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AliceLover 06-16-2009 11:41 PM

Manchester, NH Reviews/Pics
I just got back from the show and it was absolutely fantastic. I had never been to this arena before and I was quite skeptical. It seemed kind of old and definitely smaller. When we walked into the arena at around 7:40, there were already several people down at the stage. The rule was anyone in the first 15 rows could be at the stage. My mother and I usually always opt to go to the front of the stage, but she was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and is going through chemo, so we decided to stay in our 4th row center seats, which were unbelieveable.

The stage was terrible high and there were a few people making a fuss about the people at the stage, which I thought was understandable. There was this one poor woman who said she paid $900 for a front row seat and there were so many people blocking her. She started to freak out and cry. I think I would have been crying as well, but once the show started she seemed better.

As for the actual show: This is the Lindsey Buckingham show. From the songs he chooses, to his performance, to his incredible guitar skills, and to his interaction with the crowd, this is his tour. He is just unbelieveable. Stevie has gotten better since the last time I saw them (March 09), but she is still kinda boring. Her eyes never seem open and her voice is a bit questionable. She avoided some high notes and forgot some words. I love the woman, but shes starting to slip a bit. She was all smiles tonight though!

Monday Morning - Mick ran out on stage and everyone went nuts, followed by John who got just as much applause, and then finally those 2 crazy california lovebirds. This song is just a kickass opener. When the music burst in I just started screaming!!

The Chain - Stevie was doin some pretty cool tambo moves on this one. Although, it was quite difficult to hear her vocals. When the guitar solo started, she did a high kick which yes indeed made me squeal.

Dreams - "What you haaaaaaaaad". She went for that high note. Everything else was the same as usual.

I Know Im Not Wrong - Everyone was up and dancing for this one. Its just such a great concert song. The solo at the end just kicks ass!

Gypsy - She told the same story we've been hearing. The only thing that may have been different was that she said she didn't even know Lindsey lived a few houses down from her or something like that. I like how in the recent versions of Gypsy, Stevie walks around the stage at the end near the front of the crowd. When she neared the edge of the stage, everyone started screaming. I also love how she finishes off the song with a few twirls and a majestic pose. I wish I snapped a photo, but I was too busy drooling.

Go Insane - This was new to me on Lindseys solo tour, and the full band version is just fantastic. I love the way Lindsey's acoustic sounds through the loud speakers. I was dancin away to this one. At the end he fell on the ground and put his head in his lap. Pretty cool.

Rhiannon - I paid absolutely no attention to this whatsoever. This song has become so boring to me in recent years. I just decided to play with my camera instead. She avoided all high notes at the end.

Second Hand News - Bam Bam Bam Bam, such a fun jam. Lindsey got a ton of applause from this one. Everyone was screaming for him all night.

Tusk - Ok, I felt so embarrassed for Stevie at this song. Now don't get me wrong, I love Stevie with all my heart, her music has helped me so much, but I had a realization about her during this song. At this point, the LB show had already begun, everyone knew it. At the end of Tusk, Lindsey was just absolutely jamming, jumping around to both sides of the stage and people were eating it up. In the meantime, Stevie just stood in place and banged her tambo in the same motion for 3 or 4 minutes. She just looked so ridiculous with Lindsey bopping around, jamming, rocking, having so much fun, and her with her eyes barely open.

Sara - Lots and lots of SnL action during this one. During the first verse they made a lot of eye contact. I got a pic of the staged hug of course. When Stevie was walking backstage at the end of this song, I noticed her grabbing Sharon's hand and saying something to her. Didn't know what that was about.

Big Love - He needs to cut down the intro a bit. When he went into the guitar solo for this one, everyone went crazy!

Landslide - Stevie dedicated this to Sharon Celani. She told the story about how she met her in a tree house, ect. This was especially touching to me tonight.

Never Goin Back - I love the new little intro Lindsey does. Reminds me of the Rumours/Tusk version of the song. It was interesting to observe stevie during this one. She had her head faced away from the audience, with both of her hands stretching her skirt.

Storms - Oh gawd, what a heartbreaker. I must admit, I thought of my ex when she was singing this one. Definitely teared up a bit. She forgot the words to the second verse (as did I while I was singing along, so strange) and it took her a while to get back into it. I don't know why she doesn't look down at her teleprompter??

