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DrummerDeanna 02-17-2004 12:13 AM

Ledgie Confessional
So, I was just reflecting back on my life...actuallY I was stuck in a three hour drawing class drawing sea shells and I had nothing to do but think...and stare at sea shells...anyway...

What are some of the things you've done in your life that are either super silly or stupid or just mean...but that you've always remembered?

I'm start:

When I was around seven or eight my sister was dating a guy named Dale (she was 17 or 18 at the time). I wasn't particularly fond of Dale so my and my friend Anna got into his car, filled the back seat up with dirt and tumble weeds, then we drank two bottles of Coke that were in his front seat and filled them up with dirt....and we threw some dirt in the front seat for good measure...then we went off to another friend's house. Needless to say when I was finally tracked down I was in a lot of trouble! I've never forgotten that...neither has my sister...and I have no clue what became of Dale :)

wondergirl9847 02-17-2004 12:26 AM
I killed a kitten. :(

I found this lil kitten hanging around my house and I decided I wanted to keep it. Well, my parents and I were getting ready to go to put it in one of those cinder blocks and put a piece of wood over the top of it. I didn't realize he would have no air.


I was little...don't remember exactly how old, but I'll NEVER forget doing that. I took a life. :(

I've done WAY too many stupid things to list here. LOL

GypsySorcerer 02-17-2004 01:43 AM

Once, my parents and I were at church very early because they had to decorate or set-up for something. While they were busy, I drank all the juice and ate all the crackers out of the Communion trays that someone had prepared for Sunday morning service. Imagine the surprise of the servers when, during the service, they pulled the lids off to find empty juice cups and no crackers. They had to run downstairs and refill everything while the congregation waited. :eek:

DrummerDeanna 02-17-2004 12:06 PM


Originally posted by wondergirl9847
I killed a kitten. :(

I found this lil kitten hanging around my house and I decided I wanted to keep it. Well, my parents and I were getting ready to go to put it in one of those cinder blocks and put a piece of wood over the top of it. I didn't realize he would have no air.


I was little...don't remember exactly how old, but I'll NEVER forget doing that. I took a life. :(

I've done WAY too many stupid things to list here. LOL

OMG!!! That's afwul hahah..forgive me, but it's also a bit amusing...but probably traumatic for a kid!!! That's so sad

DrummerDeanna 02-17-2004 12:08 PM


Originally posted by GypsySorcerer
Once, my parents and I were at church very early because they had to decorate or set-up for something. While they were busy, I drank all the juice and ate all the crackers out of the Communion trays that someone had prepared for Sunday morning service. Imagine the surprise of the servers when, during the service, they pulled the lids off to find empty juice cups and no crackers. They had to run downstairs and refill everything while the congregation waited. :eek:
OMG..that's hilarious!!! That reminds me of one time my sister, her husband and I got locked in our church (she was a wedding coordinator) and the deacon locked all our stuff in this closet, and we couldn't get it and he locked the doors of the church from the outside...and we couldn't get to any we ate some unblessed hosts, drank some unblessed wine, and dipped our feet in a baptismal fountain....blasphemous maybe...but it sure was fun!!!

strandinthewind 02-17-2004 12:08 PM

Well - my older borhter, ny friends, and myself caught a lizard once and put it in the microwave and watched it pop. It was a horrible thing to do. I am ashamed. Why do boys act like that :laugh:

wondergirl9847 02-17-2004 12:09 PM

Well, yeah, I was upset to come home and find that the kitten had died. :(

My mom killed my fish. LOL She was changing his water while I was at school and she got the water too hot.

