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bombaysaffires 09-05-2017 06:25 PM

Tango vocals
the Wikipedia entry for Tango in the Night has this section:

When Nicks did go to the studio, she often felt unmotivated. "I can remember going up there and not being happy to even be there...I guess I didn’t go very often..." With vocal sessions taking place in Buckingham's master bedroom, Nicks would ask for some brandy, drink a few shots, and eventually run through "four or five songs" intoxicated. Because of this, Buckingham had to remove most of Nicks' vocals. As a result, Nicks is almost entirely absent on the majority of Buckingham and McVie's tracks.[14] To make ends meet, Buckingham recorded some of the vocals himself using a Fairlight, an early sampling synthesizer.[15] For example, on "When I See You Again", some of the vocals weren't even sung by Nicks. Instead, Buckingham assembled the vocal track by taking words and sentences that weren't hers, and then tampered with them until they somewhat resembled Nicks' voice. After the middle eight, the rest of the song is sung in Buckingham's normal register. [5]

I think whoever put this is got the song wrong. It seems doubtful to me that the vocals on Wassamatta Baby aren't Stevie but are his computer generated faux Stevie vocals. He may well have cobbled it together using bits and pieces from various takes, but clearly they are referring to a different song on the album, one of his or Christine's where as they say she is actually missing on most of them, and often when it sounds like her it's really tweaked versions of LB's own vocals.

But which song are they referring to that they mistakenly referred to as WISYA?

iamnotafraid 09-05-2017 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by bombaysaffires (Post 1216321)

It seems doubtful to me that the vocals on Wassamatta Baby aren't Stevie but...

You'll find it hard for someone to take credit
for those vocals.

HomerMcvie 09-05-2017 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by iamnotafraid (Post 1216322)
You'll find it hard for someone to take credit
for those vocals.

:lol::lol::lol: god I love this place! :lol::lol::lol:

jbrownsjr 09-06-2017 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by iamnotafraid (Post 1216322)
You'll find it hard for someone to take credit
for those vocals.

Hahaha....that's funny

Josh2003 09-06-2017 11:15 AM

There is someone out there who takes a LOT of liberties in editing Stevie's/FM's wiki pages. There was a whole entry (and maybe still is) for a Stevie solo album that never existed.

SisterNightroad 09-06-2017 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Josh2003 (Post 1216351)
There is someone out there who takes a LOT of liberties in editing Stevie's/FM's wiki pages. There was a whole entry (and maybe still is) for a Stevie solo album that never existed.

Yes, it was the "Mirror Mirror" album entry, and while I was investigating Wikipedia to see how to correct them I happened to discover that much of those entries were done by WelcomeChris, I wouldn't be surprised if this was also a complete fabrication done by him.

FuzzyPlum 09-06-2017 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by SisterNightroad (Post 1216352)
Yes, it was the "Mirror Mirror" album entry, and while I was investigating Wikipedia to see how to correct them I happened to discover that much of those entries were done by WelcomeChris, I wouldn't be surprised if this was also a complete fabrication done by him.

Haha...he's still causing trouble. Got to give him some credit...for something.

SisterNightroad 09-06-2017 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum (Post 1216354)
Haha...he's still causing trouble. Got to give him some credit...for something.

Yes, for being a master in the art of douchebaggery.

bombaysaffires 09-06-2017 04:02 PM

OK but back to the original question-- despite any sh&t stirrers in the audience messing with Wikipedia, it is true that Lindsey has said on more than one occasion that he had to very much construct 'performances' from Stevie-- by literally cutting words or lines from all different takes and kluge-ing them together to sound like a single performance of the whole song. And that most of what sounds like her on background on his and Chris's songs was done with studio magic by him, altering his own voice digitally enough to make it sound like she is there in the mix.

I'm trying to figure out which are the most egregious examples of this-- whoever wrote the Wikipedia entry is wrong-- there are no vocals on Wassamatta baby that sound like Stevie that aren't actually Stevie- although you can tell in several sections where a vocal was taken from a different take and pasted in. And unlike one article said, LB doesn't sing the end of WISYA because she lost her voice but because he was trying to make a kinda drab song more interesting-- and having the male voice come in adds a totally different dynamic to the song (which totally works in my opinion).