Say You Love Me - This was great! When it was Lindsey's verse to sing, Stevie went to Mick's drum kit and banged his symbol with her tambourine.

Gold Dust Woman - I don't know why they are stretching this one out. I liked the short and sweet version from the beginning of the tour. It was quite hard to make out her wail.

Oh Well - So much better this time than the last time I saw it. Everyone in the crowd was rocking along!

I'm So Afraid - Do I even have to comment? The man is a guitar GOD. At this point, I was jumping up and down.

Stand Back - YAY! Always a favorite of mine. Nothing particularly different, but I got a cool picture of her twirling which I will post soon.

GYOW/WT/DS - All the usual stuff. When Mick's solo comes to a close at the end of WT, Stevie, John, and Lindsey all charge the drum kit together. It was cool.

No silver springs. :distress:

I took a boatload of pics which I will be uploading soon enough.

kenzo 06-17-2009 12:01 AM

Wish the sound had been better there - the levels were way too high, harsh and over compressed. It wasn't as objectionable on the "softer" songs (Landslide etc.)

Steviefan49 06-17-2009 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by AliceLover (Post 826183)
I just got back from the show and it was absolutely fantastic. I had never been to this arena before and I was quite skeptical. It seemed kind of old and definitely smaller. When we walked into the arena at around 7:40, there were already several people down at the stage. The rule was anyone in the first 15 rows could be at the stage. My mother and I usually always opt to go to the front of the stage, but she was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and is going through chemo, so we decided to stay in our 4th row center seats, which were unbelieveable.

The stage was terrible high and there were a few people making a fuss about the people at the stage, which I thought was understandable. There was this one poor woman who said she paid $900 for a front row seat and there were so many people blocking her. She started to freak out and cry. I think I would have been crying as well, but once the show started she seemed better.

As for the actual show: This is the Lindsey Buckingham show. From the songs he chooses, to his performance, to his incredible guitar skills, and to his interaction with the crowd, this is his tour. He is just unbelieveable. Stevie has gotten better since the last time I saw them (March 09), but she is still kinda boring. Her eyes never seem open and her voice is a bit questionable. She avoided some high notes and forgot some words. I love the woman, but shes starting to slip a bit. She was all smiles tonight though!

Monday Morning - Mick ran out on stage and everyone went nuts, followed by John who got just as much applause, and then finally those 2 crazy california lovebirds. This song is just a kickass opener. When the music burst in I just started screaming!!

The Chain - Stevie was doin some pretty cool tambo moves on this one. Although, it was quite difficult to hear her vocals. When the guitar solo started, she did a high kick which yes indeed made me squeal.

Dreams - "What you haaaaaaaaad". She went for that high note. Everything else was the same as usual.

I Know Im Not Wrong - Everyone was up and dancing for this one. Its just such a great concert song. The solo at the end just kicks ass!

Gypsy - She told the same story we've been hearing. The only thing that may have been different was that she said she didn't even know Lindsey lived a few houses down from her or something like that. I like how in the recent versions of Gypsy, Stevie walks around the stage at the end near the front of the crowd. When she neared the edge of the stage, everyone started screaming. I also love how she finishes off the song with a few twirls and a majestic pose. I wish I snapped a photo, but I was too busy drooling.

Go Insane - This was new to me on Lindseys solo tour, and the full band version is just fantastic. I love the way Lindsey's acoustic sounds through the loud speakers. I was dancin away to this one. At the end he fell on the ground and put his head in his lap. Pretty cool.

Rhiannon - I paid absolutely no attention to this whatsoever. This song has become so boring to me in recent years. I just decided to play with my camera instead. She avoided all high notes at the end.

Second Hand News - Bam Bam Bam Bam, such a fun jam. Lindsey got a ton of applause from this one. Everyone was screaming for him all night.

Tusk - Ok, I felt so embarrassed for Stevie at this song. Now don't get me wrong, I love Stevie with all my heart, her music has helped me so much, but I had a realization about her during this song. At this point, the LB show had already begun, everyone knew it. At the end of Tusk, Lindsey was just absolutely jamming, jumping around to both sides of the stage and people were eating it up. In the meantime, Stevie just stood in place and banged her tambo in the same motion for 3 or 4 minutes. She just looked so ridiculous with Lindsey bopping around, jamming, rocking, having so much fun, and her with her eyes barely open.