We are a family of murderers. :laugh:

dissention 02-17-2004 01:24 PM


Originally posted by GypsySorcerer
Once, my parents and I were at church very early because they had to decorate or set-up for something. While they were busy, I drank all the juice and ate all the crackers out of the Communion trays that someone had prepared for Sunday morning service. Imagine the surprise of the servers when, during the service, they pulled the lids off to find empty juice cups and no crackers. They had to run downstairs and refill everything while the congregation waited. :eek:
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Reminds me of my story:

I was invited by neigbors to a church party after mass and decided to go (I was twelve). I am not religious at all and never had my first communion. During mass, they passed around all of the "wine" and crackers. They came ot my row and I grabbed a thing of "wine" and a cracker and got SCREAMED at by the server and my neighbors. "You never had communion, you can't have the wine!" :laugh: I screamed back and said, "It's only grape juice, for cripes sake!" They gave me a look of death. Then the priest said something along the lines of "Let us now drink the blood of Christ and eat his body" and I started going "Eww, that's nasty!"

I was subsequently escorted home before the party started.

GypsySorcerer 02-17-2004 01:30 PM


Originally posted by dissention
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Reminds me of my story:

I was invited by neigbors to a church party after mass and decided to go (I was twelve). I am not religious at all and never had my first communion. During mass, they passed around all of the "wine" and crackers. They came ot my row and I grabbed a thing of "wine" and a cracker and got SCREAMED at by the server and my neighbors. "You never had communion, you can't have the wine!" :laugh: I screamed back and said, "It's only grape juice, for cripes sake!" They gave me a look of death. Then the priest said something along the lines of "Let us now drink the blood of Christ and eat his body" and I started going "Eww, that's nasty!"

I was subsequently escorted home before the party started.

:laugh: The grape juice always tastes nasty anyway, so maybe you were better off. :D

dissention 02-17-2004 01:34 PM


Originally posted by GypsySorcerer
:laugh: The grape juice always tastes nasty anyway, so maybe you were better off. :D
It smelled nasty. And anything that is called blood should not be ingested. ;)

Lala 02-17-2004 03:22 PM

I've run into A LOT of things with my head

When I was in the first grade I was running away from a boy on the playground and I came to some low monkey bars that were about my height at the time. I figured that I could duck under the bars to save time. Well...I made it under the first one...and then I guess my head went up a little. BAM! I got up and thought I was okay...but then my nose started to bleed and I was dizzy. I remember this girl who at the time was in the 3rd grade and hated me laughing at me as someone took me to the office. All I could do was cry.

Now I have a very small "dent" in my forehead.

More recently...about two years ago...I was looking for my sock. I figured it had fallen beside my bed between the bed and the wall. So...I decided instead of climbing across the bed and messing up the sheets I would sort of jump. The only thing I can compare it to is a kid trying to be Superman. Well...I'd done this before and I still do it...but on this particular night I jumped a little too far and hit my head on the stud of the wall! I had a concussion and missed a week of school.

dissention 02-17-2004 04:42 PM

I was at the gym one time and had a hole in my crotch that I didn't know about. I used one of the cycles and made the hole much bigger. I still didn't notice it. I bend down to get my water bottle and someone says "I see London, I see France..." I didn't know what the hell that meant until I got into the locker room and discovered it for myself.

littlelies7 02-17-2004 05:06 PM

Here's a few I have:

When I was younger, I was in this play. A girl I knew was giving out cookies in little boxes, one for each actor. She handed me one and I thanked her, but bluntly noted that she spelled my name wrong. I never apologized for that, and I still feel bad about it.


When I was in grade school, I knew this girl that was handicapped and she and I were good friends. One day during P.E., I stayed with her, since she couldn't participate. But, the teacher was so upset about me skipping my class to be with my friend, that I had to go in timeout.

Lala 02-17-2004 05:10 PM


Originally posted by littlelies7
When I was in grade school, I knew this girl that was handicapped and she and I were good friends. One day during P.E., I stayed with her, since she couldn't participate. But, the teacher was so upset about me skipping my class to be with my friend, that I had to go in timeout.
Wow what a jerk!

DrummerDeanna 02-17-2004 09:34 PM


Originally posted by wondergirl9847
Well, yeah, I was upset to come home and find that the kitten had died. :(

My mom killed my fish. LOL She was changing his water while I was at school and she got the water too hot.

We are a family of murderers. :laugh:

OMG!!! My mom killed like three of my sister's goldfish...hahaha...