She does sing the "can't disguise" on Little Lies, but probably nothing else. Anything sounding vaguely Stevie-ish is likely Lindsey's handiwork.

I never thought the grunts on Big Love sounded remotely like Stevie, but I guess I can see how very casual listeners might guess it was a woman and not Lindsey mucking with his own voice.

But I don't hear anything where I really think it's Stevie when it's not. :shrug:

Macfan4life 09-06-2017 04:55 PM

This is a fascinating thread. While I may not believe all of it there is circumstantial evidence of a remote possibility.
Stevie was there briefly before rehab. This was one song she recorded then.
Lindsey was a crafty SOB on Tango. Everyone was asking who the female grunting was until he spilled the beans it was Lindsey speeding up his voice.
Stevie was absent during most of if not all of the Tango in the night sessions. We learn that even if Mick's first book even Christine lashed out at Stevie for not being there when Stevie complained about not having involvement with the album.
I think its a very real possibility Lindsey's vocals were added to the song when Stevie was not there. They needed her songs and she was not there.
Last piece of evidence is the Oooh my love from the Tango sessions. OMG I never heard a more out of it Stevie. She is singing like she is bored to death. It her worst singing demo ever. It could be the intense pressure on Lindsey to complete the project and not start over with Stevie drama. I totally believe Stevie drank heavily before singing in the Tango sessions. Just listen to Oooh my love. She sounds out of it and drunk.
Remember the band is not going to talk about what sad shape Stevie was in during 1986. We just get bits and pieces. This could be another piece. Maybe an exaggeration but I don't think totally out of the realm of possibilities. Now I am curious and need to listen to WISYA really close. From the first time I heard the song I thought all the wassa matter babies were a bit odd and too much. Even the Rolling Stone review of the album which was mostly positive made fun of that part.
GOSH, can you imagine the book Lindsey could write if he wanted to tell the truth.
OMG :eek:

HomerMcvie 09-06-2017 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Macfan4life (Post 1216371)
GOSH, can you imagine the book Lindsey could write if he wanted to tell the truth.
OMG :eek:

He NEVER would do the book, but I'd pay big bucks for it, if it told ALL.

secondhandchain 09-06-2017 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by HomerMcvie (Post 1216373)
He NEVER would do the book, but I'd pay big bucks for it, if it told ALL.

If she keeps bashing him like she has....he just might. I would rather the call it quits as a band at this point and Lindsey write that book. Let there be another duo album instead. I've had it with her antics. And before you S fans all chime in, not more then a year ago I was the biggest fan, but she has squandered that very quickly.

iamnotafraid 09-07-2017 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by secondhandchain (Post 1216380)
And before you S fans all chime in, not more then a year ago I was the biggest fan, but she has squandered that very quickly...

I have to admit it's taken me a little longer than
that to become a lesser fan.

It's hard to keep the flame a fire when the last
good thing she's done is over twenty years past.
Unless one counts SoundStage.

When she sees me again it will be over.

Macfan4life 09-07-2017 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by HomerMcvie (Post 1216373)
He NEVER would do the book, but I'd pay big bucks for it, if it told ALL.

Very true. Lindsey would never go there especially at this point in their career. Lindsey is not a gossiper. When he left we were all very bitter because he was vague and beat around the bush for his leaving. After reading Mick's latest book and some things that have come to light from the Tango sessions, I completely understand why he could not tour or be around Mick and Stevie. Lindsey is very private. He has never given his side of the story as bluntly Mick and Stevie have the night of the big blowout and Christine's house.

SisterNightroad 09-07-2017 07:48 AM

I received these anonimous messages on Tumblr on this topic (definitely not creepy at all):

I am aware of the confusion regarding the WISYA's vocals, so I'll provide you with the quote I used. On “When I See You Again,” Nicks’ voice almost crumbles and shatters into atoms. “Stevie was the worst she’s ever been,” Buckingham told Uncut in 2013. “I didn’t recognize her...I had to pull performances out of words and lines and make parts that sounded like her that weren’t her.”

Btw, you can find that quote on Pitchfork's review of the Tango in the Night Deluxe set.

