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SisterNightroad 07-03-2015 08:31 AM

Cats thread (& other pets)

I'm bored to death because here is 40 degrees (=104 F) and I want to have a positive thread for once, where we can talk about our pets with a personal preference for cats and maybe exchange advices and experiences among animal lovers.

So this is my female cat Perla; she's 15 years old but she's still kicking butts since, as you can see, she's stolen my fancy magenta jumper. I took her in when she was just 2 weeks old, born from the litter of the cat of my sisters's friend:

I also had another younger cat named Izzie that me and my family saved from a moat, but unfortunately she was half purebred and she died from a genetic illness three years ago. This is her (Sorry for the ****ty quality):

And right after Easter my beloved dog Black left us four months after being diagnosed with cancer. Thankfully, he left peacefully while sleeping due to his very old age though:

Danielle 07-03-2015 09:13 AM

I'm glad your pets had a loving life before passing away. Perla is gorgeous!!!

I have 8 rescue cats, you can see them here.

SisterNightroad 07-03-2015 09:41 AM

Thank you!
Yes, Perla is pretty and she knows it!

You have such beauties! I think I have a crush on Frida

By the way you're pretty, you resemble Elizabeth Reaser.

Danielle 07-03-2015 09:52 AM

Thank you! :xoxo:

It warms my heart you have a crush on Frida. :D It's just that in Brazil, tortoiseshell cats are the least likely to get adopted. I volunteer at a shelter and sadly, these beauties are considered ugly. :(

I happen to think they are gorgeous, I mean, look at my Frida:

SisterNightroad 07-03-2015 10:10 AM

Really? And to think that tortoiseshell cats and their other variations like Calicos here are believed to bring good luck.
My neighbour has a long-haired black-Sienna tortoishell cat that I envy him greatly.
Seriously, Frida could be a cat model.

TheWILDheart 07-03-2015 10:59 AM

I have a long haired maine coon tabby called Gypsy :D

SisterNightroad 07-03-2015 11:38 AM

Gypsy is an amazing name!
Izzie was half (or maybe a quarter) maine coon. She had inerited their friendly and playful disposition, along with her stocky-ness and the long tufts of hair on neck, chest, stomach, butt and tail:

Macfanforever 07-03-2015 01:20 PM

Meow to this thread.I dont have any cats but I prefer cats over dogs since they are easier to take care of.

Heres some funny cat vids for starters.

TheWILDheart 07-03-2015 01:37 PM

Here she is....

 photo 1526494_10153117603920547_5509536815585283666_n.jpg

 photo 11265218_10153135303100547_8303937098986802167_n.jpg

 photo 11535813_10153105255830547_5096244613214681984_n.jpg

SisterNightroad 07-03-2015 03:03 PM

on the first two photos she looks like she's saying: "Draw me like one of your french girls..."

SisterNightroad 07-03-2015 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by Macfanforever (Post 1169235)
Meow to this thread.I dont have any cats but I prefer cats over dogs since they are easier to take care of.

Heres some funny cat vids for starters.

Oh My God, this was so awesome I had to Gif it:

TheWILDheart 07-03-2015 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by SisterNightroad (Post 1169237)

on the first two photos she looks like she's saying: "Draw me like one of your french girls..."

She has that look about her a lot :laugh:

Don't let the cute face fool you, she's a little diva when she wants to be and VERY cheeky. But she's so soft and sweet - not really a lap cat, but very sociable and alwyas wants to be around people. She's not one for sitting on your knee, mainly because she's too big, but she's never far away from us.

SisterNightroad 07-04-2015 07:15 AM

She's beautiful... all that fur...
Also Izzie was sweet and sociable but didn't want to be in my lap. She just wanted to knead my thighs, if I was on the sofa, or my stomach, if I was on the bed; all while tickling me with her soft tail on my face or neck.

chriskisn 07-04-2015 08:41 AM

Too many pets in our household (one missing from the pics as he doesn't hang out with the rest of them)

SisterNightroad 07-04-2015 09:59 AM

So much cuteness on a single spot...

