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diamondsnake 03-02-2006 07:02 PM

What are your unpopular Stevie opinions
What is your unpopular Stevie opinon? I have several:

-I loved her SYW button down sweater.
-The Reeboks don't bother me at all.
-Her Tango in the Night and Behind the Mask songs are some of my favorites.
-I prefer the present day Rhiannon to the old Rhiannon versions from the '70s.

What are your shameful Stevie opinions?

Brwn_eyes0511 03-02-2006 07:15 PM

Enchanted, After The Glitter Fades and That's Alright rank in my top 5 Stevie songs of all time! And I wear that with pride!!! :woohoo:

Also...the button down sweater from SYW didn't bother me either.

JWS 03-02-2006 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by diamondsnake
What is your unpopular Stevie opinon? I have several:

-I loved her SYW button down sweater.
-The Reeboks don't bother me at all.
-Her Tango in the Night and Behind the Mask songs are some of my favorites.
-I prefer the present day Rhiannon to the old Rhiannon versions from the '70s.

What are your shameful Stevie opinions?

I would like to answer but I'm not sure where you're headed with this. "Unpopular" with who? This board?

AliceLover 03-02-2006 07:23 PM

I like some of her shoulderpad outfits from 89/91
My favorite Rhiannon is from 90'
I think Sable on Blond, Wild Heart, and Highwayman SUCK!
I like Two Kinds of Love and Docklands

goldustsongbird 03-02-2006 07:23 PM

I like OSOTM and Street Angel. Maybe not in their entirety, but like every album, they have their high points.

I like the Reeboks too. They're cute!

diamondsnake 03-02-2006 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by JWS
I would like to answer but I'm not sure where you're headed with this. "Unpopular" with who? This board?

Unpopular opinions for Stevie fans in general

Ghost_Tracker 03-02-2006 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by diamondsnake
What is your unpopular Stevie opinon? I have several:

What are your shameful Stevie opinions?

HMMMmmm - UH-oh! Well - at the risk of being slammed - and I'm just being completely honest -

1.) I think she was a little silly for putting "That Made Me Stronger" on "Trouble in Shangri-la."

2.) I think she sometimes misperceives how hard she works, compared to the "average person." But I feel she's VERY clear on how rough most people's lives are.

3.) I think things sometimes seem much bigger to her than they really are.

4.) I don't think she would ever, ever, ever want to get back together with
Lindsey. Not in a million years.

5.) I think she's still in love with Mick, always has been, and always will be.

6.) I think she didn't actually like Prince all that much.

7.) Not like I think she's Einstein or something, but I think that in interviews she often hides how intelligent and practical she is, although I think she's been a little better about that lately.

8.) I think she's currently doing an unbelievably intense media blitz in Australia with the sole purpose of subtley re-defining her image, headed up by Liz Rosenberg, who by the way was or is Madonna's publicist as well.
She's a total "Top Gun," doesn't come cheap, and I think there's HUGE amounts of effort and thought that are going into this behind-the-scenes.

9.) I think that, although she may still feel somewhat sad, she's having an absolute blast in Australia and absolutely loves it there. And so, along those lines -

10.) I think she's VERY seriously considering moving to Australia. Not necessarily as a primary residence - I guess she considers Phoenix to be home - but I betcha she's been looking at some real estate ads.

11.) I think she still smokes, but is trying not to and doesn't want others to follow her example.

12.) I think that when she's not touring or doing business-related things, when she's at home watching tv or reading or something, she TOTALLY forgets she's a "big rock star" and just kinda chills, no mysticism, no "etherealness," no chiffon, no nuthin' - just this nice lady watching star trek or reading a book or whatever.

13.) Believe it or not, I think maybe she knows how to use a vacuum cleaner and boil water...

14.) Not necessarily an "unpopular" one but - I think she knows how to ski and enjoys it, or at least used to.

15.) I think sometimes she'd much rather be riding a horse or hanging out on a boat than singing "Stand Back" for the ten billionth time in concert. And I think she's so sick of performing "Gold Dust Woman" that she's about to spit.

16.) I think when photographers aren't around, her house is a mess, always has been, always will be.

17.) I think she isn't as careful as she should be about "borrowing" certain things from her influences ( Oscar Wilde, the guitarist of The Police/Edge of Seventeen riff, etc. ) She doesn't know where the line is and she's VERY lucky that she hasn't been sued, and if she had been it would have made her a BETTER songwriter and a BETTER person.