Macfan4life 09-07-2017 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by SisterNightroad (Post 1216384)
I received this anonimous messages on Tumblr on this topic (definitely not creepy at all):

I am aware of the confusion regarding the WISYA's vocals, so I'll provide you with the quote I used. On “When I See You Again,” Nicks’ voice almost crumbles and shatters into atoms. “Stevie was the worst she’s ever been,” Buckingham told Uncut in 2013. “I didn’t recognize her...I had to pull performances out of words and lines and make parts that sounded like her that weren’t her.”

Btw, you can find that quote on Pitchfork's review of the Tango in the Night Deluxe set.

Thanks for sharing. That quote is really really scary but not surprising. Its also no surprise that Stevie's management forced her to seek help.
Even though the treatment was successful, Stevie left Betty Ford early and "ran away." That's usually a red flag that someone is going to relapse. When Stevie returned to the band for the end of Tango (before release), I can see why Lindsey could not dare tour with such insanity.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, the demo of Oooh My Love sounds so odd because you can tell Stevie is so out of it. One of my favorite photos is the one with Stevie and Lindsey during the Tango sessions. Lindsey is looking at Stevie and Stevie is without makeup (or very litte), her hair a mess, she looks like she has been up all night from a party and hung over, smoking a long Kool Mild 100 cigarette. They say a picture is worth a thousand words and that one definitely is.

SisterNightroad 09-07-2017 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by Macfan4life (Post 1216387)
Thanks for sharing. That quote is really really scary but not surprising. Its also no surprise that Stevie's management forced her to seek help.
Even though the treatment was successful, Stevie left Betty Ford early and "ran away." That's usually a red flag that someone is going to relapse. When Stevie returned to the band for the end of Tango (before release), I can see why Lindsey could not dare tour with such insanity.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, the demo of Oooh My Love sounds so odd because you can tell Stevie is so out of it. One of my favorite photos is the one with Stevie and Lindsey during the Tango sessions. Lindsey is looking at Stevie and Stevie is without makeup (or very litte), her hair a mess, she looks like she has been up all night from a party and hung over, smoking a long Kool Mild 100 cigarette. They say a picture is worth a thousand words and that one definitely is.

Ah ah it wasn't that what I found creepy, but I guess the content of the quote can be creepy too in its own way.

jbrownsjr 09-07-2017 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by SisterNightroad (Post 1216384)
I received this anonimous messages on Tumblr on this topic (definitely not creepy at all):

I am aware of the confusion regarding the WISYA's vocals, so I'll provide you with the quote I used. On “When I See You Again,” Nicks’ voice almost crumbles and shatters into atoms. “Stevie was the worst she’s ever been,” Buckingham told Uncut in 2013. “I didn’t recognize her...I had to pull performances out of words and lines and make parts that sounded like her that weren’t her.”

Btw, you can find that quote on Pitchfork's review of the Tango in the Night Deluxe set.

Yikes!! :distress:

Buster 09-07-2017 11:13 AM

I find Stevie's vocals on WISYA to be heartbreakingly beautiful, capturing where she was in her imperfect life and career. However, I can't deal with lyrics like and she stares at the stairs ooh there are so many things to stare at these days - so I never listen to it.

jbrownsjr 09-07-2017 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by Buster (Post 1216391)
I find Stevie's vocals on WISYA to be heartbreakingly beautiful, capturing where she was in her imperfect life and career. However, I can't deal with lyrics like and she stares at the stairs ooh there are so many things to stare at these days - so I never listen to it.

I justify it that way, too. I really enjoy WISYA and the ache in her heart. Further, I've never been as hard on her for her lyrics as I have the other two. Oy...

Having said that, I don't listen to FMac for the lyrics. Thank goodness for that!

Buster 09-07-2017 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by jbrownsjr (Post 1216392)
I justify it that way, too. I really enjoy WISYA and the ache in her heart. Further, I've never been as hard on her for her lyrics as I have the other two. Oy...

Having said that, I don't listen to FMac for the lyrics. Thank goodness for that!

I'm glad others view her vocals on that song the same way. :wavey:

bombaysaffires 09-07-2017 01:19 PM

As the person who contacted Sister Nightroad says, the article says this:

On “When I See You Again,” Nicks’ voice almost crumbles and shatters into atoms. “Stevie was the worst she’s ever been,” Buckingham told Uncut in 2013. “I didn’t recognize her...I had to pull performances out of words and lines and make parts that sounded like her that weren’t her.”

