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michelej1 09-20-2008 12:48 AM

It Was Them in Anaheim
Just out of the Anaheim show. It was great overall, but I just wanted to quickly note Lindsey's kids. They were all there with about 8 school friends.

After the intro to Big Love, I saw Kristen run out with Will and Lee Lee, carrying Stella in her arms and I thought that was strange. I figured they only wanted to listen to the part of the show that was about them, or maybe Kristen had chosen just that moment to leave Lindsey and was making a quick getaway.

After Big Love, Lindsey said he wanted to do a song that was not normally in his setlist, but since he wrote it about his kids, he wanted to sing it for them. So, he started "It Was You" and imagine my surprise when Will came out for the line "William is here". He was shaking some rattling instrument (maraccas?). Then Lee Lee came out for her chorus. Kristen sat in a corner, egging them on.

When he got to "Stella's here!" Lindsey looked around for Stella, but she wasn't here. After the song he said, "Where's Stella?" Kristen answered him and he turned to the audience: "I think we lost Stella. Apparently she's asleep."

Brett dismissed the idea that Stella might be bored by her dad, hastily adding, "But she loves the show!"

Someone in the audience asked Lindsey how old Stella was and he said. "Four. Yes, we're bad parents." He had Will and Lee Lee take a bow and hugged them. He said getting 2 out of 3 kids up there wasn't bad.

An audience member told him he did a good job and he agreed that he and Kristen did good work when it came to having kids. He thanked Will and Lee Lee and said they had done a beautiful job on the song.

They went back into the audience and took their seats. By the time Lindsey got to Treason, his kids and all of their friends were sitting on the edge of the stage. They asked Lindsey for his guitar picks and he handed them out one by one.

When it was time for Time Precious Time, Will offered to give Lindsey one of the picks back and Lindsey smiled and said, "No, you keep it. I don't need it for this song."

As Lindsey performed TPT, Brett went and got Stella and held her in the wings. She had a firm hold on her blankie and she was waving to the kids sitting on the stage from her perch. After the song ended, Brett told her to go out on stage with Lindsey. She did and came up to Lindsey from behind, so he didn't really see her at first. When he did, he bent down to get her, but I think she was put off by the sweat dripping from him. She touched his damp shirt very gingerly, then teased him and eluded his grasp when he tried to grab her. As everyone left the stage, she lingered behind on the edge, looking out into the audience, clutching her blanket. I think she might just be a ham. Blood will out!

More about the actual show later.


Nico 09-20-2008 01:38 AM

Wow, that sounds absolutely precious. That was probably a treat for all there. Lindsey's so proud of his family and it's quite obvious. Soon it'll be like the Partridge Family or the "Sound of Music." Just wait.

Incidentally, since you were there...which of the children looks most like Lindsey in your opinion. I'm kinda of thinking it's somewhere between William and Stella. I don't know though. Used to think it was Leelee, but from the most recent pics she kind of looks like Kristen the most.

Wildheart82 09-20-2008 02:12 AM

Great review Michele - great show! It was really cool with all the kids there, at first they were standing by the stage, and one-by-one they all jumped up on the stage and sat on the edge. Will kept looking back and studying the crowd - it was really unique watching that interaction! After the show we went around back and waited hoping to get a picture or an autograph. All the kids came out first (about 12 of them - they had a bunch of friends!) Will and a few of the boys came over and started talking with us and then they gave out all the guitar picks that Lindsey had given them earlier. It's the one with the no pick symbol but on the other side it says L. B. T. I. Anyone know what the T. I. stands for??? Then all the kids got in the big van/bus and then Kristen came out carrying Stella and then Lindsey. He waved toward us and then got on the bus. After about 20 minutes, Lindsey got off the bus and it took off. He came over to all of us fans and spoke to each one of us, signed autographs and took pictures with any one who asked. He was really cool, took his time with each person and it was an incredible experience. What a great night, one I will never forget!!!:blob1:

Here's my picture!

DavidMn 09-20-2008 02:17 AM

thats an excellent picture!:nod:

Wildheart82 09-20-2008 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by DavidMn (Post 775003)
thats an excellent picture!:nod:

Thanks David - did you recognize me? I met you in line at HOB Anaheim last year and we stood by the stage next to each other!!

