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ryan8472 12-06-2004 09:48 PM

What Kind of Singer Are You?
I inquire because I just tried kareoke (sp?) :lol: Enough said, right? Of course not. I won't disgrace Go Your Own Way, so I tried that song Just What I Needed by The Cars, another favorite. I thought it was ok (as there were no high notes to hit ;) ), but of course, with kareoke, hilarity ensues for no reason.....

Sorry for the story ;)

Anyways, what do YOU think of your singing voice?

dissention 12-06-2004 10:08 PM

I like my singing voice. :laugh:

I took lessons for years and did musicals in college. Tried out for a part at the Williamstown Festival one year and didn't get it (I did get to be a stagehand in '99, though! :lol: ), but the casting director gave me some very nice compliments and I still appreciate having heard them. :laugh: That's my true passion, though, performing. But I knew I could never succeed so I never really pursued it much.

skcin 12-06-2004 10:20 PM

I'm a really sucky singer, can't carry a tune at all. That doesn't stop me from doing karaoke after a few beers, though :laugh: Not that I'm at karaoke very often, but if I am, then Dreams, American Pie and Paradise by the Dashboard Light are my usuals.


GypsySorcerer 12-06-2004 10:25 PM

Nasally. :laugh:

I have a deep speaking voice, but when I sing it's a high-pitch. :shrug:

ontheEdgeof17 12-06-2004 10:43 PM

My voice sounds like I have snot in my throat. :p It sounds decent, though. lol

I did participate in choir in high school and was chosen for All-State. I was a bass/tenor. I haven't sang "professionally" in years. I just tend to belt it out in the shower and the car.....oh, and at concerts. :thumbsup:

dissention 12-06-2004 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by takenbythesky
I think my singing voice is pretty ugly. Very deep and masculine, vibratto, without much range. According to my friend who was in a prestigious choir for years, I'm a tenor who can actually sing on key. :shrug: I was in musicals in middle school until health problems prevented me from doing so. :shrug:

...The problem isn't so much the quality of my singing, it's GETTING ME TO SHUT UP! :lol:

Christ, I love your signature. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Anyone can sing, it's just a matter of getting to know your voice. :woohoo:

takenbythesky 12-06-2004 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by dissention
Christ, I love your signature. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Anyone can sing, it's just a matter of getting to know your voice. :woohoo:

Thank you, diss...I bought Welcome To The Wrecking Ball and Dreams on vinyl just based on the covers and the fact that Grace Slick is such an amazing singer with such an eccentric personality... :D

I suppose that someday, that day when I have the time to take up the piano or the guitar, I will get to know my voice. Now, there was an African American gentleman seated behind me in San Jose...He could really sing! He seemed to be the only other person there who knew the lyrics to every single song, besides me. This guy was so in love with Stevie, too...Kept talking about how beautiful and classy she was.

It really was pretty funny...Stevie's family, seated in front of us, kept looking back at him and laughing. Her brother (Chris?) looked like he was rather bored by the entire thing, though. One of her relatives, looked almost like Lori Nicks to me, looked back at me sympathetically when I cried during "Sara"...And, I know these people were of the Nicks family because the teenage girl in front of us proudly told us so and was calling out "Steeeevieeeeee" constantly.

Best of all: Miss Nicks knew where her family was seated, so several times she shook her tambourine at them and smiled very very warmly. I swear, it looked as if she was looking straight at me, but I know that she was smiling at her family...

My, this turned into rambling fairly quickly. Good times...

DrummerDeanna 12-07-2004 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by dissention
Christ, I love your signature.

I don't think you have to be so formal - he goes by Justin ;)


Oy. It's late and I'm emotionally drained....pardon my bad humor.


Anyway I LOVE to sing - and used to do it quite regularly in high school - like in the halls and on band trips (I must have been SO obnoxious and I'm pretty sure if I were to run into high school me now - I'd hate me)

Anyway - once in a speech class I for some reason started singing Spoon Full of Sugar and other various songs from Mary Poppins and Sound of Music - and the class actually started making - they said I sounded SO good - that was my shining moment...

