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michelej1 07-23-2008 02:09 PM

Blogger lists some of his most memorable concert experiences:

Wondering what was up with Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks during their performance of "Go Your Own Way" and then reading about their ended relationship later in Rolling Stone. That was probably the most intense performance of a song in concert that I ever witnessed.

I should mention that I was merely five or six feet away from Lindsey and Stevie during that Fleetwood Mac tour for "Rumours".

vivfox 07-24-2008 01:44 AM

Fleetwood Mac, Take Me Away...
By Jim DeRosa
I needed this (Fleetwood Mac's World Turning from the famous Midnight Special concert, 1977) and a 12 Year Old Jameson Irish Whiskey. Rough day.

vivfox 07-24-2008 01:48 AM

Sarah Buxton
“People say, ‘You’re a country singer.’ And, yeah, I’m a country singer, but I didn’t grow up listening to country music. My first music experience was in the Lawrence Children’s Choir. I played handbells in the Plymouth Congregational Church. That was about it for me.

“But when I was a teenager and arguing with my parents and trying to figure out how I fit in, I started writing poetry and I discovered Stevie Nicks. When I think back, my English classes in the Lawrence school district is where I learned how to write and express myself. The schools in Tennessee don’t have what the schools had in Lawrence. They gave me a lot of drive and taught me how to achieve.”

vivfox 07-24-2008 02:01 AM

John Mellencamp - Life, Death, Love & Freedom review
One guest artist back for round two is Karen Fairchild from Little Big Town. For those who don’t know, Little Big Town is somewhat of a countrified version of Fleetwood Mac with Karen being the “Stevie Nicks” of the band (and that’s meant as a compliment). LBT was sprinkled generously throughout Mellencamp’s Freedom’s Road album to great effect. Here, because of the more stripped down approach, he has chosen to utilize Karen’s voice to harmonize and duet with him, much in the way Springsteen/Scialfa, Young/Ronstadt, Knopfler/Harris and Buckingham/Nicks have before them. It all adds up to an unexpected but interesting combination that deserves at least a couple of spins to appreciate the depth of what is being created here.

Speaking of depth, this is the first album to be released under the new audio format CODE. Developed by T Bone and readied in time for the launch of this record, CODE claims that it “creates high-definition audio that is virtually indistinguishable from the original master tapes”.

vivfox 07-24-2008 02:04 AM

SHERYL CROW has been kicked out of FLEETWOOD MAC before her career with the supergroup even began.
The rocker was invited to join the group by guitarist Lindsey Buckingham, and spoke openly about the thrill of singing alongside Stevie Nicks - but now Crow won't be a part of the Don't Stop hitmakers' 2009 tour plans.
Buckingham, who confirms Crow did meet with the members of Fleetwood MAC to discuss the possibility of touring with them, says the matter "kinda got out of hand," telling the idea "just kind of lost its momentum".

vivfox 07-24-2008 02:08 AM

"Wild as Them" - Liz Durrett
Liz Durrett returns to Fingertips with an immediately engaging, slightly off-kilter piece of gently chugging pop, like some lost Fleetwood Mac hit funneled through the Twilight Zone. The lyrics are elusive and strange--"I look for your bones in the woods" is surely one of the more arresting opening lines of recent days (although she may be saying "words"; and it's still odd). The music is comforting melodically--rolling along without a chorus, featuring a blues-like repetition of each opening refrain--but a touch unhinged instrumentally: guitars squeak, horns gather in increasing multitudes, and some other sounds I can't quite put my finger on fill in along the way.
Accentuating the F-Mac-ishness is the way Durrett's mellow alto brings Christine McVie to mind, although somewhat imprecisely. McVie sings with a smoky clarity that Durrett avoids; her voice, although doubletracked, is mixed down a bit. We know she's singing but the words often elude recognition, adding to the tune's inscrutable aura.

michelej1 07-24-2008 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by vivfox (Post 764959)
Buckingham, who confirms Crow did meet with the members of Fleetwood MAC to discuss the possibility of touring with them, says the matter "kinda got out of hand," telling the idea "just kind of lost its momentum".

Those are different quotes than we've seen before. Interesting.


vivfox 07-24-2008 10:26 PM

The living is a good one: Their home and work studios occupy 6,000 square feet above the ocean in Malibu. And judging from the response at her art shows and her MySpace site, Olivia says, women are a big part of her fan base.