Enjoy your upcoming concerts - mine is over:distress:

DavidMn 09-20-2008 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by Wildheart82 (Post 775004)
Thanks David - did you recognize me? I met you in line at HOB Anaheim last year and we stood by the stage next to each other!!

Enjoy your upcoming concerts - mine is over:distress:

I think I do remember you. Nice to talk to you again. My first show is next SUnday in Kansas City. CANT WAIT!:] After everything Ive been through with my car, I'm thrilled to still be able to go.

michelej1 09-20-2008 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by Wildheart82 (Post 775001)
Will and a few of the boys came over and started talking with us and then they gave out all the guitar picks that Lindsey had given them earlier. It's the one with the no pick symbol but on the other side it says L. B. T. I. Anyone know what the T. I. stands for???

That was really nice of the kids to give you their guitar picks. I would guess that the "T" in LBTI stands for "tour" but I'm clueless as to the "I." Incorporated:laugh:? That's a beautiful picture of you with Lindsey. You both look terrific. I thought it was an excellent show.


SNLB 09-20-2008 03:09 AM

Yes, it certainly turned out to be a great night! The concert was excellent as always and it was great to hear It Was You with 2 of Lindsey's kids taking the stage. Stella was in the row right in front of me and she is such a good baby! I also thought Will was a very nice young man. It was very exciting to be able to get a picture with Lindsey. He is such a soft spoken guy. He was very nice to all of us who were standing out there. I agree that watching Will watch us watch his dad was very interesting. He is just taking it all in, and it seems, enjoying it.

I will try to get some photos posted tomorrow. Right now I am just so tired, but I wanted to say "Hi" to The Ledgies who were out there waiting. Sorry I didn't get a chance to say goodbye. Glad it worked out for us all!

And, thank you to Lindsey for his time and graciousness in signing, taking pictures and just plain chit-chatting. Whatta guy!

michelej1 09-20-2008 03:10 AM


I suppose it's too easy to say that Will looks like Lindsey just because he has brown hair that tends to be curly, but I think he does. I can't really tell if the girls look like him, although back when they did that People magazine lay out, Lee Lee's eyes reminded me of Lindsey's.

As for the rest of the show, about a half hour beforehand the kids were playing on the stage. I'm sure the set up crew appreciated that! The audience was pretty spare, still filing in, but when the girls started to do hand stands and acrobatics, people in the audience applauded them. The kids all had on GOS t-shirts. The boys had on white and the girls had on red/brown. Stella was the smallest child there and she liked the audience. Just as she did at the end of the show, before it started, she was standing on the apron of the stage, looking into the audience and waving. She also amused herself by pushing over any of the bigger kids trying to achieve hand stands. A diva in training.

Kristen looked like she not only had the whole school of children with her, but all of her friends and household staff too. It seemed to be more of them than there were seats to hold them. It took them awhile to get situated. Stella was holding her nanny's hand as she waited to be seated in the audience.

I was closer to the speakers this time than I ever was before and when the pounding beat of Great Day started, the thump, thump, thump felt like my heart leaping against my chest.

Before Trouble started Lindsey said his new album came out Tuesday. When people hollered that they had it, he said we should keep getting it. He said many of us know that Los Angeles is his home and he has lots of friends in the audience, in addition to his family. He mentioned them, his wife Kristen, and each of the kids by name and said that he loved them very much.

When he introduced Big Love, Lindsey said that he left FM in an attempt to regain his insanity, which caused everyone to laugh. He then added that he did it to regain his sanity and individuality too. He talked about how his life had changed since he met his wife just over 10 years ago and says that the original meaning of Big Love is now firmly rooted in the past.

I don't really like the studio versions of Come or World Turning, but I am enjoying both songs more on this tour than I did on the SYW tour.

He did It Was You between Big Love and Did You Miss Me. As part of the Big Love intro he also mentioned that the solo version he does became a template for a lot of other songs he's written since then. So, I guess he's noticed what the critics have been saying about the fast finger picking songs becoming ubiquitous.