Sara - Lots and lots of SnL action during this one. During the first verse they made a lot of eye contact. I got a pic of the staged hug of course. When Stevie was walking backstage at the end of this song, I noticed her grabbing Sharon's hand and saying something to her. Didn't know what that was about.

Big Love - He needs to cut down the intro a bit. When he went into the guitar solo for this one, everyone went crazy!

Landslide - Stevie dedicated this to Sharon Celani. She told the story about how she met her in a tree house, ect. This was especially touching to me tonight.

Never Goin Back - I love the new little intro Lindsey does. Reminds me of the Rumours/Tusk version of the song. It was interesting to observe stevie during this one. She had her head faced away from the audience, with both of her hands stretching her skirt.

Storms - Oh gawd, what a heartbreaker. I must admit, I thought of my ex when she was singing this one. Definitely teared up a bit. She forgot the words to the second verse (as did I while I was singing along, so strange) and it took her a while to get back into it. I don't know why she doesn't look down at her teleprompter??

Say You Love Me - This was great! When it was Lindsey's verse to sing, Stevie went to Mick's drum kit and banged his symbol with her tambourine.

Gold Dust Woman - I don't know why they are stretching this one out. I liked the short and sweet version from the beginning of the tour. It was quite hard to make out her wail.

Oh Well - So much better this time than the last time I saw it. Everyone in the crowd was rocking along!

I'm So Afraid - Do I even have to comment? The man is a guitar GOD. At this point, I was jumping up and down.

Stand Back - YAY! Always a favorite of mine. Nothing particularly different, but I got a cool picture of her twirling which I will post soon.

GYOW/WT/DS - All the usual stuff. When Mick's solo comes to a close at the end of WT, Stevie, John, and Lindsey all charge the drum kit together. It was cool.

No silver springs. :distress:

I took a boatload of pics which I will be uploading soon enough.

Hey Jimmy..

Great Review!!! Thanks SO much! I'm very sorry though to hear about your Mom! She's definitely in my thoughts and prayers..

Maria78 06-17-2009 12:34 AM

I have to say I was also really pissed about so many rows being able to go up to the front. I paid about $100 extra for front row (the first time I have EVER had front row) and figured that I would be able to be at the stage, or at the very least have first dibs at the stage and then they would let the other rows up after the front row. We got there at about 7:30 and the people who were already at the stage were NOT being cooperative at all about letting others in. I was standing near 2 ladies (and I use the term loosely) who had their elbows out across the stage and were taking up enough room for 4 people and refused to even move a few inches. Luckily there was a very nice mother and son with whom my friend struck up a conversation and the mother realized that we had front row and they had second row, the mother asked her son to let me in front of him since he was taller than me. But once he let me move in front that's when I encountered the two women who were taking up all the space, so I was forced to stand in front of the speaker which was taller than me. So needless to say, I have lots of ringing in my ears and I had to stand on my tip toes to see ANYTHING because of those annoying women.

It truly makes me sad that this was my sixth or seventh Mac show and I was truly looking forward to having front row seats that I worked a lot of OT to pay for and people at the stage had to act that way. Seriously, we are all fans, we all payed good money to see them, why do others have to ruin it?

Aside from my personal issues with the standing arrangements, it was another wonderful show! I have yet to be disappointed by any of the performances and am looking forward to seeing everyone's photos!

PS - I forgot to mention this earlier but I did at least get to play Lindsey's guitar during I'm So Afraid and (I think) GYOW - my brain is fried so all the songs are running togehter.

Enchanted_Stevi 06-17-2009 12:44 AM

OKay so I have been home for like an hour, but I have been uploading pictures and what not.

So Eric and I got at the venue around 6:30 I wanna say. I dont even know when they opened the doors, but once they did we went to our seats kind of. The security was saying how the band encourages us to be at the stage. So when we got to the front of the stage there were a few people already there. Including PATTIE!!(good to see you!!). So I parked my place right in front of Stevie's spot behind two VERY nice ladies{good thing they were short ;-)} So we all start talking and not getting all excited. So once the crowd started getting crowded in the front there was this ONE CRAZY lady who was obviously VERY intoxicated! She was complaining on how she paid $900 for her front row seat and she's not even front row and she started BAWLING her eyes out and pushing and shuving us. We all bitched at her xD But she was EXTEREMLY RUDE! She was also giving the two ladies infront of me like the EVIL death stare. Now I'm not too good with a lot of people around me. So THANK god the people around me were VERY nice. Especially the guy behind me who pushed the drunk lady out of my way because she was like pushing my back. Oh and throughout the ENTIRE show she was screaming "BLEED TO LOVE HER!!!" not even joking..EVERY song!! So ****in annoying. So i'll start my review from what I sorta remember HAHA So sorry if I get some stuff mixed up. =)

