The Ledge

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AnthonyMI 01-27-2009 11:36 AM

Any ledgies from the 97-2000 era left?
Hey guys. I was a ledge addict. Now recovered after a 12 step program called "College and the career". Well I am going to see Fleetwood Mac in Chicago and was wondering what ever happened to the cyber friends I made on here 10+ years ago when I first got the internet. There was a group of "kids" around my age that I am looking to reconnect with.We posted all the time and spent HOURS in the Talk to Me Chat Room. Oh, how I loved the "lag test" messages when it crapped out. 1997 seems like yesterday, but technology has come SO far. The "ledge wars" of 2000 also kind of turned me off to the site, the "Black Ledge" and the name calling got out of hand. I noticed I am a "jr ledgie" on here. Too bad they can not retroactively count all the postings i made in those years. I would totally be addict level. Even after 8 years off!

1. Scott Boucher : The only other "boy" my age on here at that point. A year or two behing me in high school. We had a lot in common. should be about mid-twenties now, lived in New Hampshire or Vermont, chatted in the old OLD PERL Talk To Me Chat Room till midnight. ON SCHOOL NIGHTS! lol

2. Erica P Muzryn? : Also from the chat. I think her screen name on Erica17 or Seventeen at times. Lived near me in Connecticut, I think in Nagatuck or Saugatuck? Went with me to opening night of the Enchanted tour, FRONT ROW CENTER!. We saw Stevie's boobs during Edge of 17! Left after high school and went into the armed forces, Navy? Have not heard from her since.

3. "Pearl" : Friend of Erica. also used to chat in the TTMCR

4. Rhiannon78: Or possibly "Sarah78" I cant remember. Ok there are prolly 100 Rhiannons on here these days, but she was one of the first and I am pretty sure about the "78". Always had the biggest collection of ancient by todays standards Real Audio bootlegs and videos. I THINK she also is the one that gave me a copy of TRIAD, which I in turn passed on to another ledgie.

And last but not least.

5. "LauraTN" : Lived in TN, met another ledgie and moved to a dairy cow farm with him, got married to him in the smokie mountains. Named several heifers after Stevie songs. awww!!

chiliD 01-27-2009 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by AnthonyMI (Post 795109)
The "ledge wars" of 2000 also kind of turned me off to the site, the "Black Ledge" and the name calling got out of hand.

Long ago and long forgotten by most.

Nice to see you back here! :wavey:

TrueFaith77 01-27-2009 12:01 PM

OMG what were the ledge wars about? or best not brought up...? :shrug:

Livia 01-27-2009 12:21 PM

Hi, Anthony!

I miss LauraTN.

AnthonyMI 01-27-2009 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by TrueFaith77 (Post 795115)
OMG what were the ledge wars about? or best not brought up...? :shrug:

Prolly not important, BUT it taught me a valuable lesson about not taking anything on the Internet seriously at all and learning to just, CHILLAX, click EXIT and do something actually important whenever someone started posting negative stuff or sending me mean email. Something that might even apply today since it looks like Johnny Stew is still having problems with that. Anyhow I guess you can say I "Got a life" and gave up on the internet at that point and started making real friends since my other "LEdge friends" moved on as well and I was growing up from a teenager to a college kid and then out of college and into other things. Plus I started competativly rowing and didnt have time to spend 4 hours a night chatting about what color clothes make Stevie look the thinnest and if Lindsey or Tom Petty or Don were the love of her life or what the meaning of Sara is. That kept me up MANY a late night debating with other ledgies. LOL!!!!

If i recall, someone created a clone of the ledge, christened it the Black Ledge, and a dozen or so people proceeded to talk about other ledgies and the owners of this website and post what might be considered hersery about Stevie by some of your standards. Somehow the link to the site got out there and became public knowledge and it hurt a lot of innocent people's feelings. People started posting responses on this ledge and flame wars commenced. There were attacks from both sides. Suicide bombers, kamikaze attacks, death threats, you name it. At one point the real Ledge was taken down totally while things cooled off. Both sides were to blame I think. Just a lot of hurt feelings and pettiness. This was right before the new format of the site and updated web boards where people could be better tracked and IP addresses blocked and so forth. I think I posted like 10 times after that and then decided I was in a different place in my life and moved on. I made some great friends on here though. Got me thru my early days on the internet and protected me from cyberstalkers and perverts. Of course I dont think cyberpredation had been invented in 97. I think To Catch a Predator didn't start up till mid 2000's. Anyhow, all you might learn something from this, maybe not. Just dont take things on here personal. Its not worth losing sleep over and you dont have to read anything people post. Its not real life. Its just for fun. So go out there, meet real people, make friends on here on the side, and talk about Fleetwood Mac when you have time and be nice.