When it was time to acknowledge the band he said, "I'd like to introduce the band . . . that's it." He turned around as if that was all he had to say and then laughed at his own joke. He mentioned that Wally came from a family of great percussionists.

I thought GYOW was especially sizzling, with the crowd so into it.

I was sorry to see "Family Night" on the GOS tour end.

Lindsey and the guys will now be leaving the California area and I sure will miss following the tour. But I look forward to reading about all of its changes and twists of fate in reviews from other fans.


michelej1 09-20-2008 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by SNLB (Post 775009)
I agree that watching Will watch us watch his dad was very interesting. He is just taking it all in, and it seems, enjoying it.

We had to pass the Honda Center to get to The Grove and it made me think of Fleetwood Mac. If Will got a kick out of watching the crowd tonight, just wait until he sees the sea of people at the larger FM venues. Very exciting. Since 2003-2004 is probably pretty fuzzy for even Will to recall, I am glad that they are getting old enough to have these memories of their dad being a rock star.


LINDSEY#1FAN 09-20-2008 07:34 AM

EXCELLENT PICTURE !!!!! GOOD FOR YOU !!!!! :blob2::]

Tango 09-20-2008 08:29 AM

What a really cool thing to share with the audience- definitely family man! Congrats to those that got to be there! :) Thank you for telling US about it!

LBTI = Lindsey Buckingham Tribe INC. :laugh:

You guys all saw the tribe!

SNLB 09-20-2008 09:12 AM

Here are a few photos from last nights festivities:

When the kids went to the stage, the adults followed! :laugh:
The blond kid raises his LB pick in victory, but was sweet enough to offer it back to Lindsey before he played Time Precious Time. The adults were "awwwing" over that gesture!

Love them and watch them grow:

Anaheim ROCKS!

It was such a great night last night. Kinda wish I was headed to Vegas!

Tango 09-20-2008 09:30 AM

Thank you for sharing the pictures! Between the reviews and pics I can see it. It sounds like it was a LOT of fun!

#1LiddyBuckFan 09-20-2008 09:32 AM

What a great night it sounds like!! WOW!! That was one of my favorite things on the last tour. Seeing the family and Will jump into his Dad's arms after the show. Anaheim sounds like 10 times that!! Awesome.

carol7lynn 09-20-2008 09:33 AM

The Grove
Last nights show was definitely the best of the 3 L.A. shows that I saw this week. :]:

I got to talk with LeeLee(sp?) before the show and she was amped to the max about going on stage. Can't say that I blame her. She also told me that she was eight years old and in the second grade. Great family and great kids.

After the concert, as SNLB and WildHeart said, we got an unofficial meet and greet with Lindsey and Walfredo. I was hoping that Brett would come over but he went back inside and then security shooed us out of the parking lot. Walfredo told me that they were going to Vegas tomorrow-which is actually today now. I had to get some sleep after all the driving around SoCal this week.

BTW the band sounded a lot better tonight than they did in San Diego on Tuesday and the rest of the tour should kick ass! :blob2:Can't wait for the MacAttack!:blob2:

A shout out to all the board members I met last night and Front Row Fred I think you were standing to my right at the stage last night. I didn't realize it until late last night. Was that you? Did you make it to the stage too?


Nico 09-20-2008 10:24 AM

Those pictures are so cute.

It would be cool if there was video of this. It sounds like a very special little moment on LB's tour thus far.

SNLB 09-20-2008 10:30 AM

I don't know if this has been mentioned in other threads or if should have its own thread, but I noticed at last nights show that the merchandise booth was selling autographed copies of EACH of Lindsey's solo cds. At Royce Hall they weren't doing that and I was only expecting to see Gift Of Screws at the Anaheim show and I planned on buying it, but imagine my surprise when I saw my favorite LB cd, Out Of The Cradle being offered with an autograph! So, just a heads up for those of you who are interested in Lindsey's earlier solo cds. They were $20.00 a piece (except the DVD/CD which is $30.00).

Nico 09-20-2008 10:34 AM

Thanks for that info. Out of the Cradle autographed??!!!?? Um, yeah, they better have some of those available for me. Did they have any new/different shirts? I only strictly wear the skinny fit types because those big ones are always huge on me and I don't think they're flattering (for me).

