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vivfox 12-04-2009 05:16 PM

Andrew McManus pisses off Hope Estate fans
Chair ban at Fleetwood Mac's Hope Estate concert
05 Dec, 2009 04:00 AM

CONCERT promoters typically want bums on seats, but it's the seats that have been banned at Fleetwood Mac's Hope Estate concert tonight.

General admission ticket holders have complained that promoter Andrew McManus Presents has changed its seating policy at the last minute.

Fans say they were initially told full-size chairs were banned but low beach chairs were allowed.

However, Ticketmaster sent an email to ticketholders on Thursday informing them all chairs were banned.

Silvana Dugac, of Adamstown Heights, said she had a bad back and should not have to sit on the ground for seven hours, nor should the elderly or disabled.

"If I had known beforehand I don't think I would have gone," she said.

"Most of the people there are going to be over 40, it's not as if they're expecting wild crowds."

Michael Hope, of Hope Estate, said their general concert policy allowed low chairs but the promoter decided to change the rules for this event because of the 19,000strong crowd.

Some of the confusion arose because the general information notice on the Hope Estate website said low chairs were allowed at concerts before it was updated this week.

Ian Weir, site manager for Andrew McManus Presents, said the company made the decision in October to try to limit seats in the general admission area for safety reasons because of the size of the crowd.

There will be more than 7000 people in the general admission area at tonight's concert.

Mr Weir said Ticketmaster had sent out a number of emails to ticketholders informing them of the rule, and Thursday's email was the final reminder.

However, Mr Weir said people with medical conditions would be permitted to bring in low chairs if they had a doctor's certificate or other evidence.

Ms Dugac said it was unfair to give people so little time to get a certificate.

nailatixela 12-04-2009 07:09 PM

You shouldn't be sitting at the concert anyway. :lol:

HejiraNYC 12-04-2009 07:12 PM

Maybe that fat f*** should be forced to stand for 2.5 hours. I'm sure he'll like that.

Nikolaj 12-06-2009 06:52 AM

I find it odd there hasn't been any follow-up report on how the concert actually went, I've googled and googled :)
19,000 people were to be in attendance, and there's nothing I can find to read about the show, just that people couldn't bring chairs! (I do think, legally, it would be very hard to enforce this; as it seems attendees were only informed of this change 24 hours before the show, and it's not a ticket-buyers assumed responsibility that they must check their e-mails or hear radio announcements, or see newspaper or televised information of change in terms of ticketholder usage before going to a concert. I assume there may well have been hundreds or thousands who knew nothing of this change before arriving at the show. I'd think anyone who bought tickets months in advance expecting to be able to bring a chair would have every reason not to be refused to enter with one if they wished to. )
Not that I am expecting any change in their performances, with the possibility of SS being left off, but I do wonder how the concert went. And not one Ledgie went, it seems! 19,000 is probably one of the biggest crowds the band has drawn for one show during this tour.
Wasn't this some sort of charity fundraising concert? 19,000 seems huge, though, for a benefit concert. And for whom or for what was this concert to be a benefit for? Maybe I have that all wrong, I must go back and re-research what this show was all about.
Again, just find it odd we haven't heard anything, yet, about the actual concert. Somehow, I think I have details of this concert confused with a New York benefit the band was to perform at. Was this McManus concert just a 'regular' concert and not a benefit?

HARRIET 12-06-2009 08:29 AM

Some info posted here

Janis_no1 12-06-2009 10:49 PM

Hi everyone :wavey:

I'll do up my review of the event soon :sorry: ... as soon as i can have time to put up my experiences from the two melbourne shows, (one at the stage, one 5 rows back in the middle), and my experience at hope estate.