AnthonyMI 01-27-2009 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by Livia (Post 795121)
Hi, Anthony!

I miss LauraTN.

Hmm. your name looks familiar. I might remember you too.

Laura and I used to trade bootlegs, ON TAPE. OMG. How 90's! I think I still have them somewhere in a box in my basement. Long ago downloaded in MP3 form. Laura was so nice. I hope she had lots of babies and lived happily ever after with her cows. She is the only person I could say "don't have a cow" and really mean it! I think I also bought her a copy of Buckingham Nicks at a record store though she had already got one by the time I found it. SO I kept it!

Villavic 01-27-2009 02:43 PM

I'm Villavic, the peruvian ledgie. I'm still here since the early days of the Penguin.

Yes I miss some old ledgies, including BN who I was lucky to meet in San Francisco 1998 (he gave me a nice tour in Sausalito and we took pictures of the Record Plant, where Rumours was recorded)

And I miss the old Ledgie appereance, where all replies appeared in one (long)page. That made possible to start some games like singing and continue postign the lyrics. Unfortunately the ledgies population was too big for that software, the server collapsed several times. The current one is stronger, but some games are still forbidden :laugh:

louielouie2000 01-27-2009 02:59 PM

I was a lurker during that era, but didn't actually join up with the Ledge until 2001 at "Johnny Stew"s urging (because of stuff like the Black Ledge incident, I really didn't care to add my commentary amidst all the petty infighting lol). I guess everyone does eventually get lives and move away from their online ones (I know I certainly have). I do miss the knowledge and insight of many of the older Ledgies though. Things which were utterly commonplace knowledge about the band in that group of people are mysteries to this latest crop of folks. For instance I can explain until I'm blue in the face that the "Thrown Down Single Version" was actually not a single version at all, not a Fleetwood Mac song at all, but one of Stevie's pre Trouble In Shangri La noodlings. This latest crop of people seem to be fans since Say You Will... I've been a fan since before the Time album... so they've got NO idea what I'm talking about when I bring up stuff pre 2003 lol. But I'm sure somebody like ChiliD could say the same thing about me. I guess "it reinforces my faith in cycles." :laugh:

AncientQueen 01-27-2009 03:54 PM

I was here in 2000 and even seem remember you from reading, Anthony. You won't remember me, because I just couldn't log into the Ledge then with my computer, who was an Ancient Queen then like I'm today, as a fran since 1979.

DavidMn 01-27-2009 04:18 PM

From what Ive heard, the stuff that went on back then makes anything that happens now look like nothing. And that's certainly a good thing.:)

go6car 01-27-2009 04:18 PM

I was here as well, but I don't expect anyone to really remember me. I don't often post on any boards. My name was "X" back then (how original). Then, somebody else stole that name and I became "First X". How funny, good old late 90s!


Regina 01-27-2009 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by AnthonyMI (Post 795130)
Hmm. your name looks familiar. I might remember you too.

Laura and I used to trade bootlegs, ON TAPE. OMG. How 90's! I think I still have them somewhere in a box in my basement. Long ago downloaded in MP3 form. Laura was so nice. I hope she had lots of babies and lived happily ever after with her cows. She is the only person I could say "don't have a cow" and really mean it! I think I also bought her a copy of Buckingham Nicks at a record store though she had already got one by the time I found it. SO I kept it!

The last time I heard from Laura, she had one child. A baby boy, if I recall. Cute as a button. But, she could have a whole clan by now. This was about five years ago, I think.
Whatever she's doing, I bet she's sending BIG ASS hugs and kisses!

For the record, I was on here in that era, too. About 59 times a day, on average. I've slowed down a lot!
And I have about a carton of those tapes, too. Ledgies were extraordinarily generous, I have to say. And, then you sort of received these lovely things and passed them on. Those were the days. But, stuff happens and all that. Welcome back, Anthony.

