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TrueFaith77 04-23-2010 12:53 PM

Will Mick and Jeremy join forces?!?!

Among other musical projects, Mick might get together with one of the Mac's early members - guitarist Jeremy Spencer - for some show dates.

"Jeremy has a new album out, and he's said he would really like to do something," Mick reveals. "There's some tasty stuff on it. Jeremy likes floaty instrumentals and the album has several. His voice has totally come back and he's playing great. If I knew I was going to do a productive tour in Europe, the Jeremy Spencer Band could open up."
I'm assuming that Precious Little is the new Jeremy Spencer album to which Mick refers?

wetcamelfood 04-24-2010 05:53 AM

Hard to say, if it is, it doesn't have THAT many instrumentals but who knows.

It seems like his dig about "If I knew I was going to do a productive tour in Europe" is his way of saying he wants the next FM tour to be a bigger tour and the others don't want to? I dunno, seems like that was his main motive in this quote more than anything but just shooting in the dark is all. :)


chriskisn 04-24-2010 07:52 AM

Well Jeremy is supposed to have a new album coming out if rumours are to be believed - from his site:

"While recording a CD in January 2010, I stuck mainly to a small brass flared slide and a ceramic 'Moonshine' slide for those numbers which I was singing and playing live with the band, and I used a 'Chrome Dome' for the instrumentals where a stronger 'presence' was needed for the thicker bass strings. "

TrueFaith77 04-24-2010 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by chriskisn (Post 885862)
Well Jeremy is supposed to have a new album coming out if rumours are to be believed - from his site:

"While recording a CD in January 2010, I stuck mainly to a small brass flared slide and a ceramic 'Moonshine' slide for those numbers which I was singing and playing live with the band, and I used a 'Chrome Dome' for the instrumentals where a stronger 'presence' was needed for the thicker bass strings. "

VERY exciting!

Also, it's sweet to know that (apparently) Jeremy let Mick listen to it prior to it being released. Good to think he might still be a valued ear.

ETA: Also, it's kinda funny how the bulk of that album was about things that the Mac is NOT doing (thanks to Stevie) while Jeremy has a new album that's already made. Show 'em how it's done, Jeremy!

sjpdg 04-24-2010 11:21 PM

From comments that Jeremy has made in the past, I'd doubt we're looking at any studio or onstage collaborations any time soon.

It seems to me that Jeremy has little if any interest in playing the old FM material, which would invariably be the expectation if he and Mick are sharing the same stage. I just don't see it happening.

As far as Mick's comments are concerned, I read it as Mick looking at another MFBB tour in Europe and Jeremy's band possibly opening, but that's pure speculation on my part. Jeremy opening for MFBB sounds more likely than Jeremy opening for the B/N line-up.

chriskisn 04-25-2010 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by sjpdg (Post 885997)
From comments that Jeremy has made in the past, I'd doubt we're looking at any studio or onstage collaborations any time soon.

Although when I asked Jeremy a few months back whether he had any plans to release a new CD he also said no.


TrueFaith77 04-25-2010 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by sjpdg (Post 885997)
From comments that Jeremy has made in the past, I'd doubt we're looking at any studio or onstage collaborations any time soon.

It seems to me that Jeremy has little if any interest in playing the old FM material, which would invariably be the expectation if he and Mick are sharing the same stage. I just don't see it happening.

As far as Mick's comments are concerned, I read it as Mick looking at another MFBB tour in Europe and Jeremy's band possibly opening, but that's pure speculation on my part. Jeremy opening for MFBB sounds more likely than Jeremy opening for the B/N line-up.

Sorry for mischaracterizing the article by saying: "join forces." The opening act idea is all I meant.

sjpdg 04-26-2010 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by TrueFaith77 (Post 886083)
Sorry for mischaracterizing the article by saying: "join forces." The opening act idea is all I meant.

No offense taken, believe me. I'm not that sensitive. :thumbsup:

I just honestly don't see any kind of Mick/Jeremy "reunion" ever happening. Be it playing on the same bill or actually playing together in the same band. I just don't think Jeremy's into the idea. If you read his comments that he's made here, it sounds to me like he'd like to forget the whole "Fleetwood Mac thing" ever happened. He's definitely not any kind of "nostalgia buff" when it comes to FM.