18.) I think she lies through her teeth about what Edge of Seventeen is actually about, and will never, never, never admit what it's really about. And she thinks it isn't obvious to most people over the age of 12. ( Granted it was first written about John Lennon and her uncle and I know that meant a lot to her, but have you SEEN the HBO Special? Please. :rolleyes: )

Welp - you asked! :rolleyes:

Excuse me, I'm going to go hide now. :lol: :o

sasja 03-02-2006 07:51 PM

Do I dare?

1. I think her songwriting was somewhat interesting until the Bella Donna album, and some of the Wild Heart maybe...
After that it became just a bunch of babbling full of Welllllll s....
Partial phrases glued together by Welllllllllllllllllll s isn't poetry. It's stilted use of the beautiful English language, and severely lacks the conveying of fluent thought.

2. Stevie is the quintessential navelgazer.

3. Oh and superficially: she should wear pants all the time instead of skirts which make her look frumpy and shortwaisted and, well, dwarfish.

Alrighty, I will quit while I still have a head to go hide!
~ducks and hides~


JWS 03-02-2006 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Ghost_Tracker
14.) Not necessarily an "unpopular" one but - I think she knows how to ski and enjoys it, or at least used to. :o

At one time Stevie was a skier..she grew up in California after all. I recall seeing picture of a young Stevie Nicks on skis at a resort. Could have been Aspen during the BN period. Considering her age and weight issues I doubt if she skis anymore...could be wrong. Anybody know?

ShangriLaTroubl 03-02-2006 08:03 PM

-I like the song "Jane"

That's the only one I can really think of.


SapphireSister 03-02-2006 08:16 PM

The first couple that come to mind are:
1)My favorite Stevie is when she was totally coked out of her mind a la RAL
2)I love Docklands, The Nightmare, and Desert Angel

JWS 03-02-2006 08:20 PM

Here is my unpopular opinion...probably very unpopular, and perhaps more fact than opinion. To wit: Stevie Nicks was a cocaine and sex junkie. Note I said "was". I talking about the 1976 through 1987 time period. I think after Betty Ford Stevie is a totally changed person.

We already know the first part is true and Stevie has talked about the wild parties and it also was written about in the tabloids back in the 80's. I'm old enough to have read this first hand. Of course not everything in the tabloids is true (or even most of it). Somebody at a another forum, may have been this one, once described some "encounter" Stevie had on top a speaker on stage behind the curtains. OK I guess you can excuse it all away and say she was a big time rock star and all that goes with it.

Someone tell me I'm crazy and it's just not true. I sure would like to believe you.

SmileAtU 03-02-2006 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by SapphireSister
1)My favorite Stevie is when she was totally coked out of her mind a la RAL

I'm going to say that's probably my #1 opinion as well! Love RAL Stevie! :nod:

ontheEdgeof17 03-02-2006 08:38 PM

-Street Angel is her masterpiece

-I hate her Rhiannon outfits from the 70s

-RAL was her best tour

-Fall From Grace sucks live

-Show bootlegs are boring to watch/listen to

cliffdweller 03-02-2006 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by JWS
To wit: Stevie Nicks was a cocaine and sex junkie.

Sex junkie? Surely you're not serious. Then I guess that makes all those wild, rock and roll guys who did the same thing sex junkies too, hell, I guess that makes a lot of my friends sex junkies :rolleyes:. C'mon dude, I think that's going off the deep-end a bit don't you think? Sure, Stevie got around, but I'm thinking it was no more than anyone else in her position.

David 03-02-2006 09:09 PM

My unpopular (in the sense of not widespread, right?) opinion about Stevie is that those old, fun performances weren't fueled by drugs but by a daring, expansive personality that enjoyed the sensation of being coddled & ogled.

My other unpopular opinion is that Stevie isn't intelligent & isn't a good poet -- actually isn't a poet at all. (But she's a nice, nice lady who makes you want to hug her to your bosom.)

