give their kids hard names to spell....

My mom wanted to name me Danielle after an uncle (Daniel) I have, then she wanted to name me Emmanuel or Noel (the first two were too hard to spell, the last my dad hated) so somehow they ended up with Deanna :D

goldie 01-20-2004 10:04 PM

My dad's name is Daniel....and I am Danielle.... I have been told that I was almost a Christine. (LOL!)

golden braid 01-21-2004 12:53 AM

I've never really liked my name, Deborah, a lot. I will introduce myself as Deborah and people will still call me Debbie which I hate. Deb is okay but I am definitely not a Debbie. Of course Deborah is better than Dorothy which my dad wanted to name me after his mom.

Merf 01-21-2004 01:00 AM

Re: It's a love/hate relationship!

Originally posted by Carlene
Growing up, I hated Carlene because it was not common. I would have killed to have had the luxury to walk into a card store and pick up "Carlene" pencils and "Carlene" notepads!! All my friends had pencils with their names on it....why couldn't I?!?!

I was exactly the same way as a kid... you couldn't find jacksquat with "Meredith" on it... it used to piss me off!

Now I'm pretty neutral on my name. It's ok.

laurie816 01-21-2004 07:46 AM

When I was little, I didn't like my name...but now I love it and the different sounds it makes.

My mother wanted to name me Lara after the character in Dr. Zhivago...but instead chose Laurie (my middle name is Ann)...She would absolutely LOATHE it when someone would pronounce it LOR-EEE...:laugh: It had to have the proper inflection.

Now, when I got in trouble as a kid...I'd hear "Laurie ANN!!" and now when I hear it...I always feel like a little girl again:)

Most of the time people close to me call me "Laur"....which makes me feel good. You know when people feel close enough to you not to be so proper with you and are comfortable enough around you...So everytime I hear someone call me that, I find it very endearing:)

And I love when one of my friends calls me and I'm not home...she 'sings' my name..."Lauuuurieeeeeeee"....over and over until she realizes I'm not home:laugh:

CarneVaca 01-21-2004 10:51 AM

CarneVaca suits me perfectly.

Mad4stevie 01-21-2004 10:54 AM

I like my name - unfortunately it seemed to be very "in-vogue" in the early 1970's, because there were so many other Heathers in school.

My middle name - Louise - I do not like at all. :distress: Probably becasue my dad used to call me "Wheesy" like the lady from The Jeffersons. I don't think there is any comparion there - my dad probably just used it to get on my nerves!:rolleyes:

face of glass 01-21-2004 11:20 AM

Re: Do you like your name?
Like it. Dictators rule. ;)

wondergirl9847 01-21-2004 12:33 PM

Christy is cool, although the spelling issues throughout life poses some problems. I know how Lindsey feels. :laugh:

My dad wanted to name me......

Windy Day. :rolleyes:


My mom wanted to name me Shelley or Sheila and no offense to Shelleys or Sheilas but :distress: , thank goodness for Christy, my mom's best friend in high school. LOL

Merf 01-21-2004 12:57 PM


Originally posted by goldie
My dad's name is Daniel....and I am Danielle.... I have been told that I was almost a Christine. (LOL!)
Yeah, I've been told I was either going to be Joanna Rebecca or my dad wanted to name me Diana, after the Princess. (I was born the year she married Prince Charles).

My mom worked with a lady who'd just had a baby named "Meredith," and she heard the name and liked it because at the time it wasn't that common. My great-grandmother picked out "Elizabeth" as my middle name. My last name is short (5 letters, 2 syllables) so it goes well with it.

darklinensuit 01-21-2004 03:13 PM


Originally posted by GardenStateGirlie

I'm pretty sure you know my last name. Despite the fact that it begins with an "M," it doesn't go with Marja....Marja Lee...can I get a HELL NO :nod:

How about Marja Juana then?

- Jake

darklinensuit 01-21-2004 03:15 PM


Originally posted by Johnny Stew
I'm sort of ambivalent about my name. I don't love it or hate it... it just is.
And I've never really felt like a "Brian"... probably because I bear a strong resemblance to my mother's dad (who passed away in 1976) and her brother, both of whom are named Samuel... so the extended family (Great-Aunts & Great-Uncles, and 2nd & 3rd cousins), as well as family friends, have often called me "Sammy," because of it.

It's actually pretty hysterical when people who went to high school with my uncle (he graduated in 1977), see me and say, "Sammy! Oh my God, you still look just like you did in school!" :laugh:

But overall, "Brian" is a good name... plus it means "strong and noble," so one could definitely do worse! :)

I like the name Sam, but I teach SEVERAL this year. Definitely a trendy name.

- Jake (also trendy)

darklinensuit 01-21-2004 03:17 PM

Re: Re: Re: It's a love/hate relationship!

Originally posted by Carlene

I think the country singer Carlene Carter is the biggest name I know of. (And what's with this country music connection!?!?) Maybe I missed my calling.

By all means, recognize your heritage, embrace your destiny. You know, not many folks know this, but the Grand Ole Opry was originally going to be built in Pittsburgh.:laugh: :laugh:

- Jake

darklinensuit 01-21-2004 03:19 PM


Originally posted by Johnny Stew
I've always really liked the name Justin... it's masculine, and it has a great meaning (just, true, virtuous), without sounding at all stodgy or out-dated. :nod:
If it's good enough for wonderChristy's big-haired loverboy, who can criticize?:)

- Jake

darklinensuit 01-21-2004 03:20 PM


Originally posted by GypsySorcerer
In a word, no.

I always get called Kristy, Kristin, Crystal.... It gets old.


I like Krista. Also Kirsten.

- Jake

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