I asked him what he thought of the MFBB and specifically what he thought of Rick Vito as a guitarist (not in comparison to Peter or himself, just what he thought of Rick's skills) and he never even answered the question. Simply ignored it. That says a lot to me.

Anyway, let's see what happens. It would be great to see the two of them on the same stage, but I'm not holding my breath.

slipkid 04-28-2010 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by sjpdg (Post 886397)
No offense taken, believe me. I'm not that sensitive. :thumbsup:

I just honestly don't see any kind of Mick/Jeremy "reunion" ever happening. Be it playing on the same bill or actually playing together in the same band. I just don't think Jeremy's into the idea. If you read his comments that he's made here, it sounds to me like he'd like to forget the whole "Fleetwood Mac thing" ever happened. He's definitely not any kind of "nostalgia buff" when it comes to FM.

I asked him what he thought of the MFBB and specifically what he thought of Rick Vito as a guitarist (not in comparison to Peter or himself, just what he thought of Rick's skills) and he never even answered the question. Simply ignored it. That says a lot to me.

Anyway, let's see what happens. It would be great to see the two of them on the same stage, but I'm not holding my breath.

I personally tried to ask Jeremy Spencer questions concerning Peter Green on this forum, and I was shot down completely. Jeremy Spencer cares about himself, and his ""Punxsutawney Phil" groundhog emergence into the public eye.

I think Jeremy would do "it", if Peter was willing. Jerry knows it will never happen. As a guitar player Jeremy Spencer is playing his best today. His material is incredible!!! Spencer is a little sensitive to the "past", so he's hard to crack.

The catch 22 of this idea is that Jeremy Spencer was the reason Fleetwood Mac hired Danny Kirwan. Without Kirwan, the future of FM is altered completely. There is no "Kiln House", "Future Games", or "Bare Trees".

doodyhead 04-28-2010 10:08 AM

no future without the past
Dear Friends,

Did you ever want to reunite with your college roommates and do what you did back then again?

Jeremy Spencer is a consumate slide player who can front his own band of his own choosing. What he chooses to do is his own. I find it hard to believe that any of our thoughts and wishes are the same as his. As far as his ego in this... He is a performer and he wouldn't be one without a ego. Mick one would suppose has one too and I am not entirely sure that when FM was formed that it was based on wht Mick thought should happen.


vinnie c

sjpdg 04-28-2010 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by doodyhead (Post 886762)
Dear Friends,

Did you ever want to reunite with your college roommates and do what you did back then again?

Jeremy Spencer is a consumate slide player who can front his own band of his own choosing. What he chooses to do is his own. I find it hard to believe that any of our thoughts and wishes are the same as his. As far as his ego in this... He is a performer and he wouldn't be one without a ego. Mick one would suppose has one too and I am not entirely sure that when FM was formed that it was based on wht Mick thought should happen.


vinnie c

I think you may have missed the point. What seems to me to be the focus of the discussion is whether or not Jeremy and Mick would play on the same bill or even share the same stage again. If that were to happen, there would be the obvious expectation that at least a few FM songs would be played. Not that it necessarily would need to be the entire focus of the set list, but strictly by virtue of the fact that you would have 2 of the "original" members of FM on the same stage, the expectation would exist that a few of the old FM songs would be played.

My point is that I don't think that will ever happen because Jeremy doesn't seem to have any nostalgia whatsoever for that time in his life. So be it.

As you say, Jeremy is a consumate slide player and fully capable of fronting his own band. What I think is the focus here is whether or not he and Mick would play together. Mick is obviously willing. Given the opportunity, I personally believe, Mick would re-unite the original FM and play until his arms fell off. He obviously has a desire to rekindle that era of his life, thus the formation of the MFBB.

As far as college mates are concerned, I meet or at least have contact with a fair number of them regularly. We don't do what we used to. We've "grown up" as it were. We do, however, have a great time talking about what happened in our past and "re-living" it in that way at least. I honestly don't think any of my old mates would be interested in actually doing some of the things we used to do back in those days. We're older men with families now, not young/stupid kids who think we're indestructible.

Honestly, I know we will never see an onstage or studio reunion of the original FM. It just won't happen. It is nice to dream, but really, that's all it will ever be. That era of FM has come and gone, never to be seen again. Sad, but true.