Monday Morning- Mick came out being his goofy self on stage followed by Mick and then Stevie and Lindsey. Awesome song =)

The Chain- Stevie did a high kick sometime during it and I was suprised! I was like "WORK IT GURL!" I'm pretty sure at the end of this song Stevie winked at someone or just winked in general to the crowd and it was SO cute!!

Dreams- The usual

I Know I'm Not Wrong- SO AWESOME. I LOVE this song. So awesome live.

Gypsy- She told the story about about she joined Fritz and how no one in the band was in school but she was and no one cared obviously and how Lindsey and Stevie shared a bed on the floor...etc. Very cute story. I got part of this song on video.

Go Insane- I can not say this enough about how much I LOVE this song live with the full band!!

Rhiannon- I always love Rhiannon live. I was rockin out like always. Nothing special during it though. I got some pretty good shots of her.

Second Hand News- The usual. Everyone was singing and dancing. Very cool

Tusk- Meh

Sara- LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE this song live! I called my mom during it. I put my cell phone in my top so I could take pictures xD So I got some good pics. Stevie didnt go to Lindsey's mic though =\ But they did the hug and it was so cute!

Big Love- He was saying the intro and that stupid bitch screaming "BLEED TO LOVE HER!" was screaming it multiple times during his speech. So he plays a little riff of it I think and he looks over and is like "Can I finish what I started saying?"

Landslide- She dedicated it to Sharon and told the stpry how how they met =) I called my mom during this too another on of her fav

Never Going Back Again- I'm pretty sure this is the song where Stevie was stretching out her skirt slowly like she was doing an interpretive dance...but Nothing special

Storms- OH EM GEE! I felt so BAD for Stevie!! During one line she TOTALLY missed it and was looking at her teleprompter and was like "I got this" and like twirls her fingers around her head like she's started singing again. It was an overall good performance minus the mess up

Say You Love Me- I really enjoy this song with Lindsey and Stevie. During when Lindsey was singing one of his verses Stevie walked over to Mick's drums and banged her tambourine on his symbol =P

Gold Dust Woman- She like enxtended the version saying....oh man I dont remember!! i'm sure someone will post what she was saying. But it was awesome!

Oh Well- SO EPIC! Mick and Lindsey were very playful during it. Lindsey was SOOO into it. During the line when he mentions GOD he starts looking around and looking up. Too awesome.

I'm So Afraid- EPIC! Lindsey is amazing at guitar..end of story!

Stand Back- I was WICKED pumped when she did this. I LOVE Stand Back and of course I was dancing around singing. She had the double shawl thing. Lighter shawl under and then the Stand Back shawl over. LOVE the ending still.. "1, 2, 3, 4 OOOOOH YEAAAAA UHHH HUUUUUUUH" SO AWESOME

Go Your Own Way- EVERYONE was singing it!! Same performance as they always do

World Turning- LOOOOOOOOOOVE Mick's drum solo! He's a drum GOD!

Dont Stop- The usual

No Silver Springs though =(

I'll post pics a bit later

hs421139 06-17-2009 01:14 AM

Another great show, sans the intoxicated woman, good to see Caitlin, Eric, Bill, Pattie, nice to meet Tori, Dottie, Roger.
No Silver Springs :(
Some pictures

Enchanted_Stevi 06-17-2009 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by hs421139 (Post 826193)

It was AWESOME seeing you for like 2.5 seriously need like a meet up or something so we can all hang out all day. your pictures are AWESOME

WelshWitchPMD 06-17-2009 06:08 AM

Great show last night and it was nice to get to see some of you again. Caitlin is right we need to do a get together this summer. Well, I finally got one of Lindsey's picks thanks to a few nice people around me. :angel:
Stevie forgot some of the lyrics of Storms which was sort of funny. I did not get it on video of course.
Well here are some of my pics.