I love this thread where you can state your unpopular opinion!!:wavey: :] :thumbsup: :eek: :]

Ghost_Tracker 03-02-2006 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by David
My other unpopular opinion is that Stevie isn't intelligent & isn't a good poet -- :wavey: :] :thumbsup: :eek: :]

I think maybe I'd say that she's "Emotionally Intelligent" ( in the sense that she's able to understand certain feelings and write great songs about them that people can relate to. ) Many psychologists these days consider "Emotional Intelligence" to be a very real, measurable thing. But that leads me to another Unpopular Opinion, and I hope this isn't something she would consider private, but Mr. Nicks actually hinted at this in several interviews and it's my opinion that Stevie has said it "in between her lines," as well:

Stevie has a learning disorder.

Not sure what it is, but I think it's probably related to how she processes language or speech. It affects how she thinks and how she perceives the world. A perfect example of that is how she had difficulty saying "Stevie" when she was young and said "Tee-Dee" instead. Granted many children may have similar "problems," but it's been hinted, I believe, that this was bigger than that.

Look, also, at the fact that she's been around music all her life, and it's her primary interest (professionally, etc.), and yet she doesn't know how to read sheet music.

I think maybe this is one thing - of many - that Mr. Nicks was referring to when he once mentioned in an interview how proud he was of her for overcoming "so many obstacles." This wasn't an easy, stellar road with straight-A's all the way for her - she had some challenges to overcome, and did so with a lot of encouragement and determination.

And if you notice though, I'm not saying that she's not a genius - it's perfectly possible to be a genius and have a learning disorder at the same time. Einstein failed geometry in high school, for example. And I also consider her to be very wise, which of course is a separate thing.

Mokona 03-02-2006 09:52 PM


My other unpopular opinion is that Stevie isn't intelligent
Not intelligent in what way? I can't see her working in NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab, but she certainly doesn't strike me as dumb or even average. Her interviews always leave me feeling that she's a pretty savvy woman (which may be an unpopular opinion in and of itself). Compared to 80% of the famous people out there today, I think she's a genius. :p

For other unpopular opinions, I also liked the SYW black sweater, love "That Made Me Stronger," think TISL is an almost-perfect album, and I don't want her to grow her bangs out.

DashingDan 03-02-2006 10:00 PM

Kick It is an awesome song.

She's Fleetwood Mac's baby egg/sister because she wants to be.

She's a better singer than she is a songwriter.

She has no self control.

goldustsongbird 03-02-2006 10:18 PM

Sometimes I think she just writes whatever comes to mind, not bothering to check whether it makes sense or not. I know she's known for her songwriting, but sometimes *she* doesn't even know what she wrote about. For example, with Gold Dust Woman... first she said it was about groupie-type ladies, then admitted it was about drugs and stuck with that for awhile. But then in that interview (I think) with Courtney Love, she said that it couldn't possibly have been all about drugs, and that she would have to go through her journals to find out what it was about.


I just find it odd that she should not know what she wrote and sang with so much passion.

Same goes for confusing tenses (the bright light is lying down / earth and the sea and the sky / is at rest with the ocean...) and the like. Then again, she might have recognized the mistakes, but left them in either a) out of stubbornness or, b) for the sake of making it work musically. Christine's confused tenses in songs (You Make Loving Fun, for example: It would be different and you know it will be), but that doesn't necessarily mean she can't process language.

Ghost_Tracker 03-02-2006 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by goldustsongbird
Same goes for confusing tenses (the bright light is lying down / earth and the sea and the sky / is at rest with the ocean...) and the like.

Believe it or not, she's right, there, at least I think so. It's considered to be correct grammar to consider separate things as one singular entity, and in that case it's incorrect to use "are," and correct to use "is." Don't believe everything they tell you or told you in English class, they don't necessarily know all the sophisticated details of writing. Bottom line is, it SOUNDS better, at least in my opinion.

But - yeah, overall I agree with what you're saying. I think partly it comes from moving around so much during school, partly from not exactly having a "grammarian" looking over her shoulder all the time ( "That's just the POET that I AM" as she said! :shocked: ) - and also, see my post above.

I think Buckingham would probably say something like, "WELL . . . she's not always . . . very PRECISE in her writing - - - but she's a HELL of an instinctive POET!"

carrie721 03-02-2006 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by goldustsongbird
Sometimes I think she just writes whatever comes to mind, not bothering to check whether it makes sense or not. I know she's known for her songwriting, but sometimes *she* doesn't even know what she wrote about. For example, with Gold Dust Woman... first she said it was about groupie-type ladies, then admitted it was about drugs and stuck with that for awhile. But then in that interview (I think) with Courtney Love, she said that it couldn't possibly have been all about drugs, and that she would have to go through her journals to find out what it was about.