What i will quickly say is that... it was great! Hope estate was well worth the total drive of .... 7hrs, two plane trips, and quite a few buckets of cash. :nod:

I have photo's, not that many though, and i took lots of video's from hope estate! So, as soon as i can guys i'll get it up, should be approx saturday ok :xoxo:

Excited to share it with you all

vivfox 12-06-2009 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Janis_no1 (Post 858637)
So, as soon as i can guys i'll get it up

Orange you glad a man didn't write this?:xoxo:

Ghost_Tracker 12-07-2009 01:13 AM

Well everyone knows about the dreadful linkages between lawn chairs and large crowds ..... :rolleyes: .....:shrug:

HejiraNYC 12-07-2009 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Nikolaj (Post 858527)
I find it odd there hasn't been any follow-up report on how the concert actually went, I've googled and googled :)
19,000 people were to be in attendance, and there's nothing I can find to read about the show, just that people couldn't bring chairs!

For reals though! :mad: It's been two days and nary a peep from dawn-undah. I found a couple of pictures and the setting looked breathtaking- under a clear twilight sky- but no commentary at all. Come on, y'alls... get to your keyboards and start typin'! :mad:

vivfox 12-07-2009 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by HejiraNYC (Post 858693)
For reals though! :mad: It's been two days and nary a peep from dawn-undah. I found a couple of pictures and the setting looked breathtaking- under a clear twilight sky- but no commentary at all. Come on, y'alls... get to your keyboards and start typin'! :mad:

No freakin' kiddin'! Where are all the Ledgie reviews from Aus.? The band might as well go back to Europe. At least there we got a daily journal from the fans.

HejiraNYC 12-07-2009 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by vivfox (Post 858697)
No freakin' kiddin'! Where are all the Ledgie reviews from Aus.? The band might as well go back to Europe. At least there we got a daily journal from the fans.

I think the Ledge Ozzies deserve a collective spanking for being so negligent. :mad:

DoubtfulMiracle 12-08-2009 03:34 AM

I think Janis_no1 is the only Ledgie who attended, and I'm sure she's typing as fast as her little fingers will allow (she does have a lot of shows to get through after all).

Rest assured, I'll provide instantaneous feedback* for the last two shows.

*Feedback may or may not be instantaneous. But it will be thorough.

Nikolaj 12-08-2009 07:10 AM

What happens in Australia stays in Australia? In terms of evidence? Gosh, I hope someone didn't throw a Les Paul at someone again! Nah, probably the only thing flying were lawn chairs.
I did see one mention, from a link provided above, from a man who attended with his daughter and loved the show but didn't mention any specific songs, but it had to be the normal Unleashed set, I'm sure. A photo from this link of Mick Fleetwood mirrors how he looked when I saw the band in concert this spring. I hope he's feeling well, not to stir things, but he looked and still looks sick to me, though happy. Maybe it's simply exhaustion, but something around the areas of his eyes worries me. I'm glad for his success with this tour and with his current Grammy nomination. Feel well, Mick!

vivfox 12-08-2009 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Nikolaj (Post 858850)
What happens in Australia stays in Australia? In terms of evidence? Gosh, I hope someone didn't throw a Les Paul at someone again! Nah, probably the only thing flying were lawn chairs.

You made me chuckle!:laugh::laugh::laugh:

vivfox 12-08-2009 10:09 PM

Capacity crowd at Hope Estate for Fleetwood Mac
09 Dec, 2009 10:02 AM

A 19,000-capacity crowd filled the Hope Estate amphitheatre for last Saturday night’s Fleetwood Mac concert.
It was the biggest winery concert ever held in Australia and according to Hope Estate owner, Michael Hope “It went a treat, the feedback has been very positive.”

He said the whole wine and entertainment industry was watching to see how the venue and infrastructure coped, and it went beautifully.

The crowds started to arrive around 4.30pm with Stevie Nicks arriving by helicopter and the remainder of the group jetting into Cessnock Airport.

Crowds were well behaved and the venue coped well with the record number.