Now I don't know what happened after that - but I"ve been unable to sing in public ever since. I completely freeze. I mean I freeze...nothing comes out of my mouth...

When I was in a band we did few covers but I convinced the guitarist to try out the Apartment Song - so he agreed as long as I'd sing with him - I agreed - then at the performance I turned my mic off ---I just couldn't do it in front of people...:shrug:

SO anyway - if I try really hard my singing voice is alright - but I do have to try very hard to stay on key and such....mostly I just sing loudly and badly to the radio :nod:

Johnny Stew 12-07-2004 12:28 AM

I think I sound reedy, and nasally. I greatly dislike my singing voice. Despite the fact that I used to sing in the school choir, and have gotten some compliments on my singing from various people... but I tend to think people are just being nice. :laugh:

Mind you, that doesn't stop me one bit, because I LOVE to sing and would rather sing and sound terrible than not sing at all.

amber 12-07-2004 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by dissention
I like my singing voice. :laugh:

I took lessons for years and did musicals in college. Tried out for a part at the Williamstown Festival one year and didn't get it (I did get to be a stagehand in '99, though! :lol: ), but the casting director gave me some very nice compliments and I still appreciate having heard them. :laugh: That's my true passion, though, performing. But I knew I could never succeed so I never really pursued it much.

uh, me, too. :laugh: Naw, i like my singing voice, and i've taken singing lessons for a few years, and, of course, choir. Of course my belt is better than my "good" singing voice, and i use it loudly and often. But still, i'm a better mimic then a good ear, ie, I can't always bust out a harmony on the first try, but i can definitely learn anything, and eventually manage to come up with some kind of harmony. My favorite songs to sing are stevie, I like her improv yowling the best. But my favorite hard song to sing is probably...Crazy. But, basically, i sing all the time, constantly, and wish i was much better... :laugh: I'm still heartbroken from the time I tried out for Cabaret, and my singing teacher, who hated me, told the director she didn't think my voice could handle it. :distress: My big stage voice is way better than my other voice...I still hate that lady... :lol:

Johnny Stew 12-07-2004 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by dissention
I love your signature. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Isn't it the greatest?? Everytime I see it, it reminds me of my favorite Grace Slick moment: that part in "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now," where she says... in this wickedly insane voice... "Let 'em say we're CRAY-ZAH!" :lol:

Johnny Stew 12-07-2004 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by DrummerDeanna
I don't think you have to be so formal - he goes by Justin ;)

Maybe I'm just tired, but that was hysterical!

Shades of Bill Cosby.... "Damnit, will you get back in here!"
"But Dad, I'm Jesus Christ!" ;)

Gypsy-Rhiannon 12-07-2004 03:46 AM

I've always wanted to try karaoke but never been brave enough! My daughter is getting a karaoke machine for Xmas so I will give it a try!


DownOnRodeo 12-07-2004 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by Johnny Stew
Mind you, that doesn't stop me one bit, because I LOVE to sing and would rather sing and sound terrible than not sing at all.

You've got the idea, Brian! That's my philosophy too.
Sadly for me (and those who have to endure my "singing"), by the time the option of going to karaoke rears its frightening head, it's late in the night and my voice is already half-gone from trying to talk over loud music.

strandinthewind 12-07-2004 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by Johnny Stew
Isn't it the greatest?? Everytime I see it, it reminds me of my favorite Grace Slick moment: that part in "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now," where she says... in this wickedly insane voice... "Let 'em say we're CRAY-ZAH!" :lol:

Mine is, well actually there are two :laugh: - the first being when she was so "marinated" at a concert in Germany (she really did not like the Germans :laugh: ) - she sang, I think, "White Rabbit" WAY off key and in the middle of the song sat down on the stage and started to remind the crowd that "WE WON THE WAR!!!" :eek:

The second is when she hauled out down her driveway a few years ago with a shotgun hunting a phanton menance :laugh: - can you say FLASHBACK :eek: :laugh:

But, I digress, I have a HUGE stage voice. I also have a pretty and soft harmony voice.

