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SisterNightroad 03-14-2017 12:07 PM

Stevie Nicks: Drugs almost destroyed me
Stevie Nicks: Drugs almost destroyed me

Stevie Nicks almost completely "destroyed" her life with drugs.

The Fleetwood Mac star never wants to glamorize her heavy cocaine use in the 1970s because it "almost killed" her and her friends and was a very expensive habit to maintain and to subsequently kick.

In an interview with the new issue of Q magazine, she said: "Touring with Fleetwood Mac in the 70s, cocaine was almost part of the daily routine. But when I talk about it now, I would never want the kids of today to think that I'm saying it was something good. Because it really wasn't something good."

"It almost destroyed my life. It almost killed me and it almost killed a lot of people I know. So if anybody thinks it's safe now - it's not. It's better to just not do it, because eventually you will have to stop, so start saving your money for rehab now. It's so expensive."

Stevie is now in her fifth decade as a performer - as part of a duo, Fleetwood Mac and as a solo artist - but despite her years' of experience she is still plagued by nerves before going on stage so makes sure she's as prepared as possible in order for her panic attacks not to get the better of her.

The 'Edge of Seventeen' singer said: "I'm scared, that's what I am. Before shows, some people - me, Mick (Fleetwood, drummer), we get panic attacks."

"I have always been terribly nervous before shows. So I am so rehearsed and ready that I could be dead and stand up there and still sing the right words and do the right thing."

The 68-year-old singer is always professional and even if she's feeling very ill, will hide it on stage.

She said: "Onstage is the one time you can't bemoan how you feel. Even if you have pneumonia, you have to say, 'I'm leaving that in the dressing room and I'm walking out and I'm gonna be great.' And when I come offstage, then I can burst into tears."

olive 03-14-2017 12:28 PM

interesting, who knew ? hopefully in the future she'll go in to detail of what she used and where she got them .

sorcerer999 03-14-2017 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by olive (Post 1203284)
interesting, who knew ? hopefully in the future she'll go in to detail of what she used and where she got them .

:lol::lol::lol: Seriously...interviewers have been asking her about her "drug habit" for years. The problem isn't her willingness to talk about it, because we all know that Stevie will ramble on about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING when asked...the problem is these stupid journalists who keep asking her about it. Seems almost EVERY interview with Stevie has to touch on the subject. If it's not about the overrated Rumours album, then it's about drugs. :rolleyes:

I literally have hundreds of questions for Stevie! Questions that have never been talked about or (if they have) expounded upon. None of which include Rumours or drugs.

olive 03-14-2017 01:39 PM

those are the approved question they can ask her , she has nothing really new to promote so it is the best of stevie nick interviews until then

bwboy 03-14-2017 03:00 PM

Olive, I know you hate Stevie, but it sure would be refreshing to hear you comment on a Stevie thread that wasn't negative in tone. Pretty please?

jbrownsjr 03-14-2017 03:47 PM

Let's just stay on point. The topic is Nicks: Drugs almost destroyed me. Not what is another person's opinion. Debate is fine, humor is even better, but don't call someone names because they have a different view.

Be excellent to each other.

olive 03-14-2017 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by eric51078 (Post 1203320)
Best response ever!:blob1: In all reality Olive you are a bully. Your always negative, rude and you say nothing positive ever. Its always a bash against Stevie. Why don't you just switch to decaf and simmer the F down.

Really ?

I am pretty sure If I was a Bully or even told someone to "Simmer the F down " I would be banned

that is your interpretation ,who have I ever bullied ? proof please

a difference of opinion is not hate .

IN MY OPINION if you are not mature to handle that , maybe you should not be here

and where and when did I say I hated her ? proof please .

If my comments so up set your delicate sensibilities by all means feel free to block me :woohoo:

Phil 03-14-2017 04:16 PM

"...I am so rehearsed and ready that I could be dead and stand up there and still sing the right words and do the right thing."

This has seemed to be the case on more than one occasion...

jbrownsjr 03-14-2017 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by Phil (Post 1203325)
"...I am so rehearsed and ready that I could be dead and stand up there and still sing the right words and do the right thing."

This has seemed to be the case on more than one occasion...

Haha! She might have used a different choice of words. :eek:

Macfan4life 03-14-2017 04:25 PM

This story does seem recycled. I wish she would comment on how drugs affected her music. IMHO RAL is definitely her worst album hands down. I mean what was she thinking with her funky and dated 80's beats. I know that Klonopin destroyed her writing ability but what the hell happened with RAL? Stevie used to complain she only got 3 songs every few years yet she barely wrote half the album.

