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The Tower 04-29-2002 02:46 PM

Dream setlist for upcoming tour...
With the anticipated late summer tour being "Buckingham Nicks", here's my dream set list. It's a little quiet at one point, but I'm a sucker for FM's folky stuff- besides, this is MY dream list (in order as if performed live):

Crying in the Night
Tango in the Night
Frozen Love
Second Hand News
Django/Races Are Run
Gold Dust Woman
Surrender the Rain (with spoken intro)
Planets of the Universe
Walk A Thin Line
Save Me A Place
That's All For Everyone
The Second Time
So Afraid


Say We'll Meet Again
Sisters of the Moon

What would you pick?

jmn3 04-29-2002 04:26 PM

I'll stick to a bit more 'traditional' list, hehe:

I Don't Want to Know
The Chain
Oh Well
Eyes of the World
Gold Dust Woman
I'm So Afraid
Frozen Love
Don't Let Me Down Again
Never Going Back Again
World Turning
The Ledge
What Makes You Think You're the One
Seven Wonders
Big Love
Second Hand News
Hold Me
Silver Springs
Go Your Own Way
Blue Letter
Sisters of the Moon
Don't Stop

...also some new tunes of course! I would expect 3-4 from the new album.

chiliD 04-29-2002 05:45 PM

This'll never happen, but here's mine:

The Chain
Monday Morning
Gold Dust Woman
Steal Your Heart Away
(new Stevie tune)
(new Lindsey tune)
(new Stevie tune)
(new Lindsey tune)
I Don't Want To Know
Frozen Love
Don't Let Me Down Again
Red Rover
Big Love
You Make Loving Fun (lead vocal, Lindsey)
Oh Well
Twist Of Fate
Planets Of The Universe
Not That Funny
Silver Springs
Second Hand News
Go Your Own Way

Don't Stop (lead vocal, Lindsey)

Blue Letter
Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You
Say Goodbye

seteca 04-29-2002 06:26 PM

Been thinking about this A LOT !!!!
Obvioulsy the setlist will have new songs but I've stuck with what I know:)

1) The Chain
2) Seven Wonders
3) Blue Letter
4) Oh Well
5) Crystal (DUET!)
6) Gypsy
7) Eyes Of The World
8) Big Love
9) Go Insane
10) Storms (Acoustic version, only Lindsey playing guitar in background...that would be incredible...!)

11) C O M E. (I'm sure some of you remember the way I described in the Lindsey forum how I want to see this song lights..all dark....then for the chorus......FLOODLIGHTS...BAM...concert hall E R U P T S!!!! Aw man...I'm gonna be seriously hurt if this song is not on the album/done's just......A W E S O M E).:blob2: :blob1:
12) S A R A .......(oh please someone from the Mac read this and give us these two songs.....!!!)
13) Landslide
14) Not That Funny (and light one up for old times' sake..!;))
15) Dreams
------------SLIGHT BREAK----------
16) Gold Dust Woman
17) I'm So Afraid
18) Silver Springs
19) Go Your Own Way
--------AND AS I LIVE IN LONDON:)......HERE'S ME HOPING.......
Christine comes on stage and sings
20) Oh Daddy as a tribute to Mick...!!! (About 70% of the audience with lumps in throats I'd say)
21) Don't Stop
22) Songbird (90% crying by now.)
23) Say We'll Meet Again.
At this point if there's still a tearless face in the audience they shouldn't have come to the concert in the first place (or they're stoned).

Ahh....I can only dream............(FOR THE TIME BEING!!!!!:);))

:wavey: :wavey: :wavey:

wondergirl9847 04-29-2002 08:50 PM

My dream setlist...
COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;););)
Beautiful Child (With SN playing piano!!!!)
The Chain
Straight Back
Big Love
Go Insane
I'm So Afraid
Gold Dust Woman
Go Your Own Way
Stand Back
Edge of 17
Surrender the Rain
That's All for Everyone
Sisters of The Moon

Tango in the Night (Lindsey's lead encore)
The Dealer (Stevie's lead encore)
Sorcerer (Sounds best with LB and SN harmonizing!!)
Frozen Love (AAAHHH!!!!)