I just find it odd that she should not know what she wrote and sang with so much passion.

Same goes for confusing tenses (the bright light is lying down / earth and the sea and the sky / is at rest with the ocean...) and the like.

props! grammar karma for you :P

my unpopular stevie opinion is that she is not a survivor and she's not a victim of modern psychiatry.

carrie721 03-02-2006 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by Ghost_Tracker
Believe it or not, she's right, there, at least I think so. It's considered to be correct grammar to consider separate things as one singular entity, and in that case it's incorrect to use "are," and correct to use "is." Don't believe everything they tell you or told you in English class, they don't necessarily know all the sophisticated details of writing. Bottom line is, it SOUNDS better, at least in my opinion.

But - yeah, overall I agree with what you're saying. I think partly it comes from moving around so much during school, partly from not exactly having a "grammarian" looking over her shoulder all the time ( "That's just the POET that I AM" as she said! :shocked: ) - and also, see my post above.

I think Buckingham would probably say something like, "WELL . . . she's not always . . . very PRECISE in her writing - - - but she's a HELL of an instinctive POET!"

actually, when a string of nouns is connected by "and," the entire thing is considered plural, hence "are" should be used.

goldustsongbird 03-02-2006 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by Ghost_Tracker
Believe it or not, she's right, there, at least I think so. It's considered to be correct grammar to consider separate things as one singular entity, and in that case it's incorrect to use "are," and correct to use "is." Don't believe everything they tell you or told you in English class, they don't necessarily know all the sophisticated details of writing. Bottom line is, it SOUNDS better, at least in my opinion.

But - yeah, overall I agree with what you're saying. I think partly it comes from moving around so much during school, partly from not exactly having a "grammarian" looking over her shoulder all the time ( "That's just the POET that I AM" as she said! :shocked: ) - and also, see my post above.

I think Buckingham would probably say something like, "WELL . . . she's not always . . . very PRECISE in her writing - - - but she's a HELL of an instinctive POET!"

I just edited my post, and mentioned the whole 'sounding right' thing.

I don't think it necessarily has anything to do with believing everything I was told in English class. :rolleyes: She's talking about more than one thing, therefore it would make sense to switch to the plural form. She doesn't.

Buckingham would say a lot of things. And he has.

BlackWidow 03-02-2006 10:43 PM


#1 Stevie loves to perpetuate her own myths as much as her fans do!

#2 Stevie has a real fear of intimacy and has used her Rock N Roll Lifestyle monologues as an excuse to not deal with that.

#3 Stevie loves to hear herself talk.

#4 A bit of a Drama Queen.

#5 I wanted to throw myself out a window when I heard "When I See You Again"..I was secretly horrified by her vocals on Tango.

#6 Her vocals on Cry Wolf & Docklands make me cringe.

#7 My favorite era is anything Pre Rock A Little.

#8 Her best vocals lately were I Miss You..It's Only Love on TISL.

#9 Illume is here best work with FM in years!

#10 Her long stringy hair is unflattering! Best Hair is 79-83!

#11 She has a major fear of failure!

#12 If I hear her say "we had NO IDEA drugs were dangerous back then" more time..I AM GOING TO SCREAM!!! LOL!!!

#13 The Reeboks are just silly and need to go!

#14 Rupert Hine was the love of her life.

#15 Mick was really about the sex.

#16 Is afraid to do another solo project as her sales have dropped with every release. She equates that as failure.

#17 Lindsey loved her more than she ever loved him.

#18 Stevie is really at peace with her father's passing.

#19 I liked BEHIND THE MASK!

#20 I prefer original Silver Springs.

SapphireSister 03-02-2006 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Ghost_Tracker
Stevie has a learning disorder.

When I first read this I giggled but now that I think about it you may be on to something. I wonder if she does? Keep in mind having a learning disorder does not mean a person is not intelligent, it's possible they just process information differently. Of course a person with a learning disorder could also be not very intelligent, I'm just saying one doesn't equal the other.

BlackWidow 03-02-2006 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Ghost_Tracker
HMMMmmm - UH-oh! Well - at the risk of being slammed - and I'm just being completely honest -

1.) I think she was a little silly for putting "That Made Me Stronger" on "Trouble in Shangri-la."

2.) I think she sometimes misperceives how hard she works, compared to the "average person." But I feel she's VERY clear on how rough most people's lives are.