SisterNightroad 03-14-2017 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Macfan4life (Post 1203327)
This story does seem recycled. I wish she would comment on how drugs affected her music. IMHO RAL is definitely her worst album hands down. I mean what was she thinking with her funky and dated 80's beats. I know that Klonopin destroyed her writing ability but what the hell happened with RAL? Stevie used to complain she only got 3 songs every few years yet she barely wrote half the album.

Well, let's wait to see the full issue of the magazine, this seems only an half assed excerpt
However I understand you don't like RAL but the truth is that now it may feel dated but when it first came out it was perfectly in line with the times. The problem is that 80's music per se doesn't age well.

olive 03-14-2017 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by SisterNightroad (Post 1203330)
Well, let's wait to see the full issue of the magazine, this seems only an half assed excerpt
However I understand you don't like RAL but the truth is that now it may feel dated but when it first came out it was perfectly in line with the times. The problem is that 80's music per se don't age well.

everyone was going for that synth pop , KISS crazy night is one

dreamsunwind 03-14-2017 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by SisterNightroad (Post 1203330)
The problem is that 80's music per se don't age well.

EXACTLY! That's why I don't get why people sometimes complain about Tango being dated with its production when that's just how so much of the production of music at that time was. That's just the style. And while I do think it has some filler, I think several tracks off Tango are great examples of that 80s style and are great to listen to, hence why songs like Little Lies are still quite popular today.

jbrownsjr 03-14-2017 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by Macfan4life (Post 1203327)
This story does seem recycled. I wish she would comment on how drugs affected her music. IMHO RAL is definitely her worst album hands down. I mean what was she thinking with her funky and dated 80's beats. I know that Klonopin destroyed her writing ability but what the hell happened with RAL? Stevie used to complain she only got 3 songs every few years yet she barely wrote half the album.

I waited and waited and waited so long for RAL. I didn't hate it when it came out, but it wasn't what I expected. I did however play it 100000000 times.

Macfan4life 03-14-2017 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by SisterNightroad (Post 1203330)
Well, let's wait to see the full issue of the magazine, this seems only an half assed excerpt
However I understand you don't like RAL but the truth is that now it may feel dated but when it first came out it was perfectly in line with the times. The problem is that 80's music per se doesn't age well.

I understand your point and agree with it. However RAL was bad (IMHO) not just because of 80's synth pop. Many of the songs were totally not Stevie. They were words that Stevie would not say. I assume the partying got so bad that besides Iovine quitting there was not great music quality and then panic hit and they ran and got some pop songs for her to sing. The songs just did not have the depth that Stevie usually brings to an album or song. So it was not just the 80's sound that I did not like.
So back to my point, drugs ruined what could have been an excellent album. Plus her voice is not in great shape on the album. It was just a 2 year party while making the album. The music just did not seem as important anymore.

SisterNightroad 03-14-2017 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by Macfan4life (Post 1203352)
I understand your point and agree with it. However RAL was bad (IMHO) not just because of 80's synth pop. Many of the songs were totally not Stevie. They were words that Stevie would not say. I assume the partying got so bad that besides Iovine quitting there was not great music quality and then panic hit and they ran and got some pop songs for her to sing. The songs just did not have the depth that Stevie usually brings to an album or song. So it was not just the 80's sound that I did not like.
So back to my point, drugs ruined what could have been an excellent album. Plus her voice is not in great shape on the album. It was just a 2 year party while making the album. The music just did not seem as important anymore.

Well but in truth not so many of the songs weren't hers, apart from Talk to me and Some become strangers.

Personally I think the problem is that the sessions were so discontinued and the facts that Jimmy left, that led to wrong artistic choices in my opinion, like the inclusion of songs such those above for marketing reasons. If you look at the rest that we have from the RAL sessions many songs were much better than some that have been actually chosen for the album.

jbrownsjr 03-14-2017 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by SisterNightroad (Post 1203355)
Well but in truth not so many of the songs weren't hers, apart from Talk to me and Some become strangers.

Personally I think the problem is that the sessions were so discontinued and the facts that Jimmy left, that led to wrong artistic choices in my opinion, like the inclusion of songs such those above for marketing reasons. If you look at the rest that we have from the RAL many songs were much better than some that whave been actually chosen for the album.

I remember on the radio, they kept announcing that Stevie has changed producers and is scrapping some of the album and re-doing it.