She can't remember a time when she did not draw women. Girlhood inspiration came from the Playboys her father, an aeronautical engineer, would leave around the house, and from her mother, whose larger-than-life personality, yen for fantasy and lack of inhibition included a fondness for trying to impersonate Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich and Katharine Hepburn. Her mother also had a penchant for prancing through the house undressed if no visitors were around.

Olivia says the extroversion genes apparently bypassed her. One reason she paints fabulously sexy women is to vicariously inhabit their bodies and their attitudes. "I just never found my way to be that free. I can fantasize on paper about running around in a sheer outfit, which I can't do myself."

After being schooled by nuns in Elizabeth, N.J., Olivia landed in Manhattan in 1967 -- a waiflike beauty whose photo from the early 1970s reveals a dark-haired, platform-boot-wearing approximation of Stevie Nicks, pre-Stevie Nicks. She enrolled at the School of Visual Arts, figuring she'd become an illustrator for fashion magazines. Instead she delved into minimalism and produced textured, all-white canvases.

Along the way, Olivia says, she became "just really lost" in a whirl of alcohol, artistic aimlessness and abusive boyfriends.

Then, in a reversal she says still mystifies her, she took control and became her own woman. No more booze, no more bozos.,5259169.story

vivfox 07-24-2008 10:49 PM

23 July 2008 — Stevie Nicks Day (0)
All afternoon, I’ve been listening to the same song: “Stand Back” by Stevie Nicks. This was a modest hit when I was a freshman in high school. I had the LP and loved it. Some genius (and I mean this in literally) recently thought to remix the song into a nearly-twelve minute version called the “Tracy Takes You Home Mix”. I have no idea where I got it (iTunes?), but it’s awesome. I’ve been listening to it all day, over and over and over again.

“Stand back, stand back, in the middle of my room, I did not hear from you…”

The Wild Heart is a great album, by the way. Several of the songs are just awesome: “Stand Back”, “If Anyone Falls”, “Wild Heart”, “I Will Run to You”, and “Beauty and the Beast” — the latter of which is the perfect love song for geeky young men and women from the mid-eighties.

vivfox 07-29-2008 11:22 AM

My would-be lover has been selected to join the cast of Saturday Night Live. I am in the back row of the theater where she and the rest of the cast are rehearsing for the upcoming show. In one skit, my would-be lover is supposed to play the role of one of the women from Fleetwood Mac. However, nobody can remember the musician's name. I tell some of the stage hands that I can look it up on Google. I do a Wikipedia search for Fleetwood Mac but only come up with long lists of musicians who have appeared with the band at some point during their careers. I never find the name of the right musician. (Author's Note: After waking up from the dream, I realized the name I was looking for was Christine McVie, and I found this out by doing an actual search on Wikipedia.)

Does anyone else read these nuggetts besides Michele and I???

michelej1 07-30-2008 01:24 PM

Excerpt from Ladyhawke interview by Drowned in Sound:

On being a front woman…
I’ve never been that good at putting myself out there and being the person everyone stares at, so it took me a while to get the confidence to go out there and sing out loud. I love high energy shows – I’m really influenced by people like Chrissy Hynde, Stevie Nicks, and people like Peaches. I actually enjoy Fleetwood Mac a lot, especially live. They have this whole aura about them. Sometimes my self consciousness holds me back a little bit, but when I was younger I idolised Iggy Pop and David Bowie. I loved how flamboyant Bowie was on stage. I wish I could be as confident as they were, or someone like Goldfrapp or Peaches who are really crazy and outrageous. I aspire to be like that.

vivfox 07-31-2008 07:47 PM

Stevie Nicks Hand Painted Nail: Channel your own witchy woman when you slip this torturous-looking device on your finger. Imagine how much more satisfying your karaoke renditions of "Gypsy" and "Rhiannon" will be when wearing a little piece of Stevie. (Price: Oops --- sold, but just too good to leave out)

michelej1 07-31-2008 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by vivfox (Post 766298)
Stevie Nicks Hand Painted Nail:

I thought the nails would have pictures of Stevie on them. At the site, they have a photo of the matchbook from Stevie's wedding.


SandyMac 07-31-2008 09:56 PM

I just read all 7 pages. ;)
Very interesting reading. It is cool to read about FM in so many different media sources. Thank you for posting these. :thumbsup:

michelej1 07-31-2008 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by SandyMac (Post 766318)
I just read all 7 pages. ;)
Very interesting reading. It is cool to read about FM in so many different media sources. Thank you for posting these. :thumbsup:

Ha, usually Mark and I just talk to each other here.