AnthonyMI 01-27-2009 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Regina (Post 795185)
I bet she's sending BIG ASS hugs and kisses!

OMFG!!!! Big ass hugs and kisses! I remember that! It was the signature on all her emails and what she said when she said goodbye. Awww. Sniff.

I remember you too BN. assuming you are the same BN from way back when.

Also, I think I was AnthonyCT waaaaay back in 97. I moved to MI in 98

starshine 01-27-2009 08:15 PM

Well, I wasn't a member back in 'those' days....didn't join til '05 ....just wanted to say your stories are interesting. I was on the 'Net' starting around '01....but so much has changed in all of that time hasn't it. I've been a fan since like '88 of Stevie/ I recall the tale end of 'Rumours' fanzines and the '90's version called Silver Springs...Belle Fluer/Mirror, Mirror...etc. There were so many fanzines in the 80-90's sometimes I miss that time. When my fandom was 'new' and fresh and I didn't know all that I know or probably 'more' than I care to know now. So I'm a fan of way before the SYW era....times have changed & the fandom isn't there much anymore. Tickets are outragous now. Even though I've went to see Stevie solo since '94/98/01/05/07/08....I don't think so anymore & Mac '90/97/03....I guess the live thrill for me is kinda gone. The same setlist bothers me alot. I know to some it isn't a big deal but when you paying alot of $$ for tickets and you don't get something special in the music....its just not there for seems they (the artist) is only going through the motions and not cause they really want to. Its sad. As much as the Net has helped us in many many was.....I do agree that meeting people in a safe place....instead of just online.....its more personable. It can be fun but Stevie/Mac isn't everything really. Enjoy it but have other interests too. Life goes on......changes happen to us all.....I miss alot of my 'old' pen pal days too. Cheryl/Rose/Tammy/others I'm sure ....I still have all of my cassette tape of demos/interviews as well.....It was so awesome to recieve them to. I still miss those snail mail days. So I know you don't know me from that time.....sounds like I missed a good time too. Well up to the bad part anyway....sounds like another 'board' I know of that had a 'bad' time as well.....Anyway, life goes on and ya its not worth taking all of this too seriously is too short for us all......Enjoy yourself and make the most of it ok......hope you don't mind my imput.....Thanks......:wavey::D

David 01-27-2009 09:07 PM

Those were the days, my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we'd choose
We'd fight and never lose
For we were young and sure to have our way

La La La La La La
La La La La La La
La La La La La La La La La La

Then, the busy years went rushing by us
We lost our starry notions on the way
If, by chance, I'd see you in the tavern,
We'd smile at one another and we'd say

Those were the days, my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we'd choose
We'd fight and never lose
Those were the days, oh yes, those were the days

Lauren 01-27-2009 09:48 PM

Hi all- Hi Anthony!

Hi also old Ledgies I remember- Villavic, ChiliD, Livia and David :-) (hope I didn't forget anyone)

I was an original Ledgie from back then too. I even moderated the Lyric Interp board which is now gone (boy did I have a LOT of time on my hands back then!). I remember it was so fun- I too loved how the posts were back then were you could see everything. I remember staying up all night and laughing at some of the things we would post and we would all post like crazy within seconds of things posted until the list would run off the page. We had a HUGE list of why Lindsey was hot....I had a copy of it for years and would post it every now and then and we'd all post things like crazy all day and night. (I am shocked I never got in trouble at work...)

ChiliD was my first Ledgie "friend" who taught me about the band- esp the old FM and answered a lot of my questions in the beginning.

I remember LauraTN as well and Rhiannon- I also have a ton of those audio tapes- does anyone have the old Ledgie tape we made? I can't think of the name of it but we all choose songs and then I made the master and sent it around and all that? I bet I have it somewhere. I should find it and see what it was called. I can't even listen to audio tapes anymore- nothing to listen to them on, sad huh?

I wonder where a lot of the old people went - Ava, Janet (I think she's still around a little?) Phil. I still talk to Justine by email sometimes. Am forgetting a lot of people am sure.

Yes, the Black Ledge was the time when I didn't post anymore. It just wasn't fun at that point but it's all behind us. Weird this was 11 years ago and here we are with another tour.