GateandGarden 12-07-2004 09:58 AM

I LOVE to sing. The last time I did it for lots of people was high school when I was in All-Parish Choir. (I didn't get to do All-State like Curtis :p ). I'm very fond of my singing voice, and I always get complimented on it when I use it, except for when I use it around people who are really close to me, 'cause they're really sick of it at this point. I used to really dislike my voice because it's really folk/opera-sounding, and when I was in high school, I wanted to sing like Christina Aguilera. I really wanted to ditch the operettic qualities and sing like the big pop singers. Earlier on in high school, I was hell bent on sounding just like my Britney Spears CDs (I was officially insane!), but I made "Baby One More Time" sound like a selection from The Phantom of the Opera. Thankfully, I got through that phase without hurting myself.

We had a karaoke thing at my university last year, and I had a blast. The DJ had "Say You Love Me" and "You Make Lovin' Fun." I performed both of them, and I don't think even one of my peers had ever heard either one of them.


estranged4life 12-07-2004 12:30 PM

I am the kind...
of person who is always singin' as they commute to work/shop/etc. It's a form of relaxation for me to sing along to whatever cd I am playing (Loudly) at that moment.

My 2 favorite singers that I sing along to while driving are Freddie Mercury & Andi Deris (Helloween)...I would try to sing along to King Diamond's falsetto wail but I would probably explode the veins in my neck trying to hit those damn high notes :shrug:

Brian j.

seeker007nmss 12-07-2004 12:42 PM

Due to a constitutional Amendment, I am no longer aloud to sing in any of the 50 states. The UN is also looking into adding it to the Geneva Convention. I think that sums up on how I sing. Thank You.

sparky 12-07-2004 01:06 PM

I love to sing, though I am not nearly the singer I would like to be. Tragically a baritone, who can't sing high tenor to save my life. It just doesn't happen. I do okay. I took lessons for a long time, did the whole musical thing in high school and college, and did a few operas while in college. Only a chorus member, but it was fun.
My voice has gotten deeper with age, and that has been fun to play with. Thankfully, the high end isn't shredded, though I can't falsetto anymore. Never really could with any power. It always sounded silly anyway. I have enough range to sing comfortably in two solid octaves, so that is better than a stick in the eye. The good thing about Stevie now is that I can sing almost all of her parts in her new recordings. Except for a few notes in "Smile at You" that is. :laugh:

I love singing Bon Jovi songs karaoke. I do a mean "Wanted Dead Or Alive". But the chorus in "Livin' On A Prayer" leaves me in the dirt. Have to go low. :distress:

My favorite singers to sing along with are Ann Wilson and Trisha Yearwood, becase they are so all over the place, range wise. It is a hoot to sing their stuff in different octaves and play with the harmonies. Singing a bass range harmony off Ann's soprano is tons of fun.

dissention 12-07-2004 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by amber
uh, me, too. :laugh: Naw, i like my singing voice, and i've taken singing lessons for a few years, and, of course, choir. Of course my belt is better than my "good" singing voice, and i use it loudly and often. But still, i'm a better mimic then a good ear, ie, I can't always bust out a harmony on the first try, but i can definitely learn anything, and eventually manage to come up with some kind of harmony. My favorite songs to sing are stevie, I like her improv yowling the best. But my favorite hard song to sing is probably...Crazy. But, basically, i sing all the time, constantly, and wish i was much better... :laugh: I'm still heartbroken from the time I tried out for Cabaret, and my singing teacher, who hated me, told the director she didn't think my voice could handle it. :distress: My big stage voice is way better than my other voice...I still hate that lady... :lol:

The only song I've tried to sing and had a bitch of a time doing so is "Lush Life." Hardest. Song. Ever. I was drained by the time it ended and sucked badly. :laugh:

I, and very stupidly, applied to Juilliard when I was 20 because I thought I had had taken enough classes and been in enough productions to at least be considered. Obviously not. :laugh: I still have the rejection letter, telling me I needed a bit more experience. I was happy, though, because there was no way I could have ever afforded it or even finished the audition. I would have had a stroke during it. :laugh:

ryan8472 12-07-2004 02:50 PM

Aww, no one likes their singing voice except Diss. Then again, when does anyone ever try really hard at kareoke? :p Aside from the Cars last night, I *attempted* to sing Call Me by Blondie :laugh: . And, even though I was quite off key, I still got a good laugh from everyone :nod: :laugh: . That's what counts, right? :rolleyes:

amber 12-07-2004 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by dissention
The only song I've tried to sing and had a bitch of a time doing so is "Lush Life." Hardest. Song. Ever. I was drained by the time it ended and sucked badly. :laugh:

I, and very stupidly, applied to Juilliard when I was 20 because I thought I had had taken enough classes and been in enough productions to at least be considered. Obviously not. :laugh: I still have the rejection letter, telling me I needed a bit more experience. I was happy, though, because there was no way I could have ever afforded it or even finished the audition. I would have had a stroke during it. :laugh:

aww... :) I don't know the song lush life, but i'm curious as to what could be the hardest song evah! It's good that you applied to Julliard, I think. Better than if you didn't try. :thumbsup: I think i was better at acting then singing, but you can't just go around acting every day. Which reminds me, I hated being around theatre people. They always wanted attention, and were always acting! It was gross. I'm like, "do you have to be another character, or burst into song, just when we're talking? Can you have a normal conversation as yourself?" :rolleyes: Uh, apropos of nothing...

estranged4life 12-07-2004 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by ryan8472
Aww, no one likes their singing voice except Diss.

I like my singing voice, More metal than Pop/AC/etc.

Brian j.

dissention 12-07-2004 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by amber
aww... :) I don't know the song lush life, but i'm curious as to what could be the hardest song evah! It's good that you applied to Julliard, I think. Better than if you didn't try. :thumbsup: I think i was better at acting then singing, but you can't just go around acting every day. Which reminds me, I hated being around theatre people. They always wanted attention, and were always acting! It was gross. I'm like, "do you have to be another character, or burst into song, just when we're talking? Can you have a normal conversation as yourself?" :rolleyes: Uh, apropos of nothing...

Queen Latifah does a fantastic version of Lush Life on the Living Out Loud soundtrack, as does Natalie Cole on "Unforgettable." :nod: It's strenuous to sing. My stomach hurt after I did it. :laugh: I'm a very theatrical person, anyways.

I applied for the acting program, not the music one. It just so happened that I had done musicals and taken voice lessons (it was my grandmother's friend who gave them to me, but she died when I was 16 and that was it). I did a lot of community theater, too, along with the college productions. That's why I was hoping that I could possibly get a role during the Williamstown Festival. But, alas, I didn't.

It depresses me to talk about, though, because while I love my job for many reasons, it's not what I want to do. Given the opportunity to study acting or find ways to incororate ugly duvet covers, I'm going to go with acting. I'm still bitter over all of it. :laugh:

And I want mass love, anyways. :p

strandinthewind 12-07-2004 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by dissention
Queen Latifah does a fantastic version of Lush Life on the Living Out Loud soundtrack, as does Natalie Cole on "Unforgettable." :nod: It's strenuous to sing. My stomach hurt after I did it. :laugh: I'm a very theatrical person, anyways.