Some interesting things pop up in the dailies every once in a while, that's for sure, even if they are only tangentially related to FM.


vivfox 08-03-2008 09:13 PM

Australian Singer loves her some Stevie
Cameron Adams

August 02, 2008
DELTA Goodrem has picked up a habit in the US. It's cost her a pretty penny, is occupying plenty of her time and has kept her company through the long, lonely days of promoting her debut American album.

The habit: Stevie Nicks. When Goodrem is tired and promotional, she cranks up a Nicks album. She’s bought them all.
“My Stevie Nicks obsession is still going strong,” she says. “She’s so amazing. I’ve got every album she’s made. I haven’t had an artist I’ve done that with for a while. I feel like I’m a kid again with music. I feel new again. I feel that hunger to write great songs again. It’s the best thing and it’s all thanks to Stevie.”

Though Goodrem has had Fleetwood Mac foisted on her in the past by friends who wanted to introduce her to a band doing their best work before she was born, they fell on deaf ears. Until now.

“Something just clicked with me,” she says. “I don’t come from a musical background in my family, so it’s always been a process of self-discovery when I’ve found artists on my own or someone’s given me a CD. But the timing has to be right.”

Goodrem even planned a trip to see Nicks perform in Hollywood. But there was a slight problem.

“Dale (her stylist) booked it, but didn’t realise it was Hollywood, Florida, so we couldn’t go,” she says.

Listening to Nicks has awoken Goodrem’s creativity. She’s written dozens of songs, this time without a string of collaborators. Her American record label Decca has furnished her Los Angeles pad with an upright piano so she can create whenever she is inspired.,00.html

vivfox 08-06-2008 07:35 AM

I didn't want to start an individual thread just to say this: Yesterday afternoon my local classic rock radio station played a double shot of Fleetwood Mac.Unbelievably they played two songs from the bootleg album Albatross, But Not Around My Neck Please, Station Man and Rhiannon. If you only knew how good it felt to hear these songs in crystal clear digital sound. It was amazing!!! And the fact that thousands of unsuspecting people were also hearing this at the same time was so cool. I pictured in my head all the people who would be calling the station asking if FM had a new live CD or whatever.

vivfox 08-06-2008 05:07 PM

Efemérides de espectáculos del 7 de agosto.
SDP - EL Sendero del Peje - México,DF,Mexico
La tecladista y corista Christine McVie, esposa del bajista de Fleetwood Mac, John McVie, se une a dicha banda británico-estadunidense, de la cual se separa ...

1970.- La tecladista y corista Christine McVie, esposa del bajista de Fleetwood Mac, John McVie, se une a dicha banda británico-estadunidense, de la cual se separa en
1998. Publican discos como “Kiln house” y “Future games”.

vivfox 08-06-2008 05:11 PM

I love good early Peter Green [of Fleetwood Mac] or good soulful Howlin' Wolf. [But] I just love soulful music in general, whether it's Shelby Lynne or Lucinda Williams, you really just look for the soul in any kind of music.

vivfox 08-06-2008 05:50 PM

oops u missed it
Further notes from the seller — Lot Of 48 8-Track Tapes
Large lot of 8 track tapes. Total of 48. These have not been tested, but all look to be in good condition. Some were tested and working good. Sold as is. Some of the artists are: Christine Mcvie, Glen Campbell, Pat Benatar, Bill Squier, Anne Murray, Diana Ross, Eddie Rabbit, Bob Welch, UFO, Foreigner, Michael Jackson, Bobby Darin, Journey, m Lettermen, Chjic Risque, George Burns, 4 Season, Captain & Tennille, Led Zeplin, Bee Gees, Rod Stewart, Steppenwolf, Johnny Rodriguez, Paul Mauriat. Etc.

vivfox 08-07-2008 07:22 AM

ON THIS DATE - Fort Lauderdale,FL,USA
1970:Christine McVie joined Fleetwood Mac as the group's first female member. She quit touring with the group in 1997.

vivfox 08-07-2008 07:26 AM

After splitting with Messina in the late '70s, Loggins was surprised to find himself in small clubs, struggling as a solo performer. Opening up for Fleetwood Mac during their turbulent, but hugely successful tours, was a break. Plus he met and befriended Stevie Nicks, who sang on his first solo hit, "Whenever I Call You Friend."