The first time she did the same thing your mom did with the hot water...actually I think she did that twice....THEN one time she didn't close the drain right or something and the fish just went down....hahaha...after that no more fish..

Worse, my grandma was taking care of her mother-in-law's birds...and she left them in a storage room that was adjacent to the house...this was in October (it doesn't get cold here until December...) and well...we had a freak freeze that the morning she found little bird-cicles in the room...then froze to death...

So...don't worry, I also come from a family of murders ;)

EnchantedStorms 02-18-2004 02:32 AM

lol @ all the fish stories. I was probably ten or eleven, and we were changing the water in the fish bowl and the fish flopped out of the net and onto the floor during transport, lmao...well you can probably guess what happened, yep. Crunch. No more fishie. Traumatized me for months, lol.

Also, I remember when I was probably about six or so, my uncle (who is less than two years older than I am, lol) decided to give the new litter of baby kittens a bath--outside, in the winter. Poor kitties. Froze to death. Every single one of them. I think there were five of them.

And then there was the time my brother (probably eight at the time) and his friend were shooting rocks with slingshots and oops...poor bird. lol, He cried for weeks he felt so bad about that.

I guess we're a family of murderers, too, lol.


sodascouts 02-18-2004 12:56 PM

I have done SOOOO many regrettable, stupid, humiliating things that it's not even funny. So, I'll just give a few FM-related ones.

First and foremost, the fact that I acted like a COMPLETE MORON when I met Stevie. She grabbed my hand when I wasn't looking - I was so shocked that I babbled "You took me hand! I didn't realize you were going to do that! That's so cool!" ::: CRINGE :: I finally realized I was making a fool of myself. I said "I know I sound stupid" and dropped her hand and started talking to Lindsey again. I'M SUCH A DWEEB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another thing - I'm on a few FM listservs. On one of them, I was feeling a little crochety, and so after I read some e-mails I started writing an e-mail to myself which, among other things, dissed about half a dozen people on the listserv. Well, I accidentally sent it TO the listserv. I looked like a BIG FAT JERK, a petty mean person. I apologized profusely but I am still SO ashamed of it.

A third quick one: On my site, sometimes I put not-so-nice things about songs I transcribe that Lindsey and Stevie are involved with. Well, one time, I was contacted by one of the songwriters of the Malibooz, who said something to the effect of "I'm sorry you don't like my song. By the way, you have the lyrics all wrong. Here are the real ones." Once again, I looked not only like a moron, but a jerky one. :(

markolas 02-18-2004 08:39 PM


Originally posted by wondergirl9847
My mom killed my fish. LOL She was changing his water while I was at school and she got the water too hot.

We are a family of murderers. :laugh:

My mom did that to our fish when I was little. She bought this little heater to go in the aquarium, and she turned it up too high...then, fell asleep on the couch watching Dallas...the next morning, the aquarium was actually boiling over.

Oh, and my dad ran over our cocker spaniel. Maybe we're related :P

wondergirl9847 02-18-2004 08:47 PM


Originally posted by markolas
Oh, and my dad ran over our cocker spaniel. Maybe we're related :P
My aunt ran over my cat. :( Perhaps, we are related. LOL

DrummerDeanna 02-18-2004 11:15 PM

aww...poor cat and cocker spaniel!! Did they die? Or were they just maimed?

No one in my family has killed anything other than fish or least not that I know of...

My grandpa used to sit on his back porch though and shoot a BB gun at stray cats (he was sick of the cats coming and peeing in his yard etc...) I'm sure the people at PETA would love him!!

Well, I did just kill my insect roomate. I'm taking an entemology class and we are required to keep an insect alive for three weeks, day two and I've killed my cricket I've got to find another insect to keep alive...

wondergirl9847 02-19-2004 11:16 AM


Originally posted by DrummerDeanna
aww...poor cat and cocker spaniel!! Did they die? Or were they just maimed?
Sugar, my calico cat, died from a burst bladder. :( She was one of the most beautiful animals I've ever seen...and she was a QUEEN. LOL

My aunt was late for church that night and I was on my roller skates in my neighbor's driveway, and here comes my aunt going WAY too fast down our street, my cat ran across to our house and she hit her. :( I keep thinking about what my mom said..."It could have been YOU, Christy. I miss Sugar, but I'm thankful it wasn't you."