SisterNightroad 07-08-2015 01:52 PM

The other night, when going to the bathroom after my father took a shower, I found this on the wet bath mat; it's hot for our pets too, especially when they're black (and old):

kak125 07-09-2015 01:15 PM

2 Attachment(s)
my 2 boys gizzy & tank - gizzy is the orange and white one and tank is the black and gray one.

gizmo - had his gallbladder taken out in march along with the re-routing of his blocked common bile duct and has also suffered from pancreatitis, cholangeohepatits and has IBD as well as a hiatal hernia right now from too much vomiting. he is on meds and expected to make a fully recovery for the hernia but will probably have to be on meds forever for the IBD. he is 11 and is just the best. i knew the moment i laid eyes on him at the animal rescue that he was meant to be my cat.
tank - recently had 4 teeth pulled an issue with his back claw and had a liver biopsy for his raised liver enzymes but the doc said he looks good and that maybe he still has an infection of some sort. i think its from the teeth.
he is such a sweet boy and so chill and just spends all his time purring. tank is also 11. when my hubby saw his face at the animal rescue he just had to have him. lol best part is that he just wants held like a baby 24/7

SisterNightroad 07-09-2015 01:38 PM

Oh, I understand, my poor Izzie had inherited a genetic intestines illness, practically she had a chronic intestine prolapse.
How old were your kitties when you adopted them?

kak125 07-09-2015 03:10 PM

Yeah its all so hard when you love them so much! Gizzy was 4 weeks and tank was 12 weeks.

SisterNightroad 07-09-2015 03:20 PM

Yeah, at least they had a long happy life.
Tank is very sweet in his little shirt! Perla also likes being cradled like a baby, I guess with age the go back to being pups!

kak125 07-09-2015 03:37 PM

I think 11 is young for cats i expect them to live to be at least 18. All the people I know that have had cats they all made it to 18-20. My parents cat almost made it 21. He was such a good boy. My hubby and I love our cats more than anything so I pray everyday they will be ok.
Your baby is soo cute too! They are just so much fun! Lol if my bank account wasnt tapped out we would adopt so many more animals. Ha ha

SisterNightroad 07-09-2015 04:02 PM

Sure, if they're not purebreds they'll supposedly reach at least 14-16 years old, there are a lot of factors to count, for example indoor cats live longer or cats whose parents had long lives etc.
Well, "old" is a subjective concept, technically cats reach their old age around the 9th-10th year, so my cat should be a old but she's just crazy and licks my shoes.
Yeah, cats are the most fun creatures in the world, and very affectionate, I don't understand how people think that they're less sweet than dogs.

chriskisn 07-10-2015 08:16 AM

Three of mine are 16 this year (the one one is 12 or 13...we never remember we have to count back where we living when we got him).

The vet said of our Russian Blue "oh he might live to 20". We went "Oh no!" because he really is the stereotypical cat wanting to take over the world. For those who think I am being mean not wanting him to live to 20, my sister-in-law used to like cats and was going to get cats when she got her own place, but she decided against it after spending time with him! Yep he's that bad!

SisterNightroad 07-10-2015 08:30 AM

My perla was very bad too, she used to hate me and behaved like the cats you see on "My cat from hell" (for those who don't know the program check it out, it's hilarious: but after she turned 12 years old she became a sweetie. And I'm happy I don't have to go to class with my hands and forearms scratched.
I believe that the quality of our pets' life is far more important than the lenght.

chriskisn 07-10-2015 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by SisterNightroad (Post 1169609)
My perla was very bad too, she used to hate me and behaved like the cats you see on "My cat from hell" (for those who don't know the program check it out, it's hilarious: but after she turned 12 years old she became a sweetie. And I'm happy I don't have to go to class with my hands and forearms scratched.
I believe that the quality of our pets' life is far more important than the lenght.

Cola is very friendly towards people, he used to beat our old dog up when she was alive (and she was four times bigger than him) so much that she would purposely divert around him to avoid him. He used to bash one of our other cats so badly that she would shake with fear, he bit a chunk out of one of the other cats ears, etc. Then he used to steal food out of the frying pan, still to this day steals food from the kids, especially off of the baby's high chair, (and then has a full on fight with the dog for the spoils of victory), every meal made in the kitchen is a battle to avoid him stealing food while you are cooking. He tends to find himself locked out in his enclosure whenever food is being prepared or if my toddler is eating.

The list is endless...

He is also very sweet, a real charmer, the other cats love him, he domesticated a feral kitten all on his own when we had failed (incredible to watch, he was like a mummy cat) and he never fails to charm visitors when they come over, especially if the visitor is a pretty lady.