TrueFaith77 04-28-2010 04:04 PM

^^^I think that if Stevie is gonna hold up a new Mac album, that Mick should SERIOUSLY do an album with ALL the members of Fleetwood Mac: each song with its own writer and its own dynamic--but ALL with john/mick. That would be the perfect farewell. Of course, in my (pipe) dream of this, Lindsey would be the producer. I D K--it's something special that all 18(?) members of the Mac are still alive. And such a project would require little commitment.

Madelow 04-28-2010 04:36 PM

Hello True Faith: I think you have a great idea! FM is very fortunate to have all members still around, and most of them still making music. A "farewell" CD with contributions from all the singer/songwriters would be welcome (and probably very successful). It's likely to be wishful thinking for us, but I think it would be great! Best regards, Madelow.

doodyhead 04-28-2010 11:19 PM

if wishes were horses

Originally Posted by sjpdg (Post 886786)
, there would be the obvious expectation that at least a few FM songs would be played. Not that it necessarily would need to be the entire focus of the set list, but strictly by virtue of the fact that you would have 2 of the "original" members of FM on the same stage, the expectation would exist that a few of the old FM songs would be played.

My point is that I don't think that will ever happen because Jeremy doesn't seem to have any nostalgia whatsoever for that time in his life. So be it.

If there were a double bill of the two bands it would be safe to say many of the old FM songs would be sung if for no other reason than more than half of Mick's bands repetoire is old FM songs or songs that the old FM covered themselves. As for Jeremy Spencer, he still does a few of the songs he did back then, like the revised "Dr Browm" that he labels as Doctor G and her still does Elmore James tunes. I personally don't think Mr Specer is that big on nostalgia for the old FM.

Would I love if Peter Green's FM featuring Jeremy Spencer got back together and play their old stuff? You bet I would. I think the idea of doing a collaborative album with all of the living and playing members is a nice one. John Mayall did a nice one a few years back called "Along For The Ride" which sadlly did not include Eric Clapton among others but did have Mayall, John McVie, Mick Fleetwood and Peter Green on the same song (along with Steve Miller) but not in the same studio at the same time

The cut is called "YO YO Man. I found out , to my chagrin when I was able to ask about the ccut to John McVie on this site, that he had no idea that Peter green was on the song with him. so it is fair to say a lot of legwork would need to be done to pull off such a feat again.

vinnie c

slipkid 04-29-2010 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by doodyhead (Post 886970)
Would I love if Peter Green's FM featuring Jeremy Spencer got back together and play their old stuff? You bet I would. I think the idea of doing a collaborative album with all of the living and playing members is a nice one. John Mayall did a nice one a few years back called "Along For The Ride" which sadlly did not include Eric Clapton among others but did have Mayall, John McVie, Mick Fleetwood and Peter Green on the same song (along with Steve Miller) but not in the same studio at the same time

The cut is called "YO YO Man. I found out , to my chagrin when I was able to ask about the ccut to John McVie on this site, that he had no idea that Peter green was on the song with him. so it is fair to say a lot of legwork would need to be done to pull off such a feat again.

vinnie c

The biggest rift to mend isn't between Jeremy Spencer, and Peter Green; it's John McVie, and Peter Green. After all these years, John McVie is still angry that Peter Green tried to convince (then) Christine Perfect not to marry John. At the time Peter had his points, and he turned out to be correct. McVie was a raging alcoholic, as he was in Mayall's Bluesbreakers. Peter didn't drink at the time, so he felt above John with his "drugs of choice". In return, John McVie has convinced everyone (with Mick Fleetwood) that Peter Green completely lost his mind in Munich 3/70. The truth is in the middle. Peter's attitude towards music changed during early 1970, yet he played some of his best concerts in April of 1970. Green was not Syd Barrett, Roky Erickson, or Skip Spence. Green's decline was gradual. While LSD may have triggered Peter's illness, it may have taken longer to develop if he never took hallucinogens.