I applied for the acting program, not the music one. It just so happened that I had done musicals and taken voice lessons (it was my grandmother's friend who gave them to me, but she died when I was 16 and that was it). I did a lot of community theater, too, along with the college productions. That's why I was hoping that I could possibly get a role during the Williamstown Festival. But, alas, I didn't.

It depresses me to talk about, though, because while I love my job for many reasons, it's not what I want to do. Given the opportunity to study acting or find ways to incororate ugly duvet covers, I'm going to go with acting. I'm still bitter over all of it. :laugh:

And I want mass love, anyways. :p

I know - I could have acted and sang my way across every stage in this and ither countries for my entire life and that would have been fine with me :cool: But, it did not happen that way AND selling it to a jury of 10 or so when you are hoarse is ALOT easier than selling it to a crowded house :laugh: So, I am what IIIIII AAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMM :laugh:

dissention 12-07-2004 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by strandinthewind
I know - I could have acted and sang my way across every stage in this and ither countries for my entire life and that would have been fine with me :cool: But, it did not happen that way AND selling it to a jury of 10 or so when you are hoarse is ALOT easier than selling it to a crowded house :laugh: So, I am what IIIIII AAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMM :laugh:


But when I get depressed over it all, I just remind myself that I'm still a spring chicken and I could always pursue it at anytime. :laugh: Anything is possible, they say.

amber 12-07-2004 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by dissention
And I want mass love, anyways. :p

:laugh: :laugh:
Me, too. I wanted to be a film actress from age 12-21 :) But i'm over it. But when i was little, and picked things i would be, it went like this:
2-8yrs. - famous gymnast
8-10 - famous basketball player ( :shrug: )
11-12 - (?)
12-21 - famous actress..
Do you have Mars in Leo?

amber 12-07-2004 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by strandinthewind
I know - I could have acted and sang my way across every stage in this and ither countries for my entire life and that would have been fine with me :cool: But, it did not happen that way AND selling it to a jury of 10 or so when you are hoarse is ALOT easier than selling it to a crowded house :laugh: So, I am what IIIIII AAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMM :laugh:

You remind me of a theater-ey type. :)

DrummerDeanna 12-07-2004 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by amber
Which reminds me, I hated being around theatre people. They always wanted attention, and were always acting! It was gross. I'm like, "do you have to be another character, or burst into song, just when we're talking? Can you have a normal conversation as yourself?" :rolleyes: Uh, apropos of nothing...

hahaha- YES!! I Totally know what you're talking about - I was in theater briefly - but was SO annoyed by the hardcore folks...I couldn't take it...

BUT I also have the same beef with chorus kids - I remember in high school we had to go on a duel band/chorus trip - those bastards sang the ENTIRE time....sang sang sang...all the time...finally people were yelling at them, "YES! We know you can sing - now shut UP!!!" hahha...

but...I think in high school I was super obnoxious in my own way...:nod:

It seems the theater folk from my old college never outgrew the constant acting best friend is a theater major - even he gets ticked at people like that....

dissention 12-07-2004 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by amber
:laugh: :laugh:
Me, too. I wanted to be a film actress from age 12-21 :) But i'm over it. But when i was little, and picked things i would be, it went like this:
2-8yrs. - famous gymnast
8-10 - famous basketball player ( :shrug: )
11-12 - (?)
12-21 - famous actress..
Do you have Mars in Leo?

I always wanted to be a star, ever since I was a tyke, and I doubt I'll ever get over it. :laugh:

wondergirl9847 12-07-2004 03:18 PM

I love to sing...I've been singing all day with my iTunes playlist. I've put my favorite songs on there and I'm in such a great mood today!!!