WelshWitchPMD 06-17-2009 06:10 AM

More pics

WelshWitchPMD 06-17-2009 06:15 AM

last ones

GODDESS6 06-17-2009 07:36 AM

thanx pattie, glad you all had a wonderful time~ i especially love the pic of lindsey sitting on the floor!!!~

JeannieKartis 06-17-2009 07:41 AM

awesome shots! thanks

StandbackStevie 06-17-2009 08:19 AM

[QUOTE=hs421139;826193]Another great show, sans the intoxicated woman, good to see Caitlin, Eric, Bill, Pattie, nice to meet Tori, Dottie, Roger.
No Silver Springs :(
Some pictures

nice pics tina glad you had an awesome time tonight is my night to be at the mohegan sun :blob2::]:D:laugh:

StandbackStevie 06-17-2009 08:20 AM

nice pics pattie you always take nice pics you going to mohegan sun show tonight?

Enchanted_Stevi 06-17-2009 10:05 AM

Here's some of my pictures =)

Enchanted_Stevi 06-17-2009 10:06 AM

MORE...yes I took a LOT of pictures!

Enchanted_Stevi 06-17-2009 10:10 AM


Enchanted_Stevi 06-17-2009 10:12 AM

Songbird4 06-17-2009 10:51 AM

Everyone has already done a really great job reporting on the show and posted some great pictures. I thought the concert was great. Better than all the shows I've seen. Of course it was the LB show. And rightfully so, he did a great job. SN seemed more awake and into the show all the way through, as opposed to getting happy mid-show. Even with the Storms slip up (did anyone else feel like those few seconds lasted forever??), she still recovered and finished it off beautifully. And she sang her heart out on Sara and GDW. She looked genuinely happy to be there.

Did anyone else catch the added part to Gypsy...

"And you see your gypsy...and you say 'hey baby'" as she is waving. She did it twice. This was the first show I've seen it at....granted I haven't been to a show since May. She was making herself might have been the cutest thing I've ever seen!!

Now onto tonight's show!! :D


Enchanted_Stevi 06-17-2009 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Songbird4 (Post 826228)
Everyone has already done a really great job reporting on the show and posted some great pictures. I thought the concert was great. Better than all the shows I've seen. Of course it was the LB show. And rightfully so, he did a great job. SN seemed more awake and into the show all the way through, as opposed to getting happy mid-show. Even with the Storms slip up (did anyone else feel like those few seconds lasted forever??), she still recovered and finished it off beautifully. And she sang her heart out on Sara and GDW. She looked genuinely happy to be there.

Did anyone else catch the added part to Gypsy...

"And you see your gypsy...and you say 'hey baby'" as she is waving. She did it twice. This was the first show I've seen it at....granted I haven't been to a show since May. She was making herself might have been the cutest thing I've ever seen!!

Now onto tonight's show!! :D


OH YEA! I totally forgot about that!!

camchristo 06-17-2009 11:11 AM

I've said this before and I'll say it again. I agree that it is bull**** that someone from the 15th row (or wherever since security doesn't seem to be checking tickets) can be in front of someone with first row tickets.

I understand the band likes people up front. However, the people with first row tickets should have first choice of where they want to stand. They should not let people up until after the first song or two so the people with front row seats can establish their spot. And then, they should only allow like the first five rows up.

Because of the issues discussed previously in this thread, I almost prefer second row because I have the option of moving up or I can stay in my seat and not have people pushing and shoving. And I can usually see better without having to crane my neck up all night.

Earlier in the tour, they were not allowing people up until after ISA and then only the first few rows. Front row was enjoyable then. Now? I don't know that it would be if I had to fight for my spot. I can understand how the woman who paid $900 for her seat would be pissed. Wouldn't you?

belladonnadream 06-17-2009 11:18 AM

Thanks for posting the pics...sounds like you all had fun!:nod: So wish I could have gone to more shows than 2 this tour!

Enchanted_Stevi 06-17-2009 11:22 AM

Enchanted_Stevi 06-17-2009 11:25 AM

JeannieKartis 06-17-2009 11:47 AM

nice, you got some great shots, thanks!

ChristyL17 06-17-2009 11:47 AM

Love the pictures! I noticed how Stevie's eyes droop and I think she just needs an eye lift. My mom is in her mid 50's and had it done a few years ago, it's not a major procedure. My mom actually could have had insurance pay for it because the skin from her eyelid was drooping so much that it was actually affecting her eyesight. Otherwise, Stevie looks fantastic!!!