SNLB 09-20-2008 10:40 AM

I didn't pay a whole lot of attention to the shirts (I think I was too gaga from seeing Out Of The Cradle autographed!) and the only girlie shirt I remember seeing was a reddish one with the guitar on the front. I thought that was offered on the last tour, but again, I could be totally wrong. I know there were several other Gift Of Screws men's shirts, but I can't remember if there was anything different, shirt wise. Maybe someone else paid better attention than I did. :o

michelej1 09-20-2008 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by SNLB (Post 775032)
Here are a few photos from last nights festivities:

Your photos are awesome -- and they weren't easily obtained. Even until the very end, I saw security telling people to put the cameras down.I love the shot of the kids on stage. Michele

vivfox 09-20-2008 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Nico (Post 775052)
Thanks for that info. Out of the Cradle autographed??!!!?? Um, yeah, they better have some of those available for me. Did they have any new/different shirts? I only strictly wear the skinny fit types because those big ones are always huge on me and I don't think they're flattering (for me).

I used to sell merchandise at a venue in Phoenix for whatever band was playing that night. People would always ask me what size t-shirt they should buy. I always recommended XXL. I'd say, "look at me." "When I was your age I was stick thin and can no longer fit into the shirts I bought in the 1980's." Most of us when we get older, get fatter so that size small you pay for today will not fit you in 25 years. Just a suggestion. Also my "blame it on my wild heart" t-shirt is still in mint condition but I haven't been able to fit into it since 1988.And no, it's not for sale...

michelej1 09-20-2008 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by SNLB (Post 775050)
I don't know if this has been mentioned in other threads or if should have its own thread, but I noticed at last nights show that the merchandise booth was selling autographed copies of EACH of Lindsey's solo cds. At Royce Hall they weren't doing that and I was only expecting to see Gift Of Screws at the Anaheim show and I planned on buying it, but imagine my surprise when I saw my favorite LB cd, Out Of The Cradle being offered with an autograph! So, just a heads up for those of you who are interested in Lindsey's earlier solo cds. They were $20.00 a piece (except the DVD/CD which is $30.00).

I didn't know this. I didn't even visit the merchandise table. Now, I probably won't see him again until the end and they may be gone by then. Hope not!


SNLB 09-20-2008 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by michelej1 (Post 775055)
Your photos are awesome -- and they weren't easily obtained. Michele

Tell me about it. Did you notice that security came over and told a couple of people in the Buckingham camp that there was no picture-taking? Somebody in the "tribe" must have told security who they were and suddenly it was okay! Hahaa! Too funny.

In 2006, the same thing happened to me at this venue. I was taking pictures with flash and got quite a few before security told me to stop. I can't remember if they just told me to stop using flash or stop altogether. I took the rest of the photos without flash and got some okay shots. So, last night, I kind of knew what to expect. I got some shots early on and tried not to take too many. I could see exactly where the security guy was so I was trying to be careful, but when the kids came on stage for It Was You, I flipped on the flash and snuck a shot. Up to that point they hadn't told me to stop, even though I saw them telling others to stop, so I figured it I got busted, at least I'd have that shot with his kids. It was just too good to not try for it. Once we got to the stage, however, it was all said and done. Right in front, everyone had their cameras flashing. When he signed for me last night, I told him I thought his children were adorable. Referring to It Was You, he said, "Wasn't that cute?" and went on to say how they tried to get all three of them on stage.

I think those kids have show-biz in their blood. They sure loved the attention last night while they were doing their hand-stands, splits, whatever on stage before the show started. Last night after the show while we were standing at the fence, Will and Lee Lee came over and checked us out. I am an Elvis and Billy Joel fan. I have seen them both perform live, and I have seen their kids, Lisa Presley and Alexa Joel perform live. Makes me think in another 8-10 years that I'm going to be seeing the name Will Buckingham making his way to an L.A. club since he's writing songs with his dad already. There's something to look forward to!

Front Row Fred 09-20-2008 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by carol7lynn (Post 775041)
A shout out to all the board members I met last night and Front Row Fred I think you were standing to my right at the stage last night. I didn't realize it until late last night. Was that you? Did you make it to the stage too?


