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SteveMacD 01-13-2019 01:11 PM

Fleetwood Mac is past their hit days. Those are still good songs on what is a good Fleetwood Mac album, if not in name.

HomerMcvie 01-13-2019 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by BLY (Post 1247559) do make me laugh.😎

Thanks. Believe it or not, I'm not a mean guy. Sarcastic AF, and not crazy about $tevie. Thank god that's allowed here!:wavey:

SteveMacD 01-13-2019 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by button-lip (Post 1247560)
I love the fact that Lindsey included Sleeping Around the Corner on his solo Anthology. It shows how much he values his work and his relationship with Christine.

Does it? That was originally released as a bonus track for Seeds We Sow. I’m not even sure Christine is on it.

BLY 01-13-2019 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by HomerMcvie (Post 1247562)
Thanks. Believe it or not, I'm not a mean guy. Sarcastic AF, and not crazy about $tevie. Thank god that's allowed here!:wavey:

I get it my friend.....Rock on!.😎

BLY 01-13-2019 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by button-lip (Post 1247560)
The BuckVie album could have been their swan song. But of course someone couldn't be bothered.

I love the fact that Lindsey included Sleeping Around the Corner on his solo Anthology. It shows how much he values his work and his relationship with Christine. I hope they do something together again after his solo work. :nod:

Yes but I would have chosen In My World instead but I agree with your statement.

elle 01-13-2019 03:00 PM

ryan4136 01-13-2019 03:08 PM

Does the Anthology numbers take into account all the free items handed out as part of concert tickets?

TheWildHeart67 01-13-2019 05:00 PM


How old are you? Five? I was talking to you, not to Homer.

Just ignore me, just like I do with some people here, instead of posting a stupid comment, just to avoid the fact that some band members belongs to the looney bin.

I know it's hard and you're all mad because we were right since day one.
I'm not mad.
You have the right to your opinion.
Life is too short to get mad over anonymous strangers on a message board.
You and Homer tag-team people all the time on here that don't share your opinions.

button-lip 01-13-2019 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by TheWildHeart67 (Post 1247574)
I'm not mad.
You have the right to your opinion.
Life is too short to get mad over anonymous strangers on a message board.
You and Homer tag-team people all the time on here that don't share your opinions.

Then, if you don't care about anonymous strangers, like you say, you should have answered my comment about 50 Years: Don't Stop instead of posting some personal message about an "anonymous stranger".

Awww, poor you! And here you come to the rescue of me and Homer's victims. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Like I said, if you don't like my comments, just ignore me. Period.

button-lip 01-13-2019 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by ryan4136 (Post 1247572)
Does the Anthology numbers take into account all the free items handed out as part of concert tickets?

Solo Anthology is a 3 CD compilation. What we got at concerts was a solo CD. I think what they take into account is the 3 CD compilation.

Anyway, both 50 years: Don't Stop and the Solo Anthology flopped after a week at Bilboard charts. It'd have been nice if they stayed at least for two weeks. :nod:

TheWildHeart67 01-13-2019 05:34 PM

Button, kindness is a much better than constantly belittling others, calling them names and constantly being sarcastic.
I am not sure why you and Homer enjoy being so nasty to others.
But if it makes you feel any better, by all means please continue.

ViscountViktor 01-13-2019 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by button-lip (Post 1247553)
Lindsey's Solo Anthology has two new songs and one BuckVie song. Those three songs could have been part of this compilation if Stevie had said 'yes' to a new FM album when Lindsey tried to convince her to record new material that ultimately ended up being the BuckVie album. But because she said 'no'... :shrug::shrug:

In My World, Feel About You and Red Sun could have been big hits for the MAC if it was promoted as Fleetwood Mac and Stevie was prominent on the tracks. Those songs would have been a nice addition to this compilation.

Having BuckVie as a final Mac album followed by a final tour would've been a perfect ending.

You can hear where Stevie's voice slots in to those songs.

She is responsible for the band petering out like this. Why couldn't she have just agreed to an album.

button-lip 01-13-2019 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by BLY (Post 1247557)

Having BuckVie as a final Mac album followed by a final tour would've been a perfect ending.

You can hear where Stevie's voice slots in to those songs.

She is responsible for the band petering out like this. Why couldn't she have just agreed to an album.