Here's the thing -- this sentence is from the writer, expressing their own opinion:
On “When I See You Again,” Nicks’ voice almost crumbles and shatters into atoms

They then went back to an older interview Lindsey did with someone else and in which he talked about the overall issues dealing with Stevie during the making of that album:
“Stevie was the worst she’s ever been,” Buckingham told Uncut in 2013. “I didn’t recognize her...I had to pull performances out of words and lines and make parts that sounded like her that weren’t her.”

By kluging those two pieces together the writer makes it appear as if Lindsey's comment was made in response to being asked about WISYA specifically. He was not. He was asked about working with her on everything.

He has said many times before that she was not available to work on either his or Chris's songs. There's the infamous story from Mick in his book that when Stevie did show up at one point she was mad she was not heard on any of their songs, and Chris said to her that she had wanted Stevie on the songs but Stevie had not been there. They then came to a truce and Stevie recorded some bits like "tell me lies" on Little Lies. But Lindsey had already done his work on those songs to try and make it sound like she was in the mix on other parts as well because they didn't know they'd get anything more from her.

My original question was about the claim that in one song you can hear that Lindsey has tweaked his own voice to sound like her and then after the middle 8 you hear him go back to his own voice. I'd love to know what song that is.

Whew. :eek: :shrug: :confused:

KenB 09-07-2017 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by bombaysaffires (Post 1216396)
My original question was about the claim that in one song you can hear that Lindsey has tweaked his own voice to sound like her and then after the middle 8 you hear him go back to his own voice. I'd love to know what song that was

This is just a guess, but could he be talking about "Family Man" -- that part after the guitar solo, around the 2:20 or 2:30 mark -- where it sounds like Stevie mumbling "am what I am what I am what I am" out into infinity?

FuzzyPlum 09-07-2017 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by SisterNightroad (Post 1216384)
I received these anonimous messages on Tumblr on this topic (definitely not creepy at all):

I am aware of the confusion regarding the WISYA's vocals, so I'll provide you with the quote I used. On “When I See You Again,” Nicks’ voice almost crumbles and shatters into atoms. “Stevie was the worst she’s ever been,” Buckingham told Uncut in 2013. “I didn’t recognize her...I had to pull performances out of words and lines and make parts that sounded like her that weren’t her.”

Btw, you can find that quote on Pitchfork's review of the Tango in the Night Deluxe set.

WelcomeChris :nod:

FuzzyPlum 09-07-2017 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by bombaysaffires (Post 1216396)
As the person who contacted Sister Nightroad says, the article says this:

On “When I See You Again,” Nicks’ voice almost crumbles and shatters into atoms. “Stevie was the worst she’s ever been,” Buckingham told Uncut in 2013. “I didn’t recognize her...I had to pull performances out of words and lines and make parts that sounded like her that weren’t her.”

Here's the thing -- this sentence is from the writer, expressing their own opinion:
On “When I See You Again,” Nicks’ voice almost crumbles and shatters into atoms

They then went back to an older interview Lindsey did with someone else and in which he talked about the overall issues dealing with Stevie during the making of that album:
“Stevie was the worst she’s ever been,” Buckingham told Uncut in 2013. “I didn’t recognize her...I had to pull performances out of words and lines and make parts that sounded like her that weren’t her.”

By kluging those two pieces together the writer makes it appear as if Lindsey's comment was made in response to being asked about WISYA specifically. He was not. He was asked about working with her on everything.

He has said many times before that she was not available to work on either his or Chris's songs. There's the infamous story from Mick in his book that when Stevie did show up at one point she was mad she was not heard on any of their songs, and Chris said to her that she had wanted Stevie on the songs but Stevie had not been there. They then came to a truce and Stevie recorded some bits like "tell me lies" on Little Lies. But Lindsey had already done his work on those songs to try and make it sound like she was in the mix on other parts as well because they didn't know they'd get anything more from her.

My original question was about the claim that in one song you can hear that Lindsey has tweaked his own voice to sound like her and then after the middle 8 you hear him go back to his own voice. I'd love to know what song that is.