Don't laugh, this is a DREAM set list!! :lol: I did include solo songs in there too, because it would be a DREAM to hear them on each other's solo songs.

I'm loving the Say We'll Meet Again to end the show. That is GREATNESS!!!!! So much hope in that!!!!!! :nod: :thumbsup:

witchywoman 04-29-2002 09:50 PM

I like your setlist, very close to what I would see happening.
I think you'll see very few of the "oldies" in there, if Linds
has HIS way. MAYBE some of the origional B/N with some
of the guitar changed to fit Linds' new style. I can't see
someone like Lindsey (who balked at the Dance being
something people have already heard) doing the same
songs through this tour also! I think a fresh new sound
with some never heard NEW songs from Stevie, as
being the main focus of this tour.


Little Queenie 04-30-2002 01:19 AM

oooh fun fun fun! can they play for 3 hours!!!

anyways her my dream setlist, of course it probably won't happen...maybe first I should stop listening to James Gang (you know the band Joe Walsh was in before the Eagles...I must thanks to Sheryl Crow for covering it on Last Call with Carson Daly...alright anyways)

Monday Morning
(New FM song)
Oh Well
Silver Springs
I'm So Afraid
The Ledge
Blue Letter
I Don't Want to Know
Say You Love Me
You Make Loving Fun
The Chain

Never Going Back Again (the fun upbeat Rumours style)
Big Love

(Maybe a Fritz song...surprise us FM...c'mon c'mon)
Crying in the Night
Eyes of the World
That's How We Do it in LA
Beautiful Child
Not that Funny (and I agree, smoke another one Linds for old times sake!)
That's Enough For Me
Fall From Grace
World Turning (stevie can take Christine's vocal part..oh and then S/L could sing in the same mic...:) )

Second Hand News
Sisters of the Moon
Frozen Love

(A cover song)
Christine comes out and play SONGBIRD!!! Oh how I wish!!!!

man they would be playing for 5's hard to pick!!! Can't they just play everything!!!! Of course I probably forgot some songs


DownOnRodeo 04-30-2002 09:17 AM

Great lists everyone! I'm not even going to dream... let's just say I keep my crystal visions to myself!

Seteca dude - who is gonna play Songbird?? :confused: Brett Tuggle or whoever I guess, but still, I think it'd be pure sacrilege hey!

BUT on the other hand, in the TITN tour, Billy only did GYOW (well, yes, and The Chain and Blue Letter, though these aren't exclusively LB songs), and avoided the rest of Lindsey's stuff.
So I guess the same might apply here - they might do Songbird as a token Chris hit and FM staple ... and avoid the rest of her hits.

Hmmmmm...but still... Stevie Nicks singing Songbird?? :distress: Not even C McV her herself could really nail it all the time live ... it's a doozy!

But good wish list. I concur!:wavey: :D :o

seteca 04-30-2002 09:32 AM


Originally posted by DownOnRodeo
....Seteca dude - who is gonna play Songbird?? :confused: Brett Tuggle or whoever I guess, but still, I think it'd be pure sacrilege hey!......
Hey DownOnRodeo!:wavey:

I meant Christine to sing it!! That's why I wrote:

Christine comes on stage and sings
20) Oh Daddy as a tribute to Mick...!!! (About 70% of the audience with lumps in throats I'd say)
21) Don't Stop
22) Songbird......."

I agree...if ANYBODY else sings this....I'm gonna be extreeeemley p***ed off !! Either she sings it or NOBODY sings it!!:nod::blob1:

:wavey: :wavey: :wavey:

tuigirl 04-30-2002 09:56 AM

As much as we don't like to think about it, this could be the Macs final foray(esp if it's a world tour)...But it would be a great chance for the revival of BuckinghamNicks (cross fingers, heres hoping!).So my dream list would be... as many oldies as they can fit in (Rhiannon, Dreams,GYOW,Don't Stop etc),a few new ones off the new cd and a bunch of BN's (to remind us of things to come). After all, isn't 2003, some 30 years since the BN album was first released? What better time to re-release it (on cd please Lindsey!) than next year either during or directly after a big Mac tour.:nod:

The Tower 04-30-2002 01:19 PM

Very, very cool.....

You would think that the members of FM would realize the chance they have this time to actually play DIFFERENT material.