3.) I think things sometimes seem much bigger to her than they really are.

4.) I don't think she would ever, ever, ever want to get back together with
Lindsey. Not in a million years.

5.) I think she's still in love with Mick, always has been, and always will be.

6.) I think she didn't actually like Prince all that much.

7.) Not like I think she's Einstein or something, but I think that in interviews she often hides how intelligent and practical she is, although I think she's been a little better about that lately.

8.) I think she's currently doing an unbelievably intense media blitz in Australia with the sole purpose of subtley re-defining her image, headed up by Liz Rosenberg, who by the way was or is Madonna's publicist as well.
She's a total "Top Gun," doesn't come cheap, and I think there's HUGE amounts of effort and thought that are going into this behind-the-scenes.

9.) I think that, although she may still feel somewhat sad, she's having an absolute blast in Australia and absolutely loves it there. And so, along those lines -

10.) I think she's VERY seriously considering moving to Australia. Not necessarily as a primary residence - I guess she considers Phoenix to be home - but I betcha she's been looking at some real estate ads.

11.) I think she still smokes, but is trying not to and doesn't want others to follow her example.

12.) I think that when she's not touring or doing business-related things, when she's at home watching tv or reading or something, she TOTALLY forgets she's a "big rock star" and just kinda chills, no mysticism, no "etherealness," no chiffon, no nuthin' - just this nice lady watching star trek or reading a book or whatever.

13.) Believe it or not, I think maybe she knows how to use a vacuum cleaner and boil water...

14.) Not necessarily an "unpopular" one but - I think she knows how to ski and enjoys it, or at least used to.

15.) I think sometimes she'd much rather be riding a horse or hanging out on a boat than singing "Stand Back" for the ten billionth time in concert. And I think she's so sick of performing "Gold Dust Woman" that she's about to spit.

16.) I think when photographers aren't around, her house is a mess, always has been, always will be.

17.) I think she isn't as careful as she should be about "borrowing" certain things from her influences ( Oscar Wilde, the guitarist of The Police/Edge of Seventeen riff, etc. ) She doesn't know where the line is and she's VERY lucky that she hasn't been sued, and if she had been it would have made her a BETTER songwriter and a BETTER person.

18.) I think she lies through her teeth about what Edge of Seventeen is actually about, and will never, never, never admit what it's really about. And she thinks it isn't obvious to most people over the age of 12. ( Granted it was first written about John Lennon and her uncle and I know that meant a lot to her, but have you SEEN the HBO Special? Please. :rolleyes: )

Welp - you asked! :rolleyes:

Excuse me, I'm going to go hide now. :lol: :o

What is your theory on Edge of 17??? Do tell....

Red 03-02-2006 11:02 PM

Hmm. I agree with the person that said that Stevie tends to "borrow" a little more from other musicians than she may be aware or let on. Especially Illume. That is a complete and blatant rip off of "New York" by Richard Ashcroft. I mean, IDENTICAL. I had a friend who pointed it out and played it for me and my heart just sank...oh Stevie.:distress:

Also I think she's pretty self indulgent, particularly with the importance of her writing. Didja catch all that "I didn't sleep, but I wrote 4 songs" on the DR doc? She only mentioned it, like 1000 times! I find that more humourous than anything though.

goldustsongbird 03-02-2006 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by Ghost_Tracker
18.) I think she lies through her teeth about what Edge of Seventeen is actually about, and will never, never, never admit what it's really about. And she thinks it isn't obvious to most people over the age of 12. ( Granted it was first written about John Lennon and her uncle and I know that meant a lot to her, but have you SEEN the HBO Special? Please. :rolleyes: )

What, you think she pulled a She Bop a la Cyndi Lauper and made it about sex, and attempted to shroud its meaning in clever imagery?

Sorcerer386 03-02-2006 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by goldustsongbird
Same goes for confusing tenses (the bright light is lying down / earth and the sea and the sky / is at rest with the ocean...)

Actually ladies and gents, Ghost_Tracker IS correct in saying that Stevie was right, but has the wrong reason. You have to read these lines differently from how you are reading them. She is saying "the bright light is lying down the earth and the sea and the sky, [the bright light] is at rest with the ocean, and the days go by..." This way of reading it makes much more sense, too, because what sense does it make to say "the earth and the sea and sky are at rest with the ocean." She's talking about the sun setting, the "bright light," which "comes to rest with the ocean."