CelticGypsy 06-17-2009 11:48 AM

Amazing reviews and photos from everybody that was at the concert! Thanks so much for sharing:xoxo:

I also agree that people should wait before taking over the stage. I would have been upset if I paid a lot of money (over regular price) for tickets in front and everybody from the back rows took over the stage at the beginning of the concert.

The lady yelling about "Bleed to Love Her" was sort of funny:laugh::lol: I'm sure she was also very annoying to everyone around her and to Lindsey:D The dangers of alcohol:laugh:

michelej1 06-17-2009 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by AliceLover (Post 826183)
Rhiannon - I paid absolutely no attention to this whatsoever.

This reminds me of me. I don't pay attention to this song. I sit down and take a break. Think about what I'm going to wear to work tomorrow . . . I usually don't pay attention to Dreams either, but Dreams has been pretty good this tour. Stevie has fiddled with it and I do appreciate the extra effort she's giving it. I also don't spend a lot of time looking at Lindsey during his ISA guitar solos I sing the lyric part with him and then I just go about my business and let him showboat. I pay attention to the audience response as it reaches a crescendo than I do to him.


Originally Posted by AliceLover (Post 826183)
Sara - Lots and lots of SnL action during this one. During the first verse they made a lot of eye contact. I got a pic of the staged hug of course. When Stevie was walking backstage at the end of this song, I noticed her grabbing Sharon's hand and saying something to her. Didn't know what that was about.

She usually does grab Sharon's hand as she walks by after this one. I don't know if she usually speaks to her or not. Maybe she was telling her about the Landslide dedication coming up :laugh:.


Originally Posted by AliceLover (Post 826183)
Never Goin Back - I love the new little intro Lindsey does. Reminds me of the Rumours/Tusk version of the song. It was interesting to observe stevie during this one. She had her head faced away from the audience, with both of her hands stretching her skirt.

I would try to get a picture of Stevie during this song when she was away from her mic, but it's too dark where she is and, as you say, her back is often turned, so I never had much luck.

Thanks for the review.


michelej1 06-17-2009 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Maria78 (Post 826190)
I have to say I was also really pissed about so many rows being able to go up to the front.

I'm sorry you had such a bad experience. The band wants as many people up front to keep its own adrenalin pumping, without worrying about the inconvenience to the people who are actually paying them.


HejiraNYC 06-17-2009 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by camchristo (Post 826230)
I've said this before and I'll say it again. I agree that it is bull**** that someone from the 15th row (or wherever since security doesn't seem to be checking tickets) can be in front of someone with first row tickets.

Earlier in the tour, they were not allowing people up until after ISA and then only the first few rows. Front row was enjoyable then. Now? I don't know that it would be if I had to fight for my spot. I can understand how the woman who paid $900 for her seat would be pissed. Wouldn't you?

I disagree. As the old saying goes- caveat emptor. There is nothing on the ticket that guarantees you a standing spot in front of the stage. All it guarantees you is a seat located in the front row, which is exactly what this woman got. Nobody put a gun to her head and forced her to fork over $900 for that ticket- the idiot got what she paid for.

Personally I think this is a shrewd move by the band, and it is nothing but a goodwill gesture towards their fans. As word of this policy becomes more widespread, people will be less willing to pay scalpers huge sums of money for front row seats, thereby discouraging scalping significantly. It definitely levels the playing field between the haves and have-nots. Furthermore, I'm sure they are sick of looking at bored, disinterested rich old people sitting in the front row throughout the show with their arms folded. :rolleyes:

michelej1 06-17-2009 12:14 PM

Thanks for the review and amazing photos Enchanted Stevie. I really laughed at the fact that she said she was the only member of Fritz in school and no one else cared. That is just like her. But she usually doesn't say the same things when Lindsey is next to her that she does in interviews.

C'mon Stevie. What kind of grades were you getting in school anyway? How much were they really taking you away from?


michelej1 06-17-2009 12:17 PM


I like the one with LB on the floor and also the one where Stevie has got her sleeve covering the bottom half of her face. Great pictures, as always.

Thank you.


Enchanted_Stevi 06-17-2009 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by michelej1 (Post 826242)
Thanks for the review and amazing photos Enchanted Stevie. I really laughed at the fact that she said she was the only member of Fritz in school and no one else cared. That is just like her. But she usually doesn't say the same things when Lindsey is next to her that she does in interviews.