Well I don't know if it was me standing next to you but I did make it to the stage, it was a great show, I got one of Brett's picks. What does the T.I. stand for? Anyone?
Here are some of my pics, (taken when the camera nazis were not looking)

A couple of notes, the first two songs had no one playing bass but there was a heavy (and loud) bass line going so I guess it was recorded? Kind of odd. Lindsey is a great "picker" guitar player and will be high on my list, (sorry but Jeff Beck is still the best)

sywlindseyfan 09-20-2008 02:46 PM

Hey ledgies it was great to meet you last night, mom loved y guys too, she is THEEE Fleetwood Mac fan, and she is the one that got me into all of this so yea, i got pics too, so as soon as I have time I will post, and if anyone could.....could you post the picture of us ledgies that my mom took???

By the way the show was simply amazing, it seemed so personal, and heartfelt, and just felt so warm toward the end, when everyone went to the stage just standing there and swaying to TPT.....I felt like I was going to die, I feel like it was a living room performance, just all gathered around and listening. WALFREDO!!!! is an amazing man, haha so nice and very cool. and What can i say?? I have waited 5 years to meet Lindsey hahah, glad I did, on such a special occasion last night, senior year memories of HS just keep getting sweeter....


P.S. Lindsey did something i have neevr seen before..he lip sang the high pitch laughter on the chorus of GOS. Please correct me if I am wrong

SNLB 09-20-2008 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by sywlindseyfan (Post 775091)
Hey ledgies it was great to meet you last night, mom loved y guys too, she is THEEE Fleetwood Mac fan...could you post the picture of us ledgies that my mom took???

Your wish is my command. Great to meet you and your mom. She brought ya up right, kid! Please thank your mom from me for taking the photo. It's fun to have photos like that. That "Fiesta" sign kept getting in my photos. Anyone know who that is next to sywlindseyfan?

michelej1 09-20-2008 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by sywlindseyfan (Post 775091)
P.S. Lindsey did something i have neevr seen before..he lip sang the high pitch laughter on the chorus of GOS. Please correct me if I am wrong

The to the left, the right, stuff at the end of GOS is recorded too. Michele

SNLB 09-20-2008 04:08 PM

OC Register Grove concert review
Below is the link and I've pasted the review. For those who want a hard copy, it should be in Sunday's newspaper. If you go to the link, there are more pictures as well as a link to the setlist.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Lindsey Buckingham's return to the Grove a strong one

Review: Two years since a solo acoustic gig there, Fleetwood Mac's studio mastermind fleshes out his solo sound with a band.


The Orange County Register

For the Lindsey Buckingham completist, this was as good as it gets.

During an exceptional, nearly two-hour show Friday night at the Grove of Anaheim, the Fleetwood Mac singer-guitarist-studio-wiz touched upon virtually every facet of his lengthy career. Buckingham's wife and young children were present, a likely catalyst for his relaxed and chatty demeanor.

Unlike the last tour – which arrived at the Grove in late 2006 – Buckingham indulged fewer guitar showcases alone. (See "Live at the Bass Performance Hall," released earlier this year, for a fine example of that). His tight three-piece band this time out, including keyboardist-bassist Brett Tuggle (a veteran of Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks treks) and guitarist Neale Heywood, rocked plain and simple.

Since Buckingham compositions were continually given over to the Mac, 14 years elapsed between his third solo disc, "Out of the Cradle," and the mostly acoustic effort "Under the Skin." But this past week the impressive "Gift of Screws" (a title based on an Emily Dickinson poem) arrived in stores – the veteran musician is definitely making up for lost time.

Buckingham employs a unique, self-taught finger-picking style on electric and acoustic guitars. The result is a distinct sound that can be a wonder to behold live.

In Anaheim, half of "Screws" comprised the 20-song set, kicking off with the churning new "Great Day," where Heywood, Tuggle and their boss traded overlapping harmonies. (Click here for a complete set list.) Solo hits from the '80s like "Trouble" and "Go Insane" were played back-to-back, each done in full-band mode. The former had a gorgeous rhythmic sweep; the latter, an almost country-rock vibe with cascading vocals from all three guys.