Instead of flying Nicks in for one song at each tour stop, Loggins said he splits her part between the singing members of his four-piece traveling band.

Yeah, as if he could get her involved in ANY of his show since 1979 would be a miracle!!!

vivfox 08-07-2008 07:28 AM

The first band I saw in concert:

Stevie Nicks, Reunion Arena in Dallas in the early '80s.

michelej1 08-07-2008 11:05 AM

Eat Skull Interview, Revolver Distribution.

Do you all agree on the music in the van? What are some albums and songs Eat Skull love that most wouldn't expect?

RE: Scott puts on **** like Sun City Girls or Blue Cheer. He's a record collector and has an iPod. I prefer Rupert Holmes' "Pina Colada Song" for roadtrips. I think we all ****ing love Buckingham era Fleetwood Mac (except maybe Scott). I love all his solo albums too. None of that Peter Green **** though. The blues suck. The stereo is broken actually, so I guess we can agree on conversation. I don't know what music people wouldn't expect. I guess people might find it weird that for most of the winter, when we were writing the tunes that ended up being on the LP, all I really listened to in my room was DRI's first stuff and TSOL's Dance With Me. People might expect that another big one is GBV's Same Place The Fly Got Smashed. I have, however, never listened to the Axemen.

I am also a huge fan of Lindsay Buckingham. If Eat Skull were to cover a Fleetwood Mac or Buckingham song, which would it be?

RE: "That's How We Do It In L.A."-definitely.

chiliD 08-07-2008 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by michelej1 (Post 767320)
None of that Peter Green **** though. The blues suck.

Some people just are clueless...file this one under "Dumb and Dumber".

Eat Skull, eat ****!

SteveMacD 08-07-2008 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by chiliD (Post 767358)
Some people just are clueless...file this one under "Dumb and Dumber".

Eat Skull, eat ****!

On the other hand, he did mention GBV's Same Place The Fly Got Smashed (which probably has my favorite cover). :D

As a rule, indie guys tend not to like the blues, and I can accept that. However, I think these guys could probably expand their horizons. It's not like Green et. al. were strictly blues after a certain point.

vivfox 08-07-2008 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by michelej1 (Post 767320)
Eat Skull Interview, Revolver Distribution.
I think we all ****ing love Buckingham era Fleetwood Mac.

I am also a huge fan of Lindsay Buckingham. If Eat Skull were to cover a Fleetwood Mac or Buckingham song, which would it be?

RE: "That's How We Do It In L.A."-definitely.

Ok, two things. First I think it's neat how he didn't say Buckingham/Nicks era Fleetwood Mac and second how ****in' cool that they would love to cover That's How We Do It In L.A.
I love it when a band wants to cover a non radio hit. That's one of the reasons I dig the rap version of Oh Daddy, which I have posted in the Chris McVie forum if you want to download.

vivfox 08-08-2008 10:54 AM

138. I enjoy my money, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. I’d certainly rather be rich than poor.
- Christine McVie

vivfox 08-08-2008 10:57 AM

The week in live music
By Jessica Hopper | Special to the Chicago Tribune
August 8, 2008

After cresting early on, Vanessa Carlton, who was part of the young-songstresses-with-pianos-and-long-hair trend that dominated 2001-03's airwaves, has struggled to regain an audience. Her debut went platinum, and despite a long tour opening for Stevie Nicks, her record sales plummeted and she was dropped from her label. She's young but not terribly hip; she is an unapologetic soft-rock artist. Her work is melodramatic, romantic, triumphant and familiar—listening to her latest, 2007's comeback "Heroes and Thieves" (The Inc.), one wonders why she is not as popular as Celine Dion. There is not another current pop artist who is as extreme in their palatability. She's the puerile Dan Fogelberg of her generation! Her new label's attempts to sell her with a sexed-up image border on farcical. In her latest video, she appears in a sexy garter belt and is caressed by a set of mystery-man hands. It doesn't jibe with her music and is all the more creepy given that, at 27, Carlton still looks like a sophomore in high school.

7 p.m. at House of Blues, 329 N. Dearborn St. $14-$16 (all-ages); Ticketmaster 312-559-1212,5563900.story

David 08-08-2008 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by vivfox (Post 767089)
I didn't want to start an individual thread just to say this: Yesterday afternoon my local classic rock radio station played a double shot of Fleetwood Mac.Unbelievably they played two songs from the bootleg album Albatross, But Not Around My Neck Please, Station Man and Rhiannon. If you only knew how good it felt to hear these songs in crystal clear digital sound. It was amazing!!! And the fact that thousands of unsuspecting people were also hearing this at the same time was so cool. I pictured in my head all the people who would be calling the station asking if FM had a new live CD or whatever.