I wonder how they decide their setlists.

They definitely have to do "Sara". Who knows if they'll ever have the chance to do it again???

Screw that "greatest hits" mentality- do songs that the real fans want to hear!

golddustchic 04-30-2002 02:13 PM

Here's mine!!!

Go Your Own Way
Gold Dust Woman
Big Love
Frozen Love
Without You
Beautiful child
Go Insane
I'm So Afraid
Crying in the Night
Don't Stop
Secret Love
The chain

Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You

larg 04-30-2002 05:44 PM

Okay, here are my crazy but hopeful (and in my eyes, fairly likely :)) ideas. Remember, on Lindsey's solo tour, he brought in some old songs that had been forgotten from setlists (Never Going Back Again was great then!!!) and Stevie tried to bring back some old stuff during TISL and even Enchanted to a point. This shows to me that the two of them really want to change; I just think it may have been some other force making them not do it during the Dance tour. Besides, that was really only celebrating their "hits," I think maybe Mick's attempt at dragging in some new fans. And, well, it worked. So, without further ado, here goes:

1. Go Insane (A good and easy, slow song to begin with, just Lindsey on stage with barely any light on him. That would be nice, acoustic, of course.)
(2.) All light disappears, leaving just a sillouette of Lindsey as he reads his poem, the World Calls Me Away
3. Big Love now (Again, acoustic. Towards the end, Stevie comes out, and sings the Ooh Aahs with him)
4. Blue lights illuminate the duo, and Landslide is now played acoustic. This will be it for acoustic now for a while, as Mick and John arrive just in time for...
5. Angel. Stevie could easily handle this song still. However, I doubt this song will get played, but I threw it in cause I guess this is a dream. :)
6. Eyes of the World would now be done, but slightly more reminiscant of it on the Mirage video. I want the buh-buhs at the beginning and middle. However, Lindsey would sing "Eyes...Eyes..." etc., while Stevie and the backups would all do the "Whooa Oooh Oooh Oooh" part. Yeah. :)
7. Dreams now is gonna hafta be thrown in, cause this is a concert STAPLE
8. I'm So Afraid. I don't know how many of you have ever heard the Irvine Meadow '97 album, (We're Still Dancing, AKA Dancing Again) but this has the BEST ISA ever. It is just great. If they could do it like this, I would be very happy.
9. Lets play a new song now, boys and girl, okay? One of Stevie's would be best here...
10. One more new song, possibly a Lindsey one, then...
11. My Love/No Limit (hey, it was done during the AHI last time, introducing that they are spending a lot of time together in the studio... to me, this means this is a potential song for the new album, and it sounded GREAT live...!)
12. Gold Dust Woman now enchants everyone in the audience, leaving them screaming for more, when you hear a familiar but eerily strange guitar riff, which leads into a MONSTER Lindsey version of....
13. Tango in the Night. If there were ever a song that deserves a live performance, it is this one. When this song is OVER, we get to hear...
14. Mick's solo, him going nuts with that vest and his crazy silver balls. Then, he goes over to sit down, and he begins to play another familiar drum beat, which goes to...
15. Stand Back, a crazy and wild version with kicks and all, but don't you dare think Mick gets a break on the drums yet!! Cause as Stevie leaves the stage now, Lindsey gets fired up for...
16. Not That Funny!!! Go back to the old drum solo, though, NOT the vest one. When this is done, Stevie comes back out for...
17. Rhiannon, with the Rhiannon cape and all. Not quite as crazy as it used to be, but much wilder; no piano intro at the beginning, just right into the song. And at the end, she goes "Oh, won't you take me with you to...!" you know, that whole shpeal. She can still be pretty intense doing that, trust me, I've heard it, and she doesn't really hafta scream or get to high pitched.
18. Another rocker now, we've got Twist of Fate, a great little song which they all can jam to, followed by...
19. Second Hand News, just like in the Dance tour. But get this... Lindsey has written a NEW verse, so it is now a minute longer...! YAYAYA!
20. Stevie now sings Silver Springs, which kind of calms everyone down, only to wake em up again with Mick and that bongo dude going nuts for...
21. Tusk!! A nutso version, which gets everyone ecstatic!
22. Now, one more new song... I don't care who its by, probably Stevie...
23. The concert is coming close to an end now, and Go Your Own Way shakes the crowd. The four depart afterwards, but everyone knows better than to leave yet... after all, there was NO opening act, and they said at the beginning to expect a DOUBLE setlist... they just need a short break...