Macfan4life 03-14-2017 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by SisterNightroad (Post 1203355)
Well but in truth not so many of the songs weren't hers, apart from Talk to me and Some become strangers.

Personally I think the problem is that the sessions were so discontinued and the facts that Jimmy left, that led to wrong artistic choices in my opinion, like the inclusion of songs such those above for marketing reasons. If you look at the rest that we have from the RAL many songs were much better than some that whave been actually chosen for the album.

Of course!
I would take Running Through the Garden in all of its 80's glory. That would have been the best song on the album by far. I hardly would change anything about that song except making Stevie more disciplined with the vocals and be in better vocal shape.

SisterNightroad 03-15-2017 06:46 AM

Yes, I remember I've seen a clipping from a paper of some sort, dated 1984, that had a preview tracklist of Stevie's next album. I don't remember every track but I do remember both Mirror Mirror and Battle of the dragon where present. I've wondered if that album, had it come to fruition, wouldn't have become a timeless classic like the previous two, but maybe it's just wishful thinking.

TheWildHeart67 03-15-2017 08:42 AM

OOOH I LOOOOOVED "Rock A Little" the moment I played it!! I first bought the Vinyl copy. I still love it. Yes, it's dated now, but I still love it. Now, when I first played "Street Angel," I immediately thought something was wrong. SA remains the only solo album by Stevie I didn't enjoy and remains the least played in my collection.

gldstwmn 03-15-2017 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Macfan4life (Post 1203327)
This story does seem recycled. I wish she would comment on how drugs affected her music. IMHO RAL is definitely her worst album hands down. I mean what was she thinking with her funky and dated 80's beats. I know that Klonopin destroyed her writing ability but what the hell happened with RAL? Stevie used to complain she only got 3 songs every few years yet she barely wrote half the album.

The beats weren't dated in the 80's. :lol: They were the thing but yeah those definitely didn't stand the test of time. I think there's far more than just Reconsider Me from those sessions. I would love to know what else she recorded.

gldstwmn 03-15-2017 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by TheWildHeart67 (Post 1203445)
OOOH I LOOOOOVED "Rock A Little" the moment I played it!! I first bought the Vinyl copy. I still love it. Yes, it's dated now, but I still love it. Now, when I first played "Street Angel," I immediately thought something was wrong. SA remains the only solo album by Stevie I didn't enjoy and remains the least played in my collection.

Really? She has a lot of great songs on Street Angel. I wish she would play some of them. That record didn't get a fair shake IMO.

wheart 03-15-2017 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by Phil (Post 1203325)
"...I am so rehearsed and ready that I could be dead and stand up there and still sing the right words and do the right thing."

This has seemed to be the case on more than one occasion...

HAHA!! My brother always joked about the crew having to "prop her up" during her Klonopin performances.

TheWildHeart67 03-15-2017 12:34 PM

Regarding SA, I loved "Blue Denim," "Maybe love..," "Destiny," and "Rose Garden," but something about the production, background vocals etc seemed off. I hated "Docklands," hated! And I dunno, I tried hard to love the album. Played it endlessly. But, yeah, it lacked for me.

SisterNightroad 03-15-2017 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by gldstwmn (Post 1203469)
The beats weren't dated in the 80's. :lol: They were the thing but yeah those definitely didn't stand the test of time. I think there's far more than just Reconsider Me from those sessions. I would love to know what else she recorded.

In fact they are maybe the sessions with the most extensive material left.
Here there is the recount of all the songs and demo we know of from the RAL sessions made by Ivory Keys:

Macfan4life 03-15-2017 05:08 PM

I loved ALL of Stevie's solo albums. Even though deep inside I was disappointed in RAL, I still played it to death. I agree that RAL lacks cohesion. The songs with different producers, etc. Bella Donna is like a classic novel. Each chapter has a feel and flow. Each song fits perfectly together. RAL is a disaster. However I do see the promise of what could have been a really good album. The extended rock version of The Nightmare is not bad. If you could add real drums and percussion it would be so much better.
The title track RAL is so odd. However the "extended" version is so much better. The song is complete even though the fake computerized sounds keep chirping. But the song on the album seems cut from the extended version. So the song is robbed of the better parts IMHO.
Imperial Hotel is not bad but it seems recorded in one take as if the Heartbreakers had little time to spend in the studio or something. A little more production could have made the song so much better. I sing for the things is a beautiful song but ruined with computer programmed bass and fake sounding strings. Just imagine a real acoustic version or the more upbeat version on the album. It would have been a home run. I would also cut the merry go round circus music part from I Cant Wait. ;)

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