TheBlueLamp 03-02-2006 11:28 PM

My unpopular opinions:

*Stevie got better looking as she got older.

*The Tango/80s big hair and outlandish outfits made her look hot.

*The Nightmare, Welcome To The Room...Sara, When I See You Again and Two Kinds Of Love are all great songs.

*She's lying when she says she didn't know cocaine was dangerous.

*Rhiannon and especially Gold Dust Woman need to be permanently dropped from her solo sets.

*Stand Back should only be performed with FM.

catinthedark 03-02-2006 11:30 PM

- i rarely, if ever, listen to stevie's released music anymore

- i like joan of arc

- i hate the lasso-twirling-syw thing

- i hate the air guitar thing. stop it, stevie. lindsey, tell her to stop it.

- i think she likes people to feel sorry for her

- i can totally see her and mick together

- i can totally see her and waddy together

- i think i better quit now

carrie721 03-02-2006 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Sorcerer386
Actually ladies and gents, Ghost_Tracker IS correct in saying that Stevie was right, but has the wrong reason. You have to read these lines differently from how you are reading them. She is saying "the bright light is lying down the earth and the sea and the sky, [the bright light] is at rest with the ocean, and the days go by..." This way of reading it makes much more sense, too, because what sense does it make to say "the earth and the sea and sky are at rest with the ocean." She's talking about the sun setting, the "bright light," which "comes to rest with the ocean."

well, you may be right - either way, it's safe to say that stevie doesn't write with enough clarity to avoid these discussions ... also, i was really just pointing out that ghost_tracker's explanation wasn't correct - the way she's reading it, it SHOULD be "are." but i get a little too caught up about grammar sometimes ... call it a pet peeve :)

goldustsongbird 03-02-2006 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by TheBlueLamp
My unpopular opinions:

*Stevie got better looking as she got older.

*The Tango/80s big hair and outlandish outfits made her look hot.

*The Nightmare, Welcome To The Room...Sara, When I See You Again and Two Kinds Of Love are all great songs.

*She's lying when she says she didn't know cocaine was dangerous.

*Rhiannon and especially Gold Dust Woman need to be permanently dropped from her solo sets.

*Stand Back should only be performed with FM.

I agree with all of that! Except for the Tango hair... That was just uncool. Way too fried and frizzed to the extreme, like her Tusk hair. It looked damaged and unhealthy a lot of the time. Everything else, yes. I like Welcome To The Room, and When I See You Again.

I think she had to have known that coke was dangerous. How could she not? Granted it was the 70s, and that **** was all over the place, she still had to have known that it wasn't good for her. That's like smoking and drinking, and then being surprised when you get cancer or liver failure.

I am so

Especially the way she does it now. Booooring.

Sorcerer386 03-02-2006 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by carrie721
well, you may be right - either way, it's safe to say that stevie doesn't write with enough clarity to avoid these discussions ... also, i was really just pointing out that ghost_tracker's explanation wasn't correct - the way she's reading it, it SHOULD be "are." but i get a little too caught up about grammar sometimes ... call it a pet peeve :)

I understand that's what you were replying to, which is why I said she was right but for the wrong reason. Trust me...I'm probably just as big of a grammar freak as you are. And, I AM right! :lol: I'm just teasing... :)

THINKABOUTIT 03-02-2006 11:39 PM

*It pisses me off when people say they hate Street Angel
*She needs to keep the bangs
*Mick was probably about the sex (though I have no doubt he IS am amazing guy :lol: )
*Though the boots are tough to wear for hours, the reeboks do bug me :laugh:
*Stevie IS a genius. Lyrically, spiritually and emotionally.
*I think "somewhere out in the back of her dresser" she has a pair of shorts :lol:
*I HATE that she is afraid of failure!! :(
*Gold Dust Woman from The Dance is the version I listen to the most
*no version of "Silver Springs" will EVER exist like that of The "Dance"
*OSOTM is my favorite album
*I think she will ALWAYS love lindsay, both emotionally and physically :lol:
*I would kill to see her chillin' at home watching her huge T.V. :laugh:
*I hate that she gave into Lindsay's comment and wore that fricken black sweater the WHOLE SYW tour :lol:
*I don't like her 80's hair
*She has become more beautiful as she's gotten older :woohoo:
*I love Gate and Garden
*Thrown Down is one of the best examples of her writing :thumbsup:
*I think when she wakes up in the morning, she looks like another human being, as do some of us :lol:
*I too agree that "That Made Me Stronger" didn't fit in on TISL
****Ok....I go hide now LOL

TheBlueLamp 03-02-2006 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by THINKABOUTIT
*no version of "Silver Springs" will EVER exist like that of The "Dance"

I agree with that. So I hope it's dropped if/when FM tours next.