Moral of story: SLOW THE FRICK DOWN PEOPLE!!! :mad:


markolas 02-19-2004 12:52 PM


Originally posted by DrummerDeanna
aww...poor cat and cocker spaniel!! Did they die? Or were they just maimed?
Our cocker spaniel died...:(

DrummerDeanna 02-19-2004 12:58 PM

Re: Sugar...

Originally posted by wondergirl9847
Sugar, my calico cat, died from a burst bladder. :( She was one of the most beautiful animals I've ever seen...and she was a QUEEN. LOL

My aunt was late for church that night and I was on my roller skates in my neighbor's driveway, and here comes my aunt going WAY too fast down our street, my cat ran across to our house and she hit her. :( I keep thinking about what my mom said..."It could have been YOU, Christy. I miss Sugar, but I'm thankful it wasn't you."

Moral of story: SLOW THE FRICK DOWN PEOPLE!!! :mad:


aww....your aunt must have felt horrible though...did you ever watch that show Sisters on NBC? There was one episode where Teddy got all drunk and was driving home and hit her least she didn't hit you!!

I never had an animal die from being hit....all of ours have been with us until we had no choice but to put them down (except for the fish and one dog that was just mean so we got rid of it...)

wondergirl9847 02-19-2004 01:20 PM

No, she didn't really care. She got out of her car, went "OMG, what happened?" and I ran across the street to go find my cat who ran over our fence and into our backyard. She got back in her car and went to church. :mad:

I never got a call or an "I'm sorry". :(:mad::shrug:

DrummerDeanna 02-19-2004 01:23 PM

Re: Actually....

Originally posted by wondergirl9847
No, she didn't really care. She got out of her car, went "OMG, what happened?" and I ran across the street to go find my cat who ran over our fence and into our backyard. She got back in her car and went to church. :mad:

I never got a call or an "I'm sorry". :(:mad::shrug:

OMG!! That's awful....well I'm sorry your cat that makes it old were you again?

My gosh...if I ever harmed my nephew's pets accidentally I'd feel SO awful....they've had a goldfish that has now been alive for three years!!! The thing is huge and every time they go out of town and I have to feed it I'm terrified that it will die lol...I just don't want to upset my nephew...anyway...that really sucks!

wondergirl9847 02-19-2004 01:32 PM

Re: Re: Actually....

Originally posted by DrummerDeanna
OMG!! That's awful....well I'm sorry your cat that makes it old were you again?
Oh man, I guess 9 or 10, probably 10. My other cat, Pepper disappeared after she died, not the next day or anything. :laugh: We went to visit my grandmother one day and he kept going to lay in the street (dumb cat. LOL) and I was worried he'd get run over. I didn't wanna leave home, but we did anyways, when we got home, he was gone. Don't know what happened to him. :(

It's weird because I'm allergic to cats now, I wasn't back then. I cannot be around them, my eyes water and itch and my throat gets itchy and closes up.

DrummerDeanna 02-20-2004 11:44 AM

Re: Re: Re: Actually....

Originally posted by wondergirl9847
Oh man, I guess 9 or 10, probably 10. My other cat, Pepper disappeared after she died, not the next day or anything. :laugh: We went to visit my grandmother one day and he kept going to lay in the street (dumb cat. LOL) and I was worried he'd get run over. I didn't wanna leave home, but we did anyways, when we got home, he was gone. Don't know what happened to him. :(

It's weird because I'm allergic to cats now, I wasn't back then. I cannot be around them, my eyes water and itch and my throat gets itchy and closes up.

Nothing worse than a suicidal cat :(

I am SO allergic to cats as I've never been a huge fan, though all of the people I house/pet sit for have I just take a lot of Alavert....anyway...this seems to have turned into an animal death thread...haha

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