Mr. Hope said that while he has no exact figures, the area would have received a huge boost to the economy through the number of visitors who booked local accommodation and transport, not to mention meals and other needs.

He said the big challenge was to get cars back on the road and the winery will be beefing up its message for people to take public transport in the future.

He said a big percentage did use public transport and this is backed up by figures supplied by Michael Kerr at Rover Coaches.

Mr. Kerr said the company organised 121 coaches and then needed to bring in an addition seven to meet the demand.

He estimates there were 40 mini buses on the road and another 15 coaches from outside the area.

Mr. Kerr said the biggest number of coaches used previously was about 90 at the Elton John and Rod Stewart concerts. “This has been the biggest by far,” he said.

Licensing sergeant Barry Meyers said the crowd was well behaved and that Hope Estate had enlisted 20 user pay police officers. Police set up a mobile command station at the winery.

He said the road structure does not lend itself to so many people and he also urged future concert goers to consider using public transport.

Upcoming concerts at Hope Estate feature Rob Thomas on February 12 and 13 and the following Saturday Cliff Richard and The Shadows, followed by Whitney Houston on February 27.

michelej1 12-08-2009 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by vivfox (Post 858984)

The crowds started to arrive around 4.30pm with Stevie Nicks arriving by helicopter

It would have been nice if she parachuted in.

I wonder if she got a chance to visit her horse.


StreetAngel86 12-08-2009 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by vivfox (Post 858984)

The crowds started to arrive around 4.30pm with Stevie Nicks arriving by helicopter

damn...when's she gonna arrive by broomstick? :lol:

HejiraNYC 12-09-2009 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by StreetAngel86 (Post 859019)
damn...when's she gonna arrive by broomstick? :lol:

Once Lindsey pulls it out of his... :p

vivfox 12-16-2009 09:46 AM

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Fleetwood Mac concert

Some pics of me at the Fleetwood Mac concert on Dec 6 at the Hope Estate in the Hunter Valley.

FANTASTIC! Lindsay Buckingham has a very unusual guitar playing style, and I was really impressed at how good he was. (This is the first time I've seen them live). Mick Fleetwood made the best faces and did an awesome drum solo. John Mac (I think that is his name) on bass - the best bass sound I have heard in a long time. Really nice. And of course Stevie Nicks was magical. I just love her voice. It is so unusual. A couple of melody parts that she changed left me feeling a little unsatisfied because I missed them. Does that make sense? You know when you've heard a song so many times so you expect to here that particularly melody line and then she doesn't hit that note. I guess she was still warming up. Or maybe it's age finally catching up. That scares me. I don't want my voice to age too fast!!!!

michelej1 06-29-2014 12:15 PM

Sunday Morning, June 27, 2014

Read more:

[excerpt from an article about McManus investigation]

A police investigation to find the owner of a $702,000 bag of cash has revealed that well-known concert promoter Andrew McManus has been avoiding tax, paying footballers under the table, using convicted drug dealers to deliver large sums of cash, withholding funds from bands including Fleetwood Mac and borrowing money from establishment figures such as Michael Kroger and David Lowy.

Read more:

michelej1 07-05-2014 08:50 PM

[Excerpt from an Australian article on Andrew McManus, July 5, 2014]

But a newspaper said McManus had claimed to have $600,000 stashed at his home, and had suggested how to smuggle tour money into Australia. It also hinted that he had withheld funds from Kravitz and Fleetwood Mac.

McManus now says he talked to police at the height of his binges: “I was on a lot of morphine, I was drinking, and I was not in a good place.”

He denied withholding money from Fleetwood Mac and Lenny Kravitz. “That is a lie,” McManus says. “Fleetwood Mac know they got paid in full, my accountant knows, and the ATO knows they were paid in full. Exactly the same with Lenny.”

McManus denied smuggling in tour money, saying he was merely suggesting ways a promoter might do that.

“I regret what I said. I was not a lucid man at that stage,” he said.