I reference the picture of John McVie kissing the side of Peter Green's head. It shows that McVie, and Green were very close friends at that time. I think Green's failed "intervention" may have altered Fleetwood Mac for the worse, at least for 1970-72.

dino 04-29-2010 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by slipkid (Post 886984)
The biggest rift to mend isn't between Jeremy Spencer, and Peter Green; it's John McVie, and Peter Green. After all these years, John McVie is still angry that Peter Green tried to convince (then) Christine Perfect not to marry John. At the time Peter had his points, and he turned out to be correct. McVie was a raging alcoholic, as he was in Mayall's Bluesbreakers. Peter didn't drink at the time, so he felt above John with his "drugs of choice". In return, John McVie has convinced everyone (with Mick Fleetwood) that Peter Green completely lost his mind in Munich 3/70. The truth is in the middle. Peter's attitude towards music changed during early 1970, yet he played some of his best concerts in April of 1970. Green was not Syd Barrett, Roky Erickson, or Skip Spence. Green's decline was gradual. While LSD may have triggered Peter's illness, it may have taken longer to develop if he never took hallucinogens.

I reference the picture of John McVie kissing the side of Peter Green's head. It shows that McVie, and Green were very close friends at that time. I think Green's failed "intervention" may have altered Fleetwood Mac for the worse, at least for 1970-72.

Interesting, where did you get that info? A long time to bear a grudge. Green doesn't seem so keen on McVie either; unlike Mick he never got in touch or helped him during the hard years.

TrueFaith77 04-29-2010 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by doodyhead (Post 886970)
If there were a double bill of the two bands it would be safe to say many of the old FM songs would be sung if for no other reason than more than half of Mick's bands repetoire is old FM songs or songs that the old FM covered themselves. As for Jeremy Spencer, he still does a few of the songs he did back then, like the revised "Dr Browm" that he labels as Doctor G and her still does Elmore James tunes. I personally don't think Mr Specer is that big on nostalgia for the old FM.

Would I love if Peter Green's FM featuring Jeremy Spencer got back together and play their old stuff? You bet I would. I think the idea of doing a collaborative album with all of the living and playing members is a nice one. John Mayall did a nice one a few years back called "Along For The Ride" which sadlly did not include Eric Clapton among others but did have Mayall, John McVie, Mick Fleetwood and Peter Green on the same song (along with Steve Miller) but not in the same studio at the same time

The cut is called "YO YO Man. I found out , to my chagrin when I was able to ask about the ccut to John McVie on this site, that he had no idea that Peter green was on the song with him. so it is fair to say a lot of legwork would need to be done to pull off such a feat again.

vinnie c

Yes, I was probably minimizing the effort it would take by saying that it shouldn't be difficult.

Even someone like Danny--who presumably would be unable to participate--maybe they could revamp a demo or something. I know Mick cares very much about ensuring that Danny gets money, and this would be a good way to put his work out there and get it sold. I guess the point is that a project like this could get done without waiting around for certain people--plus with no touring commitment (how could they?), Christine could come home.

sigh. Pardon me for drawing out the fantasy.

sjpdg 04-30-2010 02:13 AM

The following comments are made strickly from my point of view and are not based in any way, shape or form on anything John McVie has specifically said anywhere that I am aware of. These comments are strictly my interpretation of how John feels based on watching him in interviews and reading a very limited amount of things he's said on the subject (which I can't quote because I don't have the material). That being said:

It is my belief that John doesn't hate Peter. I think he genuinely hates those who provided Peter with the LSD and whatever other substances he injested in Munich. I think John may be disappointed in Peter for taking the drugs and later leaving the band, but I don't really think he hates Peter. John is very bitter about the fact that Peter was given those drugs and that it had such a devastating effect on Peter. It's my personal belief that John (and maybe even Mick) would have stuck with Peter had it not been for the "Munich incident" and kept the band together, moving more into the vein of "jam band" with a blues vibe to it. Certainly a good number of their songs (Oh Well, Rattlesnake Shake, Green Manalishi, I Loved Another Woman, and others) lend themselves well to "jamming" guitar solos that can go on for ages.

Even today, if Peter were to agree to a session either in the studio or on stage with Mick and John, I think John would jump at the chance.

Again, just my opinion based on watching John in interviews and so on. Nothing concrete to base any of my comments on at all. Just a feeling I have about it.

dino 04-30-2010 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by sjpdg (Post 887280)
The following comments are made strickly from my point of view and are not based in any way, shape or form on anything John McVie has specifically said anywhere that I am aware of. These comments are strictly my interpretation of how John feels based on watching him in interviews and reading a very limited amount of things he's said on the subject (which I can't quote because I don't have the material). That being said:

It is my belief that John doesn't hate Peter. I think he genuinely hates those who provided Peter with the LSD and whatever other substances he injested in Munich. I think John may be disappointed in Peter for taking the drugs and later leaving the band, but I don't really think he hates Peter. John is very bitter about the fact that Peter was given those drugs and that it had such a devastating effect on Peter. It's my personal belief that John (and maybe even Mick) would have stuck with Peter had it not been for the "Munich incident" and kept the band together, moving more into the vein of "jam band" with a blues vibe to it. Certainly a good number of their songs (Oh Well, Rattlesnake Shake, Green Manalishi, I Loved Another Woman, and others) lend themselves well to "jamming" guitar solos that can go on for ages.