ALBATROSS is bootlegged from a more legitimate source: King Biscuit Flower Hour, which, over the years, sent vinyl & CDs of the program to radio stations for broadcasting (the way Westwood One does). You can still find the King Biscuit CDs for sale from this or that vendor. It has a blue label. I think I still have one.

michelej1 08-08-2008 03:40 PM

From a Guardian (London) article on fashion, 8/8/08

Trend: Lace

Stand by your Fleetwood Mac records. In readiness for next year's comeback tour, Stevie Nicks' fabric of choice has been trumpeted as part of the "new gothic trend". To embrace the lace, first banish all preconceived ideas of its frumpiness, itchiness or similarity to twitching net curtains. Second, look at how Mrs Prada magically spins the fabric into a series of demure dresses and separates for her new autumn collection. Third, watch Desperately Seeking Susan again and study how Madonna wore lace gloves. Last but not least, take a look at the latest Chanel catwalk (above) for a cheap take on the trend: lace tights. These are the easiest, cheapest and most grown-up way to partake of the lace action, plus a simple way to snazzy up an LBD.

Spend: £5

Tights, available from New Look, 0500 454094

vivfox 08-08-2008 05:24 PM

For more than a decade, the Japanese American rapper (born Tom Shimura) has kept the Bay Area on the hip-hop map, at first through collaborations with DJ Shadow and Lateef, and lately as a solo star with songs on TV shows such as "Entourage" and "Gossip Girl." His latest album, "Everywhere at Once," has kept him on the road since it was released earlier this year. . We caught up with him by phone at a tour stop in Amsterdam.

Q: You tour with your wife, Joyo Velarde. Doesn't that take out 90 percent of the fun of being a rapper?

A: It's a great thing. I don't think we would be able to do it we didn't do it together. It's just too much time away from home.

Q: Aren't you worried about some Fleetwood Mac drama going down?

A: That is disgusting. I can't even think about that.

Q: You also produced her album. Don't you need some space?

A: As a guy, I have what is known as "man time." So occasionally I take man time to kind of do what guys do, which is, like, sit around and watch TV and be a dummy.

vivfox 08-09-2008 10:11 AM

Spend any amount of time with songwriter Eleanor Lou, and you'll notice she's prone to speaking in rather grandiose, yet enticingly poetic terms. Hailing originally from the south, but now based in Manchester (where she's studying for that archaeology degree), this 22-year-old songwriter has gone some considerable distance to rewriting the rulebook on how female solo artists go about their business.

A lone performer, armed only with distorted, crashing electric guitar, Eleanor Lou is on a bold crusade to prove that not all female performers in 2008 are meek, mawkish Brit School graduates with delusions of Winehouse grandeur.

Fleetwood Mac

Citing influences as wide-ranging as Fleetwood Mac's Stevie Nicks ("She's the ultimate female rock role model," says Eleanor), and esoteric literary figures such as Francoise Sagan and Diane Di Prima, Eleanor Lou clearly isn't satisfied with the lowly standards female performers set themselves in the current climate. She wants them all to aspire to something grander - dare we say, iconic even.

"I really can't relate to any female performers around now," Eleanor rants. "Adele, Duffy, all these bland Brit School singers. For me, they're all just soulless.

"Yes, they can sing okay - but just because you have a nice voice, it doesn't mean you have any soul.

"My female idols aspired to something more - people like Patti Smith or Kate Bush. They were very empowering. That's what I want to be - I want to be iconic. I don't want to be another songwriter who's just popular for five minutes. I'm gonna make a lot of records."

vivfox 08-09-2008 11:02 AM

119. I haven’t turned into some rich monster. I’ve kept my perspective. But I am a bit spoiled. It’s hard not to be a little spoiled by having a lot of money.
- Christine McVie

SteveMacD 08-09-2008 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by vivfox (Post 767759)
119. I haven’t turned into some rich monster. I’ve kept my perspective. But I am a bit spoiled. It’s hard not to be a little spoiled by having a lot of money.
- Christine McVie

You know, that should totally put off Christine McVie, but it actually does quite the opposite.