Yes, that's what many of us think. BuckVie would've been the perfect ending for the band's legacy. God knows Lindsey have been trying for years to convince her. But of course she had to play the victim card (pretty much like her fans) and say 'no' and blame Lindsey. Because everything is Lindsey's fault. Always. Well, now she has to find someone else to blame for her own faults. :shrug:

SteveMacD 01-13-2019 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by button-lip (Post 1247579)
Because everything is Lindsey's fault. Always.

Why does it have to be a matter of blame? She’s made enough albums with him to knows she doesn’t like the experience of working with him, they push each other’s buttons, and she generally doesn’t like the way he produces her songs. She’s not a fan of his creative vision. They’ve diverged too far from one another to be compatible, musically. They just did three years of Fleetwood Mac. She needed her break.


Well, now she has to find someone else to blame for her own faults. :shrug:
The reality is that she’s about to be the first woman inducted into Hall of Fame twice. I don’t think she sees faults in her career choices at this point. And, there are enough parts in the machine that I’m sure she’ll be able to find someone to throw under the bus.

BLY 01-13-2019 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by ViscountViktor (Post 1247578)

Yes, that's what many of us think. BuckVie would've been the perfect ending for the band's legacy. God knows Lindsey have been trying for years to convince her. But of course she had to play the victim card (pretty much like her fans) and say 'no' and blame Lindsey. Because everything is Lindsey's fault. Always. Well, now she has to find someone else to blame for her own faults. :shrug:

.....and I can still hear you will never break the chain.....😎

elle 01-13-2019 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by SteveMacD (Post 1247581)
Why does it have to be a matter of blame?

that's exactly the thing - it doesn't and it shouldn't! :nod:

yet somehow Stevie seemed to have been blaming Lindsey for this or that over the years, and it culminated with that CBS April interview where she was passive-aggressively blaming him for not wanting to tour (lie as it turned out), standing in the way of her happiness, plus both her and Mick have been blaming him in all kinds of interviews how he's the one standing in the way of playing nothing but hits (again lie - both Mick and Stevie were clear as late as in 2013 promotional interviews that it's the 2 of them who are afraid audience will walk out if they play anything but hits).


Originally Posted by SteveMacD (Post 1247581)
]She’s made enough albums with him to knows she doesn’t like the experience of working with him, they push each other’s buttons, and she generally doesn’t like the way he produces her songs. She’s not a fan of his creative vision. They’ve diverged too far from one another to be compatible, musically.

see this part is something that should be enough - no blame and hate throwing, no need for personal attacks. it's fair to have a different musical vision and nor wanting to work together.


Originally Posted by SteveMacD (Post 1247581)
[They just did three years of Fleetwood Mac. She needed her break.

oh hey Karen!:wavey: they just had 3 years break! 3 years of FM touring were 2013-2015. she insisted that FM needed to go on the road NOW, not that they needed a break. nice try!

TheWildHeart67 01-13-2019 09:39 PM

This band has been known as a musical soap opera.
It's interesting how some of the hard core fans are invested in the soap opera elements, to the point of taking it out on each other online.
The way I see it, is I am greatful I got to experience the music when it was new, and see over 36 live show's over the years.
The band and their solo projects are the theme songs of my life and will continue to be so.
But I am not picking sides or disliking others if we don't share the same views.
Is it disappointing? Yes.
But I can't bring myself to hate other people over the break up of a rock band.
The world has sooooo much hate and people fighting as it is.
Life can be so hard and none of us knows the back stories of each other that brought us to the point of who we are today.
I still can find plenty of escape and happiness by listening to this music.
I respect everyone for their opinions on here.
But I don't understand why it's gotten to the point of members of this board tearing up each other.
I apologise for anything I have said to contribute to the negativity on here.
I don't like the feeling after fighting with anybody.
Life goes by so fast.
Taking it out on each other over a band??
It's not worth it

SteveMacD 01-13-2019 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by elle (Post 1247583)
oh hey Karen!:wavey: they just had 3 years break! 3 years of FM touring were 2013-2015. she insisted that FM needed to go on the road NOW, not that they needed a break. nice try!


I was talking about why she didn’t want to record or tour with them 2016-17. Which was obvious in the context of what I was saying.

But, hey, let’s just get into more juvenile, junior high level name calling.

elle 01-13-2019 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by SteveMacD (Post 1247586)

I was talking about why she didn’t want to record or tour with them 2016-17. Which was obvious in the context of what I was saying.