Even today, if Peter were to agree to a session either in the studio or on stage with Mick and John, I think John would jump at the chance.

Again, just my opinion based on watching John in interviews and so on. Nothing concrete to base any of my comments on at all. Just a feeling I have about it.

Yes, McVie's feelings are surely coloured by what happened in spring 1970. Maybe Mick and John would have stuck with Peter, but Peter didn't want to play with them anymore!

slipkid 05-01-2010 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by dino (Post 887033)
Interesting, where did you get that info? A long time to bear a grudge. Green doesn't seem so keen on McVie either; unlike Mick he never got in touch or helped him during the hard years.

There was a John McVie Q&A somewhere (not here) covering last year's tour. Someone asked an innocent question about Peter Green, and he goes off about the 1968 wedding with Christine. Using the Ledge Q&A, McVie forgives Green for his "opinions", yet that interview was before last year, and the Green BBC doc. If you use the BBC Peter Green documentary as a reference, John McVie has forgotten quite a lot from almost 40 years past. Mick Fleetwood would recall a moment, and John would say "oh yeah".

There's also a Ledge Q&A where McVie saw Green years later at The American Music Awards, and at the Hammersmith Odeon (year?). Apparently Green said some smart-ass remark, and John left to spend the evening with his family.

Of course don't forget Peter Green's ability to piss off John McVie in public, on stage. This prompted the infamous anti-Semitic comments. I know these two were very close friends. Green was the best man at McVie's wedding! The Mayall documentary interview filmed in 5/69 shows two good friends discussing their friendship, and influence thanks to John Mayall. It's quite possible that during the mid 70's when Christine, and John were about to divorce that Christine dropped the Peter Green night before wedding phone call bomb to John. If I were John, I'd feel betrayed, and quite angry.

sjpdg 05-01-2010 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by dino (Post 887281)
Yes, McVie's feelings are surely coloured by what happened in spring 1970. Maybe Mick and John would have stuck with Peter, but Peter didn't want to play with them anymore!

I respectfully disagree. I think Peter would have stuck with John and Mick had they been willing to branch out in the same direction Peter was wanting to go at that time. I don't think Spencer would have gone along, but at this point, who cares?!

slipkid 05-01-2010 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by sjpdg (Post 887527)
I respectfully disagree. I think Peter would have stuck with John and Mick had they been willing to branch out in the same direction Peter was wanting to go at that time. I don't think Spencer would have gone along, but at this point, who cares?!

Peter Green was a man of the late 60's blues rock movement. He was not a member of the post-Woodstock era of rock music. Peter Green didn't like how ticket prices were rising for audiences to pay for larger PA systems. He was soundly rejected by the rest of FM when he floated the idea of donating more money for charity. I think that was the final nail in the coffin. It only took a free spirit party at a hippie mansion to convince Green that he needed to leave FM. What the rest of FM didn't realize is that Peter was "punched" in the stomach when the other members' of FM rejected his charity plan. In 1970, you'd think Green was completely nuts. Today, he would be seen as an humanitarian.

TrueFaith77 11-11-2010 03:29 PM

Does anyone have any news on the "tasty" (Mick's word) album Jeremy Spencer was working on, as discussed in this thread?

Been months without an update.

jeremy spencer 11-15-2010 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by TrueFaith77 (Post 920708)
Does anyone have any news on the "tasty" (Mick's word) album Jeremy Spencer was working on, as discussed in this thread?

Been months without an update.

Like you said, True Faith, as was ;) discussed in this thread, all 32 tracks are done and almost mixed and mastered. Just looking for an appropriate label.

holidayroad 11-15-2010 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by jeremy spencer (Post 921606)
Like you said, True Faith, as was ;) discussed in this thread, all 32 tracks are done and almost mixed and mastered. Just looking for an appropriate label.

That's great news! Thanks so much for the update!