I don't post much anymore, just don't have time but I do check in usually when something "new" is going on - tour, CD, etc. I still love FM and always will but just have more going on in my life- but it was a fun time for sure!

Nice to see you Anthony and the other old Ledgies-

Villavic 01-27-2009 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Lauren (Post 795237)
I even moderated the Lyric Interp board which is now gone (boy did I have a LOT of time on my hands back then!).

Hey I did the final interp of Sister of the moon! Those good old days!!!!
And yes, I also did have lot of time back then (they never discovered me at job, internet control was less strong than now,

anyway now I work in other company :laugh::laugh:

Lauren 01-27-2009 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by Villavic (Post 795239)
Hey I did the final interp of Sister of the moon! Those good old days!!!!
And yes, I also did have lot of time back then (they never discovered me at job, internet control was less strong than now,

anyway now I work in other company :laugh::laugh:

hey- V- did Sisters of the Moon make it to the interp area? They are still there. I used to get so excited doing those interps- kind of funny how much time I spent on that!

Yeah I think my company could track me so I got more careful. Hope you like your new company - and congrats on getting an FM ticket this tour!

Regina 01-27-2009 10:12 PM

The tape was Crystal Visions, I believe.
Travis and George put it all together and even had lovely cover art for it.
It was on blue tape, which makes it easier to find in that box o'tapes.

mylittledemon 01-27-2009 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by AnthonyMI (Post 795125)
If i recall, someone created a clone of the ledge, christened it the Black Ledge, and a dozen or so people proceeded to talk about other ledgies and the owners of this website and post what might be considered hersery .

This just recently happened again like...what...a year ago?

Lauren 01-27-2009 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by Regina (Post 795247)
The tape was Crystal Visions, I believe.
Travis and George put it all together and even had lovely cover art for it.
It was on blue tape, which makes it easier to find in that box o'tapes.

yes, I have that one but there was one I made too - called Ledgies or something like that- I need to find it. I have Crystal Visions still- great tape!

Moz 01-27-2009 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by mylittledemon (Post 795250)
This just recently happened again like...what...a year ago?

That's Seven Blunders. :laugh:

Lauren 01-27-2009 11:10 PM

ah...found it- it was called "Ledgacy- A Fleetwood Mac Collection" songs are:
Holiday Road
Go Insane (Dance)
Oh Well
Steal Your Heart Away
Chain (Dance)
Smile at you
The Ledge
Frozen Love
Landslide (Dance)
Street of Dreams (live)
Gold and Braid
Hold Me
Crystal (BN version)
Has Anyone Ever Written....
Magnet and Steel
Silver Springs (original)

I think we all voted on the songs to go on this if I recall

LukeA 01-27-2009 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by Lauren (Post 795258)
ah...found it- it was called "Ledgacy- A Fleetwood Mac Collection" songs are:

I think we all voted on the songs to go on this if I recall

Yes! I had totally forgotten about that. I know I have that cassette somewhere! Travis still posts from time to time- I wonder where George is.

The Ledge unequivocally meant a great deal to me back then. To think about when I first started posting (fall '97) and where I am now, and who I had met on the board along the way... I know I come across as jaded and crotchety in some posts, but I wouldn't be here if Fleetwood Mac didn't mean a great deal to me- even if its not quite on the same exact level as back then. Where DID the time go?

(PS- last I heard, LauraTN was living somewhere in the Dakotas. and thanks, AnthonyMI, for starting this thread!)

Regina 01-27-2009 11:42 PM

Yes! I think you did it before I came on the board, Lauren. When it was just one board. I came in early '98, I believe. Anyway, you sent me a copy after it had already been distributed. I think, anyway. I mean, I know I have it, but the timeline may be off.

I think that was the first time I heard some of those songs, actually. That's how much of a newbie I was. And, now, I literally have hundreds of recordings and many I haven't listened to at all (shame on me!)

I actually met very nice people here. Literally and cyber-ly.

LukeA 01-27-2009 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Regina (Post 795263)

I think that was the first time I heard some of those songs, actually. That's how much of a newbie I was. And, now, I literally have hundreds of recordings and many I haven't listened to at all (shame on me!)

I actually met very nice people here. Literally and cyber-ly.