Seteca is the only person, besides my family to have heard me sing. LOL

Right now, I'm singing: George Michael's Praying For Time. :)

strandinthewind 12-07-2004 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by dissention
I always wanted to be a star, ever since I was a tyke, and I doubt I'll ever get over it. :laugh:

Move it on over Berry - you can ask ANYONE on this board who has met me that I - and no one else - am the star :laugh: :cool: :wavey:

Plus, at 6'4 - I will dwarf you!!!!!!!!!!! You will get no light. It will ALL go to me - as it usually does :mad:

LOL - actors and our egos!!!! :cool: :wavey:

amber 12-07-2004 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by DrummerDeanna
hahaha- YES!! I Totally know what you're talking about - I was in theater briefly - but was SO annoyed by the hardcore folks...I couldn't take it...

BUT I also have the same beef with chorus kids - I remember in high school we had to go on a duel band/chorus trip - those bastards sang the ENTIRE time....sang sang sang...all the time...finally people were yelling at them, "YES! We know you can sing - now shut UP!!!" hahha...

but...I think in high school I was super obnoxious in my own way...:nod:

It seems the theater folk from my old college never outgrew the constant acting best friend is a theater major - even he gets ticked at people like that....

:laugh: :laugh: yep, so glad you know what i'm talking about! I wanted to be an actress, but a film actress. I always imagined some of the film actors maybe weren't as obnoxious in that special "look at me!" way. Plus, I always preferred film style acting, it's more subtle, just in the eyes and that. I don't care for "big acting" that the theatre produces. I like subtle nuance... :) More...what's going on inside your head, than what's coming out of your mouth :laugh:

dissention 12-07-2004 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by strandinthewind
Move it on over Berry - you can ask ANYONE on this board who has met me that I - and no one else - am the star :laugh: :cool: :wavey:

Plus, at 6'4 - I will dwarf you!!!!!!!!!!! You will get no light. It will ALL go to me - as it usually does :mad:

LOL - actors and our egos!!!! :cool: :wavey:

:lol: You're only two inches taller than I am!

I could dwarf you with my ego and my mouth alone. ;)

amber 12-07-2004 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by strandinthewind
Move it on over Berry - you can ask ANYONE on this board who has met me that I - and no one else - am the star :laugh: :cool: :wavey:

Plus, at 6'4 - I will dwarf you!!!!!!!!!!! You will get no light. It will ALL go to me - as it usually does :mad:

LOL - actors and our egos!!!! :cool: :wavey:

Wow, just reading that grossed me out, and i can't even see you! :laugh:

strandinthewind 12-07-2004 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by dissention
:lol: You're only two inches taller than I am!

I could dwarf you with my ego and my mouth alone. ;)

Hello - I sang FIRST TENOR - so I doubt it :laugh: :rolleyes:

Seriously, can't you see it, it would be like the classic Bette Davis manuevering - like when she would break blocking and position herself between the camera and the other character's big moment in the scene :laugh:

estranged4life 12-07-2004 03:25 PM

When I was in...
fourth grade our school (Irving Elementary in Muskogee, OK) was picked to be on ABC's "Good Morning America" to perform a Thanksgiving play...Wanna guess who got stuck with one of the lead characters (ie-"Joseph Smith")???

Yeah, that s**t happened to me more-often-then-not...I wonder why :rolleyes:

Brian j.

amber 12-07-2004 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by dissention
:lol: You're only two inches taller than I am!

I could dwarf you with my ego and my mouth alone. ;)

:rolleyes: Geesh, good thing i talk fast, looks like i would have to if i was ever around either of you. "You can consume all the beauty in the room, baybeh" I love attention, but people who need that much, all the time? freak me out! I'm like "are you ok?" :o

strandinthewind 12-07-2004 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by amber
Wow, just reading that grossed me out, and i can't even see you! :laugh:

Take some Pepto B. and get over it :wavey: :laugh:

amber 12-07-2004 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by strandinthewind
Hello - I sang FIRST TENOR - so I dout it :laugh: :rolleyes:

Seriously, can't you see it, it would be like the classic Bette Davis manuevering - like when she would break blocking and position herself between the camera and the other character's big moment in the scene :laugh:

Only cause she was the best one.... :p Who wants to watch someone else with Bette up there?

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