TrueFaith77 11-15-2010 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by jeremy spencer (Post 921606)
Like you said, True Faith, as was ;) discussed in this thread, all 32 tracks are done and almost mixed and mastered. Just looking for an appropriate label.

32 tracks!?!?

amazing... and very exciting!

Thank you, Jeremy, for making sure we are all up to date on the album on which you IS working.

Karl-Heinz 11-19-2010 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by jeremy spencer (Post 921606)
Like you said, True Faith, as was ;) discussed in this thread, all 32 tracks are done and almost mixed and mastered. Just looking for an appropriate label.

Good to read that.

Maybe that one is an appropriate label

At least you would play some promo-gigs in Germany :wavey:



PS Btw Your wife is from the Tauber valley, isn't she?

For the homesick

jeremy spencer 11-21-2010 03:43 PM

An idea!

Originally Posted by Karl-Heinz (Post 922587)
Good to read that.

Maybe that one is an appropriate label

At least you would play some promo-gigs in Germany :wavey:



PS Btw Your wife is from the Tauber valley, isn't she?

For the homesick

Tom Ruf would be good and yes, my wife Dorothea is from Bad Mergentheim. On top of that, 'Homesick' (an old Homesick James song from which he got his name), is a track from my latest batch.

chiliD 11-22-2010 11:27 AM

WOW! 32 tracks?!?! Are we talking a double album? I'd buy it!: thumbsup: (but, then, I'd buy it even if it only had 1 track! ;) )

Karl-Heinz 11-23-2010 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by jeremy spencer (Post 923100)
Tom Ruf would be good and yes, my wife Dorothea is from Bad Mergentheim. On top of that, 'Homesick' (an old Homesick James song from which he got his name), is a track from my latest batch.

Unfortunatelly I'm not a shareholder of RUF REC. :-)

You mentioned Mergentheim in this forum a few years ago, I remembered that when I bought some bottles at thar winegrower's.

Hope that your songs'll see daylight soon.

jeremy spencer 11-25-2010 04:13 AM

Thanks, ChiliD

Originally Posted by chiliD (Post 923262)
WOW! 32 tracks?!?! Are we talking a double album? I'd buy it!: thumbsup: (but, then, I'd buy it even if it only had 1 track! ;) )

That's quite an encouragement. Yes, we are talking a double CD, but if we go with CD Baby, maybe they'll go out separately. Lots of formulating at the moment considering the state of the record label industry with downloading etc.! It's not what it was say even four or five years ago.
Keep your fingers crossed for the right moves.

chriskisn 12-08-2010 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by jeremy spencer (Post 923923)
That's quite an encouragement. Yes, we are talking a double CD, but if we go with CD Baby, maybe they'll go out separately. Lots of formulating at the moment considering the state of the record label industry with downloading etc.! It's not what it was say even four or five years ago.
Keep your fingers crossed for the right moves.

Wow I knew there was a good reason that I checked the ledge. I'll keep my fingers crossed for at least something new from Jeremy.

holidayroad 12-08-2010 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by chriskisn (Post 926226)
Wow I knew there was a good reason that I checked the ledge. I'll keep my fingers crossed for at least something new from Jeremy.

Hi!:wavey: How's life with the new baby??

chriskisn 12-12-2010 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by holidayroad (Post 926230)
Hi!:wavey: How's life with the new baby??

Hell. :lol:

holidayroad 12-12-2010 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by chriskisn (Post 927036)
Hell. :lol:

Oooh....Sorry! I hope it gets better! :thumbsup:

TrueFaith77 02-03-2011 08:53 PM

Just wanted to inquire if anyone had any new news about the upcoming Jeremy Spencer album.

Also just wanted to express my enthusiastic anticipation for said album.

Am I the only person equally psyched for new Stevie, Lindsey, AND Jeremy albums?

chriskisn 02-04-2011 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by TrueFaith77 (Post 940470)
Just wanted to inquire if anyone had any new news about the upcoming Jeremy Spencer album.

Also just wanted to express my enthusiastic anticipation for said album.

Am I the only person equally psyched for new Stevie, Lindsey, AND Jeremy albums?

Yep. I'm so not psyched about the new Lindsey album... (hated the last two)

THD 02-08-2011 07:35 AM

[QUOTE=slipkid;886984]The biggest rift to mend isn't between Jeremy Spencer, and Peter Green; it's John McVie, and Peter Green. After all these years, John McVie is still angry that Peter Green tried to convince (then) Christine Perfect not to marry John.