C'mon Stevie. What kind of grades were you getting in school anyway? How much were they really taking you away from?


I KNOW! The Gypsy story was pretty funny. I would like to know what grades she was getting in school!

michelej1 06-17-2009 12:24 PM

In Los Angeles, security went to people in the front row and told them that they better go up to the stage and stake their claim, before the other rows were allowed up. So, people got a bit of a heads up. I think that's the best way to handle it, if you insist on letting 15 rows up to the stage.


Originally Posted by HejiraNYC (Post 826241)
It definitely levels the playing field between the haves and have-nots.

I think they should be more concerned with leveling the playing field between tall and short people; pushy jerks vs. reserved fans; drunk and disorderly vs. the courteous; young and old; strong and infirm. Make things fairer between those groups.

Aside from that, not everyone in the front row bought from scalpers. Some bought the band's own VIP tickets and the band surely has a duty towards those people that they got the extra money from. If you paid extra for the meet and greet package, Mick should come down to the floor and lift you onto his shoulders, to guarantee that you see the stage.


HejiraNYC 06-17-2009 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by michelej1 (Post 826249)
Aside from that, not everyone in the front row bought from scalpers. Some bought the band's own VIP tickets and the band surely has a duty towards those people that they got the extra money from. If you paid extra for the meet and greet package, Mick should come down to the floor and lift you onto his shoulders, to guarantee that you see the stage.


...and Cory should be waving palm fronds and feeding you peeled grapes too. I would pay $900 for that.

stevierocks87 06-17-2009 12:52 PM

Great pics, thank you. Although, and I really hate that I even care, is Stevie not wearing the boots for any songs anymore? Although the boks do look a lot better with the legwarmers.

Erin 06-17-2009 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by michelej1 (Post 826249)
I think they should be more concerned with leveling the playing field between tall and short people; pushy jerks vs. reserved fans; drunk and disorderly vs. the courteous; young and old; strong and infirm. Make things fairer between those groups.

But how do you do that? I understand the drunk fan issues, etc., but because I'm relatively young and tall I have to let everyone who is older and shorter than me stand in front of me? I don't think so. I've had first and second row tickets for the two shows I went to. Front row in Chicago we weren't let up until after ISA and I went right to the stage so I could have a massive crick in my neck the next day. ;) Second show in Milwaukee I had second row and let people who had front row stand in front of me. That's what seemed fair to me. Is DavidMN taller than me? Yes, but so what. Them's the breaks. Were there shorter people behind me? Definitely. Did I care? Not really. However, I also think letting too many people up from the back of the floor can be dangerous. The first 5 rows seems like a good balance, plus letting the front rowers stake their spots first and move back accordingly. Of course the logistics of even doing that I'm sure are problematic.

Enchanted_Stevi 06-17-2009 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by stevierocks87 (Post 826258)
Great pics, thank you. Although, and I really hate that I even care, is Stevie not wearing the boots for any songs anymore? Although the boks do look a lot better with the legwarmers.

I think she alternates with every show. Depending on how she feels. One night she might mix up boots with the boks and some nights she might just wear the boks.

michelej1 06-17-2009 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Erin (Post 826261)
But how do you do that?

You do it by limiting the number people who can come up to the stage or just keep everyone in their seats.

I'm not saying the Mac should differentiate between height, age or anything else. I'm just saying when you use more control, it's fairer for everyone. When it's a general admission free for all, then it's survival of the fittest and the the weaker and passive tend to get the short end of the stick.

Only allow people in the first 3-5 rows up to the front of the stage. That will keep it orderly down there.


Originally Posted by Erin (Post 826261)
Is DavidMN taller than me? Yes, but so what. Them's the breaks.

I wasn't saying otherwise. I was responding specifically to the suggestion that we even the playing field between the have and have nots. My point was that there are other have and have not issues besides money and that when you don't give priority to people according to their concert seat, then you unlevel more playing fields than you level.


RoseGarden 06-17-2009 01:55 PM

There really is no way of crowd controlling when it's a free for all invited to go up to the stage. The drunken fan could of been advised from security that she'd be escorted out if she didn't stop the disruption.
Chances are , most people would of let her move up if she just hadn't done the screaming and pushing............but it's a crazy world.....

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