Things are a little clearer now. He credits “good friends” with bringing him back from the brink. He also has a new relationship.

A phone call from country music superstar Kris Kristofferson, asking for McManus to do his farewell tour, rejuvenated the promoter too.

He is also in talks to tour Kiss, and other projects are emerging

“I’ve found the confidence to return to the business I love, with a new attitude,” McManus says. “I’ve paid my taxes, I’ve paid my bands, and I’ve paid my dues.”

Originally published as From promoting rock stars to rock bottom Back to top of page

Autumn Ocean 07-15-2014 03:31 AM

I went to this show thinking it would be a more intimate setting. It turned out to be the biggest crowd at a winery gig in Australia to date.

The highlights were IKINW live, Sara, with some of the demo lines added and Landslide made me a little misty eyed. (As it does every time I hear it live.)

SYLM with S & L was very cool.

LB's voice was way too loud in the mix - it drowned out Stevie's lead vocals. Particularly infuriating at the end of Silver Springs.

It was a great show. Enough deep cuts for me and enough hits for my friend, the casual fans.

The venue was amazing. It felt like I imagine it did being at some of their mid 70's shows.

Love (and weed) was in the air.

michelej1 08-01-2014 01:32 PM

[Excerpt from an interview with McManus]

Tone Deaf, July 30, 2014

In a soon-to-be published interview with Tone Deaf, McManus called McClymont’s comments “enormously defamatory… that I withheld money from Fleetwood Mac – that is such a lie! They’re my friends, they know it, the band knows it, the tax department know it, everyone knows it – they got paid in full.”

He explains: “It’s caused me damage with certain friends overseas hence why I did the other article in the Herald Sun to ensure the message got across,” saying that he and his lawyers were investigating legal action against Fairfax and the NSW Police, though no legal action has eventuated.

The Herald Sun article in question sees McManus explaining that the Police interview from which McClymont’s claims are based was conducted during a period of personal turmoil; “I was on a lot of morphine, I was drinking, and I was not in a good place.”

In his statement to media today, McManus questions: “What has Miss McClymont to gain by dragging up a difficult time marred by health issues via painkiller and alcohol dependence? … [she] may hide behind the deep pockets and layers of lawyers afforded by Fairfax Media, but every dog has their day and bad news sells newspapers, irrespective of the damage done to name, business and affiliates directly affected by the slander.”

McManus explains to Tone Deaf that the $700k bag of money was intended to pay back Owen Hanson Jnr, on behalf of ZZ Top for a tour. “What they did with subsequently thereafter should be none of my business.”

When asked why he thought the 2012 Police interview had been drudged up, McManus replied, “to answer you, that’s exactly what I said, ‘why the **** has this happened?’”

Adding that “from what my understanding is … the Police ran this case, what? Last three years? So they’ve cost the taxpayers of New South Wales nearly a million dollars. They turn around and go, ‘we need a scalp – take whoever you can’. And when this journalist has gone in and dug in to find out who the players were, I’m the easiest mark. And so they try to character assassinate me again.”

michelej1 04-10-2015 05:58 PM

[excerpt from Otago Daily Times article about promoters] 4/11/2015

The sound of silence was eventually broken by Paul Simon and Aerosmith in 2013, but not before DVML found itself in a legal dispute with another promoter, McManus Entertainment.

The company had planned to follow up Aerosmith's show with Fleetwood Mac later the same year, as part of a two-show deal signed with DVML.

The deal collapsed when Fleetwood Mac committed to Live Nation instead.

McManus Entertainment managing director Andrew McManus slammed DVML's decision to try to charge a $50,000 cancellation fee.

''I guarantee you I will never, ever bring another show to Dunedin while those people are in charge,'' he said at the time.

The fee was eventually reduced to $15,000, but the dispute added up to a seemingly fractious relationship between the company tasked with securing big concerts for the stadium and the promoters capable of delivering them.

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