24. They return to finish with a few songs. Stevie comes out first, alone, and goes to the grand piano to play Beautiful Child. Her voice echoes, and the crowd is in tears
25. Lindsey now comes out with an acoustic to do Never Going Back Again, kinda slow, because he's tired and its a sad moment cause the concert is almost done
26. Mick and John come back out now, and Lindsey sings Chris' lead on Say You Love Me, a trubute to her. I have always dreamed about hearing his take on this song...!
27. Stevie gets to now sing Frozen Love with Lindsey, just as everyone began to think they were not going to hear any BN stuff that night
28. An exciting Blue Letter now gets the croud going even stronger than before, but then Lindsey is out by himself afterwards, just him and a guitar, to sing...
29. Say Goodbye, a very emotional thing. But then, at the end, The other three come out for Farmer's Daughter, and they all leave the stage.
30. Now, after waiting a few, Lindsey comes back out and says "We have one more little ditty for you all, then we gotta get outta here. They're gonna start charging us rent!" And he plays This Nearly Was Mine, pauses, and then the room lights up as the other three stand behind him, and play Say We'll Meet Again.

Okay, a dream? We'll know soon enough, I daresay!!!

Adam R.

bjk3047 04-30-2002 05:59 PM

Well I've got a realist list and a dream list. Here's the list I put money down on:
The Chain
Gold Dust Woman
New Song
New Song
I'm So Afraid
Gold Dust Woman
Big Love
New Song
My Little Demon
Not That Funny
Silver Springs
Silver Springs
Go Your Own Way
Hmm...toughy...I'll go with the old White Album closer, HYPNOTIZED!

Okay, dream list:
The Chain
I'm So Afraid
New Song
New Song
Green Manalishi
Second Hand News
Gold Dust Woman
Frozen Love
World Turning
Go Your Own Way
Blue Letter
Sisters Of The Moon
Don't Let Me Down Again

Hey, I'm a White Album tour junky, what can I say!

Skylark 04-30-2002 07:59 PM

The Chain????;)
:wavey: Hi Fans...
ChiliD...The Chain has been can't be used!
Otherwise I approve your organic, captivating set-list!

Now as we are only hallucinating...:nod:

Perhaps Christine will walk on... making ... The Chain
viable...bringing the house down doing Songbird with
John and Lindsey on acoustics!!! sob! sob! Luv, Sky:)

p.s. Little Queenie...I love your is sooo romantic!!!
Lots of the oldies...but goodies from B/N album! :D ;)

Mike B 04-30-2002 10:05 PM

Okay, since it is a dream setlist, here's what I'd like to hear:

1) Big Love - Not the acoustic version...a full on version like on TITN. Someone suggested this on another board months ago, and as soon as I saw it, I thought it could be the next best opener after The Chain. (which I'm leaving out of this set!) After this, they launch immediately into:
2)Long Distance Winner - This could rock. And I want to hear Lindsey's guitar work at the end. After the welcome...
3) Dreams
4) Miranda
5) Gold Dust Woman
6) What Makes You Think You're The One
7) Rhiannon
8) Eyes of the World
9) Thrown Down
10) Shuffle Riff (with a different title, of course)
**Break for Acoustic Set**
11) Down on Rodeo
12) Space Needle
13) Never Going Back Again
14) Gypsy (like AHI 2000)
**End Acoustic Set**
15) Tango in the Night/I'm So Afraid - with Tango leading directly into ISA
16) Storms
17) Second Hand News
18) Smile At You
19) World Turning (Stevie singing Chris' parts)
20) Go Your Own Way

21) Sisters of the Moon
22) Come
23) Frozen Love
24) Say Goodbye

They all leave, then Stevie & Lindsey return for
25) Landslide

I resisted the urge to include solo songs, just to keep the list down. Whatever the setlist turns out to be, I'm going to love it...