A cat of many contrasts...

SisterNightroad 07-29-2015 07:59 AM

I found this some time ago and it was too cute to let it go
26 Hacks That Will Make Any Cat Owner’s Life Easier
And you thought your cat was clever.

1. Remove a cabinet door panel and add a curtain with a tension rod to hide a litter box.

2. Make a tiny bed of grass for your cat to chill in. The grass is greener inside.

3. Create a stairway to heaven for your cat using Ikea Lack shelves.

4. Cut out squares in a bookshelf to create a kitty exercise tower. This is actually another Ikea hack, using the Billy shelf.

5. Easily make an under-table or under-chair cat hammock with cloth and Velcro straps. See how someone made their own here (

6. Make a cat tent out of a T-shirt and two hangers. Finally, a use for that old bat mitzvah T-shirt that’s 10 sizes too large. Get the directions here (

7. Got feral cats in the backyard? Keep ‘em warm this winter. Check out the tutorial here (

8. Keep cats busy for hours with this DIY Tupperware cutout puzzle. The trick is to burn the cut edges with a lighter so that jagged edges don’t hurt your cat’s paws. Directions here (

9. Let your cats scratch themselves with this DIY self-petting station made with toilet bowl brushes. Directions here (

SisterNightroad 07-29-2015 08:03 AM

10. You can make your own Clevercat litter box for a fraction of the cost. Gives your cat some privacy and keeps dogs from getting in and messing with their business. Directions here (

11. Glue a carpet sample to a wooden frame for a minimalist cat scratch post. It’s practically wall art.

12. A tissue box and toilet paper rolls can easily be turned into an inexpensive toy your cat will love.

13. If your cat has ruined your screen door or window, there’s a fix for that. Window screen tape! Get it here (

14. Tie sisal rope around an Expedit single shelving unit to create a scratch post and cat bed in one.

15. Give your cat a place to hang out besides your workspace by flipping over the top of a board game box. No more accidentally sending emails to your boss with the words “asdfkjhasall aslsakdfjf.”

16. Don’t de-claw your cats! If your cat is regularly drawing blood, cover his paws with Soft Paw vinyl coverings for their paws. As an added bonus, they are like Minx for cats. You can buy them here (

17. Save money by growing your own catnip. Cut out the middle man. You can grow it in your garden or as a potted plant. Get the directions here (

18. Use this vacuum hack to get the cat litter that falls into weird crevices. You know how it always gets in the cracks of your floor? There’s a hack for that.

19. If your cat’s favorite activity is using more toilet paper than your entire family combined, tuck it in like so.

SisterNightroad 07-29-2015 08:05 AM

20. Run a rubber gloved hand over upholstery to remove pet hair.

21. If you need a cheap and easy yet stylish hideaway bed, sew together two Ikea Gosig toy baskets.

22. Trap fleas by lighting a candle. The fleas will hop into the melted wax. Just be sure not to leave the candle unattended. Click here for myriad other flea trap methods (

23. If your cat eats too quickly and then throws up, place her food in a shallow plate. Just smooth out a singular layer of kibble to keep your cat from diving face first into her food.

24. Put double-sided tape on surfaces where you don’t want your cat to jump up on. Cats avoid stepping on sticky things.

25. A plastic pitcher makes an easy-pour cat food container.

26. Covered in cat hair? Of course you are. Throw your cat-hair-covered clothes into a dryer with a dryer sheet. Or just rub yourself down with a dryer sheet if a lint roller isn’t available.

You are now officially worthy of your cat’s love, affection, and respect!

Macfanforever 08-08-2015 11:53 PM

More likely I 'll getting my neighbors cat since he was put into a convalescent home.

SisterNightroad 08-09-2015 10:16 AM

Poor neighbor, I hope it's nothing serious...
How is the cat?

Macfanforever 08-09-2015 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by SisterNightroad (Post 1170956)
Poor neighbor, I hope it's nothing serious...
How is the cat?

The cat is OK but the neighbor has dementia and had to go into a home for he can get takin care of.He is 87 years old.

My father had a light case of dementia before I lost him with prostrate cancer at 79 in 2012.

The cat is about 6 or 7 years old according to my neighbors son.Not many people want to adopt older cats but this one is very friendly with people and me included.Also shes an outside cat and stays put in the area.