I also hope the appearance of BC in this solo tour was just because of the orchestra explanation she gave. I do love it, but want it dropped from the next FM and/or solo tour so another rarity can be performed.

wheart 03-03-2006 06:25 AM

- I don't like the present day "Rhiannon" on stage.
- RAL will always be my absolute favorite album by her
- I don't like and never have liked "The Other Side of the Mirror"
- Her songs on "Say You Will" sucked. Lindsey should have kept it a solo album. His songs on that record are FAR superior.
- Stevie is MUCH better live when she tours solo, when "you know who" is watching her, green with envy
- "The Second Time" from Behind The Mask is one my favorite songs. I wish she'd do it live

StreetAngel86 03-03-2006 07:30 AM

wow great thread idea.
answering totally honestly without having read all the replies
please don't flame me:wavey:

1 - Street Angel is Stevie's best solo album. (see point 11)

2 - SYW is my favorite Mac CD and Stevie's songs are IMO her best work in a long long time though i do think if Lindsey had had more time they would have been even better.

3 - I think Stevie & Lindsey totally still have a thing going on

4 - I prefer current Rhiannon to old school versions

5 - I HATE Leather & Lace & Landslide (unless LS is live)

6 - I think Stevie still smokes pot

7 - Coked out or not I think RAL is Stevie's BEST tour & I don't really like anything Stevie pre Rock a Little.

8 - I really really love Docklands & I don't care that she didn't write it.

9 - ditto per Ghost_Tracker's comment I feel Stevie totally lies about what Edge means and 99% of her other songs

10 - EFO is about S&L not Chris & Lindsey

11 - TISL is not Stevie's work-of-art! & would have been better with the outtakes that didn't make the album and had absolutely NONE of Sheryl's influence

12 - Stevie's confusion & choice of tense in songs PISSES ME OFF. i don't care that it has to sound a certain's not proper english. And I have an english major so it REALLY annoys me. I hate to diss my beloved Street Angel but a prime example: 'When you pull me through the rainbow/I thought you'd stop' that does NOT make sense i don't care how you look at it. I know given the context you can break it up several ways but that line annoys me badly.

13 - I don't doubt for a SECOND that Stevie doesn't know the meaning to every single one of her songs. I think she knows EXACTLY. word for word.

14 - Her Tango songs KICK ASS! Especially Welcome to the Room...Sara.

15 - WISYA i think is a seriously seriously intense song. That is really depressing as ****.

16 - Speaking of Tango.....I think Stevie got hooked on Klonopin coz Linds left the band. :sorry:

17 - She did cocaine because she liked it

18 - She is way hotter now......and gets more so as she gets older.

19 - any guy Stevie claims to have been seeing {in the past 20 years} is in her imagination. her last 'serious' relationship was during The Dance.............:shocked:

20 - Stevie is a total drama queen.

TheBlueLamp 03-03-2006 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by StreetAngel86
1 - Street Angel is Stevie's best solo album.

8 - I really really love Docklands & I don't care that she didn't write it.

I was thinking about this after reading this thread...I would love to see Stevie do a rock album and I think Street Angel is the closest she's come to it. For a lot of the songs, she drops the gypsy/fairy/trapped in castles stuff and just rocks out. There is still some of the traditional Stevie-ness to it (street angels, Greta's movie star views), but she's singing about real things for the most part. Which (in my opinion) is why some people dislike it.

Pure conjecture on my part, but I think Stevie dislikes it because of the unpleasantness during the making of the album. She's too close to look at it objectively and say, "hey, these are a decent bunch of songs".

So I guess another unpopular opinion of mine (and a few other people too) is that SA is a great album.

*And I agree with StreetAngel86's opinion about Docklands. I don't care whether she has written a song or not. I love Docklands, Some Become Strangers, Talk To Me and Maybe Love Will Change Your Mind for example.

*Oh, and Desert Angel is a beautiful song too.

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