Mike B

EnchantedStorms 05-01-2002 07:23 PM

Okay....I know I'm gonna forget some, lol...but here goes MY dream set list...:D (In no certain order)

Races Are Run
Frozen Love
Thrown Down
Smile At You
Gold Dust Woman
Beautiful Child
Silver Springs
Go Your Own Way
Sisters of the Moon
Never Going Back Again
Second Hand News
She Smiled Sweetly
Blue Letter
Eyes of the World
Go Insane
Big Love (with Stevie on backup)
I'm So Afraid
Without You
Long Distance Winner
Down On Rodeo
The Chain

Give me a little while....I'm sure I'll think of more, lol!!


bjk3047 05-01-2002 08:21 PM


Originally posted by Mike B
I resisted the urge to include solo songs, just to keep the list down.
Thank you!! Finally! lol After all, this is a.....FLEETWOOD MAC concert!! :D That's a good setlist, it never crossed my mind that they could end on Landslide...DUH! And Tango, segue, ISA, wow! Another goodie! Kinda like Oh Well into Green Manalishi on the White Album tour...

Mike B 05-01-2002 08:50 PM


After all, this is a.....FLEETWOOD MAC concert!!
I know, right? As much as I enjoy Go Insane and Stand Back, and would love to hear something like Sorcerer or Planets or Say We'll Meet Again, I'd prefer a straight on Mac show. Because who knows when we'll get another?

As for Tango/ISA, I read somewhere that Tango came about from LB playing ISA. They just seem like a natural fit. (I really wish we could hear Tango live!)

Mike B.

Nightbird_Brett 05-01-2002 11:16 PM

Mine is a dream list like everyone else's but here goes. (This is not counting the new songs):

The Chain
Don't Let Me Down Again
Save Me a Place
I'm So Afraid
Gold Dust Woman
What Makes You Think You're The One

What I call the Rhiannon part of the show
Sisters of the Moon
Three Birds of Rhiannon (hey, it might be on the new album)

Go Insane
Eyes of the World
Station Man (like it was done on the '75 tour)
Monday Morning
Never Going Back Again
Second Hand News
Seven Wonders
Not That Funny
Beautiful Child
Go Your Own Way
Don't Stop (with Stevie and Lindsey alternating leads)

Encore one
Silver Springs

Encore two
Stevie comes to the piano and does Songbird (I know alot of you will disagree with me since it is not Chris doing it, but what is a FM concert without Songbird towards the end? I can actually hear Stevie singing it and think it would sound great!)

And just when we think Stevie will leave the stage and the night is over, the lights come on and Linsdsey, John, and Mick are there and they surprise us with Sara!!!

This was fun! It will never happen but it was fun!!

jmn3 05-02-2002 04:07 PM

Nightbird - We can only keep hoping for Sara, right!?!?

As for Songbird, I just don't see Stevie singing it. Besides, I think there are so many songs of Stevie's that we never hear live, I think I'd rather hear her do one of them. I'm thinking Storms maybe, or really ANYTHING from Tusk.

The Tower 05-02-2002 04:11 PM

They just HAVE to do "Sara"!!!!

I'll be really disappointed if they don't.

However, I would totally DIE if they did "Storms". I waited to see that song live my whole life!

David 05-02-2002 06:08 PM

Dream set list
My dream set list . . . talk about a pipe dream:

If You Ever Did Believe
World Turning
September Song
You & I Part 1
Can't Go Back
Monday Morning
Sable on Blonde
It Ain't Me, Babe
Sweet Girl
What Are You Doing in My Life?
That's All for Everyone
Hot Fun in the Summertime
Twilight on the Trail

Perfect set for Mac . . . perfect show!

Little Queenie 05-03-2002 03:10 AM

Re: The Chain????;)

Originally posted by Skylark
:wavey: Hi Fans...
ChiliD...The Chain has been can't be used!
Otherwise I approve your organic, captivating set-list!