Christine is really the perfect woman (I'm not sure pun was intended). She's pretty, talented, one of the guys, can drink most guys under the table, into ugly drunk guys, and is rich. All that AND sarcastic British whit! Color me turned on! If only she were 15 years younger and I were 15 years older...Just sayin' I'd have a chance!

They don't make 'em like that anymore!

michelej1 08-10-2008 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by SteveMacD (Post 767836)
If only she were 15 years younger and I were 15 years older...Just sayin' I'd have a chance!

Christine dates (even marries) younger men, so age shouldn't keep you out of the running.


SteveMacD 08-10-2008 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by michelej1 (Post 767839)
Christine dates (even marries) younger men, so age shouldn't keep you out of the running.

I'm not sayin' I'd say no, but that she is only a year younger than my mom would screw with my head a bit. A 31 year age difference is huge. But then agian, hell, I'm still dealing with the fact that a 31 year old woman is younger than me :eek: I should ask Uncle Bob (Pollard) how this has been working out for him (he's 50, wife's 28).

vivfox 08-10-2008 10:35 AM

Sunday Music
By Rustmeister(Rustmeister)
Before there was Fleetwood Mac, there was Fleetwood Mac:. Of course, before that, there was Fleetwood Mac:. I was a big fan of the Bob Welch era. Even had a handpainted t-shirt with the "Mystery to Me" album cover on it. ...
Rustmeister's Alehouse -

Musical Interlude
Before Fleetwood Mac went on to huge success in the late 70s, they struggled for many years with guitarist Bob Welch in their midst. Welch is credited with saving the band which had a lot of upheavals, and he went on to some success as ...

michelej1 08-10-2008 03:56 PM

This is from an obituary in the Pueblo Chieftain


51, passed away on Aug. 7, 2008, after a lengthy illness. He was born in Pueblo on Sept. 9, 1957. He was preceded in death by his parents, Edward "Beaver" and Doris Everett; and sister, Susan Aguilar. Mark is survived by his special friend, Eva Caulder; aunts and uncles, Margarett (Richard) Perko, Sylvia (Garnell) Sims, James Jackson and James Pierce; niece, Bobbi Sue Aguilar; and his special companions, Oscar and Lilly. He also is survived by numerous cousins and friends. Mark proudly graduated from Centennial High School in 1976, and was retired from Colorado Bluesky Enterprises. Mark enjoyed his computer, music, spending time at his cabin in Westcliffe and being with family and friends. Mark will always be remembered as being a No. 1 fan of Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac. He loved going to their concerts, collecting memorabilia and he even met Stevie Nicks with a backstage pass. Mark will truly be missed by those who knew him. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made in Mark's memory to Colorado Bluesky Enterprises through the funeral home office. Memorial service, 10 a.m. Monday, Aug. 11, 2008, Adrian Comer Garden Chapel. Per Mark's request, there will be no viewing and cremation will take place. Please visit Mark's memorial at Arrangements through Adrian Comer Funeral Home.

David 08-10-2008 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by michelej1 (Post 767899)
This is from an obituary in the Pueblo Chieftain


51, passed away on Aug. 7, 2008, after a lengthy illness. He was born in Pueblo on Sept. 9, 1957. He was preceded in death by his parents, Edward "Beaver" and Doris Everett; and sister, Susan Aguilar. Mark is survived by his special friend, Eva Caulder; aunts and uncles, Margarett (Richard) Perko, Sylvia (Garnell) Sims, James Jackson and James Pierce; niece, Bobbi Sue Aguilar; and his special companions, Oscar and Lilly. He also is survived by numerous cousins and friends. Mark proudly graduated from Centennial High School in 1976, and was retired from Colorado Bluesky Enterprises. Mark enjoyed his computer, music, spending time at his cabin in Westcliffe and being with family and friends. Mark will always be remembered as being a No. 1 fan of Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac. He loved going to their concerts, collecting memorabilia and he even met Stevie Nicks with a backstage pass. Mark will truly be missed by those who knew him. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made in Mark’s memory to Colorado Bluesky Enterprises through the funeral home office. Memorial service, 10 a.m. Monday, Aug. 11, 2008, Adrian Comer Garden Chapel. Per Mark's request, there will be no viewing and cremation will take place. Please visit Mark's memorial at Arrangements through Adrian Comer Funeral Home.

I don't know . . . I've always said about too much Stevie Nicks listening . . .

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