Whew. :eek: :shrug: :confused:

Good work Sherlock.
Regarding the comment about '...after the middle 8 the rest of the song is sung in Buckinghams normal register', isnt that just an opinion by the wiki author specifically about WISYA based on the vague, unclear references?
I'm confused.

SisterNightroad 09-07-2017 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum (Post 1216403)
Good work Sherlock.
Regarding the comment about '...after the middle 8 the rest of the song is sung in Buckinghams normal register', isnt that just an opinion by the wiki author specifically about WISYA based on the vague, unclear references?
I'm confused.

Yes, exactly.

bombaysaffires 09-07-2017 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum (Post 1216403)
Good work Sherlock.
Regarding the comment about '...after the middle 8 the rest of the song is sung in Buckinghams normal register', isnt that just an opinion by the wiki author specifically about WISYA based on the vague, unclear references?
I'm confused.

then where, before the middle 8, is he singing on that song, and more specifically, where is Stevie NOT singing it and where you think it's Stevie it's really Lindsey having tweaked his voice?

Doesn't make sense.

Macfan4life 09-07-2017 04:56 PM

Wouldn't it be something if it was discovered Lindsey disguised his voice as Stevie sang the entire song of Seven Wonders himself.
Now THAT would be something :eek:

secondhandchain 09-07-2017 05:00 PM

IMO at that time she was so out of it on drugs, carried away with herself and fame that her voice had morphed into a caricature of itself. Like an older actress who's performances are way over the top. Think Carol Burnett's Norma Desmond and I know I'm dating myself. This is Stevie's voice back then.

JohnL 09-08-2017 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by secondhandchain (Post 1216380)
If she keeps bashing him like she has....he just might. I would rather the call it quits as a band at this point and Lindsey write that book. Let there be another duo album instead. I've had it with her antics. And before you S fans all chime in, not more then a year ago I was the biggest fan, but she has squandered that very quickly.

Po wittle Windsey...big bad Stevie said something unflattering. We get it. You guys dont like Stevie Nicks.

HomerMcvie 09-08-2017 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by JohnL (Post 1216422)
Po wittle Windsey...big bad Stevie said something unflattering. We get it. You guys dont like Stevie Nicks.

WHY do you take it so personally that some people don't like Stevie?

You keep saying how much you don't like it, and that you're leaving and never coming back. Yet...

I'm seriously curious.:)

bombaysaffires 09-08-2017 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by JohnL (Post 1216422)
Po wittle Windsey...big bad Stevie said something unflattering. We get it. You guys dont like Stevie Nicks.

who's "you guys"? Anyone who doesn't constantly gush about her? I'm a huge fan of hers, but I don't wrap my life up in what other people think about her.

StevieandChris 09-09-2017 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by HomerMcvie (Post 1216425)
WHY do you take it so personally that some people don't like Stevie?

You keep saying how much you don't like it, and that you're leaving and never coming back. Yet...

I'm seriously curious.:)

I am not John but for me what I hate is *how* people talk about her, not that they do not like her. Many of you try to see just how much of an asshole you can be, who can be King or Queen Jerk. A lot of you think it is cute to one up the next one. The fact that a moderator participates in the same way does not help. It is only cute to a few.

As for John not leaving, I wrestle with the same thing. But then I think WHY should WE have to leave? We love the music --- all 5. I personally do not care for how Lindsey acts but I do not think I have ever posted anything as vile about him as people have about Stevie (I am talking me, not other fans). I don't do it because I am a naive "snowflake" as conservative bullies like to say, I don't do it because it is worthless. Tearing someone like Stevie down obviously makes a core group feel better, but in the end, it just brings negativity to this board.

jbrownsjr 09-09-2017 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by HomerMcvie (Post 1216425)
WHY do you take it so personally that some people don't like Stevie?

You keep saying how much you don't like it, and that you're leaving and never coming back. Yet...

I'm seriously curious.:)

Not sure about JohnL, but some people actually attach their ego to a celebrity. So when you speak your opinion of that said celeb, you're also speaking to their ego (or lack thereof) , too. I imagine this happens a lot with Stevie fans that dress up like her or pretend to be her.

It happens a lot. I'd dealt with this somewhat when I was younger. My obsession w/ FMac wasn't appreciated by my metal friends in the 80's. And where are all those hair bands now?? hMMM? lol

I actually love Stevie's Tango work. It's different and knowing what I know now about what she was going through, I applaud the production choices Lindsey made on her work. I can hear the pain. That's a wonderful thing for me.