Now as we are only hallucinating...:nod:

Perhaps Christine will walk on... making ... The Chain
viable...bringing the house down doing Songbird with
John and Lindsey on acoustics!!! sob! sob! Luv, Sky:)

p.s. Little Queenie...I love your is sooo romantic!!!
Lots of the oldies...but goodies from B/N album! :D ;)

Hey chiliD!
Thanks, though my list is quite long. I wouldn't mind if they played for ten hours of their life at a show! I didn't realize the acoustic set would mainly just be Stevie and Lindsey. And of course I had to add Lola. Now that would be something to hear live. Hell they couldn't play the whole B/N album and I would be fine! If Christine were still with the MAC, then I would have added so many pre-S/L songs like Homeward Bound, Spare Me a Little, Station Man, Why, Just CRazy Love, Believe Me...etc! Oh I can dream!


chiliD 05-03-2002 05:55 PM

If I REALLY had my way...
Ok, dependent on mental health & litigation issues being solved.

(the house lights go out...loud cricket noises come out of the PA system...a tall thin long-haired person walks toward the center stage mic)

(in a British growl) "HOWYADOIN, PITTSBURGH!!! I'm Dave Walker, I used to sing with these people for a short time back in 1973, so will you PLEASE GIVE A WARM

(then a slow, pedestrian bass drum starts; four shadowy figures walk across the stage as a familiar guitar riff bursts out of the sound system...on stage, Mick, John, Chris, Lindsey & Stevie)

The Chain
I'm So Afraid
Gold Dust Woman

(Stevie & Lindsey leave the stage as Christine introduces Billy Burnette & Rick Vito)

(Rick dedicates to Peter Green)
I Loved Another Woman

(Billy dedicates next song to Peter Green, too)
Oh Well

(Billy leaves the stage as Mick comes from behind the drums to center stage to introduce Peter Green)

Black Magic Woman
(Rick & Peter alternate verses)
Rattlesnake Shake

(everyone leaves stage....a lone guitarist heads toward centerstage...Lindsey)

Big Love
Go Insane

(Stevie joins him)


(roadies rustle about setting up gear at front of stage...Lindsey reappears with banjo)

Say You Love Me
(Lindsey changes to Fender six-string bass for)
Farmer's Daughter

(all leave stage...roadies bustle about arranging mics & gear...Mick comes out and sits behind drums, other people take their places on stage, John McVie walks to the mic..."Ladies & Gentlemen, I'd like to introduce THE ORIGINAL FLEETWOOD MAC!" Mick, John, Peter & Jeremy kick into)

Dust My Broom (Jeremy vocals)
Rollin' Man (Peter vocals)
Watch Out (Peter vocals)
Shake Your Moneymaker (Jeremy vocals)

(Peter & Jeremy leave stage...Billy, Rick, Christine & Stevie enter)

In The Back Of My Mind
Little Lies
Stand Back
Isn't It Midnight

(Billy & Rick leave stage...Christine starts playing a spacey piano riff as a shadowy bispectacled character with a guitar walks out onstage...its Bob Welch!)

Bermuda Triangle
Sentimental Lady

(Bob leaves to thunderous applause; Lindsey & Stevie come out on stage)

Spare Me A Little Of Your Love
Believe Me
Blue Letter

(All leave stage, Peter Green & Nigel Watson enter with acoustic guitars)

Steady Rollin' Man
Travelin Riverside Blues
Sweet Home Chicago

(Pete & Nigel pick up electric guitars, Mick, John & Christine enter)

Man Of The World (instrumental)

(Bob Welch, Rick Vito, Lindsey & Stevie join the stage...Bob introduces the next song...)

Green Manalishi (LONNNNNG version with guitar duels abounding, Stevie singing in tongues over the solos; segueing into...)
Sisters Of The Moon

(all leave stage....stage left empty & dark with tiny blue, swirling noises come up in the PA...after about 15 minutes...sillouetted people start taking places on stage as the stage backdrop starts to brighten in an imitation the surprise of EVERYone the lineup is Mick, John, Christine, Lindsey, Peter, Stevie & DANNY KIRWAN!)

Sunny Side Of Heaven
Station Man
(Lindsey, Stevie & Chris handle the vocals, Danny & Lindsey trade riffs on the solos)
(Lindsey, Stevie & Chris leave...Peter & Danny kick into one of their instrumentals...)

World In Harmony

(all leave stage again...stage gets dark again, yet with pale dark neon lights around the perimeter...a giant ROCK-OLA Jukebox rolls out as backdrop behind Mick's off stage '50's DJ type announcer comes on.."Ladies & Gentlemen, for the first time in 30 years EARL VINCE & THE VALIANTS!!!" Out comes Mick, John, Peter Green, Rick Vito, Billy Burnette, Christine McVie...they launch into...)