I got a stray cat that hangs out here at times.So she is probably friends with him or her.The stray has issues being afraid of people and probably was like that since it was a kitten or it got abuse.

Since I have a brook in the back yard .I dont mind having cats around.They keep the mice and water rats out of my yard,Shed and house.Only one problem .They will go after the birds too as I found feathers on the lawn a month ago.

SisterNightroad 08-09-2015 03:15 PM

I understand, my grandmother is 81 and has Alzheimer.

Yeah, no one wants to adopt an already adult animal, I'm fighting with my father about taking another dog from a shelter. Basically since my dog has died of old age a few months ago he says that taking a dog from a shelter means that He or she will die soon all over again. I'm not ready to take another dog but I won't give up the idea of taking him from a shelter, it's morally the right thing and there are a lot of advantages.

By the way 6/7 years old is still pretty young for a cat, it's like a man in his 40s. Living outside means he will live at least for 10 years more.
Stray cats are always reluctant but if you leave a bit of food for him/her too might become a bit less wary,. But if it has really been abused he/she is probably traumatized and could become aggressive.

I loved my cats also for keeping my garden free of rats and snakes too but there's no way to keep them away from birds, they're the most difficult and then interesting preys. But for that they're also the first target to be abandoned, an old and heavier cat can't keep up.

landslide95 11-16-2015 10:13 AM

Finally a place where I can share my love of cats with likeminded people!

I love dogs but I am definitely a cat person. I don't know anybody else who is here in Ireland (except for the wonderful lady who runs a cat rescue near me).

I have 5 cats. Molly, Maloney, Ivy, Mr. Russell (after the man who found him), and Mac (yes, after Fleetwood Mac).

I also have two dogs, a 10 year old Cavalier named Ozzy (dumb as a post and deaf), and Cookie (I know, she sounds like a little porn star) who is a 4 month old Jack Russell. Absolute demon, and also reminds me why I love cats more :laugh::blob2:

SisterNightroad 11-16-2015 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by landslide95 (Post 1175153)
Finally a place where I can share my love of cats with likeminded people!

I love dogs but I am definitely a cat person. I don't know anybody else who is here in Ireland (except for the wonderful lady who runs a cat rescue near me).

I have 5 cats. Molly, Maloney, Ivy, Mr. Russell (after the man who found him), and Mac (yes, after Fleetwood Mac).

I also have two dogs, a 10 year old Cavalier named Ozzy (dumb as a post and deaf), and Cookie (I know, she sounds like a little porn star) who is a 4 month old Jack Russell. Absolute demon, and also reminds me why I love cats more :laugh::blob2:

I forgot last month it was national cat day:

SisterNightroad 11-26-2015 05:23 PM

The last one is painfully true...

Macfanforever 11-27-2015 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by SisterNightroad (Post 1175691)

Also a nice lap,leg and foot warmer.You can save electricity without using a electric blanket or throw .

SisterNightroad 11-27-2015 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Macfanforever (Post 1175722)
Also a nice lap,leg and foot warmer.You can save electricity without using a electric blanket or throw .

Ah ah ah, that's true. My cat works also as a furry neckband.

SisterNightroad 12-02-2015 04:55 AM

I'm not good at these things but I don't have anything else to do or anywhere else to say it without hearing inopportune comments about it, so I just wanted to write that my cat is ill. I realized I'm not ready to let her go, I've had this cat since when I was 8 years old and my sister and I brought her in my house despite my parents' previous refusal.

Macfanforever 12-02-2015 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by SisterNightroad (Post 1175902)
I'm not good at these things but I don't have anything else to do or anywhere else to say it without hearing inopportune comments about it, so I just wanted to write that my cat is ill. I realized I'm not ready to let her go, I've had this cat since when I was 8 years old and my sister and I brought her in my house despite my parents' previous refusal.

I'm sorry to hear that Sister.I hope she gets better.


Originally Posted by SisterNightroad (Post 1175725)
Ah ah ah, that's true. My cat works also as a furry neckband. a live mink around your neck.

SisterNightroad 12-02-2015 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Macfanforever (Post 1175908)
I'm sorry to hear that Sister.I hope she gets better. a live mink around your neck.

Thank you, I appreciate that. She has a urinary tract infection, I hope she'll be okay.

Yes, she's a very soft and black wrap, and in real fur!

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