But, hey, let’s just get into more juvenile, junior high level name calling.

mirror mirror :rolleyes:

Stevie refused to work on FM album in 2009, 2010, 2012, and 2014. so singling out 2016 and especially 2017 makes no sense. :shrug: in 2016 FM gave her the last chance. they waited for her. finally in the fall she said her final NO and taunted them to just try and go ahead, saying she sees no point why they would want to release it.

2017 there was nothing to do anymore. the album was finished in 2016.

button-lip 01-14-2019 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by elle (Post 1247583)
that's exactly the thing - it doesn't and it shouldn't! :nod:

yet somehow Stevie seemed to have been blaming Lindsey for this or that over the years, and it culminated with that CBS April interview where she was passive-aggressively blaming him for not wanting to tour (lie as it turned out), standing in the way of her happiness, plus both her and Mick have been blaming him in all kinds of interviews how he's the one standing in the way of playing nothing but hits (again lie - both Mick and Stevie were clear as late as in 2013 promotional interviews that it's the 2 of them who are afraid audience will walk out if they play anything but hits).

Lindsey told me in the Concord M&G that he found out "they have been lying to him since last year", which means 2017. I didn't want to ask him more about it because I knew I didn't have enough time so I let him do all the talk but it was a weird comment. Makes me wonder what other things he found out about his ex family. :eek:


Originally Posted by elle (Post 1247587)
mirror mirror :rolleyes:

Oh, yes, indeed. You can't do anything else but laugh with comments like: "I respect everybody's opinions" from the same people that attacks you for no other reason than the fact they dislike you. :lol::lol::lol:

SteveMacD 01-14-2019 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by button-lip (Post 1247596)
Lindsey told me in the Concord M&G that he found out "they have been lying to him since last year", which means 2017.

I really think cbBen was onto something about the actual decision to oust Lindsey came long before MusiCares.

Stevie and Mick might be telling the truth. They might have actually decided to oust Lindsey after he asked for the delay, which he admits to having asked for. The decision was already made when he gave up on that request.

elle 01-14-2019 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by SteveMacD (Post 1247598)
the actual decision to oust Lindsey came long before MusiCares.

Stevie and Mick might be telling the truth.

yes. as "we will see you in court!" and "majority rules!" was telling the truth, too. :laugh:

the actual decision to oust LB was definitely in the fall 2017, as his RS interview and lawsuit details.

once BuckVie album was out, that was it for Nicks. i guess the rest of the 2017 was Mick wrangling promoters and managers to figure out how to pull it (you know that didn't happen in 2 days between Musicares and Azoff phone call!). if Mick REALLY cared about FM as opposed to just money in his pocket, he should have been working on making sure band members reconcile vs letting some of them act like spoiled senile people. Mick didn't keep FM together, or cared about its artistic legacy, for decades now. he made sure to run it into the ground, over and over again, for a quick buck.

they just held up through Musicares to stage some kind of "now you've done it" bs.

remember, a lot of this info came from Mike Campbell / Heartbreakers camp as well as people talking to Mick, among other sources. LB's lawsuit just confirmed most of what we knew already.

elle 01-14-2019 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by button-lip (Post 1247596)
Oh, yes, indeed. You can't do anything else but laugh with comments like: "I respect everybody's opinions" from the same people that attacks you for no other reason than the fact they dislike you. :lol::lol::lol:

yup. it's amusing to read constant lecturing and name calling to / about other posters on this board from people who claim they just want peace and respect and to discuss the band and its members.

as you said, if someone is annoyed with your posts, there's always blocking option.


lovethemac1 01-14-2019 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by elle (Post 1247600)
yup. it's amusing to read constant lecturing and name calling to / about other posters on this board from people who claim they just want peace and respect and to discuss the band and its members.

as you said, if someone is annoyed with your posts, there's always blocking option.


Agree, and don't forget some constantly telling members to "just get over it."

I won't get over it, and when I do, it will be on my timeline, not someone who has no inkling or empathy as to the way I feel.

And if I don't get over it, that's for me to deal with, not someone else to belittle anothers feelings.....whatever those feelings may be.