I had not ever heard this story .However ,consider the traumas* going on between the band members during the recording of Rumours , yet they still managed to make the album and then tour ! It would seem there are still things between two of them till this day, but they still recently played together on stage !,
I would've thought whatever McVie now thinks about Peter , and he certainly rates him as a guitar player , music would overide his feelings and I think he would certainly play on stage with him if he was convinced the music was working out .

*(recent BBC doc screened again 3 times last weekend in UK together with the Peter Green Man of the World Doc )

mikeymac 02-21-2011 08:52 PM

I respectfully disagree. I say that, because I am not aware of it being fact how John feels, or if that's the main problem, however, if there is such proof, please let me/us know. As for OPINION, I would agree that a big riff is McVie/Green but not for the "Peter warning Chris" thing- in docs I've seen on the subject I get the impression all parties considered Peter's "warning" to simply be a friend looking out for friend(s). I get the impression Peter felt John could not handle marriage at the time (and it would seem he was correct). While John may not have liked it at the time (and I would even debate that) I would figure he has long since "forgiven" Peter for that.

I think the big thing is that John has never forgiven Peter for "changing". And by that, I mean a MAJOR factor for John was the "Munich incident", but I see it as more than that. I see John sad at what was once a dear close friend, "changing" or leaving him/the band. Wanting to give the money away, becoming isolated, leaving the band etc. I suspect Peter rarely, if ever, talked to John after leaving, and I suspect John was "hurt" by that. Mick probably was also, but over years, "reached out" to Peter and re-established a "partial" relationship. John has not (to my knowledge). In fact, in one of the docs, John mentions how he was close to going to see Peter once but "couldn't". John says something like he prefers to remember Peter the way he was.

To a larger point, I think that is the MAIN obsticle- that Peter is no longer the same person he was in the 60s, and I suspect he "fears" people want him to be (and he can't be). I know nobody is the same, and I know plenty of people like "old" Peter and "new" Peter, but I feel like Peter must feel like it's almost an alter ego of himself. John, and Mick, have not changed that much, by comparison.

Thirdly, I believe Jeremy might also be somewhat hesitant to attempt to "relive the past".

I would LOVE to see a reunion of the original Fleetwood Mac. The only way I see it happening is the combination of many factors. First, everyone involved would have to allow this to be something "new"- not a rehash of the old. Mick cannot turn this into a "Greatest hits" thing- I'd say Peter and Jeremy would have to be allowed to play what they want to (and don't want to). Second, John would have to forgive whatever it is that he harbors towards Peter, and possibly Jeremy(?). Third, Peter, and to some extent Jeremy, would have to see this as a group of musicians/freinds (?) simply getting together today for old times sakes. Not an attempt to live in the past, or even "measure up to it". I suspect that's another problem- many musicians besides Peter & Jeremy do not wish to have a "reunion" for fear that it won't "measure up" to the legacy. Robert Plant comes to mind. Of course, I say baloney! I think if Peter & Jeremy were allowed to play whatever they wanted to, and Mick & John allowed this, it would be great. And while I'm dreaming- oh my gosh if anyone could ever find Danny and if he could ever be a part, but unfortunately, I think that ship has sailed.

I know Jeremy and Peter must be sick of people asking- how about a reunion? as it's really not under any one person's control. But if they could ever get the stars to align, I can assure them, there would be plenty of people that would love to see them play together again, WHATEVER it might be.

How about it Jeremy- if you (and Peter) were given control, would you? (sorry, couldn't resist :) We can hope and dream can't we?)

SteveMacD 02-22-2011 01:40 AM

I think the biggest obstical for an original Mac reunion is the fact Jeremy and Peter don't want to cash in on the band. *I don't think it's a matter of it being a "Greatest Hits" thing. *So long as it's blues, I think there are four guys who would be there, if not for the fact it had this big name attached to it. *What they play is almost irrelevant. *

John's issue with Peter, as I see it, has more to do with him feeling Peter doesn't respect he's doing, and John does not feel he deserves or has to take it from anybody. *While he's also shown he doesn't have to be best pals with bandmates, he has also shown that he has issues with people who've quit Fleetwood Mac.**Just ask Bob Welch.

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