Evil Buckingham cackles, tribal drums from drummer Walfredo Reyes and ominous keyboards marked a wicked "Tusk," with Tuggle triggering the USC Marching Band horns. That prompted the first of several standing ovations.

The evolution of 1987's "Big Love" was described "an ensemble piece before I took leave of the band to relieve my sanity." Buckingham, 59, said refashioning it for just voice and guitar became a template for future work. "I'd been living a narrow life" until I got married. "Now the song has taken on a sense of irony." Watching Buckingham's manic buildup and nimble fretwork on flamenco-styled guitar during that song never gets old.

One of the evening's oldest tunes was "World Turning" from the Mac's self-titled 1975 album. It's been a frequent part of that band's gigs ever since. The crowd didn't have to endure Mick Fleetwood's loony human percussion shtick here, but Reyes' extended spotlight was clearly a tribute.

Some lighthearted moments occurred during the rarely played "It Was You," a "rock nursery rhyme written for my kids," as Buckingham described it. Halfway through the breezy tune, with more cascading vocals, his son and daughter tentatively strolled on stage to add percussion, proud papa beaming throughout.

Buckingham also pulled out the strange and bombastic "Come," off the Mac's shamefully ignored 2003 reunion effort, "Say You Will." It was a "bathroom break" tune when I reviewed them at Verizon in '04, but fans at the not-quite-sold-out Grove stayed seated. (I would've picked something more melodic off that disc, such as "Bleed to Love Her" or "Steal Your Heart Away," and given either one a tweak).

"Gift of Screws," meanwhile, is chock-full of potential adult rock radio hits. The yearning first single "Did You Miss Me?," with its memorable chorus, came across even better in concert, for instance.

Once Buckingham and company reached the home stretch, the audience was on its feet, wildly clapping along to exhilarating old "Rumours" faves "Go Your Own Way" and "Second Hand News." All told, Buckingham proved he's still a force to be reckoned with.

carol7lynn 09-20-2008 05:48 PM

The Grove
Great Pictures Front Row Fred.

I think T.I. on the pick means :] "Totally Insane!":] or :cool:"Too Intense":cool: or :nod:"Total Insanity":nod:or :o"This Issue":o or my personal favorite: :xoxo:"Troubadour Idol".

Now what do we do when "the lights go down and there's no one left standing on the stage..":shrug:


ShangriLaTroubl 09-20-2008 06:11 PM

Hey that's me in the pic, big guy far right - brown shirt! Great show, best one so far!

ShangriLaTroubl 09-20-2008 06:32 PM
It's blurry but it means a lot TO ME! lol

signing my Under the Skin sleeve:

Autograph, woot woot

Signing for others:

SNLB 09-20-2008 07:06 PM

Ahhh! Very cool! We hit the jackpot last night, So Cal Ledgies! And I am so grateful for it.

Uh, I was thinking about the L.B. T.I. and what the T I stood for. Okay, this completely nuts, but hey, I'm entertaining myself so go along with me. If you take away the S in Stevie and the N in Nicks, you have T.I. Tevie Icks....:shocked:

Sorry, I couldn't resist....

hlforan 09-20-2008 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by michelej1 (Post 774992)

After the intro to Big Love, I saw Kristen run out with Will and Lee Lee, carrying Stella in her arms and I thought that was strange. I figured they only wanted to listen to the part of the show that was about them, or maybe Kristen had chosen just that moment to leave Lindsey and was making a quick getaway.

That is so cool, an amazing opportunity- I'd love to see his family, how he is able to involve them is just magical. This is an incredible review, and i was pleased to read it.
How cool that he has finally been able to have a family-

I am just wondering though, where were you going with this one paragraph? I don't understand the part about Kristen wanting to make a quick getaway? That they only wanted to listen to the part of the show that was about them-? It sounds (and please correct me if I am off), that you may be making an assumption that may also be off? Is it possible that all the negative comments about Kristen are just that? Maybe that is not at all what you meant, hopefully I just misinterpreted that part. I have just read so many negative jealous, if you will, comments about his wife that I feel the need to stick up for Lindsey and his personal life, it makes me sad to read that kind of stuff. He loves her and that is good enough for me, I don't like the mean things people say about her, because, I love him!!! Please clarify, you sound like a huge fan, and I am hoping that I just read that part of your post incorrectly?? I tire of the criticism of his wife in particular, it all seems like hearsay, a small moment and she is judged for life. I really want to believe that is not what you were getting at. I just imagine how Lindsey would feel if he took the time to read such crummy innuendos, assumptions or opinions of how his fans trash his wife. :shrug::distress:

CADreaming 09-20-2008 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by hlforan (Post 775141)
That is so cool, an amazing opportunity- I'd love to see his family, how he is able to involve them is just magical. This is an incredible review, and i was pleased to read it.
How cool that he has finally been able to have a family-

I am just wondering though, where were you going with this one paragraph? I don't understand the part about Kristen wanting to make a quick getaway? That they only wanted to listen to the part of the show that was about them-? It sounds (and please correct me if I am off), that you may be making an assumption that may also be off? Is it possible that all the negative comments about Kristen are just that? Maybe that is not at all what you meant, hopefully I just misinterpreted that part. I have just read so many negative jealous, if you will, comments about his wife that I feel the need to stick up for Lindsey and his personal life, it makes me sad to read that kind of stuff. He loves her and that is good enough for me, I don't like the mean things people say about her, because, I love him!!! Please clarify, you sound like a huge fan, and I am hoping that I just read that part of your post incorrectly?? I tire of the criticism of his wife in particular, it all seems like hearsay, a small moment and she is judged for life. I really want to believe that is not what you were getting at. I just imagine how Lindsey would feel if he took the time to read such crummy innuendos, assumptions or opinions of how his fans trash his wife. :shrug::distress:

I understand what you are saying, but people experience what they experience. It's too bad that fans have had those experiences regardless.

LukeA 09-20-2008 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by hlforan (Post 775141)
I am just wondering though, where were you going with this one paragraph? I don't understand the part about Kristen wanting to make a quick getaway?

Your zeal for defending Kristen's honor & character blinded you from understanding the context. If you read the following paragraph, its pretty clear that Michele was referring to her thoughts behind the reasons of Kristen's/kids actions at that exact moment. After "Big Love" was completed, its clear that they were making a "quick getaway" to prepare them for going onstage the next song.

Livia 09-20-2008 11:17 PM

*thud* Wow. What a special night y'all had! Thanks for posting the pics too. :wavey:

hlforan 09-20-2008 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by LukeA (Post 775144)
Your zeal for defending Kristen's honor & character blinded you from understanding the context. If you read the following paragraph, its pretty clear that Michele was referring to her thoughts behind the reasons of Kristen's/kids actions at that exact moment. After "Big Love" was completed, its clear that they were making a "quick getaway" to prepare them for going onstage the next song.

Thank you, I don't think I was "blinded" I just didn't quite understand what that point was about- I did read it, but I was unsure that is why I asked. Maybe it was clear to you but, apparently it wasn't to me. There is nothing wrong with zeal either, that is what got me up front totally enjoying myself-I don't think it is necessary to be rude when someone is just asking a question? I am sorry that I may have offended or those who feel that way, I guess I do tend to want to defend Lindsey and I don't think there is much wrong with that, I thought this was a fan corner--- Peace

Betsy 09-20-2008 11:55 PM

I love when you guys share the concert memories with us. Michelle, your recall of detail and word choice are impressive. I like your puns too.

SNLB, Wildheart82, ShangriLaTrouble, and FrontRowFred! Awesome photos! It's like we are standing right next to you. Your photos are the next-best-thing to being there.

I am looking forward to Wednesday when he is in Denver. I am a bit worried, because he's playing an opera house (an opera house?) which has an orchestra pit (?) and a large railing. The Colorado Ballet performs there.

No going near the stage...?

If that happens, maybe the crowd will be subdued....and stay good opera/ballet fashion. :shocked:

michelej1 09-21-2008 12:41 AM


Actually, I meant that maybe Kristen had chosen that moment to get a divorce. I think running off to find a lawyer while he was too preoccupied on stage to do anything about it would have been quite a crafty move.

But apparently, that's not what she had in mind! Michele

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