So, 9 months later......I still despise Stevie and Mick.....they broke the version of the band that I loved.

button-lip 01-14-2019 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by elle (Post 1247599)
yes. as "we will see you in court!" and "majority rules!" was telling the truth, too. :laugh:

the actual decision to oust LB was definitely in the fall 2017, as his RS interview and lawsuit details.

once BuckVie album was out, that was it for Nicks. i guess the rest of the 2017 was Mick wrangling promoters and managers to figure out how to pull it (you know that didn't happen in 2 days between Musicares and Azoff phone call!). if Mick REALLY cared about FM as opposed to just money in his pocket, he should have been working on making sure band members reconcile vs letting some of them act like spoiled senile people. Mick didn't keep FM together, or cared about its artistic legacy, for decades now. he made sure to run it into the ground, over and over again, for a quick buck.

they just held up through Musicares to stage some kind of "now you've done it" bs.

remember, a lot of this info came from Mike Campbell / Heartbreakers camp as well as people talking to Mick, among other sources. LB's lawsuit just confirmed most of what we knew already.

THIS is exactly what irks me the most. He didn't even try to fix things up. It was always what Stevie wanted. Period. And after doing exactly what she wanted, they both started plotting against Lindsey. Not a word to him. Not a warning about what was about to come. Nothing. All smiles, all praises, all hugs. And then, the stabbing in the back.

So low…. I'm amazed at how well he's coping. :(

And the more I think about it, the more I'm convinced he shouldn't be back. :distress: It would be fake, pointless and hurtful for fans like me.

HomerMcvie 01-14-2019 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by button-lip (Post 1247605)
THIS is exactly what irks me the most. He didn't even try to fix things up. It was always what Stevie wanted. Period. And after doing exactly what she wanted, they both started plotting against Lindsey. Not a word to him. Not a warning about what was about to come. Nothing. All smiles, all praises, all hugs. And then, the stabbing in the back.

So low…. I'm amazed at how well he's coping. :(

And the more I think about it, the more I'm convinced he shouldn't be back. :distress: It would be fake, pointless and hurtful for fans like me.

Mick is a bigger piece of sh*t than $tevie(hard to believe that that's possible). At least $tevie is just a bitter old diva. Mick is a greedy idiot, lacking any common sense regarding the legacy of the band.

I pray he never goes back. It would be ridiculous at this point.

cbBen 01-15-2019 03:35 AM


Originally Posted by SteveMacD (Post 1247563)
Does it? That was originally released as a bonus track for Seeds We Sow. I’m not even sure Christine is on it.

He put the Buckingham-McVie version on the anthology.

cbBen 01-15-2019 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by elle (Post 1247599)
the actual decision to oust LB was definitely in the fall 2017, as his RS interview and lawsuit details... a lot of this info came from Mike Campbell / Heartbreakers camp as well as people talking to Mick, among other sources. LB's lawsuit just confirmed most of what we knew already.

Wait. Can you please detail all this verification that they decided in 2017 to oust Lindsey?

Where do the following verify as much beyond speculation:

1. RS interview
2. the lawsuit
3. people talking to Mick and others
and especially
4. Campbell / Heartbreakers camp (this one especially confounds me because Mike has always said he was contacted only after the firing, an assertion whose veracity I–a big Mike Campbell fan–have always doubted)

button-lip 01-15-2019 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by cbBen (Post 1247609)
He put the Buckingham-McVie version on the anthology.

And those lyrics were written for Christine. Another thing that probably didn't sit well with Nicks. :lol::lol:

jbrownsjr 01-15-2019 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by button-lip (Post 1247613)
And those lyrics were written for Christine. Another thing that probably didn't sit well with Nicks. :lol::lol:

That's not the first time that I've heard that. I am more and more convinced that $tevie had a problem w/ BuckVIe. And God help Christine if she works with him again.

We shall see.

BLY 01-15-2019 07:12 PM

[QUOTE=jbrownsjr;1247615] I am more and more convinced that $tevie had a problem w/ BuckVIe.

Especially if Stevie watched “ The making of the album “ it was all about how much fun and great it was creating new music......with Mick and John and no.....

bombaysaffires 01-15-2019 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by button-lip (Post 1247596)
Lindsey told me in the Concord M&G that he found out "they have been lying to him since last year", which means 2017. I didn't want to ask him more about it because I knew I didn't have enough time so I let him do all the talk but it was a weird comment. Makes me wonder what other things he found out about his ex family. :eek:

Oh, yes, indeed. You can't do anything else but laugh with comments like: "I respect everybody's opinions" from the same people that attacks you for no other reason than the fact they dislike you. :lol::lol::lol:

he did??? :eek:

button-lip 01-15-2019 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by bombaysaffires (Post 1247619)
he did??? :eek:

Yes, after I told him that I saw his interview with Mason, and that I was really happy for him and Christine. Didn’t I tell you that day? Sorry! :o

secondhandchain 01-16-2019 02:17 AM

Those F#cking LIARS!. Makes me sick that they went to Musicares knowing they were going to pretend to pin something on LB to oust him. There is no way she should have been mad at LB for smirking, when CM and MF were doing WAY worse. What a bunch of CREEPS.