Roll With Me Henry
(w/Christine & Billy sharing the vocals)

Twist & Shout ( Peter Green on lead vocal...after which, Billy introduces "The LEADER Of the Valiants, Ladies & Gentlemen....EARL VINCE!!" An overly pomadoured Jeremy Spencer, complete with gold lame suit, hits the stage)

All Shook Up
Mighty Cold
Somebody's Going To Get Their Head Kicked In Tonite
Stuck On You
Tear It Up
(Billy & Jeremy trade vocals...Lindsey, Stevie & Bob Welch join 1/2 way through song)

(Crowd is on their feet going wild song last seemingly forever)

(Band leaves stage with houselights up, spotlights swirling around audience.)

(after 15 minutes, houselights dim...people who thought show was over and were heading out of venue, rush back to their seats. Without introduction, a few members come out on stage...Mick, John, Stevie, Chris, & Lindsey)

You Make Loving Fun
Not That Funny
Silver Springs
Go Your Own Way

(Band says goodbyes, houselights stay dim...5 minutes later a solitary figure with a guitar walks toward center stage...stage lights reveal Dave Mason alone at the mic)

We Just Disagree

(Dave says thanks, sorry he's late, his plane was diverted to another town due to weather and just got to the venue, his set was supposed to be earlier in the evening, picks up an electric guitar as others in the band hit the stage...Billy, John, Mick, Christine, and BEKKA BRAMLETT)

Only You Know & I Know

(joined by Rick Vito, Bob WESTON, & Lindsey)
All Along The Watchtower

(EVERYBODY comes out on the stage...Christine starts playing the piano with a waltz beat...)

All Over Again

(a special arrangement...with a chorus of background vocals that seem to go on forever...."Doooo It, Allll Ovvvvvver Again" building in intensity, sutble yet intricate guitar-army bits by Lindsey, the two Bobs, Rick, Peter, Nigel, Dave Mason, & slide parts by Jeremy, Danny & Billy strum Everly Bros type jumbo acoustic guitars...the crescendo ends suddenly, with Christine playing solo and singing, 'I'd do it all over again'...then launching all by herself into..)


(while all the folks on stage sway, arms around each other, the crowd as a whole whip out their Bic Lighters and sway with the band)

(at song's end, not a dry eye in the house, either in the seats or on bows & waves, Stevie, Bekka & Chris collect bouquets & stuffed animals from the front of the stage, the guys shake hands and wave...takes about 15 minutes for everyone to leave the stage. Houselights go up, original recording of Oh Well, Part 2 blasts over PA...the crowd buzzes as they leave the venue in an orderly fashion)

Bob Brunning writes a review of the show and includes anecdotes about the backstage goings on…includes photos & publishes as a book.



They opened their set with "The Chain" on the Tango & Behind The Mask tours without Lindsey; and on the Time tour with a whole new cast of characters...that they're only missing Christine from the Rumours doesn't mean, to me anyway, that "the chain is broken" long as there's a Fleetwood Mac, the chain just keeps adding, subtracting & changing links, but never BREAKING them! :)

Skylark 05-03-2002 07:07 PM

Changing the Links!!!
:wavey: Hi chiliD...Musical Lexicon Man!!!;)

You are so right...I see your point about breaking up
The other words they just Keep Fixing IT!:D

You... have me gasping for breathe and dreaming about
F. Mac!!! I'd definitely have to make it to your concert!;)
Iam not toooo far from Pittsburgh...this is so exciting !!!

I especially like the Guitar Army idea at the very end!:cool:
I can already hear Christine's piano with J&L on acoustic!
My intuition tells me she may be on board!Sniff!!Sniff!!!:eek:

Reserve me a copy of the Bob Brunning Scandal Book! hehe!
Good one Steve!Your the best! Thanks for a fun post! Luv, Sky:)

Little Queenie 05-04-2002 03:35 AM

Hey chiliD,
how I would love to be your FM concert in Pittsburgh! Every possible incarnation of FM playing together at one show would be freakin' awesome!
I'd stage dive off Mick's drumset just to see them play!


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