It's her current work that's so bland and boring to me. Doing old demos from a time when she was in better voice and had a lot of pain. Those songs had meant something to me. Her current versions just don't cut it, IMO. I would much rather she do another album. No Dave Stewart, however. Maybe, work w/ LB again or Ken. If you want to have a specific sound, find a good producer that knows your strengths.

HomerMcvie 09-09-2017 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by jbrownsjr (Post 1216439)
Not sure about JohnL, but some people actually attach their ego to a celebrity. So when you speak your opinion of that said celeb, you're also speaking to their ego (or lack thereof) , too. I imagine this happens a lot with Stevie fans that dress up like her or pretend to be her.

It happens a lot. I'd dealt with this somewhat when I was younger. My obsession w/ FMac wasn't appreciated by my metal friends in the 80's. And where are all those hair bands now?? hMMM? lol

I actually love Stevie's Tango work. It's different and knowing what I know now about what she was going through, I applaud the production choices Lindsey made on her work. I can hear the pain. That's a wonderful thing for me.

It's her current work that's so bland and boring to me. Doing old demos that she wrote when she was in better voice and a lot of pain. Those songs meant something to me back then. Her current versions ruin them IMO. I would much rather she do another album. No Dave Stewart, however. Maybe, work w/ LB again or Ken. If you want to have a specific sound, find a good producer that knows your strengths.

But the world is never going to agree with you, so(to me anyway) it's a pointless waste of energy, getting all up in arms over something you can't control. I mean, who cares what they think?

When I started college, I quickly realized how dorky I sounded, being a huge FM fan. So I actually walked away from them for a few years, pretending to like cool bands. lol

Well, I think everything she does now is just going through the motions. She's a rich star, with a matching ego. And she believes all her "yes men". She's become the Muhammad Ali of the bovidae family.:D

tango87 09-09-2017 09:40 AM

Tiptoeing back on-topic...

I can't hear anywhere on WISYA where Lindsey is pretending to be Stevie, so I agree that the Wikipedia entry writer is conflating different sources and drawing the wrong conclusion. But there are clearly other places where he has treated his voice to achieve a Stevie-like effect. Obviously the Big Love 'love grunts', but also the descending 'am what I am' middle section of Family Man, which sounds very Stevie-like at the start but reveals itself to be Lindsey as it heads down the register.

I've also never been really sure about that vocal collage part in the fade-out of Everywhere, which could be constructed from fragments sung by Stevie, but could equally be made from Lindsey or even Christine.

HomerMcvie 09-09-2017 09:47 AM

Although not on Tango, am I the only one who ~hears~ Stevie on Too Far Gone? At the end, between the choruses repeating...there's some noise that sounds just like Stevie saying "yeah eh eh eh". I've pointed it out in the car, and people think I'm crazy, because they don't hear it.

jbrownsjr 09-09-2017 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by HomerMcvie (Post 1216446)
Although not on Tango, am I the only one who ~hears~ Stevie on Too Far Gone? At the end, between the choruses repeating...there's some noise that sounds just like Stevie saying "yeah eh eh eh". I've pointed it out in the car, and people think I'm crazy, because they don't hear it.

It sounds just like her!! I thought that was a little nod to her. :nod:
And the IMW grunts, too. I can hear her on Lay Down For Free, too.

Macfan4life 09-09-2017 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by HomerMcvie (Post 1216446)
Although not on Tango, am I the only one who ~hears~ Stevie on Too Far Gone? At the end, between the choruses repeating...there's some noise that sounds just like Stevie saying "yeah eh eh eh". I've pointed it out in the car, and people think I'm crazy, because they don't hear it.

I hear her too. Its crazy but you are not alone.
Maybe its Lindsey disguising his voice as Stevie again :eek: :eek: :eek:

HomerMcvie 09-09-2017 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by Macfan4life (Post 1216449)
I hear her too. Its crazy but you are not alone.
Maybe its Lindsey disguising his voice as Stevie again :eek: :eek: :eek:

Maybe he dresses up like her when Kristen and the kids are gone, twirling around the house. :laugh::woohoo::wavey:

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