HomerMcvie 01-16-2019 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by secondhandchain (Post 1247621)
Those F#cking LIARS!. Makes me sick that they went to Musicares knowing they were going to pretend to pin something on LB to oust him. There is no way she should have been mad at LB for smirking, when CM and MF were doing WAY worse. What a bunch of CREEPS.

They truly are. Mick and $tevie are horrible, hideous people. And Chris and John are just corporate shills, lacking much backbone at all. I pray that Lindsey never goes back. F*ck them.

button-lip 01-16-2019 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by secondhandchain (Post 1247621)
Those F#cking LIARS!. Makes me sick that they went to Musicares knowing they were going to pretend to pin something on LB to oust him. There is no way she should have been mad at LB for smirking, when CM and MF were doing WAY worse. What a bunch of CREEPS.

Well, we all know Christine and Mick are not Lindsey in Stevie's book of life, but yes, everything was already solved by the time Musicares took place. Even Mike was already contacted. Don't know about Neil. Don't think so.

Loneliness can be the worst punishment for some people. I hope it lasts. :)

jbrownsjr 01-16-2019 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by button-lip (Post 1247626)
Well, we all know Christine and Mick are not Lindsey in Stevie's book of life, but yes, everything was already solved by the time Musicares took place. Even Mike was already contacted. Don't know about Neil. Don't think so.

Loneliness can be the worst punishment for some people. I hope it lasts. :)

What blows my mind is that $tevie engineered all this w/ Mick/Irving and the other 2 probably had no idea. Maybe, Mick whispered to John that it might happen.

I'm still disgusted that they could sink so low. Firing... ok I get it for probable cause. But, to not even inform him, look him in the eye??? Just absolutely disgusting.

As good as the show was that I attended. I'm still hurt by their actions.

button-lip 01-16-2019 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by jbrownsjr (Post 1247627)
What blows my mind is that $tevie engineered all this w/ Mick/Irving and the other 2 probably had no idea. Maybe, Mick whispered to John that it might happen.

I'm still disgusted that they could sink so low. Firing... ok I get it for probable cause. But, to not even inform him, look him in the eye??? Just absolutely disgusting.

As good as the show was that I attended. I'm still hurt by their actions.

The more I think about their actions (especially Stevie's) the more disgusted I am by all of them. How they acted behind his back. They were supposed to be family, but then I have seen this happening in many families.

I applaud you for having the guts to go to one of their shows. I'd probably get sick the minute I see Stevie acting all innocent and celestial. :(:(:(

Aisling 01-16-2019 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by jbrownsjr (Post 1247627)
What blows my mind is that $tevie engineered all this w/ Mick/Irving and the other 2 probably had no idea. Maybe, Mick whispered to John that it might happen.

And this is what still kills me about the situation. All these machinations going on behind the scenes for an extended period of time, and then when Chris finally finds out she just ducks her head down and toes the line. I want to shake her by the shoulders and scream, "Don't you see there's a reason they didn't tell you? That they went behind your back? They don't trust you! Are these people you really want to work with?"

I think it's very possible John knew something was happening, even if he was not privy to the specifics. Otherwise, he would have just stated that he, like Christine, had no idea.

From what I've seen on Lindsey's Instagram stories (I guess they're technically just screenshots from Twitter), he's open to working with Chris again and I'm glad about that. But on a personal level, part of me still doesn't understand why he'd trust her enough to want to. It's the same part of me that doesn't understand why Chris is still on this ridiculous tour, seeing as how her band mates don't trust her either.

lovethemac1 01-16-2019 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by button-lip (Post 1247629)
The more I think about their actions (especially Stevie's) the more disgusted I am by all of them. How they acted behind his back. They were supposed to be family, but then I have seen this happening in many families.

I applaud you for having the guts to go to one of their shows. I'd probably get sick the minute I see Stevie acting all innocent and celestial. :(:(:(

I KNOW I would get sick, she disgusts me (and by God, I used to love her with every fibre of my being). But this totally explains why Mick and Christine were waltzing behinds Stevie's back, yet she went ballistic and tried to pin "smirking" on Lindsey.

It was all a smoke screen folks, plain and simple. What a couple of A**HOLES those 2 are (Stevie and Mick).

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