100% ditto. I'm forever indebted to blackcat (who may still be around here somewhere :) ), Torri (who I noticed here very recently), and others too numerous to mention (but all worthy of appreciation).

michelej1 01-28-2009 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by Lauren (Post 795237)
We had a HUGE list of why Lindsey was hot....

Well, I'm sorry I wasn't around for that. Michele

sodascouts 01-28-2009 03:19 AM

You wouldn't remember me - I didn't join 'til 2001. However, I'd lurked since 1999. I didn't join because I was intimidated by the seemingly vast knowledge of Ledgies, and was afraid of embarrassing myself by my ignorance. I was also nervous about the old tree-structure... it was hard to follow. Some interesting fanfic, though.

My, how things have changed!

chriskisn 01-28-2009 06:19 AM

I was around back then, used to post mainly on (or whatever it was called) but lurked around on here. Can't remember what my screen name was might have actually been chriski or chriskisn or something? Don't think I really posted much though as I spent more time in the newsgroup.

I used to do a site called The Great Fleetwood Mac Links Page, and still remember that Stevie Nicks ate baby seals (given that I started that rumour with fake trolling - ah those were the days).

Then I met my girlfriend (now my wife) and she wouldn't have stayed my girlfriend for long if I didn't get off the computer. Only came back to the FM community last year after so long away.

AnthonyMI 01-28-2009 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by chriskisn (Post 795291)
Stevie Nicks ate baby seals

I remember something about eating seals. Actually, what I think about now whenever someone talks about breast implants is the story about how Stevie keeps her old boobs in her freezer next to her frozen peas. MAHAHAHA. That story used to entertain us for hours!

Villavic 01-28-2009 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Regina (Post 795263)
I actually met very nice people here. Literally and cyber-ly.

If I remember well, there was a couple that met through the Ledge, and now are husband and wife?? Or am I wrong?


Originally Posted by Lauren (Post 795237)
We had a HUGE list of why Lindsey was hot....

Weren´t you called the Lindseyettes??? :thumbsup:

Regina 01-28-2009 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Villavic (Post 795324)
If I remember well, there was a couple that met through the Ledge, and now are husband and wife?? Or am I wrong?

Yes, that was Laura TN and her husband, whose name I'm blanking on at the moment Nice guy, though. I remember his posts. I used to instruct him never to sell his Stevie-related-named cows.

Ah, I remembered his name. It was Jim.


Weren´t you called the Lindseyettes??? :thumbsup:
Lindsey Ladies.

Lauren 01-28-2009 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Regina (Post 795333)
Yes, that was Laura TN and her husband, whose name I'm blanking on at the moment Nice guy, though. I remember his posts. I used to instruct him never to sell his Stevie-related-named cows.

Ah, I remembered his name. It was Jim.

yes, that's right, I remember Jim!

Lindsey Ladies sounds right? I think the list was just all the things we loved about him- it got so big. I have the list on my old Mac Performa that's long been put away and I have no way to access the list or would post it- maybe someone has it?

Lauren 01-28-2009 03:18 PM

also anyone know what happened to Vianna?

LukeA 01-28-2009 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Lauren (Post 795349)
also anyone know what happened to Vianna?

Sadly, she passed last summer...

AnthonyMI 01-28-2009 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by LukeA (Post 795358)
Sadly, she passed last summer...

gasp! wow. i remember that name too.

SRhiannon 01-28-2009 09:43 PM

Wow! What a blast from the past! I remember a lot from back then too! In fact, I met a lot of the Ledgies at several different concerts through the years and it started way back in 1997. I remember Erica and Pearl...I wonder what they are up to now.

(BTW ~ Hey Lauren!)

DavidMn 01-28-2009 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Lauren (Post 795349)
also anyone know what happened to Vianna?

What was her sn?

David 01-28-2009 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Regina (Post 795333)
Yes, that was Laura TN and her husband,

Also what about Gareth & his wife (forgot her name), plus the Denisons, plus Phil & Stephanie.

David 01-28-2009 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by DavidMn (Post 795430)
What was her sn?

I believe she used "Vianna." Another wonderful person who died some years back was Barbara H.

I wonder what ever happened to Char (Charlotte), Lindsey fan extraordinaire.

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